Chapter 16

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Edited with Grammarly: 5/3/2020

Prayden Lake is very large, so even though it's near my home, the spot chosen for the gathering, isn't anywhere near my house. Most of the Lunar Soul Pack have already gathered, my Pack. My family and I weren't the first to arrive, but we got here before the Alphas did.

Those who traveled via car had their transportation left behind in a designated parking area, while others hiked and a few loners came in already shifted. While not actual lone wolves, as they're part of our Pack, they're ones who haven't mated yet and don't have any family nearby or left. Actual lone wolves, while not uncommon, don't tend to mix well with Pack wolves, as they're seen as outcasts. Much like myself, just worse, in some cases, since they aren't known to play well with others.

Sitting off to the side as I am, I can see all those coming in pretty easily. Having perched myself on a rocky outcropping raised about thirteen feet, there's a clear view over everyone's head. My parents know I'm here since I came with them, that seems to be enough for them all as of right now.

Everyone else has the rather large clearing set ablaze with an electric energy that can be felt in the very air. The excitement of coming together like this, the full moon about to rise, and the formal introduction and greeting to another friendly Pack that land is being shared with. While I share the enthusiasm, I also dread the upcoming events, even as my blood sings.

By the time our Alphas arrive, the Grotto Falls Pack has also started arriving, and that's when my excitement grows, as soon Kalista will be here. The whole point of the gathering is to meet and mingle, so our friendship will be looked on with favor, even if it is for a split second before we're forgotten. Marcus on the other hand, I doubt she and I will be able to spend much time with him tonight, as being an Alpha in training, he'll have duties elsewhere most of the time, and higher-ups to entertain. Both he and Leilan.

High pitched cries sound from young ones who are roughhousing as I make my way down, many having already shifted to their wolf forms. The tank top and shorts I'm in feel heavy against my skin as I weave through bodies. Through all the jostling, I'm pretty sure some of the nips and fading bruises I come out with were caused on purpose.

I'd have preferred to stay up on my perch till Kal arrived, but I've yet to greet the Alphas. If I were already in animal form, it would be a case of abasing myself to them with tail tucked, but I've yet to shift. I can feel it in my bones though, the need to lower down to four paws, the need grows stronger the closer to them I get.

Leilan is near his parents, his excitement has his soft brown eyes alight, but unlike the others, he has to show control, restraint. The older mated pair next to him vibrate with energy and they're smiling, but they're contained, poised. Both are over six feet, tanned, have dark hair, and have an air of authority about them.

With head bowed I move closer slowly, watching their bodies for signs of welcome or the need to retreat. With their talking to those around them, I'm probably not noticed at all, but then a voice proves me wrong.

"Wynter Gallents. We've been hearing many things about you, young wolf."

Wincing, my head bows lower and I have to fight not to drop to my knees. I can't really read the tone used, but if I were to guess, amusement colored the words.

"Alpha Fen, Alpha Messina, you have my greetings and my sincere apologies if I've embarrassed you in any way."

Feminine laughter greets my ears and has my heart pounding within my chest. My face is burning and I can feel the sweat dripping along my cheeks. The throbbing in my head blocks out the words that are said by someone who walks up, but I see two pairs of feet walking away, leaving me with one Alpha-to-be and one of his parents.

Bare feet and clothing reveal it was his father that walked away, leaving Alpha Messina in front of me.

"There's no embarrassment here child, just a case of amusement. Hearing one so small bare teeth is noteworthy, as it usually means they've snapped and gone feral. Runts are fairly uncommon, yes, but rarer still is it that they live as long as you have. Those who don't die by another's hand tend to go crazy and turn on their Pack."

I almost look up in surprise, going as far up as her neck before I catch myself. The knowledge she'd just imparted is something I'd never heard of before and has me near speechless. I finally find my tongue, and it's thick within my mouth.

"I've not gone feral, I swear it."

She chuckles lightly again, movement next to her has me tensing up as Leilan shifts his weight and speaks up.

"We know you haven't Wynter. Hearing about your standing up to Mythine has been a real surprise and many don't believe it. Your sister seems to be doing what she can to prove it false as much as possible, there's even mention of her eliciting assistance from the Grotto Falls wolves."

It's pretty obvious Leilan's fishing for information, but something like that being said here, out in the open like that, could start a mess of problems. I keep quiet even as his mother voices her disapproval of his wording. He isn't wrong, I know she has been, but his asking here, now, was the wrong move.

From the corner of my eye, I can see his red face before he looks away, whether it's from realizing what he'd done or the berating he got from his mother, I'm not sure, but he walks off heatedly.

"You're dismissed, Wynter."

Bowing my head lower, I backpedal quickly, hoping no one is directly behind me as I make my own hasty retreat.

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