Second Dates pt 2

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"So you said you both have been unfaithful before?" Andrade asked.

"Something im not proud of but it has happened yes." Nikki responded.

They were laying on a beach mat, looking out at the waves crashing on shore (and at Becky and Sami still horsing around in the water).

"Do you think it will happen again?"

"This isnt the first time Seth has cheated. He was once engaged to a girl long before and while he was with her, he was with another girl. So, he kind of has a track record."

"Do you trust him though?"

"Um.....well....I want to. But he's the type of guy that  always has me on edge. Like right now, im worried about what he's doing. Im nervous. If he can cheat on his fiance then....what else wont he risk?"

"In other dont trust him."

She sighed, "It sounds harsh to say but yea...I guess I dont."

"And whats your deal with Dolph?"

"Ugh, Dolph thinks I like him because we made out once. Ive made it very clear to him that I dont like him. I only kissed him because it was a part of my plan-long story. But he got one kiss and now he's hooked." she rolled her eyes.

"Well Nikki, all I can say is do whats best for you. This is an opportunity that will never be given again. Its clear that you're unhappy in your relationship. This is your chance to find what makes you happy. If someone has to get hurt in the end then so be it. As long as you're happy."

She smiled, "Thanks Andrade."

She moved her head onto his chest and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I feel really comfortable with you already. Is that weird?" She asked.

"Not at all. Im glad you feel this way." He smiled.

VC-Andrade-Judging from our date today, I can tell that Nikki developed feelings for me. I mean, can you blame her?


"Here it is ladies and gentlemen. Isnt it beautiful?" the hike leader said as they all stared at the secluded waterfall that they had finally arrived too.

"This is gorgeous." said Carmella in awe.

"Does this make anybody else horny? Or it is just me?" Jimmy asked.

Everyone turned to look at him.

The couples all ended up branching off to separate locations. Some sat on the rocks and ate lunch while others went into the water immediately.

"Can you hold this?" Kelly asked Roman while handing him her backpack.

"Sure." he took it.

She unbuttoned her shorts and yanked it down right in front of him, revealing her bikini.

"Woah-um..."he quickly looked away.

"What? You've never seen a girl in a bathing suit before?" she asked in a teasing manner.

"Yea of course but....I was just caught off guard a bit." he said with a little giggle, still not looking at her.

She then took her shirt off revealing her bikini top.

"This is a new bathing suit. How does it look?" she asked, turning right around to show all of it.

He finally brought himself to properly look at her. He cast his eyes on her maroon bikini. There were straps resting on her hips, waist and cleavage to emphasize each part. He noticed that the lower bikini part of the bathing suit did very little to try to cover anything. Overall, it was a very revealing yet sexy bathing suit.

"It kind of looks like lingerie but it looks great." he said.

"Thank you." she said, doing a little shake.


"Oh my gosh, have you played the new Mortal Kombat game?" AJL excitedly asked.

"Of course! Its amazing!" said AJS.

"I absolutely love it."

"The first day I got it I think I played it at least for 10 hours straight."

"Me too. I found it very hard to put the controller down."

"You're tellin me."

Despite not being too enthused about their date at first, both AJs were vibing surprisingly well with each other. While having lunch and making small talk, they found out that they both shared a common interest which was video games.

"Is Alexa a gamer?" AJL asked.

"Not really. She dabbles but she's not on the same gamer level as me."

"Honestly, I never would have thought that you were into video games."

"I am a huge video game nerd. I actually collect video games and consoles and keep them in my basement."

"Wow." she smiled.

"I also got a few arcade games in my house as well."

"Like...actual arcade games. Like the actual cabinets?"

"Yup. All retro games."

"Are you kidding me?"

"What did you think I used the money I won in Battle Of The Couples for?"

"No way. You should totally invite me over to your house. I would absolutely love it."

"That can be arranged."

VC-AJL-I never ever thought that I would have something in common with AJ of all people (except the fact that we have the same initials) gotta expect the unexpected.

VC-AJS-AJ is a pretty interesting girl. I think our date is going great so far.

"Cheers to our first date." said Finn, handing Bayley a solo cup with vodka and cranberry juice.

They both were sitting in the shallow, rocky part of the water.

"I dont usually drink but since its you....I will. Cheers." she said and took a sip.

"So tell me something." he said, "Why are you wearing leggings and a t shirt in the water?"

She blushed, "Oh uh....I just feel more comfortable this way rather than wearing a bathing suit."

"You don't have anything to be insecure about though." he smiled.

"I just....would prefer to wear this. I could never wear something like what Kelly is wearing. I don't have the guts too."

He looked at Kelly, "Woah yea. Thats a bit...much. But...can you tell me why you're not comfortable? Is there any particular reason."

"Ive always been insecure about my body. I would always get made fun of because I was a bit chubby when I was younger so it stuck with me."

" have abs now. Your body is beautiful."

"I guess I just havent grown out of that mentality yet."

"Well, you know what. You don't need to be half naked to feel beautiful after all. Im just telling you, you're perfect as is and you don't need to feel insecure about anything. By the way, you look incredible in your tights and t shirt."

She blushed even harder, "Thanks Finn. That's like the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

He smiled at her and tucked her hair behind her ear.

VC-Bayley-Im starting to get those butterflies in my stomach.....and I don't know what to do *blushes*


"Damn.....Finn is pretty wasted already." said Dean as he, Jimmy and Carmella was also in the water looking on at Finn and Bayley.

"Finn's a lightweight. Three beers and the guy's already hammered." said Jimmy.

"Dean. Ive been waiting on you to have lunch together." said Nia as she approached the three.

"Im not really hungry. You can eat if you want."

"Well....maybe you should give Jimmy and Carmella some space. You're kinda intruding on their date."

"Intruding? These guys are my friends. We go way back. We're just hanging out."

"Well, you're kind of intruding." Carmella muttered.

"We're on a date together arent we? Maybe you and I should be hanging out instead."said Nia.

Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head.

VC-Dean-What does this girl want from me? Honestly. What does she want?

Jimmy realized what Nia was trying to do and figured he should help her out.

"Nia's right. Carmella and I would like some time alone and're here with us so....maybe you should be with your date."

Dean looked at him, confused.

Jimmy and Carmella both got up from where they were and headed to a different part of the water.

VC-Nia-I hurt right now. Why wont he spend time with me? I am beyond frustrated at this point and I just want to go home. I don't even care anymore. All the other couples are having fun and spending time with each other and im just here feeling neglected and *voice breaks* unwanted.

Despite Nia's pleas, Dean remained where he was and continued ignoring her.

She ended up losing all the appetite she had. She sat on a rock and looked on at all the other couples, trying not to come to tears.


"So she was upset over that?" Toni asked Seth.


They were discussing how Zelina has been acting lately, over lunch.

"Im done with her. I mean, its just a date you know." he said.


"Maybe she see's you as a threat and thats the reason why she's acting the way she is."

"Me? A threat?"

"Yea I mean, look at you. You're hot. She should feel threatened."

Toni awkwardly smiled, "Oh.... I dont know about that. Zelina's hotter than I am."

"Thats your opinion. Not mine." he said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

She smiled.

"I love a woman with an accent so that's a plus."

Her smile turned into a blush.

VC-Toni-I dont really know how to respond to him because I have no idea how to take a compliment so....


"So do you really think you can resist temptation for three more weeks?" Carmella asked Jimmy.

"Thats a long time isnt it?"


"Well...I know if I give into temptation, Naomi's gonna break my neck so for my sake....imma stay away from temptation."

"But you have all these beautiful girls around you thats willing to....lets say...break the rules with you."

"Forreal? Like who?"

"Theres a lot, trust me. A few nights ago, me and a bunch of other girls were all saying who, out of the six of you we'd bang and your name came up a lot."

"Really? Thats awesome! Did you say my name?"

"I did."she seductively smiled.

"Alright. Thats good to know."

"I think you'll give into temptation soon enough. The girls that want you knows exactly how to get you."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and nodded.

VC-Jimmy-Carmella, I dont think so but....okay.

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