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     "Soviet on the right!" Felix yelled into the open hatch, as he quickly ducked his head back into the tank, slamming the hatch closed as he went down.

     Immediately the Tiger II sprang into action, the gunner named Abelard swiveled its turret to face the T-34-85 and Englebert ,the driver, started to angle the tank from the T-34-85. The Soviet tank was only a steel husk though, that the infantry pushed down the hill that it was sitting on, the crew of it was already dead ,laying face down in the snow, full of bullet holes from machine gun fire. "Load an armor piercing shell, Adolf!" Felix slightly yelled in excitement. Adolf rose quickly from his half-broken chair, that he grabbed and managed to fit in the tank when they where passing through Moscow two years ago in Felix's Panzerkampfwagen IV. "Aim! NOW FIRE!" Felix shouted, and the crack and boom of the cannon echoed through the tank and the APCBC shell flew from the barrel of the gun, a 8.8 cm kwk 43 L/71, and the shell hit and penetrated the side of the horizontal turret drive forcing the T-34-85 slightly to the side ,the only thing keeping it from spinning out of control was the kinetic energy driving it down the steep hill. They very faintly heard the muffled sound of the explosion and the clatter of the shrapnel as it ricocheted inside the tank. 

     "It's a hit!" roared Abelard, and he pulled back from the scope of the gun, and leaned up against the side of the interior of the tanks turret.

     "I know Abelard," said Felix with a sigh "but we need to conserve our ammo and fuel, reports say that there is a huge Soviet advance coming our way, and we need all the supplies we have, plus a few more."

     "Ammo and fuel?" "We got plenty of it!"  Adolf said, "Maybe 20 APCBC and a few HE shells and I think I have a gasoline drum outside, plus with the steady supply of.....

     "Supply!" Felix yelled "We haven't had a supply drop, caravan or anything in weeks!" "What makes you think that we will get one now.." He sighed, they never taught him how to deal with his crew-members boredom. "Okay but we.." He started to say but was interrupted when Englebert ,who had gotten out of the drivers hatch, opened the hatch to the turret and called. "Hey, its time for food, and I don't want to be the last people served if I were you." "If you are well you might fall asleep tonight cold and hungry!" He said with a joking grin on his face, and it amazes Felix that Englebert can still joke about a serious problem so close to the front where fighting and death comes almost everyday, Felix thought as he climbed out of the Tiger ll (H). Felix looked around him a snow covered waste land for miles with only a few snow covered trees. How do they live here Felix wondered, in a place so empty of life, but he already knew the answer to that question. It was the reason that they haven't conquered Russia, it was an almost impenetrable fortress, and it was certain death during the winter, and with consistent Soviet resistance, it was hard to bring supplies to them and the other people on the front. 

     "Hey, Felix" said one of the other soldiers as Felix was walking towards the mess tent. "nice commanding today! But I got a question, who's your machine gunner? Felix wondered that too, he didn't talk at all and had this look that looked like, that he didn't belong here. Like now, he was standing away from the others, but was still listening to what they were talking about while his eyes darted back and forth, glancing at everything, as if it was about to attack him.  "I have no idea who he is, he was just assigned randomly, its sort of suspicious, but he follows orders, and that is what matters." Felix told the soldier. "Whats your name by the way? "Edmann, replied the soldier" "Well its nice to meet you Edmann, my name is Felix.." Edmann started to say something but was interrupted by a low rumble. "SOVIET ARMOR INCOMING" yelled the lookout, Felix looked at the lookout in surprise.. but quickly snapped out of his surprise and climbed up and jumped in his Tiger ll (H), where his crew was already preparing for a long fight..

778 words... dang these chapters are going to be long, but are very fun to write! Anyway good luck to you, and Ty for your support! 


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