Final Bonfire pt 2

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"So, are you ready to have this conversation with Naomi?" Stephanie asked Jimmy.

He nodded, "Yea. Im ready to talk to her. Im ready to explain myself. Im just ready to get the hell out of here."

"Will it be an easy conversation to have?" she asked.

"........Probably not but....I know that I did nothing wrong. I don't have to hide anything. Im an open book so whatever she wants to know, I'll tell her."

"So, are you ready to see your wife?"Stephanie smiled.

He grinned, "Hell yea."

Stephanie singled for a producer to let Naomi know to walk in.

The atmosphere was serious. Eerie even. The crackling of the bonfire mixed with Stephanie's solemn tone didn't help to brighten up the mood one bit.

When Jimmy saw Naomi approaching, his smile grew from ear to ear.

"There she is."he said as she walked, "You look as good as the day I met you. Damn! Look at you modelling your fine ass all the way here."

She rolled her eyes even though she was smiling at the sight of him.

"What do you want me to do first? Give you a kiss or slap you?"she asked.

"Slap me? For what?"

"Oh, you know exactly for what."

He stood up and they hugged. Even though he didn't answer her question, she gave him a kiss instead of a slap.

"Alright guys."said Stephanie, "Here at bonfire, you both will get a chance to speak to each other to say whatever it is that needs to be said. Share your experiences, talk about the things you've done and speak from your heart. In the end, you both will have a decision to make on what the status of your relationship will be going forward. So, without further ado, Jimmy why dont you start first."

He rubbed his hands together, "Well baby, its so great to see you after so long. This experience for me has been....interesting. I learned a lot about myself and I've learned a lot about how much you mean to me and how much our marriage means to me. When it comes to your clips......I saw things that bothered me. As your husband, as long as there is another man around you im going to be bothered."

Naomi seemed amused and ready to argue. However, she bit her tongue and kept quiet.

"I saw guys touching you....I saw you twerking for them.....I saw you on top their shoulders."

Naomi was heated.

"I didnt like it. There were times too that I got carried away. But I always made sure that it never got too far. During my time here, I had to put first what was most important to me. And that was you. Being on this show was the ultimate test for me. There were times that the only person I wanted to see was you. There were times that I felt guilty about being on a date with another woman because I knew that I have an amazing wife on the other side of this island. During my final date.....all I could've thought about was you and how much you would have loved the villa that we stayed in. I married you for a reason baby. And that reason is because I knew you were the only woman on this entire planet Earth for me. You make me a better man. Because of you, I never allowed myself to go astray in that villa with all those girls. You are my guidance. You keep me sane. I don't want to date another woman in my lifetime except for you. And I will take that statement to my grave."

Naomi raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"Naomi, the floor is yours."said Stephanie.

"Its funny you didn't mention anything about Mandy."

He seemed taken aback.

"Thats......because she means nothing to me."

"Jimmy, you have no idea....... how much I was hurting through out these past few weeks. You don't. I saw her sitting on your lap. I heard ya'll talking as if you were together already. Both of you were getting close and you did nothing to stop it! I didn't plan on getting stressed the way I was. I thought we would've come here to just get some time apart and cool off. I thought you were better than to allow this girl to get close to you. You want to talk about how you were bothered by seeing what I was doing in my clips? You better thank god that I didn't even come close to doing half the things you were doing! I didn't make a connection with anybody because I was too busy worrying about if I had to file for divorce when we got back home! got to a point where I took my wedding ring off. Thats how much I was hurting. It wasn't easy for you to see me have fun with the other guys? Think about how hard it was for me to see you with this girl, to see her sit on top of you, to see you do absolutely nothing about it. If you didn't like the way she was with you, you would have put a stop to it. But you did nothing! I can't have fun but you can entertain this home wrecker? Is that the way its supposed to be?"

" not denying that those thing happened but...thats all it was. There was nothing more to that."

"Did you kiss her?'

"I didn't."

"You better not be lying to me Jon because I saw when she hopped up on your lap and asked you to kiss her. Did. You. Kiss. Her."

"I would not lie to you Naomi, you know that. I would never kiss her. Its all on tape if you think I'm lying."

"How far did you go with her?"

"As I said, it was nothing more than her trying to sweet talk me into doing what I'm not supposed to be doing. If it makes you feel better, I didn't go with her on my final date. I chose somebody else that I had less of a connection with."

"But....did you have feelings for her?"

"Look, I'm not going to bash her or deny anything. I liked hanging out with her. She was good company to have. There were times where we were having really good conversations and there were times where we were truly enjoying each other's company. I didn't develop romantic feelings for her but....I did look forward to spending time with her in the house. But then.....sometimes she would say things that would turn me off. Things that...weren't respectful to say to a married man. Do you think I'm going to fall for someone that doesn't respect someone else's marriage? I aint stupid. My friendship with Mandy came to an end the day I sent her packing. Babe, look at you. You don't ever need to worry about that girl. She can never ever come anywhere close to being half the woman you are."

Naomi wiped the tears from her eyes, "You had me so worried....... For the first time in my life I was unsure about what would happen between us."

Jimmy pulled her in for a hug to comfort her, "I aint ever gonna hurt you like that babe. Did you really think I was going to ditch you for some random girl I just met."

"I-I didn't know what to think. You had me fucked up."

He rubbed her back.

"Im ready to go home. How about you?"he said.

She looked up at him, "Its about damn time we leave this place."

He smiled and kiss her.

Stephanie couldn't help but smile looking at the two of them.

"Well guys, it looks like I don't even have to ask the final question. It seems to me that you two will definitely be going home together to continue your beautiful marriage."said Stephanie.

"I think tonight we may even start a family if you know what I'm saying."said Jimmy.

"Shut up. Thats not going to happen. We can try but its not going to happen."Naomi laughed.

"Well guys, I'm pleased to tell you that your time on Temptation Island has officially come to and end. I sincerely wish the both of you best of luck for the future. I hope the future holds nothing but happy memories and beautiful babies for you two."

"Thank you so much Steph."said Naomi as she gave Stephanie a quick hug.

CC-Naomi and Jimmy

Jimmy-Lets never do this again okay.

Naomi-You don't have to ask me twice.

Jimmy-I can't wait to get home and continue from where we left off.

Naomi-I think I have a whole new appreciation for you now. Ive been away from you for so long that...being back together with you means so much more to me now.

Jimmy-That feeling won't last very long.

Naomi-It won't. I'll probably get tired of you after three days but I don't care. As long as I get to wake up next to you every day i'll be happy.

Jimmy-So...did you really take your wedding ring off?

Naomi-I did.


Naomi-Forget about that okay. That doesn't matter.

Jimmy-That makes me sad.

Naomi-Sad? Dont get me started Jimmy.


"Alexa, how are you feeling going into your final bonfire?"Stephanie asked her.

"Im feeling every emotion there is. Its kind of like....I couldn't wait for this day to come and then again....I never wanted this day to come."

"Have you made up your mind about what you're going to do with respect to your current relationship?"

She nodded, "Yea. I have. Basically its I take the next step with the man I've loved for the past two years and get married to him I start from scratch."

"Marriage. Wow."Stephanie nodded, "Lets look at it this way. Here is a guy you know everything about, which is AJ. You've seen him at his best, you've seen him at his worst. You've had your ups and your downs. You have an idea of what the future may look like for the two of you if you do get married. You know his weaknesses, his strengths, his flaws,everything. Then, here is a guy that you have only known for about a month. You still have yet to unravel him. There is lots to discover about him. The level on which you know AJ is not the same level on which you know Adam. Do you pull ahead with what you know or do you jump right into the unknown?"

"Wow. Well, when you put it that way it makes me think even deeper now."

"The decision you will have to make in the end, will change your life Alexa. Keep that in mind."

She nodded.

"So, are you ready to see AJ?"

She smiled, "Oh god........yea."

Stephanie signaled for AJ to come out.

VC-Alexa-My heart is racing and...I haven't even seen him yet but I think I'm about to cry.

Emerging from a walkway lined with candles and walking towards the bonfire set up was AJ. He smiled when Alexa came into view. She smiled when she saw him. While walking, he touched his front left pocket to ensure that the ring he had bought for Alexa was still there. It was.

He ran up to her and scooped her up in his arms, "Hey darlin."

"Hey baby."she said.

VC-AJ-Yea I'm still pissed about the clips I've seen but I couldn't contain my excitement when I saw her.

"Why are you cryin' already?"he asked when he put her back down.

She quickly wiped her tears, "I just feel...overwhelmed I guess."

They both sat down. Like she did all the other time, Stephanie explained to them what was going to take place at this final bonfire.

"AJ, would you like to speak first?"Stephanie asked.

"Yes. I would."he said, "Lex, being next to you right now...I feel at home. This experience for me has been....eye opening to say the least. I used this time to really find out if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and....I got the answer. The answer is yes. However, you do have some explaining to do. bonfire...I would feel as if my clip of you was the worst out of all the guys. You brought a man into your bed......Then after that....I saw you kissing this guy named Adam."

Alexa sighed.

"I didn't expect that from you. In all our years of being together....I have never done half of the things you've done to me. I went into this experience with the intentions of being loyal. I wanted to show you that...I was a loyal guy, that I was committed to you and you only. I did do that. But I didn't get the same thing in return. Seeing that last clip of you with that made me upset. I was this close to leaving the show. I just want to know...if I did anything wrong to make you act that way. Right now...I am willing to work things out. I am willing to look past what you've done and start fresh. I just want to know where your head is at right now and if you're ready to continue this journey together."

"Alexa, you can speak now."said Stephanie.

"So....I used this time to really reflect on us. At first I was very ignorant and I didn't want to hear what anybody had to say about my relationship. Literally, from the moment the singles came into the house all I heard them tell me was how bad you were for me. And I didn't want to hear it. But over the next couple of weeks...I got a lot more factors to work with. I um....heard you say something that really made me sit and think. Im not going to tell you what it is yet. But it was something big. When you said what you said.....all of our bad memories came rushing back to me. It made me remember recently when we went to Iceland to do the finals of The Challenge...we couldn't even get to enjoy being there together because we were too busy being angry at each other. When we were there, we should've put aside our differences and enjoy our time together but we couldn't do it because....we were too stubborn. Then, in one of your clips..I saw you and this girl....I think her name is Lacey. I heard the conversation you two were having about....your backgrounds you were brought up and....your goals for the future and...I thought to are so alike. She is...everything that I am not....I started comparing myself to her and....AJ....she's the one for you. Not me."

"Alexa what are you-"

"AJ. Please. Be quiet."Stephanie said.

" not ready to live the life that you want. I realised that all these years I was too blinded by love to see what everybody else was seeing. Being here gave me the opportunity to look at us from a different perspective. Just because we're in love AJ, it doesn't mean that we're good for each other."

Alexa nodded to Stephanie to signal that she was done.

"Can I speak now?" AJ asked.

Stephanie nodded.

"You have no idea what you're talking about right now Alexa-"

"AJ we brought out the worst in each other! How do you not realise that! Everyone hated us and I realise why now. We were trying to force something that wasn't going to work!"

"Its Adam isn't it? He filled your head with all this bullshit didn't he!"

"No AJ-"

"Alexa, dont do this to me right now. We have come too far. We worked too hard on us! All I ever did was be good to you! Why are you doing this?"

"Its not that I want to hurt you its that...for us to become better people....we need to go our separate ways."

"Im not having it."he got up and started to slowly pace, "Im not having it."

"Do you think 10 years from now you and I would be the perfect couple?"

"No relationship is perfect! Of course we're going to have ups and downs!"

"You need to open your eyes and see our relationship for what it really was. We were too drunk in love to realise how toxic we were! We brought out the worst in each other AJ. None of us deserved to go through the hell we put each other through." she said with tears streaming down her face, " Face it, the real reason why you want to continue the relationship is because you don't want to have to start all over again with someone new. Not because we're meant for each other."

He kept pacing up and down with his hands on his head.

"If we commit to each other from now until the end of time...we're going to have a miserable life together. I don't want that for me and I don't want that for you."

He kneeled down in front of her as she remained sitting "Do you hear yourself right now......Did we really come all the way here for you to hurt me?"

She held his face, "You know we're bad for each other baby. I love you but I can't do this anymore."

She got choked up on her words.

"Alexa....dont do this to me. All I ever wanted was to show you that im a good man. What more do I have to do."

"You're an amazing man AJ. You're the best man I know."

"I'll change. If you want me to change i'll change! I just want to leave this place with you. Thats all I want."

So far, Alexa managed to keep herself together despite some tears trickling down her cheeks and her voice breaking. But as soon as she saw tears seeping from AJ's eyes, she lost it.

She began crying on his shoulder as he rubbed her back. Stephanie was even seen fanning her eyes so her tears wouldn't mess up her makeup.

AJ kept a straight face but he couldnt manage to keep his eyes dry. He wasn't a man that usually shed tears but tonight, he couldn't stop himself.

"Do you love him?"AJ asked her, referring to Adam.

"No but....I think he's what I need right now."

"Are you really choosing him over me?"

The pain in AJ's voice was very apparent.

"Its not like that-"

"You don't know him. He's a stranger. I can't throw two years away just like that!"he said as they maintained eye contact.

" doing so we can grow and become better people. Im not what you need. I wish I was not."

There was some silence between the two for some seconds. All there was, was the sound of sniffling.

"This wasn't supposed to happen."he said, "I thought we were better than this. I thought you were better than this. You let this show get to you. This isn't real life Lex. You're letting this man that you don't know ruin your life."

"Adam has nothing to do with this."

He looked into her teary eyes "Please.... think..... about.... what you're doing. Our future is on the line here!"

"Ive been thinking about it for three weeks now AJ. I love you so thats why I have to let you go."

He stood up and sat back down next to her. He threw his head in his hands probably to conceal his tears.

The silence between them continued for about 20 seconds until Stephanie broke it.

"Alexa...what is your final decision? Will you be leaving the island alone?"Stephanie asked.

Hesitantly, she nodded.

"AJ...what would you like to do?"

He head still remained buried in his hands. He didn't respond.

"Okay, AJ, Alexa...this ends your journey here on Temptation Island. Both of you...please do take care."

Alexa put her hand on AJ's lap, "Im sorry. But you'll realise one day why I did what I did. One day you will find true happiness. One day you'll experience true happiness for the first time. What we wasn't happiness. We were miserable. And maybe-"

Before she could have finish saying what she wanted too, he got up and walked away. He took the ring from his pocket and tossed it in the sand.

She quietly broke down again as she watched him leave.

VC-Alexa-That was the worst thing I ever had to do in my life. This man loved me. He wanted to marry me. And I threw him away. But.....I stand by everything I said. We're not meant for each other. Seeing him with somebody like Lacey made me realise that I can't be the woman he wants me to be. She's that person for him. I never thought id hear myself talking about how I want him to be with another woman. But, I've grown and part of growing in character is knowing when to let go of the things and people thats been keeping you down.


"So far, this night has been very heavy with emotion."said Stephanie to Renee.


"AJ and Alexa was something straight out of a soap opera. Anyway, Renee, how are you feeling about tonight?"

"Im ready. Im ready to have a conversation with him. I have so many questions that I need answers for. I know for a fact that the Dean I'm about to talk to isn't the same Dean I came here with."

"Well....are you ready to see him?"

"Are you sure he even showed up?"Renee joked, "But yes...Im ready."

Stephanie signalled for Dean to make his entrance. A few seconds after, out he walked. Renee smiled.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses? Its 11 in the night."she asked.

He showed no emotion when he walked in. He kept a straight poker face as he sat down.

Renee looked at him but he didn't look at her.

Stephanie began explaining the procedure of this bonfire.

"Just to reiterate, of right now...when you got to speak from your heart. I don't want just one sentence or one word. I don't want this indifferent attitude that you always have. Tonight, you're going to let all of your emotion out. Renee did not go through this entire month to have you come here at this final bonfire and be nonchalant. Speak from your heart, show your emotions, express your feelings. That all I ask of you." Stephanie said.

His twisted his mouth.

"Renee, why don't you speak first."

"Sure."she turned to him, "Dean...I feel hate me for some reason. You came in here and you didn't even look at me. Im very happy to see you either way. What I've noticed about you is...a sudden change in who you are. At were very reluctant to socialise with anyone then all of a're kissing a bunch of girls and showering with them. It really made me wonder about you. And I realised that maybe you might have seen me do something in my clips that triggered you to act out this way. I wanted you to break loose and have fun but...not in the way you ended up doing it. The worst thing that I did while I was at the house was kiss Cesaro. But were on a next level. Im upset by what I saw you doing. I feel like our relationship has been disrespected. We came here to try to be better, to try to be stronger. We came here to see what needed fixing in our relationship. But I feel like...we haven't gotten those answers. You in particular. I just want to know...have you fallen in love with somebody else your heart still with me?"

Stephanie looked over to Dean, "Dean. You can speak now."

He nodded and took off his sunglasses, "Quite contrary to what you're thinking Steph, I actually have a lot to say. Renee.....its not about what you did. Its about what you said. Do you think its easy for me to go to bonfire every single time and constantly hear you berate me and put me down? Especially in front of all the other guys? Nobody else's girl was talking shit about them, only mine! And then you got upset when I didn't send you a message. What the hell should I have said to you? You wanted me to send you a video saying I love you even though you're always talking about how much of a loser I am? Do you want to know why I changed? Its not because I fell in love. Its because I realised that it made no sense trying to hold onto this relationship because in the end you're going dump me for one of these other guys. So I said fuck it. Im not going to set myself up for failure. Im going to let go and have a good time. You said it yourself, we're basically single while we're here. So I behaved like a single man. I had no girlfriend to give me reassurance! I had no support system! I had nobody fighting for me so why should I be fighting? I wasn't going to allow myself to be walked all over. Im tired of having that happen to me!............... I wanted to fight for you Renee. But you weren't doing the same for me. You were constantly letting me down. Im going to be straight forward with you. I broke all the rules. I gave into temptation. I had sex with someone."

Renee's blood ran cold.

"Im not proud of it. But I did it." he rested his elbows on his knees and hung his head low, "You don't messed up I was during this month. And its because of you. I didn't even want to be here. But I came. Because of you. When I saw you acting the way you were.....I knew right then and there that you wanted to come here to just get rid of me. I can never have anything good in my life. I knew this was going to happen. Thats why I didn't want to be here in the first place. I messed up. Im not trying to hide it. So...whatever your next move is going to be, its fine by me. Ive emotionally detached myself from you because I've been preparing for this moment for a long time."

The two sat in silence for some time.

"Dean...those things I said...Im sorry I hurt you."

"Whatever. You were being honest weren't you?"

"And the things you did...I deserved that. I thought that I wanted you to change but.....being in that house with all those other guys made me realise're one in a million. I thought that I needed a man just like me but...I don't. You're what I need. I keep you grounded and you keep me wild. We're opposites. I am everything you're not and you're everything I'm not. And thats why we work so well together."

He looked up at her and knitted his eyebrows.

"I do need to appreciate you more. The way I've treated you....wasnt how you deserved to be treated. I do need to be better to you because everything you do it to the best of your abilities for me. I don't want you to ever think that I've never loved you. You can't fake something like love. I want to show you that I can be the girl that you've always wanted."

"What are you doing?"he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What, are we like reconciling or something? This isn't supposed to happen. You're supposed to ride off into the sunset with Cesaro. He's the man of your dreams, not me."

"Cesaro is great but he isn't you Dean."

"Don't give me that bullshit Renee. Why-why...why are you talking like this?"

"I didn't come here to lose you. I came here for us to grow. I know what I need to do for our relationship now. I want to use what I've learned here so we can be better. Do you not want to do that?"

His eyes were locked on her.

"Dean.....if you want out....then it'll be over. But I'm willing to fix us and be stronger."

He remained sitting in silence, more confused than he's ever been.

"If you have fallen in love with someone else...I understand. You have every right to hate me because....I haven't been the best to you-"

"I dont hate you Renee. I......still love you."he covered his face with his hands and mumbled.

"I love you too.'re going to call the shots this time. Im willing to build this relationship back up with you. But....if your heart is somewhere else.....then you can go to where your heart resides."

"I don't understand. Why do you want to be back with me if your ideal man is a guy like Cesaro?"

"You know that saying, you don't know what you have until its gone? I lived that over these past few weeks. The thought of you loving somebody pained. I saw your love from a different perspective and...I got jealous. I said to myself that....I was once appreciated like that.There are so many qualities that you possess, Cesaro-or nobody in the world can never compare to you. My eyes opened to what I had in front of me all along and also, to the changes I need to make to myself. You don't need to change Dean. Im the one that needs too."

"So....what about the things I did while I was here. You aren't pissed that I hooked up with someone else?"

"Yea...initially I was but....seeing you act that way was a major tipping point for me. I needed to see you be that way. It showed me the great man that I couldn't appreciate. It showed me what I was missing out on."

Silence filled the air once again.

"So....Renee, what is your decision? Will you be leaving the island alone or will you be leaving the island with the man you came here with?"

"I would love to leave the island with the man I love."she nodded.

"And Dean? How about you? Will you be leaving the island alone or with Renee?"

He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath in. His eyes fixated on the ground as he pondered on the question for a few seconds. After contemplating very hard about the situation, he came to a decision.

"Uh.........I guess......that i'll leave with Renee too."

Renee smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I never want to hurt you again."she said as they embraced.

CC-Dean and Renee

Renee-I am determined to be better. I was very careless with my words. I didn't know that it would have gotten back to Dean. I really needed this experience. I was blind before but now I have a new appreciation for him and I want to be nothing but good to him.

Dean-I don't understand why you keep coming back to me. This is the second time.

Renee-Because I would be an absolute idiot if I were to lose you. I love you Dean.

Dean-Are you sure?


Dean-....I feel going to need some time to re-adjust. This isn't what I was preparing for.

Renee-Things will be different. I know I have to make it up to you in a lot of ways. But right now, I'm ready to put our relationship on the road to recovery. We're meant to be together. If not then....we would have went our own ways a long time ago. The more I thought about you and I, the more I realised that you really are my missing puzzle piece.

Dean-What about your family? You're super close with them and apparently they don't like me.

Renee-To be fair, my family never likes any guy that I'm with. But they're going to have to get used to you. Plus, they don't really know you that well.

Dean-So....are we going to start over once again?

Renee-Pretty much *smiles* I love you.

Dean-*kisses her.*

"Well, it looks like my job here is done. Renee, Dean, this ends your journey here on Temptation Island. I hope everything works well for both of you in the future. Relationships aren't easy to maintain. Also, they can be one sided which, they aren't supposed to be. It takes two hands to clap, remember that. Take care guys." Stephanie said.




Next up: The Reunion.


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