Reunion Special pt 2

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-Brace yourselves, its a long ass chapter.


"WELCOME BACK EVERYBODY!" Chris yelled as he reopened the show, "We're here with the lovely stars of the hit reality show Temptation Island, I'm your sexy beast of a host, Y2J Chris Jericho! And so far, things have gotten pretty heated, not gonna lie. I mean hell, we opened up the show with a slap to the face. We're here sitting down with these legends and talking about their time on the island. As we know, one of the couples that didn't make it out alive was Finn Balor and Becky Lynch. Guys, how has things been ever since leaving the island. Did you guys reconcile at all?"

"We....talked it through some more."said Becky, "We're still not together. But theres no bad blood between us. "

"Have you guys been seeing anybody? Spill the tea sis!"said Chris.

Becky smiled, "No. I haven't. As I said, I feel like I need to be alone for some time before im ready to get back on the dating scene."

"Yea I'm still single as well."said Finn, "Taynara got in contact with me recently so we've been texting but its nothing more than that."

"Oh really? No sexy pictures being sent back and forth?"Chris asked.

Finn blushed, "Well....maybe."

"But whats the deal with Bayley? Because don't get me wrong, it seemed like you and Bayley had a spark between you while on the island."

"Yea I mean Bayley's great. We keep in contact too but nothing is serious right now."

"Bayley, how do you feel about that?"

"Im fine with whatever he wants. I understand what he went through wasn't easy so I respect whatever he wants to do. If he needs time for himself then its fine by me."

"So Becky, you had a theory that you were Finn's rebound. You said that...there was a point where he was very hung up on Sasha and you were there to comfort him. Lo and behold, you guys end up getting together. Why did that thought run through your mind while you were at the villa and not any time before that?"

"It was just epiphany. It just dawned on me right then and there."

"But thats not true."said Finn.

" weren't ever hung up on Sasha?"Chris asked.

The cameras panned to Sasha who seemed uncomfortable.

"Well...there was a point I was and that was after we did Are You The One. I was a bit bummed but I got over it."

Chris turned to the camera, "So, Bayley and Finn weren't the only long time friends that continued their story. We saw a little bit of Saige action going on. Paige, Seth, after the rocky relationship that you guys shared previously, why confess your feelings now to each other?"

"Well, we never really shared a relationship....ever."said Seth.

"Yea it was more like....I don't even know what it was." said Paige.

"Well after years of knowing each other and Paige, you even disliked Seth at one point, why now? Why confess your undying love now? Was Temptation Island getting to your or...?"

"I don't just felt like the right time. I did dislike him at first but that slowly went away. I don't know where the hell these feelings came from!"she laughed.

"You were just horny Paige." Nia commented.

"Seth?"Chris turned to him.

"I had always adored her. I just kept it bottled up because she showed no interest in me whatsoever. But its nice to let it out now."

"Heres an interesting fact, a little birdie told me that actually spent the night with Seth last night in his hotel room."Chris said.

The audience 'ooed'.

"Who the hell is talking about my business?"she asked.

"Then...I actually got news that you two have been sharing a hotel room since you guys got to Vegas."Chris added.

Paige's jaw dropped. The audience 'ooed' again.

"Seriously...who's telling you this?"Seth asked.

"Who's snitching on us?"Paige asked.

"So, with this information being obviously true, let me just ask, have you two finally gotten together?"Chris asked.

The audience waited eagerly for their answer.

They both shook their head no.

"Nope."said Paige.

"Really?"Chris asked in disbelief, "I don't understand. If you two like each other so much why not just make it official?"

"Im still loving the single life. Im not in a rush to be tied down just yet. I feel like....even though Seth and I are into each other....right now we wouldn't be good for each other. Probably when we're a little older and more mature. But right now, I just don't want the headache of a relationship."

"Seth, how do you feel about that?"Chris asked.

"I have no choice but to oblige by what she says."

"So you guys are basically....screwing each other but also....screwing other people?"

"Basically yea."said Paige.

"Well to be fair, this is the first time I've seen her since we did the show. After she left the island and went back to England that was it. I hadn't seen her until 2 days ago when she came to Vegas."said Seth.

"But its kind of like you guys are in an open relationship?"Chris asked.

"Call it what you want but theres no string attached."Paige responded.

"Nikki, you were faced with a similar situation. You really wanted to be with John but he insisted on not wanting to be in a relationship just yet. Is the situation still the same or has things changed?"

"I guess when someone says they don't want to be in a relationship you can't really force them to change their mind. John and I are seeing each other."she looked over at him and smiled, "But we're not exclusive. We're not an item just yet. But we are spending a lot of time together and so far....things have been great."

"But have you two been seeing other people while seeing each other? John?"

"I told her she can do that if she wants. Just because I don't want to be in a relationship yet doesn't mean she should avoid trying to find love all together. Personally, I haven't been talking to any other women. Im not sure about her."

"One of the singles that was on the island has reached out to me. Andrade. So we've been talking but my attention has mostly been on John."

Chris sighed, "You millennials are so confusing. You want to be together but you don't want to be in a relationship. Just make up your damn mind! Jeez. Whats so wrong with being in a relationship? Its not a death sentence. Anyway Dolph, you haven't tried shooting your shot at Nikki since the show ended?"

He shook his head 'no', "That ship has sailed my friend. Looking back at it now...I feel stupid for acting the way I did about the situation. You see...we were a group of 25 men stuck in a house with only six females. So to us it was like...a competition. We all wanted some female attention and a lot of us didn't get that. For that was like there was only six females in the world for us so we were going to do whatever it took to be with the one that we liked the most."

"I even found myself fantasising about Stephanie some times."said Randy.

Naomi scowled at him.

Dolph continued, "When I got to Fantasy Island....I thought to myself, I was so stupid for eating my heart out at Nikki and John. She isn't the only fish in the sea. There are so many gorgeous girls with even better personalities out there, why stay mad over her? Variety is the spice of life guys. Now being back in the real world....I don't even care about John and Nikki."

"There was a point that Mandy had made when she was speaking earlier, she said that one of the factors that inhibited the real actions of the six guys and girls on the island was the presence of a camera crew. I want to ask the singles, do you think that if there were no camera crew...a lot more cheating would have happened?" Chris asked.

"1000 percent."said Nia.

"Hell yea."Dolph agreed.

Nia continued speaking, "I think that if there were no camera crew and if there were no bonfire clips, a lot more shit would have gone down. But these guys knew that whatever they did, their girls would have eventually seen it. And not only their girlfriends but, the whole world because this is a tv show. If this wasn't a show and just a social experiment then definitely all hell would have broken loose because there would have been nobody to see what was going on except for us."

"I agree."said Drew.

"So are you trying to say that I would have cheated on my man?"Sasha asked.

"Im just generally speaking Sasha." Nia responded.

"No. You're sitting there calling all of us potential cheaters. Thats not cool. Thats pretty disrespectful." Sasha argued.

"Babygirl, if the shoe fits then by all means, wear it. Im not trying to personally attack you or Roman or anybody, I'm just saying the logical thing. If there were no cameras around, a lot more things would have happened. Its only the truth!"

"It would have only happened because you girls would have forced it to happen. Ya'll were so thirsty! You girls were throwing yourselves at the guys. Some of you were acting so desperate it was ridiculous! It was like you guys had never seen a man in all your life." Sasha fired back.

"It was our job!"Mandy  yelled out.

"We were hired to be temptresses. Don't get mad at us for doing our job hun."Said Nia.

"You guys were out of hand. The guys on our side of the island weren't whoring around and acting desperate like ya'll were. It was disgusting to see."Sasha added.

"Thats because ya'll were boring! The guys enjoyed our company unlike you girls that were always pushing your singles away! Ya'll were so fucking vanilla and lame!"Nia said.

"Yea thats true." said Sami.

"Care to elaborate Sami?"Chris asked.

"Well....sometimes the girls would all be grouped together, hanging out. Or sometimes some of them would like...latch on to one guy and only talk to him. They weren't really expressive and it took a long time for them to open up and get comfortable with everyone. Some times we'll have like little parties and some of the girls would rather stay in their rooms or they'll choose to be by themselves so it was hard to break them out of their shells."

"Sasha in particular." said Randy.

Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Renee was cool. Becky was cool. Naomi was cool. But Sasha was the one that had the attitude problem. She was the one that always wanted to be left alone. She was always the one that acted like she was too good for any of us." he added.

"Like I said, at first things were hard for me. I was basically in a temporary state of depression."she said.

"But you found yourself opening up more towards the end of the experience?"Chris said.

She nodded, "I wish I could have come out of my shell a little earlier but I simply couldn't."

Drew began giving his two cents, "But because the girls were so very closed off, it prompted us to not to try to make them feel more uncomfortable than they already might have been. We tried our very best to be gentlemen to them because we understood what they were going through. They had their relationships and their futures at stake. Us on the other hand, we didn't have a care in the world. But we understood their situations and respected it."

"But it seems like that wasn't the case at all on the other side of the island with the single women am I right?" Chris said.

"We didn't give a damn."said Paige, "We were here for a purpose and that purpose was to party and tempt some guys. And the guys had a blast. It was a great time."

"Zelina, have you and Roman kept in contact at all?"Chris asked.

"Well...after the show ended I texted to him just to get an update on how he's been doing. That was pretty much it. But we're cool though."

"If I recall, Roman said that he had a cousin to hook you up with. Jimmy's brother Jey. So....tell us....whats going on with that?"

She smiled, "Yea uh....we actually met up."

The audience applauded.

"We've been on a few dates so...I guess you can say that we're dating."

"Finally! Someone actually wants to be in a relationship!"Chris cheered.

The cameras panned over to the audience to show Jey in the crowd.

"Damn, I was just about to ask Mandy why she didn't just move onto Jey since she couldn't get Jimmy."said Chris, "But I guess you were a little too late huh Mandy?"

"Trust me, if I want him i'll get him."

"I dare you to try to do something dumb Mandy." Said Zelina, "You don't want to cross me. Trust me."

Mandy rolled her eyes.

"So Alexa, at bonfire you were given a choice to make. Do you leave the island with the man you've been with for 2 years or do you leave him for the man you've known for 4 weeks. In the end, you ultimately chose Adam over AJ-"

"Does she only likes guys who's names starts with A?" Randy amusingly asked.

"Give us all the update! How has things between you and Adam been?"Chris asked.

The cameras panned to Adam who didn't seemed thrilled about the question.

She took a deep breath, " hasn't been good."

"What happened?"

She took a few seconds before she answered.

"Apparently....all the while when Adam was telling me that he hopes I'm not using him like a toy......he was actually using me like a toy."

The audience gasped.

"Yea."she nodded, "It turns out....during Temptation Island....he had a girlfriend back home."

Chris' jaw dropped and so did many members of the audience.

"What! I am so confused."said Chris.

"Whew chile."Naomi shook her head.

"Yikes."said Paige.

"Thats not cool."said Ricochet.

"Adam, you dog."Chris commented, "You came onto Temptation Island to be a single....but had a girlfriend back home? Why would you do that?"

Adam was about to answer before Alexa interrupted him.

"And here's the best part."She said, "After we came home, we made things official. Like-we were officially together. Because we lived far apart, we kept things going through texting and face timing. While we made things official.....he was still with his girlfriend."

" I was mentally preparing myself to break up with her!"

"It took you two weeks to mentally prepare for that!?"Alexa yelled.

"But why would you come onto the show knowing you were in a relationship?"Chris asked.

"My relationship was rocky at the time and I thought that going on the show was what I needed to do. Just to get away and meet new people."

"So what did you tell your girlfriend you were going to do? Did she know?"

"She thought that I was going to be on The Challenge. Thats what I told her."

The audience booed.

"So Alexa, how did you find out?"

"He told me."

Chris buried his face in his hands, "What the actual hell."

"Yea so after I broke up my perfectly good relationship I had to deal with that."Alexa said.

"I thought she said her relationship was toxic?"Mustafa quietly said.

"At least I was honest with you Alexa. I broke up with her to be with you!"

"You were basically having an affair with me, thats what you were doing Adam! I was the side chick. I was the other woman! How the hell could you even do something like that?"

"I have told you this over and over again, you're the one I want to be with! Im sorry I didn't tell you about her earlier. I was unsure about what you were going to do. Breaking up with her was going to be hard and I needed time to do it."

"Im not going to allow myself to be played by you! How did you expect me to react when you told me that?"

"At least I told you."

"Alright hold up, let me get this straight. You both are single at the moment?"Chris asked. They nodded.

"Before we continue, AJ whats your reaction to this fiasco?"he asked.

AJ was seen quietly listening to everything with his arms folded, "Well.....all I have to say is....karma is very real. The lord works in mysterious ways. Im sorry that that had to happen, I wouldn't ever wish them bad but...what goes around comes around you know."

"Oof Paige, watch out girl. She might sneak into Seth's hotel room for a little tongue action tonight." Nia laughed. Randy burst out laughing as well.

"Wow." Chris was stunned, "So Alexa became the side chick."

"I still want to be with her. What I did was wrong, I know but if Alexa didn't matter so much to me I wouldn't have broken up with her."said Adam.

"The same thing you did to Britt, you could do to me. My trust in you has gone Adam. You were with her for two weeks while we were together!"

"But Alexa,"Chris intervened, "The fact that he actually came out and told you that he was in a relationship must have meant something. Like he said, if he didn't care about you, he would have just kept hiding it right?"

"I just don't care anymore. I'm not going to be made a fool again. His girlfriend didn't deserve that and I didn't deserve that."

"So where does that leave you? Are you going to try to mend things with AJ? Are you going to try to move on to somebody new? Maybe stay single for a little bit? Go up to Seth's hotel room? What?"

"Why does my name keep getting called?"Seth asked.

"Because you're a man whore."Chris responded.

"Yea...I think.... i'll stay single for a little bit."she nodded

"So, its been two months since that happened, you haven't been seeing anybody at least?"

She smiled, "Well....I did go visit Braun in North Carolina after that happened. We had a great time-"

Chris started applauding Braun as the audience joined in as well. Braun winked and very confidently nodded.

"You've been hitting Alexa and haven't been telling anyone? You jerk."Randy nudged him.

"Buddy got in contact with me as well but the whole long distance thing was a problem. But...aside from I haven't been seeing anyone."

"Whats your relationship with Braun?"Chris asked.

"Still friends."

"With benefits?"he asked.

"No. Just friends."

"Except for the one time that you had benefits?"Chris asked again.

"Oh my god Chris, no."

"Alright and what about you AJ? Are you still on the market or have you been taken?"Chris asked.

"Well...Im still on the market. I just got out of a long term relationship, its not easy trying to jump back into one. For now, I just need my space."

"Has the breakup had any effect on you at all?"

"Of course it did. When I got back home, I began drinking more than I usually did. I shut everyone off. I kept my mind busy by working all the time. I began taking pills to fall asleep because I didn't even want to be in my own head. I turned into the man I didn't want to be was my way of coping."

"I don't know why you didn't reach out to me AJ. I told you that I'm always going to be there for you. You didn't need to turn to alcohol and pills."Lacey sternly said.

"I didn't want to bring you into it. I needed to handle things on my own."

"Thats not the way to deal with your problems."

He didn't respond.

"Boy, this reunion special is a juicy one."said Chris to the camera, "Even though short lived, Adam and Alexa weren't the only couple that were hot and heavy on Temptation Island. We saw the dawn of Liv and Dean who seemed wildly passionate about each other. Everyone were rooting for them in the end but, Dean threw up the middle finger to everyone and went back to his girlfriend, Renee. Without a doubt, it was the biggest upset of-probably reality television history. Liv, darling, how have you been since the show ended?"

"Messed up."she angrily said.

"What was your reaction when you found out that Dean had gone back to Renee?"

She sniffled because she'd been sobbing, "Um....well...I was already back at home in New Jersey and...I was really curious as to what went on during final bonfire. So, I texted one of the producers and asked him what Dean had done and...he texted back and said that Dean left the island with Renee. I was like.....are you serious? Please tell me you're lying. And he actually texted me the snippet of Dean and Renee's bonfire. I felt...completely broken inside. Like, my heart shattered. I felt a pain that I have never ever felt in my entire life before when I saw their clip."

"Dean, man. Were you not thinking about Liv when you agreed to leave the island with Renee?" Chris asked.

"I did think about her. But...I mean...she's young. She doesn't know what she wants. She's 21 y'know. She has a lot of life to live. I think she was acting on impulse while she was with me. She thought that I could be what she needed but...theres a lot of better guys out there for her."


"I second that question."Said Nia.

"What the fuck did you want me to do? Push you away? Because if I did, then I would have been the bad guy once again! No matter what the fuck I do I can't please anybody!"

"So you didn't mind toying with my feelings? My feelings didn't matter to you? You just used me?"Liv asked.

"You did what you were supposed to do and I did what I was supposed to do."

"Dean, we're not just pieces of meat. We have feelings, we have emotions. Its not fun being played."said Nia, "Yes we were there to do a job but real feelings ended up getting involved and you shit all over that."

"Did you ever care about me at all Dean?"Liv asked.

He didn't answer.

"DID YOU?! Or was I just your back up plan incase things went wrong with that BITCH!"

"Woah woah woah!" Renee got into it, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Answer me Dean!"

"You can't force him to answer anything little girl! You're a little too entitled."

"I fucked him so.... the least he can give me is some answers!"

"You girls are so disrespectful. Its disgusting. Do you have any shame at all?"

"Oh my god Renee shut the fuck uuuuuup."Paige rolled her eyes.

"You know whats disgusting?! The fact that you're a piece of trash girlfriend and that dumbass keeps running back to you! Thats fucking disgusting! You both are disgusting! have turned into the type of character Renee is. You use poeple, you mess with their feelings and then you just throw them away! You don't like having people walk out on you but yet you always walk out on the ones that care about you the most!" Liv's voice cracked, "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but you'll be sorry one day. You'll be sorry for the way you've treated the people that care about you."

Everyone was silent as Liv ranted.

"I went from healing needing healing myself. Dean...the way you and I were...the moments we shared...there was meaning to it. There was passion. Did you remember when we were on our last date, you told me that the time you spent with me was the best time you've ever had with a woman? What happened to that? Why wasn't I good enough in the end for you? Why did you have to rip me apart the way you did?"

"Listen....All I can tell you is sorry. What more do you want from me?"he said.

Liv shook her head, "I don't want to hear that Dean. I just want the truth from you. Save your apologies. Just give me clarification."

He said nothing further.

"Dean...did you have feelings for Liv?"Chris asked, "Because, I don't know if anyone noticed but since Dean and Liv started spending more time, he changed a bit. He settled down a lot more. That just doesn't happen out of the blue like that. There has to be a reason why."

"I did have feelings for her."he said, "I did care about her a lot. I was very attracted to her. But....there was an opportunity to fix the relationship I already had so...I took one more chance. I didn't want to risk that by jumping into a new relationship with this girl I've only known for a month. There was a part of me that feared getting together with Liv because......I didn't want to end up getting played at the end of it."

"So you had some trust issues basically?" Chris asked.

He nodded "Im not going to automatically trust someone I've known for such a short amount of time."

"But its also kind of like you hurt her before she could hurt you?"Chris said.

He shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe."

"That was your defence mechanism. You hurt them before they can get a chance to hurt you."Chris continued, "Liv was kind of like your insurance in case Renee were to hurt you. got back together with Renee in fear of Liv hurting you, hurting her in the process."

"I don't know man, thats your theory. I personally feel like....I don't have the ability to fully trust anyone again. Even Renee. Sorry. Im going to always be walking on eggshells from now until I'm dead."

Paige butted in "I just want to say,the only reason why she wants to give it one more try Dean is because she doesn't want to see you happy! She said it herself, she got jealous! She didn't like the fact that you were loosening up and having fun. Im sure if you were still miserable she would've left you at the end. But she saw that you were actually happy. And she was probably unhappy where she was so she had no other option. Watching Dean and Renee's bonfire, I couldn't help but throw up in my own mouth."

"Im sorry, who made you a relationship expert?"Renee asked.

"Im not. I just know bullshit when I see it sweetheart."

"Liv, do you regret getting that close to Dean?"Chris asked.

"Yea. Because look at me. I got burned in the end. Im happy that Renee saw how happy I made Dean. Glad I could help her realise whats wrong with her."she sarcastically said.

"I don't think Dean knows what true happiness is. I don't think he's ever really experienced it. I think he likes having a miserable life."said Paige.

"We are not miserable."said Renee, "You all judge and make assumptions by what you see on tv and all need to grow up."

"We judge by the way you treat him. You don't act like you love him. Ive seen other women show him more love than I've ever seen you show him."said Paige.

"Nia, how do you feel about all of this?" Chris asked.

"Oh im glad I've distanced myself from him. If I were in Liv's shoes....I don't even know how I would have reacted. I probably would have set his house on fire or something."

"Well, I think its fair to say that went from being the most loved reality star to the most hated."said Chris.

"Is that going to affect me? Fuck no."he said.

"You're never going to learn are you? Anyway, lets jump into some fan question real quick because we're running out of time. If you have a question raise your hand."Chris said.

Immediately, hands flew up.

"Yes you."he pointed to a girl.

"Hi, im Sarah. I just want to know, Ricochet, have you joined Tinder finally? Are you back on the dating scene?"she giggled.

He smiled, "Uh yes. I have joined Tinder. I actually met a great girl on there. Her name is Kacy. And as of right now...we're dating. So, I was back on the dating scene but now I'm off the market."

"Aw, poor Sarah thought she had a chance. Yes you."Chris pointed to a guy.

"Hi im Brian. Just to reiterate Liv's question. Dean, was she just your back up plan in case things went sour with Renee? PS, Liv I'm a huge fan and I think you deserve better."

She smiled at him.

"She wasn't my back up plan. I was just enjoying my time with her and...things got a little too far. Initially I was planning to leave the island alone and go back to Cincinnati and just be by myself but, other things happened."

"So, you were going to screw her over either way?"Brian asked.

"Okay sit down Brian. One question per person. Yes you."Chris pointed to another girl.

She stood up "Hey my name is Christine and I want to know, AJ at the end of your bonfire you tossed the engagement ring on the ground. Did you ever get it back?"

"The producers did pick it up and give it back to me. So, I went home with it and returned it to the store. I don't know why I didn't think about returning it to the store in the first place instead of throwing it away. The anger took over and throwing it away seemed like the best thing to do at the moment."

"Last one. Yes you."Chris pointed.

"Hi im Stella. I want to ask the singles, if you guys were in relationships and were offered to be on Temptation Island, would you do it? And for the couples, if you were single would you consider coming onto the show as singles?"

The majority of the singles said no they would not consider coming onto Temptation Island if they were in relationships. Randy, Paige and Mandy were the only ones that said that they would.

As for the six original couples, all of them said that if they were single they would have loved to be a tempter/temptress on the show.

"So guys, there seemed to be something that the fans were more interested in than watching the couples on their final dates. And you know what that was? Fantasy Island."Chris said as the audience cheered.

"What was Fantasy Island like guys?"

"It was okay at first but then all hell broke loose when all of the singles arrived."said Mickie.

"If I could describe Fantasy Island in three letters, it would be X X X."Said Randy.

"Well right now, you all are going to be blessed with some never before seen footage from Fantasy Island. You're welcome. Lets take a look."


-GC-Kaitlyn and Dakota

Kaitlyn-I can confirm it to you right now. Nobody here is thinking about the couples on their final dates. Everybody is having so much fun. Theres no tension at all. Its like, ever since we got here everybody automatically forgot about what had been going on at Temptation Island.

Dakota-Theres a lot of hooking up going on. Lots of debauchery.

Kaitlyn-All rules are out the window.

Dakota-I feel like I'm living in a college party right now.

-Nia and Randy were seen sneaking off to an empty bedroom. They got to the room and closed the door shut. Moments after, Dana and Rosa ran up to the door and pressed their ear against it.

"Oh yea. She's gettin' some."Dana said.

GC-Dana and Rosa

Rosa-He's unleashing the viper on her alright.

Dana-Nia, do your thing girlie!

Rosa-Im here for it! Make love, not war!

Dana-Those two sounded like they were at war in there.

-AJ was seen making out with Mustafa on a chair,

VC-Mustafa-I don't know like...things had gotten a little heated between us thing led to another and....boom. We're making out.

TJ was seen in the background, sulking.

-A group of the singles were seen playing strip poker. It included Vanessa, EC3, Alicia, Matt, Toni and Andrade. So far, EC3 was the one wearing the least amount of clothes (he only had his socks on).

"Bros, I really hate to interrupt this game but I gotta go to the bathroom."said Matt, "If you don't mind, i'll let somebody else take my place."

"Yea thats okay."said Toni.

"Alright, let me go get him."

A few seconds after-

"OOOOH YEAAAA!"Otis bellowed when he approached the table.

"You're joking right."said Vanessa.

GC-Matt and Otis

Matt-Otis, bro. Are you good at playing poker?



-VC-Mickie-So, I didn't think that I would catch feelings for anybody here but....its crazy how things happen right?

Mickie and Bobby were seen cuddling together on the sofa in the living room.

"I think ive found the one." she said to him.

"I know I've found the one."he replied while stroking her hair.

VC-Mickie-Ever since we arrived at the house together, we've been inseparable. Im in love and...its such a great feeling to have once again.

-GC-Nia and Alicia

Nia-So apparently....there was a threesome last night.

Alicia-What! No way!

Nia-Can you guess who were involved?

Alicia-Obviously Randy of course. Im not sure who else though.

Nia-Uh honey, Randy is temporarily reserved for moi.

Alicia-*Jaw drops* Okayyy girl I see you *snaps fingers*

Nia-It was actually Dolph, Kelly and Taynara.

Alicia-But I thought he was with Carmella?

Mia-They hooked up too. I don't know if they're together or what but Dolph's been on the loose.

Alicia-Jeez. I swear, if somebody don't leave this island pregnant I'm going to be really surprised.

Nia-Oh and Mandy and Andrade been banging too.

Alicia-How do you know all this?

Nia-I got my sources.

- "Alright guys we're playing seven minutes in heaven!"Rosa shouted to a group of the singles.

Two teams of guys and girls assembled. They consisted of Carmella, Kaitlyn, Billie, Mandy, Aliyah, Dana, Kelly, Fandango, Drew, Chad, Elias, Buddy, Andrade and TJ.

"Alright guys you know how this works. I have two bags with names in them. I'll draw one name each from the bag and whoever's names I get will have to go into the closet for seven minutes and do...whatever they wanna do okay. But we're not going to be using a closet, we'll be using a room because we're all adults." Rosa said.

The game began when she started drawing names. Some of the pairs that had to go into the room was Carmella and Andrade, Mandy and Andrade, Billie and TJ, Kelly and Fandango and Dana and Chad.

GC-Carmella and Billie

Carmella-When you went into the room with TJ, what went down?

Billie-I gave him a quick peck on the lips. I'm not really into him. Good lad though. What about you and Andrade?

Carmella-Ooo, things got hot.

"Okay the next pair to go into the room is," Rosa drew two names from the bags, "Kaitlyn and....Drew."

Kaitlyn blushed as Drew held his hand out for her. She placed her hand in his and he led her away to the room.

"Alright guys! Your seven minutes has started."Rosa announced.

Eventually the seven minutes came to pass but...the two never came out of the room.

"Guys! Your time is up!"Rosa yelled.

Then they heard the sound of what sounded like the room door being locked from the inside.

"Alright well I don't think they're coming out anytime soon."said Elias.

VC-Kaitlyn-.......Im not going to kiss and tell okay guys *smiles*

-A party seemed to be taking place at the moment.

Kelly was seen grinding on Randy.

VC-Nia-Listen....Randy is my temporary man right now so I'm gonna need you to kindly fuck off.

"Listen little bitch," Nia said as she walked up to Kelly, "You're gonna need to move. NOW!"

Kelly said nothing and immediately moved away from Randy.

"I like my women feisty."he said to Nia.

"I hope you do."she smirked.

He pulled her in for a kiss.

VC-Randy-I like a dominant woman and thats exactly what Nia is. It turns me on.

-"Who the hell put bubble bath in the pool?" asked Dash.

The pool was seen filled to the brim with bubbles and foam. Some of the girls and guys stripped off their bathing suits and cannonballed naked into the sea of foam.

-Braun was seen getting a lap dance from Kelly while making out with Dana. He then turned his attention to Kelly and began making out with her. After that, he turned his attention back to Dana and continued making out with her.

VC-Braun-I have never gotten this my life. Things are wild here.

A little while after, him and Dana were seen sneaking off.

VC-Dana-Im not going to lie, I want to climb Braun like a tree.


"Jesus Christ." Chris shook his head, "Is anybody currently pregnant as a result of Fantasy Island?"

The audience laughed.

"I havent heard anything."said Mickie.

"That house seemed like it was insane."Chris said.

"It was great. There was lots more alcohol, less cameras, lots of pretty women. Everybody in that house was just down for having a great time and thats what happened. Everybody went all out."said Dolph.

"What you guys saw wasn't even half of what went down over there."said Braun.

"Again. Im so jealous I wasn't there."said Paige.

"So Nia, whats the deal with you and Randy? You two seemed to be getting very comfortable with each other." Chris asked.

She smiled, "Well....we have been seeing other since the show."

The audience cheered.

"Randy has a girlfriend?" Seth said in surprise, "Thats news to my ears."

"Randy, do you think she's the one to make you settle down?"Chris asked.

"Its too early to tell man. But I hope she is."he said.

The audience cheered once again.

"Has anybody else on Fantasy Island coupled up?"Chris asked.

"All I know of for sure is myself and Randy, Tyler Bate and Toni, Rosa and Fandango, Billie and Drew and Mickie and Bobby."

"Billie and Drew? What about Kaitlyn?"Chris asked.

"Yea him and I never took off."Kaitlyn said, "We just...hooked up. Thats all it was."

"I think Alicia and Matt might have gotten together too. Im not sure."Nia added.

"AJ Lee, we haven't heard anything from you all night. How was your time at Fantasy Island?" Chris asked.

"It was fine."

"So you and Mustafa huh...."Chris smirked and repeatedly raised his eyebrows.

Mustafa blushed.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. Nothing happened."she said.

"Alright guys, one last question before we close the show here. Couples, do you have any regrets at all doing Temptation Island?" Chris asked them.

"No."Becky shook her head.

"I regret not forming deeper connections with the girls."said Finn.

"I don't have any regrets."said Nikki.

"Yea everything that happened, happened for a reason."Seth agreed.

Jimmy, Naomi, Roman and Sasha also said no.

"I regret saying some of the things I said about Dean. There were better ways to voice my opinions."said Renee.

"I regret.....hurting those that I have."said Dean.

"Although I didn't have a happy ending, I don't regret anything."said Alexa.

" Sometimes I wonder if coming on the show was a mistake but....if it was written in the stars that Alexa was going to walk out on me then I'm glad it happen now than later. So no regrets."said AJS.

"Well thats good to hear. Anyway, thats it for our show tonight guys. A lot has went down, a lot has been revealed. I want to thank our guests for being here tonight and I want to thank you for tuning into The Highlight Reel! Thank you for joining us everybody! Until next time, I am Y2J Chris Jericho signing out! Have a good night you stupid idiots!"


-After the reunion was filmed, everyone attended the after party for the show.

-During the party, Mandy 'accidentally' spilled her drink on Naomi. The two got into an argument that resulted in Mandy slapping Naomi. Naomi then punched Mandy in the face and tackled her to the floor as she continuously delivered blows to her. The other party goers had to pull them apart.

-They were both fined for the incident.


A/N-Alright everyone if you didn't know, I published Season 3 of The Challenge already so go take a look at it. Add it to your libraries and all of that because I'm going to be jumping straight into that book after this. The first chapter that i published was just me explaining the basics but the next chapter I'm going to publish will officially be kicking off the story.


Thank you all for reading!


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