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continuation of day 25

The Villa

After being introduced to the seven new boys, all of the girls quickly assembled into the dressing room for a quick chat.

"I dont know about you guys but...im overwhelmed right now."said Bianca.

"Tell me about it."Indi agreed, "Its just one thing after another. First the boys get taken, then we learn we're not going to be seeing them for four days, now seven new boys?"

"Why are you guys complaining though?"asked Mandy, "Seven new boys isnt a bad thing at all."

"Wait..."said Liv, "Since we have new boys...do you think the guys are going to be in a villa with new girls?"

The girls all looked at each other.

"Oh no."Alexa muttered.

"That would make sense."said Mandy.

"Its happening again."said Sasha.

Liv covered her face with her hands and sat down on a chair.

"Wait-whats happening again?"Indi asked.

"Temptation Island. Thats whats happening again."Alexa angrily said.

"I...dont know what that means."Indi responded.

"Maybe not."said Bayely, "Maybe the producers decided to give us a little treat by sending these new guys here to take our mind off of things. I dont think theres reason to worry."

"Jeez Bayley, stop acting like you're new to this."said Mandy, "This definitely is Temptation Island part 2. Those guys are in that villa with new girls, I can just feel it."

Liv got up and began pacing, "Im like-freaking out right now guys. I swear im going to have a panic attack."

"Whats wrong?"Alexa asked.

"This! Everything's thats happened today! Thats whats wrong!"

VC-Liv-Oh my god....like..I know Dean and I are...temporarily through but....I still fucking love him and the thought of him probably being in a house filled with other girls is driving me nuts like....I dont know how im going to deal with this. Im feeling like its the end of the world right now *wipes eyes* This is not what I fucking signed up for! What the fuck!

"Its like this stupid show has been haunting us ever since we did it."Alexa complained.

"Well, I dont know about you guys but theres a bunch of fine ass men out there waiting for us so uh, buy bye."said Sasha before she walked out of the room.

VC-Sasha-Yea I was just warming up to Damian and I know im going miss him at some point but....I already saw some new guys that I dont mind getting to know a little better. Lemme have my fun y'all.

"Hate to admit but...she's not wrong."said Mandy before she too, left.

Alexa sighed.

VC-Alexa-I cant believe the producers would trap us into doing this whole temptation thing again. Ugh, im getting flashbacks and...I hate it. Why is this happening? This is so not cool.

"As if this damn show wasnt already messy enough."Bianca shook her head as she also took her exit through the door.

VC-Indi-Four days away from our guys is going to be tough. Especially if they're at the other villa with new girls. I just hope these new guys can take our minds off of them because...I might go insane.


Casa Amor

The guys were all seen relaxing on the pool chairs. By this time, most of them were already drunk and tired from running around the house since they got there.

"Guys, its only 4pm. What are we gonna do now?"Ricochet asked.

"Yea, im bored now."said Dean.

"We've already drank a ton of alcohol."said Damian, "We've already cannonballed into the pool like 5 times, we grilled burgers, we drank more alcohol.....what else is there to do?"

"We can go to bed."Adam suggested.

"What are you, a senior citizen?"Dean asked.

"Guys, do you realize we came here with no luggage?"Jey asked, "How are we supposed to survive for 4 days without our stuff?"

"Now thats a good question."said Seth.

"Oh boy, four days without your blow dryers and your makeup and your tampons."Dean said sarcastically, "How would you guys ever survive."

"Dude, we dont even have our clothes."said Jey.

"We're wearing clothes right now. I can chill in this for four days. We can even wear each other's clothes."Dean responded.

"It makes no sense arguing with him Jey. Just leave it be."said Seth.

"Im ready to go back to the villa."a drunk Finn admitted.

"You're tired of us already dude?"Seth asked.

"The villa is where my girl is."

The guys all 'ooed' and playfully hit him.

"For real though."Jey agreed, "Im ready to go back too. I got business to take care of."

"Yea. I miss Indi already."said Ricochet.

"You guys are such buzzkills."said Dean.

"Oh look who's talking."said Jey, "Dude you were the biggest buzzkill when you were with Liv. Dont act like you dont know what we're going through just because you single now."

"He's got a point."Seth chuckled.

Dean stood up from his seat, "Whatever. Im going in the pool."

Just as he said so, the sound of multiple pairs of high heels clacking against the tiled floor were heard approaching from inside the villa.

Their faces lit up.

"You guys hear that?"Ricochet asked.

"Could that be?"Damian asked.

"Oh, I think it is."Seth smiled.

"Hi boys!"said a female voice as she and seven other girls made their way into the backyard.

The guys all shot up from their seats. They gawked at the new girls in awe.

GC-Damian and Ricochet


Ricochet-Suddenly...I dont mind staying here for four days anymore.

Damian-I'll stay here for a month.


Dean lowered his sunglasses to get a better look at all of the women.

"Its official. We're in paradise."said Damian.

VC-Penelope-Hi, my name is Penelope Ford, im 25 and im a model from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I love animals, cosplay, gaming, all that junk. Yes im hot but im also a huge dork. I tend to usually go for the bad boys, thats why people often refer to me as the bad girl. The men I date are just as toxic as myself. My mom never gets excited when I bring a guy home because she knows that they're usually not husband material but, whatever *laughs* I always end up satisfied anyway. I have my pretty little eye on Dean and Seth. They seem as toxic as it gets. But...I also have a bit of interest in Finn. Lets see if this bad girl can get this good little Irish boy to go rogue.

VC-Tay-Hello! My name is Taynara Conti but you can call me Tay. Im 26 and im a dancer and martial artist from the beautiful Brazil. You may remember me from Temptation Island, well im back again. It is so fun being a temptress. I think I have everything a man can ask for. Im bubbly, positive, out going and I love having fun. I can enchant you with my dancing but I also can kick someone's ass if I need too. Like I said, im the total package. I mean, im a Brazilian, we're every man's dream. I cant wait to hang out with the guys. Some of them I know already, some of them I have a bit of history with. Its going to be a blast!

VC-Allie-Hi there. My name is Allie but everyone calls me The Bunny because I used to model for Playboy. Im 24 and right now im a store manager for Victoria's Secret. My friends would describe me as being a bit sassy, a bit of a drama queen. Im just all about me. What I want, I go get it. I cant wait to get my hands on these guys. Theres no holding back. Im here to find love and if there is potential between me and one of the guys then im going for it. And if theres a girl that has a problem with that then they can come see me. I never back down from a fight. Im ready to give these boys the time of their lives.

VC-Anna-Hey, im Anna Jay, im 22 and im currently a university student. Im just your basic average girl next door. Im pretty casual, not much of a partier. Im just a chill, laid back person. Im the type that would rather sit and have a really good conversation with someone rather than just having some meaningless interaction, you know what I mean? Some people may think im boring, I dont care. The less drama the better. I think a girl like myself would be able to add some level headedness to the villa. Im sure the guys are sick of the cattiness with the girls in the main villa. They need a girl like me to show them that hey, not all girls are that prissy and stressful. Being with me is like therapy.

VC-Jade-My name is Jade Cargill, im 27, im a fitness model, online coach and a retired basketball player. But my favorite title of all is being a mom to my beautiful daughter. I guess you can say I ooze overconfidence but just look at me, I have every damn right to be like this. Im a badass bitch and I know it. I only associate with people thats on my level. If you think you can handle me then approach me. If not, stay out of my way. I dont got time for games. However, I know that I do come across a little bit intimidating sometimes. When you get to really know me, you'd realize that im actually really down to earth. But I only let certain people see that side of me. Until then, I remain being...That Bitch.

VC-Cameron-What is up you guys! My name is Cameron! Im 25 and im a makeup artist, recording artist and dancer. Honestly, I basically can do a little bit of everything. I am beyond excited to meet the guys and get the party started. Im a wild child, I dont ever like things to be dull and boring. In a relationship I tend to be the dominant one. So I usually go for the quiet guys. Its sad but true. Listen, I know for a fact that even though they're quiet in public, they aint in the bedroom okay *flips hairs*Honestly, I feel like im attracted to all of the guys in the villa. Even the annoying one-what his name? Seth? Adam? I dont know. They're both the same person to me. Just let me loose in that house already! I cant wait!

VC-Britt-Yes, the doctor's in the house. My name is Britt Baker D.M.D and no, you can get rid of me. I think its pretty clear why im here. To simply cause havoc. There was no way I could have passed up this opportunity. I cant wait to see the look on Adam's face when he sees me walking through those doors. Its going to be priceless. He cant run from me this time. All I want to say to little miss Alexa is that...payback's gonna be a bitch *wink*

VC-AJ-*twirls hair and tilts head*Did you miss me? My name is AJ Lee, im 26 and im a writer from New Jersey. I dont want to get too cocky here but, if you dont know me by now then you've definitely been sleeping under a rock. Im single because.....the guys I go after never ends up being the one. They're all jerks. And im still on the prowl for my perfect match. Could he be here? *giggles*I think we'll find out. Let the games begin.

The girls and guys all began greeting each other with hugs and handshakes.

"This has to be a joke."said Adam as he recognized a certain someone.

"Wow Adam, its like you've seen a ghost."Britt teased.

VC-Adam-*sighs*Honestly...WWETV, im sick of your shit.

AJ immediately rushed over and threw herself in Dean's arms.

"Well hello to you too."he said.

GC-Seth and Dean

Dean-Dude...these are like the hottest group of babes ive ever seen.

Seth-You can say that again!

Dean-The Tittymaster's coming out to play.

Seth-*cackles* YES!


The Villa

The girls and the seven new guys were all seen hanging out at the outdoor kitchen, each with a drink in their hands.

"Cheers everyone!"Sasha said as she raised her glass. Everyone all touched glasses before they took a sip of their drinks.

"So what do you guys think of everything thats been going on so far?"Indi asked the boys.

"A lot of shady shit's been going on man."said Carmelo.

"Really?"Alexa asked.

"Oh yea."said MJF, "Like, for example Indi im sure you're absolutely devastated over the fact you're not going to see Ricochet for the next four days right? Well, I think you'd be even more devastated to know that he was locking lips with Kayla behind your back."

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Wait...are you serious?"Indi asked.

"Whoops. It looks like I took over Seth's job. You know, spilling all the beans."

"You're a drama type arent you?"Sasha asked him.

"Takes one to know one right?"

"Way to go dude, you just ruined Indi's day."said Kenny.

"Hey, she deserved to know."said MJF.

"You could have told her that privately."said Adam.

"Well....its too late now."said MJF.

VC-Indi-So...I just got a massive bombshell dropped on me.......All this time, Ric was doing stuff behind my back with Kayla? *scoffs*....I dont even know what to feel right now. Im fucking pissed off.

Adam, Xyon, and Kip were seen on a day bed talking to Alexa, Liv, Mandy and Bayley.

"So when we all walked out there, which one of us caught your eyes?"Kip asked, "Lets start with you Alexa."

She blushed, "I dont think I can say. Im in a relationship guys."

"Oh come on."said Xyon.

"You dont have to say anything Alexa."Mandy said to her, "I think I already know who it is."

"No one caught my eye okay. My heart belongs to Adam."Alexa said.

"Which one?"said Mandy. She smiled.

"Oooooo Lexi!"Liv egged her on.

"Alexa we all know you better than you think."said Mandy.

At the same time, Adam made eye contact with Alexa. He smiled.

VC-Alexa-Ugh......This is.....not good.

"What about you Liv?"Kip asked.

"Gosh it was hard not to have my eye on all of you guys."

"Tell me you're still not hung up on your little ex boyfriend."said Xyon.

She smiled, "Sort of. But I got you guys now right? Its your job to make me get over him."

"Darling, i'll do that in a heartbeat."said Kip as he stood up and offered his hand to her, "Come with me."

She put her hand in his and together, they walked away.

VC-Kip-I think Liv is stunning. I dont know why she's been chasing after those losers. Im the type of guy that she needs. Soon, she'll realize that.

Over at Casa Amor, the guys and eight new girls were all seen in the pool together.

AJ was seen with her arms around Dean's neck. Since she arrived, she'd been clinging onto him. However, he didnt seem to be bothered by it.

"Alright ladies, its time to fess up."said Seth, "Which of us do you wanna get your paws on?"

The guys all 'ooed'.

"Please do tell."said Ricochet.

"Well I already had my paws on one of you. Isnt that right Jey?"said Cameron.

The guys all began to holler.

"Damn Jey. Who havent you been with?"said Dean.

"Spill the tea bro!"said Damian.

VC-Jey-So....yes, I know Cam. Cameron is a close friend of Naomi's so of course...back in the day we use to mess around you know. It was casual.

"We had some of the best nights didnt we Jey?"asked Cameron. He licked his lips and smiled.

"But if im honest, im open to getting to know all of you."said Cameron, "Y'all a bunch of fine motherfuckers forreal."

"What about you Allie? Who are you feeling?"asked Ricochet.

"I gotta say....Austin and Adam."she smiled, "But..I know you're in a committed relationship Adam."

"Oh, dont worry Allie, that means absolutely nothing."said Britt, "I should know."

Adam rolled his eyes.

"No worries Britt, it means nothing to me either."Allie said with a wink to Adam.

"And you Anna?"asked Damian.

"Hmm....I really like Finn's vibe."

"No! Finn is mine!"said Tay as she went over to Finn and hugged him in a possessive manner.

"Uh oh Finn, now you gotta choose."said Seth.

"Why cant I have the best of both worlds?"

"No! You're mine!"said Tay as she pinched Finn's cheeks.

"Jeez, give the guy some space the breathe at least."said Anna.

"Finn is a friend, we go way back. Dont we Finny?"said Tay.

He blushed.

"And finally, I have you all to myself now."she said.

"Bayley who?" Seth laughed.

VC-Finn-Taynara and I actually kept in contact for a while after Temptation Island. I think she's a really great girl. She's kind of right up my alley. She's really playful and loud and really fun to be around. Im not sure how im going to survive these next four days to be honest....Temptation at its finest.


Coming Up Next-The Villa and Casa Amor go head to head in a game of Dares that will break the ice and turn up the heat.

Stay Tuned.
New Islanders-

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