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day 17

8:45 am

"Aww you guys made breakfast for us? You shouldnt have!"said Liv as her and all the other islanders gathered at the outdoor kitchen.

VC-Finn-So Bayley and I decided to get up early and whip up some breakfast for everyone. Our treat.

Finn and Bayley had prepared a variety of food such as scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes, bacon, sausages, fruit salad and coffee for their housemates.

"You guys deserve to win the show just because of this."Dean said with a mouthful of toast.

After eating, Bianca decided to go have a chat with Bayley. The two sat down on a daybed together.

"So, how are you feeling about all of this?"Bianca asked.

"Honestly,"Bayley sighed, "I had anxiety. Especially seeing everyone that was already here. Finn has been with half of the girls in the villa so of course im a little on edge still."

Bianca laughed, "Good point. But what is your goal for the end of the show? Get together with Finn? Find real love? What?"

"Im here to see if we'll be a good match or not. Ultimately id love to find someone. If Finn and I dont work out then...oh well. If someone else peaks my interest then i'll go for that. And id want the same for him."

"Girl, I want to see you have fun and let your hair down a bit. Dont let anyone get the best of you. Make the most of this experience."

Bayley nodded, "I'll try."

VC-Bayley-I know coming here with Finn was a crazy idea but at the end at least i'll get the answers I need. Ive been into him for such a long time now so im excited to see what happens. And also....a bit scared.


11:24 pm


Finn took his phone out of his pocket.

"I got a text!"he yelled. Everyone began cheering and running towards him.

He read the text out loud. It said:

"Wait so I cant choose Bayley?"he asked.

"It said new connections so I dont think so."said Jey.

Thank the heavens we have a genius in the villa.

Finn's cheeks turned red. His eyes scanned all of his options.

"Well....id love to take this girl out on a date because I dont really know her that well. The girl id like to take on a date is...Kayla."he said.

She grinned, "Hell yea!"

VC-Kayla-I am pumped! Finn is such a gorgeous man so im excited he chose me. Lets hope theres a spark between us.

Soon after, another phone went off.


"I got a text!"said Bayley as she took her phone out. Everyone cheered for her. She began reading her text out loud. It said-

The boys all 'ooed'. She blushed.

"Ummm.....Mustafa. Do you wanna hang out?"she asked.

"Absolutely!"he smiled.

VC-Bayley-I chose Mustafa because all the other couples are pretty strong. I feel like Kayla and Mustafa arent that tight. Plus I think he's pretty attractive and I know id get along great with him.

Because their dates were set to start soon, the four quickly got ready and was then taken to the garden of the villa where they were out of sight to the rest of the islanders.

Yes, we made them hurry up just to take them to the garden of the villa that was literally a 3 minute walk from where they were.

"So, thank you for taking me out."said Kayla, "Cheers."

She raised her glass of champagne towards his.

"Cheers."he smiled.

"So what do you think of everything thats been going on in the show so far?"she asked.

"Some couples seem to have everything going for them. Some couples seem to be very unsure. I was a bit hesitant about coming here but it was already too late."

"How long have you and Bayley known each other?"

"Almost four years."

"Wow. And you guys never got together before?"she asked.

"No. Its basically my fault. She's a great girl but I was always drawn to the problematic ones. But now that im a bit older I feel like she's the type of woman I need in my life now. I was way too young and reckless before."

"So ive heard."Kayla nodded, "Ive heard that a lot of the girls here have....experiences with you."

He blushed, "Yea. Im not really proud of it but when you're doing shows like this you kind of turn into a different person. Im not going to hide anything. Sasha, Liv and Alexa were all girls that I thought I could have had something with but for whatever reason, that wasnt the case."

"So what is your ideal woman? Sorry for all the questions im asking. Im a broadcaster, its kind of a habit. I like getting the inside scoop."

He laughed, "No its fine. I dont really think I can say what my ideal woman is. Ive fallen for all kinds. I guess id have to say I prefer an easy going girl. Someone laid back and down to earth. But I do like them a bit feisty and wild. I like a girl that can handle her own."

"Hm...sounds kind of like me."

"Oh yea?"

"I think soon enough you'd find that out."she smiled as she sipped from her glass.

VC-Kayla-I think Finn and I really hit it off. Im trying to be respectful to him and Bayley because I know they came here with a purpose and she seems like a great girl but....im not trying to miss any shots here.

"You know this is the first date that ive been on since I got here?"said Mustafa.

"Really?"Bayley responded.

"Yea. Damian and Ric got to go on dates. I was left hanging."

"Well im even happier that I chose you."

"Yes! I am the chosen one!"he said dramatically.

She laughed.

"So are you excited to be here? On the show?"he asked.

"Sort of. Im not really lucky when it comes to dating."

"Same here. I was really nervous when I first came onto the show because I thought I wont fit in. Sometimes I still feel like I dont."

"How so?"

"Well I dont drink and im not trying to hook up and be scandalous like a lot of the others are."

"Same as me. Im a lot more reserved. I guess reality tv aint for you and I huh?"she said.

"Yea its a bit too late to realise that now."

She laughed.

VC-Mustafa-I really like Bayley. For sure she's my type of girl. I would love to keep getting to know her but I cant just leave Kayla high and dry like that. Our connection is already so strong. I mean, we're sharing a bed together already. Plus, Bayley has her stuff to figure out with Finn so as great as it was getting to know her, she's here for someone else.


Back At The Villa

Our boy Austin has this dark secret that he absolutely cannot tell anyone. So here he is, telling someone.

Damian and Austin were seen working out together.

"So last night...I kissed Liv."said Austin as he was doing pull ups.

"What?"Damian said in shock.

"Yea. She's into me dude."he said as he got down from the pull up bar, "She was not holding back. I was making moves and she didnt hesitate one bit."

"Interesting. I suppose you're not scared of Dean."

"Pft. Scared? Dude, im here for me. Im not here for Dean or nobody else. If he wants to get physical then we can. Im not gonna back down. His girl wants me and thats kind of his fault."

"I heard Dean's a scrapper man, you better be cautious."

Austin began laughing, "Aint nobody scared of him."

See kids, this is why its very important to know your history of reality TV before you decide to come onto a show.


day 19

"Hey, do you want to go talk for a bit?"Kayla asked Ricochet who was hanging out with Damian and Adam.

"Sure."he said as he got up and followed behind her.

Together they sat down on a daybed.

"So I just wanted to know if maybe you'd be open to getting to know me a bit better because I feel like I havent really been putting myself out there, you know?"

"Oh...yea sure."

"I know you and Indi are really close and I dont want to come in between that but...we are here to get to know everyone. And...im really interested in getting to know you."

He smiled, "Really?"

VC-Ricochet-Im pretty shocked that Kayla wants to get to know me better. I didnt know she was into me. I mean, she's super attractive and plus she's one of the coolest girls in the villa so...im open to it.

"So like, how serious are things between you and Indi?"Kayla asked.

"Its not totally serious but...I can see us getting there eventually."

"Dont you think its a bit too early to put all your eggs in one basket like that?"

"Who says I am? If there are more baskets available then...I dont mind sharing. Thats what we're here to do."

"Exactly."she smiled.

"What about Mustafa though?"Ricochet asked.

"I just feel like....we're very different people. Dont get me wrong, he's so sweet but if something is not clicking then I cant make it."

"So you dont see yourself getting more serious than you are with him?"

"I dont think that'll happen even if I wanted it to. He's...too much of a good guy if that makes sense. I need a little excitement."

"Do you think I can give you that excitement?"he looked at her and asked.

She bit her lip and smiled, "I dont know, do you have what it takes?"

He smirked, "I guess theres only one way to find out."

"And how would we do that?"

"I have my ways."

She blushed.

VC-Kayla-I havent talked to Mustafa and told him about how im feeling yet. Its still on my to do list. But he's so sweet and...I dont want him to end up seeing me as a jerk. This is going to be really hard to do.


7:45 pm

Most of the girls were seen in the dressing room getting ready to head out to the backyard. For some of them, they thought that getting dressed up every night to go sit in the backyard was a bit unnecessary but after all, they could have never quite predicted where the night would take them. Maybe new islanders might show up. Maybe this could be the night they were going to leave the villa. Maybe there was going to be a recoupling. Or maybe absolutely nothing was going to go down. So just to be safe, every night they got glammed up.

Also, because its the rules.

As Liv was doing her makeup, she noticed Mandy's phone go off. Mandy was in the shower and had left her phone on the makeup table. She got a text. But judging by lack of a notification sound, this text wasnt from a producer.

Liv looked over at the home screen. The text was from Jey.

She put her makeup down and took the phone in her hands. She unlocked it and read the text. It said, 'Its hard to not think about it especially when you're always walking around in those shorts'.

She realised that it wasnt just one text. It was a whole conversation they had been having. Making sure to keep an eye out for Mandy, she began reading the string of text messages.

VC-Liv-Okay so I know its not my business and I shouldnt have read the texts but...oh gosh....I mean, I now understand why Mandy has been keeping her distance from Jey. Its because they've been communicating through text the entire time so there no need to talk in person. I feel....gross. I shouldnt have done it! I know! I dont know what to do with this information now....

What do you do when you have information that you dont know what to do with? You tell your best friend of course!

Liv was seen sitting on the terrace giving Alexa the run down of what she read.

"Should I do something?"Liv asked her.

"No way. Dont get yourself involved in that drama."Alexa responded.

"But I feel really bad for Bianca. I feel a sense of loyalty to her because she's always had my back. I cant see this happen to her."

"Yea but Mandy's your friend to."

"Ughhh!"Liv threw her head in her hands, "I dont know what to do."

VC-Liv-The texts werent too explicit but there was some interesting things said. I just feel like Bianca should know that they are talking to each other still. But Mandy's my friend and...I just-I dont know what to do about this. But I feel like I need to do something.


"Ive got a text!"said Jey as he took his phone out.

Be careful Jey! You dont want to get your texts mixed up!

As everyone gathered around him, he began reading it out loud. It said-

Everyone broke out in cheers.

"Your ass is mine tonight mister."Liv said to Dean. He smiled.

VC-Dean-Yea....Liv and I have been having our ups and downs. She's been driving me insane lately. But right now, everything is smooth and I just want to let it be.

"Liv, can I have a second with you?"Austin asked.

"Um...alright."said Liv as she followed him over to a private area.

"So...are you going to be coupling up with Dean?"he asked.

"Pft, is the sky blue? Duh. Ive been waiting for this moment forever."

"So theres no way that you're going to give this a chance? I mean, our connection is ridiculous."

"Yea we have a great connection but...he's my boyfriend Austin. As much as id love to explore this....my hands are tied. It would be weird to not couple up with him, do you know what I mean?"

"Can I ask....do you like me?"

She blushed, "Well...yea. From the very first day you caught my eye."

He nodded, "Thats all I needed to hear. Look, like I said, if you ever need me...im here."

She smiled, "I know."

He pulled her in for a hug.

VC-Austin-Okay so obviously everyone knows about Liv and I's connection. Everyone...except Dean. And..I feel like he deserves to know whats been going on. The poor guy is in the dark, thats not fair to him.

VC-Liv-Austin is great and everything but tonight, I'm all about Dean. He's the only one on my mind.

9:54 pm

Everyone was seen at the fire pit. The girls were all sitting on the recoupling bench as the men all stood in front of them.

Bianca's phone went off first, signalling that she was first to make her pick.

She stood up.

"So, I want to couple up wit this boy because I can see that he's changed. The more time I spend with him is the more that he's breaking these walls that I have up. I think things are only going to go up from here. The boy that id like to couple up with is....Jey."

Jey smiled, walked over to her, kissed her and they both sat down.

VC-Jey-Smooth sailing all the way.

Sasha got up next. Damian smiled.

"I want to couple up with this boy because he's really been my rock here. Ever since losing Montez, he's made it very clear that I can lean on him and that he's going to be there for me. The more I get to know him is the more that im liking him. He knows how to make a girl feel special for sure. And not to mention that he's muy caliente-he's helping me with my Spanish, im still a work in progress."she laughed, "The guy id like to couple up with is Damian."

Damian walked over to her and together they sat down.

Kayla got up next.

VC-Kayla-Oh my gosh, a million things are running through my head. I didnt get the chance to talk to Mustafa yet. I dont really want to recouple with him but at the same time, I cant blind side Indi and take Ric. Austin is also up for grabs but...I dont know what I should do at this point. Stick to whats comfortable or...make a bold move?

"So...I want to couple up with this boy because...I feel like..even though we're different, we make it work. He's such a pure, genuine guy and honestly, we need more guys like him. The guy that id like to couple up with is...Mustafa."she said.

Mustafa smiled and walked over to her.

VC-Ricochet-Im so confused. Dont get me wrong, I didnt want her to choose me but...I feel like she just contradicted everything she told me about Mustafa earlier.

VC-Kayla-Im just going to play it safe until I figure out where to go from here.

Liv stood up. She was buzzing with excitement.

She cleared her throat, "Sooo, I want to couple up with this man because once upon a time there was a pink headed bitch that prevented me from doing so. But she's long gone now and he's all mine. This man is the sexiest, manliest guy that ive ever come across and im so happy that from now on its just going to be him and I. The guy that id like to couple up with is my future baby daddy, Dean."

He sported a dimpled cheek smile as he walked over to her. She shortly made out with him before they sat down.

VC-Liv-All is well in the world now. Nature is healing.

For the rest of the recoupling, Alexa coupled with Adam, Indi coupled with Ricochet, Bayley coupled with Finn which left Mandy to couple with Austin.

Like Liv said, all was well in the villa. Everyone got who they wanted (except for Austin) and there was peace and harmony. Especially since the dirty secrets of the villa was temporarily swept under the rug.

But all of that is going to change tomorrow when the new boy enters the villa. His game plan? Stirring the pot.

VC-(TheNewGuy)-Im know to be bit of a trouble starter. And with the guys we got in this house, oh yea, shit's bound to hit the fan. But its cool. I got friends in the villa already so I got backup. Im ready to go in there and fuck some shit up.

T O   B E     C O N T I N U E D

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