Singles Reveal pt 3

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"Her hair is so cool." said Sasha as the next girl made her way out.

"Hi everyone. My name is Ember Moon. Im 25 and im from Garland, Texas. Im pretty dorky to be honest with you. I love comics, video games, cos playing, stuff like that. Im here to have a good time and make new friends so im looking forward to getting to know all of you."

"Is that your real name?" Seth asked, "Because thats a pretty badass name."

"Yup. Thats my real name."

"I wish I had a cool name like that." said Seth.

The next guy made his way out.

"Hey everyone. My name is Mustafa Ali. People call me Ali for short for some reason. Im 26 years old. Im from Chicago, Illinois. Um, im a great guy once you get to know me. My mom really wants me to find a girlfriend so im giving it a try." he nervously laughed.

"If you squint and look at that guy, he looks like Seth." said Dean.

VC-Sasha-Mustafa looks interesting. I cant lie, so far, im pleased with the single men we have. Well, except for Randy of course.

A next single made her entrance.

"Damn another blonde. Whats with all the blondes?" said Naomi.

"Hey, blondes are great. Respect our species." Renee jokingly said.

"Hey everyone. Im Toni Storm. I was born in New Zealand but I live in Australia. Im 23 years old. Im super adventurous and I love exploring and doing new things. Im kind of like a wild child so you're sure to have fun with me."

Seth whistled as she walked away.

VC-Seth-Toni, hate to see you go but love to watch you leave if you know what I mean *chuckles*

"She looks cool." said Dean.

"Is there anyone you're interested in yet?" Renee quietly asked him.

"The stoner guy that came here with no shoes on."

"Im talking about the girls."

He shook his head, "No."

The next guy walked out.

"Yum." said Nikki.

"Hello. My name is Buddy Murphy. Im from Australia. Im 26 years of age. Im a bit of a daredevil. I enjoy things like rock climbing, bungee jumping and swimming with whales. Im a great man, definitely husband material so if you ladies are looking for that then, you know where to find it."

"We got a lot of Australian people here." whispered Becky.

The next girl happily and energetically made her down the catwalk.

Renee gasped, "I remember you!"

Nikki clapped, "Yess!"

Sasha wasn't too pleased. This was another single she had history with.

"Hey guys! Im Alicia Fox or you can call me Foxy! Actually I prefer to be called Foxy because the name suits me perfectly! Im crazy like a fox. At least, thats what people say. Hmmm," she glanced at the six guys, "Im kind of disappointed. I don't really want to tempt any of you! Well maybe...I see like two guys I don't mind tempting. Foxy has her sight set. Ladies, beware. Bye!"

Sasha rolled her eyes, "Give me a break."

"Foxy's pretty fun. I think I'll hang out with her a lot." Roman joked.

"Shut up Roman."

VC-Alicia-Sasha, if I want, I'll take your man. If I don't want him then I'll let you have him. Its as simple as that. Who knows what im gonna do. Im sure he'll have wayyyyy more fun with me than he does with you.

As the next guy made his way down the cat walk, the girls looked on in confusion. The guys were pretty humored to say the least.

"What on earth?" said Sasha.

"What is that?" Nikki asked.

The man marched out with a crazy look in his eye.He was definitely unlike the other guys that came before him. Everything about him was....unique and....odd. He approached the end of the catwalk. He seemed to be shaking his body as he still sported the psycho look in his eyes.

"Oh my god." said Alexa. Renee was trying not to laugh.


Everyone was speechless as they look at him.

"OHHHH YEAAAA! IM OTIS! I CAN DO THE CATERPILLAR!" he shouted as he dropped to the floor and began doing a version of 'the worm'.

"What in tarnation?" said AJ.

"Be careful you hurt yourself." said Becky.

The man carried on doing the caterpillar.

"Nikki if you leave me for this guy....I wouldn't even be mad." said Seth.

VC-Finn-I just want to scored. All of our girlfriends are going to leave us now. Honestly, I don't blame them. I mean, look at what they're working with there.

A few producers had to run up on the catwalk and force him to stop caterpillaring. He finally stopped and marched his way back up the catwalk without saying anything else.

"He aint really going to be living with us right? Please tell me he wasnt supposed to be here." Naomi said to the producers.

VC-Becky-I remember that Stephanie said that all the guys were chosen specifically for us. I wonder who this guy was chosen for?

A next girl modeled her way down the catwalk.

"And another blonde." said Naomi.

"Hey fellas. My name is Lacey Evans and im a sassy southern belle. In a world full of nasties im able to keep things classy and ladylike. You are looking, at a real woman. And only a real man would be able to handle me." she blew them a kiss and strutted back up the catwalk.

"Some of these girls are so full of shit." said Nikki.

"You're telling me." Sasha agreed.

A next guy approached.

"Wow he's tall." said AJ.

"Hey ladies. My name's Braun. Im 27. Im a country boy. Im from North Carolina. I love hunting and shooting guns and being outdoors. I may look big and scary but don't let that fool you. I also got a huge heart and a soft side plus, im 100% a mama's boy."

"Oh he's an actual country boy. There are some people that claim to be country boys but im sure they haven't even shot a gun yet." said Seth loud enough for AJ to hear. AJ bit his tongue from firing back.

A next girl made her way out.

"She's really pretty." Renee said.

"Hi everyone. My name is Isla Dawn. Im 24. Im from Scotland. I love dancing and kick boxing. Im also a feminist. Ive been single for a while now so maybe during this month I can change that. Who knows?"

"Aw she has a lisp. Thats cute." said Becky.

VC-Seth-Solid 9 out of 10 for sure.

A next guy made his way down.

"Hi everyone. People call me Ricochet because im very athletic and skilled in gymnastics. My real name is Trevor. You can call me whatever-"

Dean raised his hand, "Can we call you Rick?"

"Sure man, what works for you. Anyway, im 25. im from Paducah, Kentucky. A producer saw me and asked me if I wanted to be on the show im here. Got offered a free vacation pretty much haha. Cant wait to meet you wonderful ladies. See you soon."

"Okay....Ricky's fine." said Naomi.

"Yea he's a cutie." Sasha agreed.

"Oh come on. Im way better looking." Jimmy argued. Naomi scoffed.

A next girl arrived on the scene.

"Uh oh. She's hot."said Nikki.

"Hi everyone. My name is Vanessa. Im 28. Im a dancer. I was a dancer for the Phoenix Suns and a cheerleader for the Arizona Cardinals. I love dancing, I love to get wild, I love to have a good time. Im the type of girl that you can bring home to your mom but not the type of girl you should let sleep over." she winked before she left.

VC-Alexa-Okay so we get guys like Otis and they get normal, hot, girls? Thats unfair if you ask me.

A next guy made his arrival.

"Hey everyone. Im Dash. Im 28. im from North Carolina. Yea im a country boy. I got that Southern pride. Im a gentleman but when I have to get rough, I get rough. Im very protective of the people I love. Im very loyal. Very hard working. I don't wanna toot my own horn here but im pretty much everything a woman can ask for."

AJ immediately got concerned about Dash from the moment he opened his mouth.

VC-AJ-I don't know Dash personally but judging from by what he said and from his tone....I assume that we're both similar. Will Alexa be drawn to him? I don't know. But im concerned.

"Alexa, you got some actual country boys here at your disposal." Seth leaned over to Alexa and said.

"Shut your mouth and dont talk to her." AJ responded to him. Seth arrogantly chuckled.

VC-Seth-I just love grinding AJ's gears. I dont know, it brings me pleasure.

The next, and final girl made her way out onto the catwalk.

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me." the girl said as she walked, looking at the couples.

"I knew it!" said Sasha. Nikki rolled her eyes. Seth's face grew small.

"Oh now its a party!"said Dean.

"I guess they saved the best for last huh." said Finn.

Some of the couples were excited to see this particular girl, some weren't.

"Its you guys? Really?" she said.

VC-Paige-These are the guys I have to tempt? Really? How am I supposed to tempt them when half of them are like brothers to me? I was expecting brand new couples, people I didn't know. Not Dean, Seth, Finn, Roman, Jimmy and AJ. I rather be on the other side of the island with the single men to be honest with you.

VC-Naomi-Oh yea. This girl is a wildcard for sure.

VC-Renee-Paige is trouble. I mean, I dont have to sit here and tell you guys why she's trouble. You guys already know how she is.

"What the fuck." she laughed, "Okay well im Paige if you didn't know. But then again, all of you know exactly who I am. And well...I guess im just here to party and get drunk. No offense but im not interested in tempting any of you. I know you all too well."

"Just wait until she gets drunk. Then she's going to be throwing herself on everyone." Nikki whispered to Renee.

VC-Nikki-I don't trust Paige one bit. She's known for getting drunk and hooking up with people. With me being away from Seth, god only knows what going to happen. Im not liking this at all.

VC-Paige-Im fresh out of a relationship so im just here to have fun and take advantage of the free alcohol and do stupid shit. Maybe cause some trouble with some guys....who knows. I don't care. Im gonna stir some shit up, trust me. Lets see how many couples I can break up.

The last guy made his way out.

"Hello. My name is Drew McIntyre. Im 30 years old. Im from Ayr, Scotland. Im a gentleman. Im quite romantic. Im very respectful. You ladies all look lovely, cant wait to get to know you." he smiled. Nikki smiled back at him, giving off obvious signs that she was interested.

As he walked back up the catwalk, Stephanie came and stood in front of all the couples once again.

"Okay will all the singles make their way back out in front of the couples please?" she instructed as all the singles assembled in front of the six couples, "Okay, couples, you've seen all the singles. You've seen everyone who your significant other will be spending time with. Now, all of you have a very important decision to make. Each of you here has the block any single here from dating your significant other."

All of the couples' eyes lit up.

"Thats right. Ladies, you can block any girl from going on a date with your man and guys, you can block any guy from going on a date with your woman. This is an option. You dont have to block anyone if you dont want to. Also, keep in mind that whoever you decide to block will still have contact with your significant other, they just cant go on a date with them outside of the house. However, these blocks will be removed for the final date where the single that you blocked will once again be an option for your significant other to go on a date with. So....couples, im going to give you a few minutes to discuss this with each other. Think about it very carefully."

VC-Sasha-Give me a chance and i'll block all these females from dating Roman.

"All I want you guys to discuss is whether or not you will be accepting the block. Dont discuss who you may be blocking if you are to accept the option to block."

Each couple began discussing the topic among themselves.

VC-AJ-Im not going to lie, I see alot of guys here that I would like to block. But in the end, will it make any sense? Even if I block a guy, he's still going to be around Alexa.

VC-Nikki-This is a pretty big decision to make. There's a lot of things to think about. I mean, we are here to date other people. But then again, there are women here that I dont want anywhere near Seth. Especially alone with him.

"Okay everyone. I hope you've made your decision. We'll start with Renee. Is there someone here you would like to block from going on a date with Dean?"



A/N-What are your thoughts? Who do you think is going to block who?

Also, I made a little montage video of the singles because....idk why not.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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