Fourth Dates pt 2

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3:50 AM

The girls and their dates were in the bus, heading back to the villa from the nightclub.

Renee turned to the back of her seat, "Awww look at you two!"

She saw Becky and Drew cuddling. Becky's head was on his chest and his arm was around her waist. He was asleep.

Becky stuck her tongue out.

"Did ya'll have fun tonight ladies?" Apollo asked.

"Oh definitely." said Renee.

"I am drained." said Naomi.

"Is Sasha asleep?" Nikki asked after noticing her laying across Ricochet's lap.

Ricochet nodded while playing with her hair.

VC-Renee-So from what I've noticed....things have gotten hot and heavy between Adam and Alexa. I have no idea where that even came from! I just saw them basically eating each other's face tonight and realised, ohhh, something's definitely up.

"You're so pretty." Adam said to Alexa as he held her on top of him.

"You're pretty."she tapped him on the nose with her finger.

Her words slurred and she acted all giddy.

"Adam, you might wanna go easy there man. When you get back home you're gonna have an angry country boy coming after you." said John.

Alexa giggled.

"Id like to see him try. How sad would it be knowing that I took his girl and end up kicking his ass too?"

"You don't have to worry about him."said Alexa.

After a few more minutes in the bus, everyone had finally arrived back at the villa.

GC-Adam and Alexa

Alexa-I had a lot of fun with you tonight.

Adam-*holds her by the cheeks* So did I *kisses her*

Alexa-*smiles* Im gonna get in so much trouble for this.

Adam-Do you care?

Alexa-Right now, no *kisses him*


11:30 PM

Jimmy was seen laying on the sand, propped up by his elbows as Mandy had her head across his lap. Despite the sand being cold and the air being chilly, she had her bikini on.

"So tell me about your last relationship." he said.

She took a deep breath, "It was with a guy named Cesaro. The other guys know him. He's on the other side of the island with the girls. With him, at first everything was great. But I just became unhappy. He was a great man, he still is but....I couldn't see myself with him any longer. So I ended it. Why should I have kept myself in a relationship that I wasn't happy in?"

"Maybe you should have talked to him. Try to fix things so you can be happy once again."

"Mentally I was over it already. It made no sense fixing things because I didn't want too. Him and I had a great run but that was the end of our story and I knew it. But sometimes in life, you meet people. Not by chance, by faith. And when you meet them, you just know that they were meant to be in your life. You just know that....thats your soulmate. You feel that connection with them. Nothing is forced. Everything is easy. All along you thought that you had everything that you needed. But then you meet somebody else and realise that you don't. Everything you need is in someone else. They make you start wanting things that you've never really wanted before. They make you want to become a better person. You....are that person for me Jimmy."

"Wow.....that was a nice monologue." he said, "Anyway, Mandy, we started hanging out like a week ago. How can you think all this about me when you just met me? You barely know me yet."

She rolled over on her stomach, "I just know. I may not know the intricate details about you but what I know of you so far, I admire."

"How am I so sure that you're not going to leave me high and dry like you did the last guy?"

"Because I've never wanted him as much as I've wanted you. Plus, when you work hard for something, you appreciate it more. Id like to think I'm working pretty hard for you. I guess I like when things are...hard." she seductively said.

Jimmy cleared his throat.

She got up and sat on top of him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Not to quote Rihanna or anything but, when I'm with you all I get is wild thoughts." she said.

He chuckled, "Smooth."

"Why don't we make my fantasies into reality?"

Jimmy rubbed his chin.

"Kiss me Jimmy."she seductively said.

He nervously laughed.

"I know you want too." she giggled, "Or maybe I should-"

"Sup guys. Hope I'm not interrupting anything." someone said, clearly interrupting them.

It was Roman. Roman and Zelina.

"Sup uce. How's the date going?"Jimmy asked.

"Good good. We're just taking a walk. Thought we'd check in on you guys."

VC-Roman-I saw what was going on between Jimmy and Mandy and I wasn't liking it. Jim, you got a freaking wife, what are you doing? Before the situation escalated I had to insert myself. I even told Zelina about it and she was on board with the plan.

Mandy removed herself from on top of Jimmy.

"I think we should all have a drink together. What do you guys think? To commemorate this awesome date." Zelina suggested.

"That sounds great. What do you guys want? Whiskey or Vodka?" Roman asked Jimmy and Mandy.

"Anything's fine with me." said Jimmy.

Mandy seemed annoyed by Roman and Zelina's presence.

"I'll take vodka I guess." she sourly said.

"Great." said Zelina.

VC-Mandy-Like, why the hell are they intruding on our date? I know Roman and Jimmy are related so maybe Roman's trying to protect him but at the rate Jim and I are going, he can't protect him forever. Jimmy's not a kid. He knows what he's doing. He knows what he wants. And clearly, its me.

"So whats the real reason you came onto this show Finn?" Dakota asked.

"Just to try something new. I got offered the opportunity and of course I had to take it. I like being on tv and doing these different shows. Its experiences that I won't get anywhere else." he said.

"Im going to be honest, if I was madly in love with someone I would never dare come onto this show with them. Its just not a smart thing to do. Its a recipe for disaster."

"Yea well..." he shrugged, "Its too late to turn back now right?"

"Theres something you're holding back from saying. I can tell."

"How can you tell?"

"I don't know, I can just sense it. Is there nothing you're at least hoping to gain out of this show?"

He twisted his mouth and gazed out into the distance.

"I mean....I guess one reason why I didn't mind doing this show is because.....I was hoping that maybe it may make Becky and I's relationship more passionate and more romantic. I love her but the relationship isn't how I pictured it would be. Sometimes I feel like we're just friends still."

"Ahhhh." Dakota nodded, "How did you guys get together in the first place?"

"I was going through some things at the time and...Becky was there for me. She helped me through it and....I loved having her around. We started spending more time thing led to another and...we started dating. Between her and I, I'm the more romantic one and she's the aggressive one. She's not really into romantic things like I wish she would be."

"Wouldn't you like to be with someone who's as passionate as you are?"

"It would be nice, yea. The thing about Becky is that she's very independent. She has a tough shell. She doesn't like being spoiled. I wish she would be more open with her emotions. I wish she would be a bit more vulnerable you know. But I don't know how to tell her that without sounding like I want to change her."

"I think you and her have some serious talking to do when you reunite because....for both of you to truly be happy in the relationship you need to resolve this problem. It would be sad to think that you two would continue the relationship knowing that you wish she was one way and not the other."

He nodded.

"Plus, as a boyfriend I think you should encourage her to open up more. That's why you're there. To help her through whatever problems she may be going through, just like she helped you through yours."

"You're right."

VC-Finn-I wish Becky would open up and talk to me more but I know its something that she's not comfortable with. She's a very independent woman and sometimes....I feel like she doesn't need me. Sometimes I don't feel the romantic love between us. Its frustrating because sometimes all I want to do is shower her with my love and affection and she doesn't want that. This is definitely something that I'm going to bring up when we reunite.

"Honestly, I was confused. I thought you were into Finn." said Dean.

Him and Liv were seen in the moonlit, cold waters of the beach. She had her arms around Dean's neck and his hands gripped her waist.

"I was but then someone even better caught my attention." she smiled.

She ran her fingers through his wet hair. Both of their fingers were already wrinkly from the length of time they were in the water.

They were able to have great conversations about their pasts which Liv was thankful for because she got to know Dean on a personal level. She realized that it wasn't something that he would personally tell anyone and everyone about, only those he cared about and considered a close friend.

"I think I'm falling hard for you Dean. Is that a bad thing?" she said.

"Oh god, its the worst thing that can ever happen to you."

She giggled, "And why is that?"

"Because if you're looking for prince charming then keep looking baby. Im not him. You may be falling for me for the wrong reasons. I promise you that I can't give you want you want."

"I don't want anything. Just you. And I'm not looking for prince charming. Im looking for my Joker."

"Id like to think of myself more like Batman."

"You can be my Batman then. I'll be your Harley Quinn."

"Aren't they sworn enemies?"

VC-Liv-Everything is just so beautiful and perfect! The beach looks so beautiful right now and I'm here with the best guy in the house. When I'm with Dean I just feel so...complete.I have a bad habit of falling fast for guys but I don't care. I just want him. I want every part of him.

She leaned in and began kissing him. His lips followed the rhythm of hers.

"Have you ever been skinny dipping?" she softly asked in his ear.

"I don't know. I probably unintentionally did when I was drunk."

She made eye contact with him as she began undoing her bikini bra.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

She giggled as she took it off, revealing her bare chest.

Dean was stunned and speechless. Eventually she slipped off her underwear too. She balled them up and tried her best to throw the garments onto the shore.

VC-Dean-Oh my god...this girl naked in front of me....and I didn't even have to ask her.

"Come on don't leave me hanging. Take your pants off!" she said, playfully splashing water at his face.

Even though his mind was split about the decision, he shrugged and took his boxer briefs off.

VC-Dean-Ive been naked on TV before so, whatever.

A video montage of the two playing around in the water and kissing began showing. The moment was beautiful. It was just them under the moonlight being embraced by the dim glow from the candles that adorned the sand.

"I wish we were alone."she whispered in his ear.

He didn't respond.

Part of him felt guilty about the situation. He knew it was wrong to be this way. But whenever he thought about those clips of Renee it angered him and pushed him even more to do these things.

After the two got tired in the water, they laid out on the shoreline, still in all their naked glory.

Liv rested her head on his outspreading arms with her leg across his stomach.

VC-Liv-Tonight was perfect. Its official, I have caught feelings haha! Right just happy *smiles*

VC-Dean-Hanging out with Liv was fun. Hey, get your mind out of the gutter kids, nothing happened between us. She has good energy. She's easy to talk too. She's a great girl. *sighs* Right now I just feel like a needle caught in a haystack.

He gave her a kiss at the top of her head as he ran his hands up her thigh.

VC-Liv-Theres a clear connection between us. He may not want to admit it but from his body language tonight, I can just tell.

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