Chapter 13

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Edited with Grammarly: 5/3/2020

I ended up just putting my hair up in a messy bun, not having the time to deal with it before class. Kal got to us just after I'd stood up, so Marie filled her in while I stood in a glaring match with my sister till the first bell rang. With Kalista pulling me one way and Myth's friends pulling her in another, we all got to our respective classes, or at least Kal, Marie, and I did.

Just as the class is about to start, I'm busy salvaging papers that didn't get wet in my impromptu dunking. Luckily the bag is semi-reliable, my zipper not so much. When a hush descends on the class, I look up, and low and behold the tree-man is standing next to the teacher's desk.

While the man behind the desk is looking over papers that had been handed to him, the tree is looking out over the class. He smirks when his eyes land on me, so my nose wrinkles, and I get back to what I was doing while everyone else sits and stares for a couple more seconds, then the whispers start up.

Kal is tugging on my sleeve like some kind of lost kid looking for her mommy. Grumpy, she gets my attention and she's fairly drooling over the new guy as she not so subtly motions her head to him, while he's still looking at me. He glances down at his shirt, pulling it out over his abdomen where to my horror a splash of red is.

My face now heating up, I determinedly look back down and fish for stuff I don't need. The teacher tells the new male to find a seat in his usual boorish manner and I breathe a sigh of relief when he walks past me. The tables are set up to fit 2 to 3 people, there are already 2 people at mine, including me.

Kal is across from me with two others, even though we've requested a switch, the teacher is being a jerk. He's allowed others to do so, but won't allow us to do so. That's what you call favoritism. Judging by the looks others are giving though, he's right behind me, which I doubt is an improvement.

By the time class is over my spine is rigid and so tense it feels like it'll break if I move. I take my time gathering my things, hoping the guy will have left by the time I'm ready, but I'm not so lucky today. Standing up before actually looking, I almost run right into him again.

"I think you need a seeing-eye dog."

"I think you need some damn manners."

Moving around him, Kalista is gaping at me as I grab for her.

"This coming from the one who keeps running into me. I should file for a restraining order."

Today is not my day. Hell, every day isn't my day these days.

"You do that. While you're at it you should get some damn bubble wrap and wrap yourself in that shit."

He's chuckling at me while Kal is doing this whole fish out of water thing as I drag her out into the hallway. His scent and his laugh were very appealing, but his attitude is a major turn off. I get Kal and I to our next classes and we don't see him again till lunch.

By then the whole school seems to be all a-buzz about him. Who is he? Where's he from? Where's his Pack? One thing I do make out is he's 18, so this is his last year.

Marie has joined Kalista, Markus, and I at lunch, and I was right; she's in seventh heaven when she's with us. She loves Werewolves, loves everything about them, mostly. Thinks we're mysterious and mystical. We really aren't.

Humans aren't allowed at full moon gatherings, not many are allowed to see us at all when we're in animal form if it can be helped since many tend to react badly. So I guess that's where the whole mysterious thing comes in.

"Wynter tell you about her new boy-toy?"

Coughing, I glare at Kal as the others look at me in interest, she just looks smug.

"He is not my boy-toy. He's a damn menace. I felt bad for bleeding on him, but I don't anymore."

The alarm on Markus' face before it darkens has me confused, so I explain since no one else has.

"I ran into him this morning, literally, and my nose bled from it. I didn't notice that I'd gotten any on his shirt at the time, wasn't till class that he pointed it out. Then he had to go and be annoying, so now I don't feel bad about it at all."

Markus covers his scowl with humor, but I know him well enough now to know he's upset, I just don't know why. I nibble at my food, laughing at Kalista and Marie's antics, then I catch sight of what's behind Markus' back, and my eyes widen. I keep him from turning by putting a hand on his arm, peeking around him.


The scene is so absurd I can't help but laugh, even as my stomach flips.

"Well, I don't think you have to worry about Mythine anymore Markus, she's found someone else to stalk and creep."

His eyebrows raise at that, and I release him so he can turn and see. There, down the hall, is my sister, hanging on the arm of the new male, still sporting the shirt with my blood on it. I do have to be honest, if I didn't know who they were, I'd say they make a good looking couple.

My sister is gorgeous and he's quite handsome, very eye-catching. She's also the wolf version of a gold digger and he's a cocky blockhead who seems to like airheads by the way he's grinning. Wrinkling my nose, I look away just as he looks up.

Markus stiffens, so I glance up at him. His eyes are hard and his expression is pinched as he watches the new addition to the school's gene pool.


He blinks, looking down at me, then the other two girls next to him. He gives us his easy grin, then gives the excuse he needs to go do something and takes off. We blink at each other, a little confused, but it's not like it's the first time the Alpha in training has blown us off like that.

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