Picking Dates 2

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The Guys' Villa

June 5th

8:12 PM

(While the guys were at Bonfire)

"I really need you to get out of my face right now." said AJL.

"Im not in your face! Im just asking you a question. Do you feel good about yourself after what you've done to him?" Dakota asked with a rough tone.

VC-Dakota-So like...as you all may know, TJ, the ex boyfriend of AJ is also my ex boyfriend. Seeing how AJ treated him on The Challenge really rubbed me the wrong way. I know its none of my business but I just need to confront her about it.

AJ was standing around the kitchen island eating her salad as Dakota carried on with Toni at her side.

"Its honestly none of your business. Who are you even?" AJ brushed her off.

"AJ....you have no idea how much you hurt him. All he had was love for you. How could you do that? Do you even think about how he felt?"

AJ took her salad and proceeded to walk away.

VC-AJL-Im just trying to eat.....leave me alone.

As she walked, Dakota and Toni followed.

"Did you even apologize for what you put him through?" Dakota asked.

AJ rolled her eyes and kept on walking.

"You played him so hard AJ. And for what? You still ended up alone."

AJ turned around to face her. She had enough.

"Look. You need to go the hell away from me and stop asking me these stupid questions that has nothing to do with you. That's my business okay. I don't need to answer to you. I know what I did was wrong but my days for feeling sorry is over. Ive moved on. So did he. And so should you."

"You are....absolutely heartless. What you did was heartless. You're going to get whats coming to you AJ. Karma is a bitch. You will pay for what you did."

AJ turned around and kept walking to her room leaving Dakota and Toni behind.

VC-AJL-I honestly did not come here to hear that. Dakota, you're out of place.


June 6th

12:23 PM

The Girls' Villa

The six women all marched out into the backyard where Stephanie and all 25 guys were waiting.

"Hello ladies." Stephanie greeted, "You all look lovely today. Please take a seat."

They all chose a seat and sat down. The 25 men were standing opposite them.

"So ladies, today, you guys will be selecting your next dates." Stephanie said as the women clapped and smiled.

"You all have the power to choose any one of these handsome men to take with you on your date. But....theres a catch."

"Oh no." said Renee.

"Look to the person next to you. Today....you will be choosing a date for them, not for yourself." Stephanie broke the news.

"Oh wow." Nikki said.

"Im okay with that." Becky smiled.

"The person next to you cannot give you any hints of who to choose. Its all up to you. So....we'll start with Renee. The person sitting next to you is Nikki. Who will you be choosing for her to go on a date with?"

"Ugh please give me a good date." Nikki crossed her fingers.

"Well.......im going to choose.......Andrade for Nikki."

Nikki wrapped her arms around Renee's shoulders, "You're the best!"

VC-Renee-I chose Andrade for Nikki because I heard her saying how hot she thinks he is and plus, they look good together.

Nikki blushed as Andrade made his way over to stand behind her chair.

VC-Nikki-Andrade definitely has my interest. Im really excited to hang out with him.

"Okay Nikki, who will you be choosing for Sasha to go on a date with?" Stephanie asked.

Nikki's eyes scanned all the guys.

VC-Sasha-I don't really care about who she chooses. Im open to getting to know all the guys.

"I'll choose Bobby." Nikki said.

VC-Bobby-I mean, look at this physique *flexes bicep* of course she's going to choose me.

VC-Nikki-I chose Bobby for Sasha because he seems like a guy that will get her to stop thinking about Roman....hopefully. Plus, he has all those muscles and he's tall so, yea *smiles* I think she's going to forget about Roman for sure.

VC-Sasha-I havent really gotten to know Bobby yet so im looking forward to this date.

"Okay Sasha, who will you be choosing for Naomi?"

"Hook me up with somebody good sis." Naomi muttered.

"I'll choose Cedric."

"Nice." Naomi said.

VC-Otis-I keep seeing the girls looking right at me.....and im just waiting to hear my name call......Every time I swear they were going to say my name but......its always someone else's. Its cool its cool.....I still got 3 chances....

VC-Alexa-Otis is staring right at me-like, straight into my eyes. I feel very uncomfortable.

Alexa was right. Otis was literally glaring right at her. She wasn't even sure if he was blinking.

"Okay Naomi, who will you choose for Alexa to go on a date with?"

Otis loudly cleared his throat.

"Well Stephanie...I think I'll choose...."

Otis loudly cleared his throat once again.

"You okay man?"Mustafa asked him.

"Im fine."

"I'll choose the big guy with the beard. Braun."

VC-Naomi-I chose Braun for her because I saw them hanging out yesterday so I thought, why not?

Otis began glaring at Becky now.

"So Alexa, who will you be selecting for Becky to go on a date with?"

"Pick me. Pick me." Otis kept saying semi-loudly under his breath. The guys standing next to him side eyed him.


"Hell yes!" Sami said in excitement as he began walking toward Becky, doing a little dance as he walked. She smiled.

VC-Alexa-I just think that those two would do really well together.

VC-Becky-Even though I don't like Alexa, im really happy with her choice!

"Lastly, Becky, who would you be sending Renee on a date with?"

As expected, Otis began glaring at Renee now. Renee looked back at him in confusion.

"Im choosing Apollo."

VC-Becky-I chose Apollo for Renee because I got the chance to talk to him and I realize that he has a very bubbly, positive attitude just like Renee so I think they would definitely have fun together on the date.

VC-Otis-Maybe they didn't notice me......Its okay. Theres always the next date. I got hope. Its cool.

"Well there you have it. The dates have been chosen. I hope you all have fun on your date tomorrow. I'll see you guys soon. Take care." said Stephanie before she walked away.

VC-Alexa-Braun is very gigantic. I hope he doesn't trample me on our date. Anyway, him and I have been hanging out and he's like the only guy that havent brought up my relationship and how awful he thinks it is. I feel very comfortable with him, he seems like a fun guy to be around so, im definitely excited for tomorrow.


The Guys' Villa

2:10 PM

Stephanie assembled the six guys and took them all out to the backyard where all 25 women were waiting. She greeted them and explained to them how their dates were going to be picked today.

VC-Finn-Im sure someone is going to be a smartass and send me on a date with Rosa. If anyone of these guys do that, they are officially my enemy from now until I die....

"Okay Roman, who will you be picking for Dean to go on a date with?" Stephanie asked.

Nia made sure to put on an extra big smile, letting Roman know that she was hopeful.

"I'll choose Nia."

Dean reacted indifferently. He just nodded slowly and looked on as she walked towards him to stand behind his chair.

VC-Roman-I know she's interested in Dean so Nia, you're welcome. Good luck with him.

VC-Nia-Am I blushing?*blushes*Im so excited! God, like,I have no idea why im so into him but I am.

"Okay Dean, who will you be choosing for Finn to go on a date with?"

Finn began to get a little nervous. He began quickly bouncing his leg as he waited for Dean to say a name.

"Um....the chick with the ponytail. Right there-" he pointed his finger towards Bayley, "You two like each other right? Might as well."

Finn's cheeks turned red because of Dean's comment.

"Make sure to pack a can of whip cream when you go on the date, you know what im saying." Dean laughed and nudged him, "Dont think we forgot what happened."

"Please stay quiet." Finn responded.

Bayley approached Finn and stood behind his seat.

VC-Bayley-Im chosen for a date! Yay! This is exciting!

"Okay Finn, who will you be choosing for Seth to go on a date with?" Stephanie asked him.

"Im going to choose Toni."

"Good choice. Good choice." Seth commented with a smirk.

VC-Finn-I chose Toni because she's one of the new girls and we're here to get to know everybody and make new friendships. Instead of sending Seth on a date with a girl he already knew, I figured it would be best to send him out with someone he barely has history with.

Zelina was clearly bothered by Finn's choice. Through her facial expressions you could have tell she was not happy.

"Okay Seth, you have to choose a date for Jimmy. Who will you be choosing?"

"I'll choose Carmella."

"Alright. Okay."said Jimmy as he nodded.

VC-Seth-I chose Carmella because she's a very peppy, high energy kind of girl and Jimmy is also very high energy and just likes to joke around and have fun so......there you go.

"Okay now Jimmy, who will you be choosing for AJ to go on a date with?"

"Hmmm."he said as he scanned the remaining girls, "You know what....just for the hell of it.....imma choose AJ for AJ to go on a date with."

The girls all snickered.

"Just to be clear, you're choosing AJ Lee to be AJ Styles' date right?" Stephanie confirmed.

"Yup. AJ squared." he said.

Both AJs were a little disappointed at Jimmy's choice.

VC-AJS-Despite being on like.....2 previous shows together, AJ and I have never really.....hung out or talked or had any kind of dealings with each other so....this is going to be new for sure. Personally I don't think she's really my type but...hopefully the date goes well.

VC-AJL-Ive never really seen AJ as anything more than...just AJ. Ive never been attracted to him or anything like that. Its definitely going to be an awkward first date.

VC-Jimmy-Yea I did that just because they have the same initials.

"Last but not least, AJ who would you be choosing for Roman to go on a date with?"

"Um...I'll go ahead and choose Kelly for him."

GC-Kelly, Rosa, Alicia

Kelly-I was really hoping to get paired with AJ but....I got Roman

Alicia-Girl you scored! Roman is daddy!


Kelly-Hey im not complaining! Im actually really happy that I got him.

Rosa-You two look really cute together.

Kelly- Do we?

Alicia-Ya'll would have some nice ass kids.

Kelly- *nods* Our kids would be really cute.

"Okay so there you have it. All six of you have been coupled up for your date tomorrow. You all can head back inside now. I'll see you all very soon. Have fun tomorrow guys. Take care."

VC-Zelina-Im not going to lie. I am a bit bothered that Finn chose Toni for Seth instead of me. Like, im sure he knows Seth and I have been hanging out lately, why not choose me? I don't get it.

Everyone was heading back into the house after Stephanie had left. Seth and Toni were walking side by side, having a small conversation. After all, she was his date tomorrow and he hadnt gotten the chance to talk to her as much previously. Suddenly, Zelina walked up to them, grabbed Seth by the hand and pulled him away from Toni.

"Woah. Where did you come from?" he asked, off guard.

She smiled, "Lets go get a drink."

"Yea sure."

VC-Zelina-What can I say, im a little territorial.

"Um...okay. Kinda rude but okay." Toni said, watching the two trail away.

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