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continuation of day 41

11:43 am

As the Islanders were lounging around in the backyard, Alexa's phone went off.

Everyone perked up upon hearing the notification sound.

"Guys! I got a text!"she announced.

After everyone had gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud. It said-

"Oh no."Cameron said as she lowered her sunglasses.

VC-Cameron-I definitely know im doomed because Damian is being a pissy bitch right now because of our conversation last night. Just because im missing Dolph doesnt mean the booty's off limits D. You better choose wisely tonight.

VC-Bianca-There is a good possibility that I could be leaving tonight. I wont even be mad though. The show is almost over. I dont think there is anything left for me to do. Damian could choose to recouple with Cam. They have more romantic history than him and I so...I cant be mad at that.


"Adam! Can you come over here for a sec?"Jojo shouted out to AdamC who was walking past her.

She was sitting on the outdoor sofa next to Summer.

"Whats up?"he asked as he walked over to the both women and sat down.

"So...I just wanted to find out where your head is at for tonight. I know Alexa is your top priority but like....I dont know, I guess im kind of hoping that you'll at least consider coupling up with me."Jojo said.

"Well, you kind of hit the nail on the head with what you just said. She is my girlfriend and...if I dont recouple with her Jo, thats going to cause drama."

Jojo frowned, "Well, it was worth a shot."

"You're an amazing girl Jojo. But my hands are kind of full."Adam comforted.

"Yea I understand. Its fine. And thanks for being honest with me."

"Why are you so blinded by her? She cant be that good in bed can she?"Summer asked as she filed her nails, "She treats you like dirt. Are you forgetting about her infatuation with the other Adam?"

"It was just one kiss and he initiated it. As pissed as I was, im not going to let that wreck my relationship. Two years is too much."

"One kiss?"Summer said in shock, "Oh honey. You poor thing."

"They've had more than one kiss."said Jojo.

"Oh right, they kissed while I was at Casa Amor. Twice is a lot but again...I think its something we can work through. "

"They've kissed more than twice Adam. Hell, even when you guys got back to the Villa they were still kissing."said Summer, "You can ask anyone that came into the Villa after the Stick or Twist ceremony. Apparently Alexa seems to forget that everything is being filmed."

Adam's face looked instantly drained of life.

"Really?"he asked.

"Really."Summer confirmed.

"We shouldnt have said anything. Im so sorry Adam."said Jojo.

"Why are you apologizing? He deserves to know."Summer said to her.

"No-thanks for telling me guys. I appreciate it."he said.

VC-AdamC-Part of me doesnt want to believe them. But....why would they lie about that? I gotta get to the bottom of this because...this is getting ridiculous.

After flat out getting rejected from Adam, Jojo headed over to the outdoor kitchen to get herself a drink. Coincidentally, Roman was also there making himself a protein shake.

"Whats up?"he said when he saw her.

"Trying to drink my worries away. What about you?"she asked.

"Drink your worries away? Whats wrong?"

She sighed, "Im just...a little worried about the recoupling tonight. Since ive been here ive only given one guy attention and that one guy has a girlfriend which he obviously is going to choose over me. I feel like I could be the one leaving tonight."

"I dont think thats possible. Not when im here. How would you feel if I chose to couple up with you?"Roman asked.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because you're at the top of my list. Plus...I owe you a lot after putting you through what I did. And for that, I apologize."

"Wow after so many years, I finally get an apology."

"Yea, I should have done it sooner. But what do you say, lets sail this ship one more time? You need somebody, I need somebody, lets couple up and see where it goes. Hopefully, we can start fresh."

She nodded, "Okay. Im down."

"Nice."he smiled.

VC-Jojo-I am so relieved that he's the one that said that he wants to give this another go. I dont fully trust him but hey, at least im going to be in a couple and i'll get to continue this journey. My eyes are still going to be looking for my prince charming but for now, i'll stick with Roman.


7:45 pm

AdamC was seen leading Alexa to a private area in the backyard, away from everyone.

VC-Alexa-Adam said he wanted to talk and by the tone of his voice...this sounds serious. What did I do now? Why cant we ever have peace?

"So, I just wanted to talk to you about Hangman because....something's been bothering me."he said to her.


"How many times have you guys kissed."

"Once. Then you pushed him and got sent away, remember?"

"Are you sure its only once? Because I was talking to someone and they gave me detailed descriptions of other instances where you guys kissed."

"What? Who the hell-"

"Please be honest with me."

Her jaw dropped, "As if id stand here and lie to you Adam! Who told you those things?"

"It doesnt matter. Just answer me."

"Okay so we kissed during some of the challenges when you guys were at Casa Amor but thats it. That means nothing. Im sure you kissed other girls to."

"So what about the picnic date that you two went on?"

She remained silent.

"And what about you flat out telling him that you want to kiss him?"Adam added.

"I cant believe you're going to listen to what other people are telling you about me Adam."

"Alexa everything is being filmed! Just be honest with me."

"Okay fine! Yes. We kissed a few times."

"Great. Thats all I needed to know."he said as he began walking away.

"Adam! What the hell?"she yelled as she followed after him.

"Im tired of looking and feeling like and idiot Alexa! This is ridiculous."

"Oh so all that shit you said a few days ago about how strong we are as a couple just means nothing huh?"

He stopped in his tracks and turned around, "Maybe you should answer that question because I dont think this relationship means anything to you!"


"I am nothing but great to you but apparently thats not enough! You're a liar and a manipulator and im sick of always putting in all the effort in this relationship. If you want Hangman you can have him! Im done being your puppet."

"And you're so perfect arent you? You've never done anything wrong in this relationship ever huh?"

"The only thing ive done wrong is chasing after you. Im such a fucking idiot for doing that!"

"Fuck you! Literally go to hell!"

Adam ignored her and continued walking away.

VC-AdamC-I cant take it anymore man. She had so many opportunities to tell me that she and Hangman had kissed before but she didnt. My dumb ass thought it was just that once. *sighs*Its my fault. I always give her the benefit of the doubt. This is not the first time she's kissed someone behind my back.  Im not going to let myself keep getting played like a fool. This ends now.


It was now time for the recoupling ceremony. All of the Islanders were seen gathered at the recoupling bench. The men were sitting while the girls stood. Beth decided to let the Islanders handle this one on their own since they already knew what to do. The rules were simple, whenever a guy gets a text on his phone, he must stand up and select which girl he wants to couple with and why. The girl that is not chosen at the end, will be dumped.

Finn was the first one to get his text. He stood up and made his selection which was obviously Bayley. Then was Jey. The girl he chose to couple up with was Jade. Ricochet went next. The girl he chose to couple up with was Indi. Even though she expected to be his pick, she showed no sign of happiness with his decision.

VC-Indi-There were so many other girls for him to choose from. Why choose me? I thought you wanted to get to know other people Ric! What happened to that?

Seth stood up next.

He looked at Sasha and smiled. Instantly her heart started racing.

"I want to couple up with this girl because...she has been my rock here for the past few weeks. If it wasnt for her, I would have left a long time ago. But...we needed each other. At first, I came into this Villa with the sole purpose of causing chaos-which I did. But, because of her ive been behaving myself lately. Plus, id rather spend all my time with her than start pointless drama-which says a lot. She holds a lot of power over me. And im fine with it because...I love her."

Indi's jaw dropped.

"The girl I want to couple up with is obviously going to be my beautiful girlfriend, Sasha."Seth said.

The other Islanders were all left speechless. There wasnt a jaw that wasnt dropped (except for Roman, Dean and Jojo who knew all about their relationship).

VC-Indi-GIRLFRIEND? HOW? WHAT? WHY? WHEN? WHERE? Why didnt the bitch tell me!

VC-Bianca-I knew it! Didnt know they were in a relationship though but...I knew they were into each other.

VC-Jey-Ohhhh so thats why y'all fuckers sent them into the Getaway. Im still mad though.

Sasha walked over to Seth and kissed him. Everyone cheered them on as they did so.

"You guys are making me ruin my makeup." Liv said as she wiped her tears.

VC-Seth-Now that the secret's out, I feel a lot more secure.

VC-Sasha-I dont think Seth and I ever thought that we would end up like this. But what we have between us is organic and pure. And I can tell it is because it just happened naturally. It wasnt forced, it wasnt lust. I think this is the first time ive been truly in love.

Damian was up next.

Cameron had her eyes locked on him as he was standing.

"So....I want to couple up with this girl because I think she's an amazing person with a big heart and anytime im around her, she makes me feel like im appreciated." he said, " I want to continue this journey with someone that brings positive vibes to the table and with someone that doesnt see me as a burden so....the girl id like to couple up with is....Bianca."

Even though she was caught a little off guard, Bianca smiled and walked over to Damian.

Cameron was seen shaking her head.

He gave Bianca a kiss on the cheek before they took their seats.

VC-Bianca-Damian told me what happened with him and Cam. I still wasnt expecting him to choose me though. But, at this point, I am totally fine with being couple up with him. I really think that we can make this work for the time being. Its better than being lonely.

AdamC then stood up.

He cleared his throat before he spoke.

"So...I would like to couple up with this girl because I can clearly see that she's a genuine, kind soul. She's been trying to open my eyes from the day she got here and....I think she was finally able to. She made me realize that I shouldn't have to be feeling like shit in my own relationship. A relationship should not be one sided. Enough is enough. The girl I want to couple up with is.....Jojo."

Everyone's jaws dropped, including Jojo's.

"You're joking, right Adam?"Alexa asked.

"No."he simply said.

VC-Seth-Oh baby! This is gold. Just gold *cackles*

Feeling a combination of anger and embarrassment inside of her, Alexa got up and walked away.

Liv and AdamP went after her.

"Im fearing for my life now."said Jojo as she went over to AdamC.

"You'll be fine. Dont worry about her."Adam said as they sat down.

VC-AdamC-Alexa needs a taste of her own medicine. Im tired of always having to repair the bridges that she keeps breaking.

After 10 minutes, Alexa, Liv and AdamP finally returned to the bench and sat down.

VC-Bayley-This recoupling has been so wild tonight. Yeesh.

Then, AdamP's phone went off. He stood up.

"You're going to finally get what you want Hangman. Congratulations buddy."said AdamC.

AdamP ignored him, "Alexa, since ive come into this Villa ive had eyes for you and only you. And for that reason, you're the one I want to couple up with."

She forced a smile, walked over to him and gave him a hug before they sat down.

VC-Alexa-If this is how he wants to play then fine, we'll play it like this.

As they sat together, Alexa turned and gave AdamP a kiss on the lips.

VC-Bianca-I dont really understand AdamP's infatuation with Alexa. He's so quiet and calm and reserved and Alexa is straight up crazy. Who are they trying to fool? They aint gonna make it in the real world.

"This place is a madhouse." Indi commented.

Up next was Roman. He stood up and carefully analyzed his three options. There was Summer, Liv and Cameron. His plan all along was to couple up with Jojo. He hadnt really thought of a plan B. Either way, he had to choose someone.

"Id like to couple up with this girl because....she's very fun, very lively. Theres never a dull moment when she's around. And...I think she deserves a chance at finding love. If she were to leave tonight, im sure she'll be missed by a lot of people. Thats why...im choosing to couple up with.....Cameron."

Cameron breathed a sigh of relief.

She then strutted over to him and gave him a hug.

VC-Roman-Obviously I wasnt going to choose Liv or Summer, that's Dean's territory. Im coupled with Cam now so lets see how it plays out. She's a bit too....high energy and loud for my liking but all in all, I think it would be an interesting time.

VC-Cameron-I went from Damian to Roman. Thats an upgrade if you ask me *flips hair*

Liv took a deep breath in and out. Her eyes were glued to the floor as she couldn't bring herself to look at Dean, who was now standing. He was the last of the guys to make his pick.

"This aint right."Bianca muttered as she looked on.

VC-Bianca-Yes Dean and Liv are toxic as hell but to have Dean make the decision to send the girl he came here with home is just.....horrible. Poor Liv.

Dean stood in silence for a bit. He seemed hesitant.

VC-Liv-Lets just get it over with man, im done fighting. I want to go home. Im not going to beg anyone for anything. It makes no sense for me to stay here. I dont think that id be able to find love with anyone else in this Villa.

"So.....this is not an easy decision to make."Dean began by saying, "And I do want to apologize in advance for what im going to have to do to one of these girls. You two obviously mean a lot to me and its....just a crappy situation."

Summer nodded.

He loudly exhaled as he pushed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. His eyes were darting around everywhere. It was evident that he was battling with this decision in his mind.

Summer began to feel a little nervous.

VC-Summer-Im not sure why he's finding this decision so difficult. Its making me wonder if he's having second thoughts-which would make no sense at all. Im the one he's been spending time with for the last week.

He took some deep breaths in and out before he spoke.

"Liv,"Dean said, "Im sorry."

"Its fine. Just get it over with."a teary eyed Liv said.

"This is a shitty thing to do. But I care about you a lot. I hope you know that."he said.

She nodded, still not looking at him.

"You're the one im choosing."he dropped the bomb, making everyone almost jump out of their seats.

"Dean, no. What are you doing?"Seth whispered.

"What?"Summer and Liv both asked.

"The girl im choosing to recouple with is you, Liv."he said.

Liv scoffed, "No Dean. No. You're not choosing me. Send me home. Don't do this."

"Im not staying here without you."he said.

"You're just playing with me now."she said.

"Im not. Im really not."

Sasha was seen shaking her head in disapproval.

"What the fuck?"Summer said.

Dean then sat back on his seat. It was apparent that he wasn't going to change his mind. Liv remained standing next to Summer still trying to process what he said.

"This makes no sense."Indi commented.

VC-Sasha-Dean....dude.....what the fuck is wrong with you?

VC-Seth-This just solidifies the fact that Dean sucks at making decisions.

Tears were welling up in Summer's eyes.

"Why would you do this?"Liv questioned him.

He didnt respond.

"I cant believe this."Summer said as she wiped a tear.

"No matter what I do, im going to end up the asshole. Im sorry Summer."he said.

"Go to hell."Summer said, "Seriously, fuck you."

He shrugged.

"You just complicated everything even more Dean."Liv sighed.


Summer's phone went off. She unlocked it and began reading the text she had gotten. It said-

Everyone (except Dean)  immediately got up from their seats to comfort Summer and say their farewells. Liv hadnt moved from where she was standing. She still couldnt entirely believe that Dean had picked her.

VC-Liv-Im sure everyone's expecting me to be jumping for joy right now but....im pissed. Im pissed, im confused, it just doesnt make sense. For the past week we havent said a word to each other but now....he's choosing to continue this show with me? What the hell do you really want Dean? Im...not happy right now.

After packing her things, Summer rolled her suitcases out to the front entrance. All of the Islanders gathered behind her to see her off. Even Dean was there however, he kept this distance.

"Thanks for a great week guys! Love you all."Summer said as she waved good bye.

"We love you too Summer."Bianca said.

VC-Summer-I feel so stupid. Absolutely stupid. I really wanted to give Dean a piece of my mind but I figured that....it made no sense. He knows what he did was wrong. I personally think he's the biggest player in the house. He does a damn good job at convincing people he's not. Its okay though. I know I can find someone better. Hopefully Liv does to.

As all of the Islanders unanimously said their goodbyes, Summer took her exit.

VC-Indi-Tonight was crazy. So many surprises. You'd think that since the show is almost over that all the couples would be stronger than ever but.....it's the opposite right now. We are all still very clueless and confused.

"Can I talk to you?"Dean asked Liv.

"Yes. Because you have a lot of explaining to do."she responded.

The two headed out to the place in the Villa where everyone goes to have serious conversations-the terrace.

"Why?"she asked, "Why do this?"

"You really expected me to send you home?"

"Yes. Why keep me around if we're just going to continue this fucking cat and mouse game?"

"I came here with you and im not staying here without you."

"WHATS THE POINT OF US BEING IN A COUPLE IF NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE! Im tired of basically begging you to fucking give a shit about me! I dont want to be with someone that doesnt care Dean!"

"I do care."


"Im not, Liv!"

The tears were streaming down her cheeks as she tried her best to keep her composure.

"If you dont want this-if I put you in an uncomfortable position, i'll leave. Its fine. Im sorry that I made this decision."Dean said.

Liv sat down and threw her head in her hands.

"I took it for granted that you'd be happy about this. I should have realized you've moved on."he said.

"I moved on because I had no choice. Plus, I didnt even move on. I just got sick of forcing something thats clearly not there. You're not obligated to be with me, you know that right?"

"I know. But im tired of this shit to Liv. I just want to forget about everything and go back to normal. I want things to be the way they were before we even came on this show. I'm tired of the games."

"Things werent all that good back then either."

"My point is....im willing to change. If thats what you want then....i'll do that."

"I dont need you to change! All I needed you to do was communicate and listen to me! You never did those things! You would always tell me that you couldnt be the guy that I needed. Why? Why couldnt you? Its because you never cared right?"

"What do you mean I never cared Liv. I am still here because of you! Thats me showing that I care! Even though we were broken up and doing our own thing I chose to stay in this hell hole because of you! I refused to leave you all alone or even send you home all alone!"

"So thats how you show me you care? You break up with me and then flirt around with multiple women? Wow Dean! You really are prince charming! All it took for you to snap was finding out that Austin and I kissed! But I shouldnt be pissed about you letting Eva give you a massage right? I shouldnt be pissed about you and AJ kissing on The Challenge right? I shouldnt be pissed about AJ wearing your clothes? Or the fact that you were with two girls at Casa Amor!"

"So you're bringing up old shit now?"

"And thats not even half of what you've done to me! You have hurt me so many times....yet im always the bad one."

"Who says you're the bad one?"

"Everyone Dean! Everyone looks at me as the bad one!"

"Why do you care about what everyone thinks?"

"Because im not like you! That shit affects me! You can do whatever you want and it's okay! But as soon as I slip up, im made to be the villain!"

The two remained in silence for some time until Liv spoke again. This time, in a much calmer tone.

"Im going to be honest Dean, I feel like you've never loved me as much as ive loved you. From day one I've always felt like I've been chasing you. Id fucking do anything for you, you know that. But ive never felt that energy from you. Especially when we're around other people."

"I try my best Liv. I've done things for you that I'd never thought I'd do in my life for anyone! What about all of that? That means nothing? Why did you stay with me if you thought I was some sort of heartless scumbag? You should have left a long time ago."

"Because I was hoping that maybe you'd like me more as time passed. Do you think it's fun competing with girls like Eva and Summer? That's why I just gave up and gave you your space. I left you alone for a week and you didn't even care enough to ask if I was okay." Liv said, "Even though I felt like a burden to you sometimes....I just couldnt let go of everything we had. And even after everything we've been through up to this point...I still cant. When you're in love with someone it's not easy to just walk away."

Dean took a few seconds before he responded.

"I guess....the reason why I say that I can never be the guy you need me to be is because...you're way to good for me and I still think that one of these days you're gonna ditch my ass for some Calvin Klein model. I tend to get a little skeptical when things are too good to be true. You have every reason in the world to leave."

"Wow....its like you dont know me at all. If I can still love you after everything we've been through....you really think a Calvin Klein model is going to change my mind?"

He sighed, "I dont know babe. I dont know."

He went and sat next to her.

Once again, silence filled the air. All they could have heard was the other Islanders hanging out in the backyard.

"So...what do we do now?"he asked.

"You tell me."

"Well....we agreed to take time apart to figure ourselves out. And ive figured out that the way ive felt for you, I can never feel for another woman. I think the time apart put things into perspective and....Im sick of this shit. I'm exhausted by it. And....I miss you."

She smiled.

"What do you say, do you wanna give this another shot?"he asked.

"As long as you agree to put in some fucking effort and make me feel wanted."

"I will."

She nodded, "Then okay. We can give this one more try."

He leaned in and kissed her. She missed the way his lips felt against hers. It made her feel nostalgic.

"I love you."he said.

"I love you too."she replied as she rested her head against his shoulder.

He kissed the top of her head.

VC-Liv-Is the world coming to an end? Did he really just do that? For him to come crawling back to me...that says a lot. Lets see if its going to be any different. If its not this time around, im out.

VC-Dean-Obviously Roman's words got to me. I had to sit and think about what really mattered. This show is temporary. But what we do here can affect us for the rest of our lives. I got caught up. Plus, there was no way I was going to choose Summer-a girl ive been hanging with for a week over Liv- a girl that I literally share a life with back in Jersey. The show is ending and all I want to do is ride it out with the girl I came here with. We took our time to experiment and it led us back to each other so *shrugs* I guess its meant to be?

T O B E C  O  N  T  I  N  U  E  D

A/N-So I feel like Liv and Dean getting back together is going to get a lot of mixed responses from you guys. Do you agree with their decisions? Do you think Liv deserves better or Dean? Do you think they'll be able to make it work? Let me know!

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