Chapter 29

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I begged Bettie to let me go home. I warred with myself for a time, panic rising. It finally came down to my not wanting to put Marie or the old woman in anymore danger. If I were to be seen walking with Marie, she could become an easy target. So even though I didn't want to be alone, I left them behind and bolted home.

The Loner said 'we' – 'we're coming for him'. Was he not either a Loner? Is it possible he's with a Pack of rogues?

Halfway to the house, I feel eyes on me, and it spurns me to move faster. My heart beats a mile a second as I practically dive through the front door, the frame bending from the force. The scents within bring little comfort, but they ease my mind even as I rush completely through to slam the door closed and lock it.

It's early, no one else is home yet. What will I do when they are? Do I tell them what happened? Common sense tells me I should, but at the same time, my gut twists at the thought. If I reveal who it is the Loner wants, they'll question why. Can I lie to their faces? Why is protecting that insufferable male seemingly so important? Just because I gave my word?

Running up to my room, the werewolf at the bookstore flashes into my head again. My fear aroused him. I know it's a thing for most male wolves, but it just seems so...abrupt...when it's right in your face. It's said that it's the fear scent that reveals just who a person is, so most werewolves use it to determine worthy mates. Fear as a whole can arouse a wolf, but a certain strain in someone's scent can draw them to that person even more.

With that man's words playing over and over in my head, I come face to face with my own fear, and become determined to control it. I can't be a liability. I'm not weak. I did not survive this long just to be cowed by a Sigma.

What would happen if I were to be caught with Marie in a dangerous situation? Who would protect her? I can't hide in my room forever, and I can't always have someone next to me to have my back.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of my room, I calm myself and go over my options. I could tell my parents and Alphas about the stranger and who he's after and potentially break my word to Faust, but then not only would he lose his trust in me, I would probably gain another enemy. One that could ruin my whole life with very little effort on his part just because of who he is.

My brows furrow at that, dissension building in my gut, but it eases with the knowledge that there is another option. I can go to him. I can warn him directly that there are others after him. Not like he doesn't know already, right?

I blink, bringing things back into focus as a frown tugs at the corners of my mouth. Just how am I going to tell him though? Approaching him at school would be a joke, what with my sister hanging on him nearly at all times. Even the classes I have with him where she isn't around, it's not exactly private.

Not like I have his phone number either, which would make everything simpler.

Sighing, I stand up and start pacing. Glancing up and out my window has me stopping in my tracks, the variable lightbulb turning on above my head after a few seconds. It'll be one hell of a run, but not like I haven't done the distance before.

It's a long shot, sure...but the waterfall, where I'd found him on the full moon...I might be able to find him there. Even if he isn't there, I might be able to track his scent, if he's been there since.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I'm stripping and heading out onto my balcony. No one here to stop me and hours yet before the sun sets, I should have plenty of time to at least catch his scent if it's still there and get a direction. It's a start at least. And not like I have to worry about peeping neighbors.

Once my paws touch the ground, I shoot for the trees immediately. From there I point my nose in the direction of where I first met the infernal male who's caused me so much trouble and start a ground eating lope. Won't due to wear myself out with the distance I need to go, but time isn't necessarily on my side. I may have more stamina than most wolves around here, but I doubt it would beat any Loners.

It's that thought that sends a spurt of fear through me. Even has me slowing to raise my nose to check my surroundings. The ever present smell of the various trees, flowers, undergrowth and rot, as well as the many animals and their passing through. There are scents of other wolves, but faint and recognizable as those known to me. Satisfied, I get going once more.

I have a long way to go if I'm going to make it there and back before curfew. The gathering spot near Prayden Lake that was held on the full moon was near an hour from our house; that was by car though. It takes a little less by running werewolf, but I'll only be using it as a landmark, that spot isn't where I'm going. The grotto where I'd met Faust was a few miles away after steering off from a hunting party.

Knowing the waterfall is still miles out and that I have quite a ways to go, my mind whirls constantly over what happened at the bookstore, the Loner, Faust. The news the Alphas shared at the gathering. How my siblings are acting. Ever since moving here my relatively quiet world has been turned on its head and I don't know what to do.

I've been timid my whole life, to the point that when I started sticking up for myself, I was immediately branded as feral. Luckily, those that counted have seen through that as my sister starting trouble thanks to her not getting her way, but this is beyond anything petty that she's done before. I can't go back to letting her and the others walk all over me. I can't. But I can't risk being labeled as a rabid killer either.

I already knew I'd be getting kicked out of my home soon. Turning 18 for a Runt means you're out on your own whether you want to be or not. I don't mind. Thanks to already working and saving, I've accumulated enough. I was going to start looking into places when the news about everyone moving got dropped on us, so I didn't see much point in getting an apartment just for me to up and leave.

I'd already been told before that I can stay with the Pack after my birthday, so I'm not worried about getting run out or shunned, but I probably do need to talk to my parents and the Alphas about the living quarters at this new place, as well as get a new job lined up.

Stumbling over some rough, rocky terrain jogs my brain back into the sensations of the now, but my mind still nags on the question of do I really want to move where things could potentially become worse? Shaking my head, I look around to find I'm almost there. I've reached the campgrounds we were in for the gathering. Blinking over the place, I had gone a bit faster than I thought, my legs muscles burning slightly.

By the time I reach the gathering area we'd all been in though, I have to stop to take a breather. I'd taken very short stops on the way, but in wanting to make good time, my lungs and heart are beating like caged birds yearning to be let loose and fighting their bonds. The thick pads on my feet are really holding up though, thanks to all my time 'training' in this form. Don't think I've ever made a run like that though, we never had the space to where we lived before.

Our scents still linger faintly. So many of us had been here, there are even some worn spots from sleeping piles and where food was dragged to for the little ones. Everything else showing we'd been here had been removed. Here's to hoping my hidden clothes are either still hidden or gotten rid of as well.

The humans know we exist, obviously, but I've heard there are large factions that aren't very happy about it and would hunt us down if they could. They keep on the lookout for any reason, so we're careful not to give them one. Well, most of us are anyway. Clearly, others aren't as blessed with that much brain power.

After a few minutes I'm back up and making my way through the various trees that make up the area. Trunks go from sapling thin to several feet across. It really is beautiful here. I bypass that beauty however with my mind focused on a specific grotto. With having a goal in mind and not wandering, it doesn't take long, even though a few more miles are traveled.

I don't step out into it blindly, I watch for a few minutes first, using all my senses. The surrounding area hasn't been disturbed, at least until I came up; the birds sounding their light warnings. I'll take light musical vocals over dead silence any day though. Aside from other game and small prey, mine is the only smell detected where I'm at currently, as well as the semi-circle I make around the place.

Making my way out cautiously, nothing jumps out from the shadows, so I continue my mission. The night he and I were here, he had blood on the rocks, so that's what I make my way towards.


I should have known that, just from when I'd come here on nights after and had gotten cornered by the others. If his blood had still been here, they would have picked it up immediately. Well, maybe. They were a bit busy. I think of the other spots I'd led him to where I might be able to pick up the scent, but another smell finds its way into my nose that has me stopping dead. The Loner. And his spore isn't faint.

My heart starts racing and my lungs clench down in denial as my head rears back. I start back pedaling slowly, eyes scouring the trees around me. If that Loner finds me out here, I dread to think of the consequences. His threat back at the store once more reverberates through my head as his scent fills my nose and has me turning tail and bolting. I don't stop until I reach home, my heart about to beat out of my chest.

"Your defiance amuses but gets you nowhere. Did you know your fear scent can spark arousal? You smell quite delicious, and so small too. Dominating you would hardly be a challenge..."

I can catch Faust at school and talk to him there. It's the safest place as it'll be surrounded by other people. Doesn't matter if it's people that don't like me, they hardly compare to a Sigma Wolf.


✰ \(‾▿‾\) 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔳𝔬𝔱𝔢 (/‾▿‾)/ ✰

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