Chapter 2 the super nazi

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Mammal's pov
I was in the medical bay as prime and Ezra was with me, the commander walked up to me and prime and Ezra, you boys good? Said the commander, we're okay commander said prime, good what about you captain House? Said the commander, I'm getting better I said, that's good you and your squad has a mission to do said the commander. And that mission is? I said, there's a super type of weapon that needs to be destroyed said the commander. Okay when do we leave? I said, now said the commander, okay I said as I got my army clothes on as I put my helmet on as I grabbed my rifle and put it right behind my back. As I saw prime and Ezra getting ready too, then I noticed Sabine walked up to Ezra as she kissed him on his lips as I knew they where a couple. Okay private bridger let's go I said as prime walked up to me and Ezra as prime said to Ezra, so you and Sabine are a couple? Said prime, we have been since we where little and I just found out we're going to be parents some time soon said Ezra, wow your going to be a father said prime, yeah said Ezra, well I'm happy for you I said, thanks captain that means a lot to me said Ezra, okay let's just do our mission and get back home I said.

Later on in London...

We where outside a laboratory as I said this is it, we are here I said, let's go said prime, as we walked into the laboratory as we saw dead bodies of Jews and our troopers and nazis too. As they where cut open and all as we walked into more of the laboratory. Then we saw what we where looking for the super weapon, a nuke bomb but they made it into a niddle of some type of stoung super trooper, we have to destroy this I said, yes sir said Ezra as he got the bombs ready as we put them around the laboratory. I grabbed the button to blow up the laboratory as I said let's go! I said as we ran outside and far away from where the bombs won't hurt us, we then saw nazi trooper being tested out by the super weapon as it made him turn into a super trooper (like captain America) then a nazi trooper saw us and said THERE! The lab doctor said to the super soldier as it ran up to us. OPEN FIRE!!! I said as I grabbed my rifle as did prime and Ezra as we shot at the super soldier but it didn't hurt him as he punch me and I fell down onto the ground as prime pulled out a knife and stabbed the super soldier into his neck but it don't do anything to him as he pulled out the knife and stabbed prime into his leg as the super soldier pushed prime away from him as Ezra shot at the super soldier as the soldier just laughed evily and said you can't kill me! I got up and stabbed the super soldier with my rifle as he grabbed my rifle and pulled the knife of the rifle out of him as he stabbed me into my gut as the super soldier pulled it out of my gut as he was going to kill me but a nazi doctor said STOP! Said the nazi doctor, as I put my hand to my gut where I was bleeding badly as I saw prime doing the something as the nazi doctor walked up to me and said ah yes you would do great things for our army of super soldiers said the doctor, I would die then more to join you nazi ass holes I said, to bad said the nazi doctor, they took me as I saw the bomb as the nazi troopers didn't see them as Ezra and prime where tid up together as I laughed as prime and Ezra didn't know what I was thinking about, the super soldier walked up to me and said why are you laughing at? Said the super soldier, you don't know still do you? I said as I pushed a knife to Ezra as he grabbed it as he was cutting the rip off him and prime. Grab the captain said the nazi doctor as he had a niddle with the super weapon power in it, the super soldier grabbed me by my back of my neck as the doctor was going to stab me with the niddle but I kicked the nazi doctor into his face as prime and Ezra grabbed their guns and shot at the nazi troopers as I fell down onto the ground hard as I got up and ran up to Ezra and prime, let's get out of here! I said, copy that said prime as we tried to ran outside of the laboratory but Ezra got shot into the back as he fell down onto the ground as I yelled out EZRA! I said as I helped him back up as he grabbed the button from the bombs as I knew he was going to give up his life, no Ezra said prime, Ezra your coming back home with us I said, no go! Take care of Sabine for me said Ezra, I nodded at Ezra as prime said no we can't! Said prime, I grabbed prime as I pulled him out of the laboratory with me as we where safe away from the laboratory as Ezra pushed the button exploding the laboratory with him in it. Let's go I said.

Later at headquarters...

Sabine was waiting for me and prime with Ezra as she saw prime and I walking back to the headquarters but she noticed that Ezra wasn't with us. She walked up to us both us as she said where's Ezra? Said Sabine, I'm so sorry Sabine but he gave up his life I said, no...sobbing said Sabine as she hugged me as I hugged Sabine back.

Too be continued...

Starring roboknightprime

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