Chapter 32

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I finally see the others again when we meet up at lunch. I'm in our usual spot waiting for them, staring off into space while hundreds of conversations sound around me. For the most part it drowns on like that of the cicadas outside, only noticeable when it goes silent. The buzz today seems to be especially electric, and I find out soon why, and it has my head snapping around.

Hearing others talk about Faust is nothing new, but them mentioning royalty is. At my abrupt head movement, many are looking at me now, yet I can't read their expressions, not when several are hiding behind their hands that are doing nothing for their tone levels. Talking about his being royal yet looking at me has my heart sinking.

Immediately I cut my eyes over to where I know he's sitting with Mythine, just to see her fawning on him. Practically in the guy's lap instead of just draping herself on him. His expression is a stony mask as he glares at me which has my heart thumping in my chest and my eyes widening slightly even as I give the barest of head shakes.

I didn't do this. I don't know how everyone found out, but it wasn't me! Near panic seizes me as my heart races, the urge to run rising as my muscles tense. I can vaguely hear Kal and Marie as they come up to the table talking, but my gaze gets caught by my sibling who looks over at me. She scowls at first then smirks which has me in turn frowning in confusion, the understanding dawns and I can feel as the color drains from my face.

I'm already really fair of skin, so noticing that I totally blanched is a feat and has Faust looking down at Myth skeptically for a few seconds as she goes back to fawning on him. When he turns his glaring green eyes back to me though, I turn away. There's a ringing in my ears that won't seem to go away, blocking out whatever my friends are talking about. Excusing myself, I head for the bathroom, refusing the tears that're burning my eyes.

There's a restroom next to the cafeteria, but I ignore that one and head for one further down the hall, wanting to be away from all the voices. I don't even think of the fact that I just made myself an easy target, I just want away from all the eyes. The stares. The rumors. Promised myself before they wouldn't see me cry and I'll be damned if they make me fold now.

There are a couple of people in here loitering, hastily hiding their cigarettes when I storm in, but no wolves. The small group goes back to talking to each other while I aim for a sink and some cold water. A drastic temperature change against my eyes feels heavenly and hides the moisture that had started collecting.

Not even two minutes later I hear the door open again, followed by the smokers hurriedly gathering their things and leaving after smashing their butts out. I don't bother lifting my face yet, but my heart sinks. I don't smell them, but there's only two reasons smokers would retreat like that, and there weren't no yelling teachers. Which means bullies higher up the food chain.

"Maia sends her regards."

The whisper next to my head is followed by pain as a hard fist connects to my side. It's followed by my hair getting grabbed and pulled back to show a few of the girls that had been around that morning in the hall. Holding my face up so I can see their reflections in the mirror, they're smirking at me as if proud of hunting me down.

"I'm sorry, who?"

My snarky shot back does me no favors, but I honestly have no idea who they're talking about. My scalp screams in pain as I get yanked back from the sink that I'd been holding on to just to be thrown into the wall. I'm able to catch it with my shoulder instead of my face, but getting a kick to the back of the knee sends me down anyway.

"You know, I don't buy the talk of you being a feral. You don't scare me. Might have Markus fooled, but we see how cheap and pathetic you really are."

Well that's a name I haven't heard them mention in awhile. I'm sure he'd love to know he still has some adoring fans left. I tell them as such and it just earns me a few more kicks that send me to the floor completely, my whole body aching.

"Keep it up, Runt. You'll be eighteen soon from what we hear. Once those parents of yours kick you out, there won't be anyone to save you from us hunting you down."

I wisely keep quiet as they turn and leave, chuckling the whole way. I stay down for a few more minutes before rising and heading back to the sink. My eyes don't raise any higher than the sink as I wash up, my sides twinging every time I attempt to stand straight. Anger and frustration war in my head while fingers rake through my hair as I head out the door. The sight outside isn't any better.

Seeing the small crowd jeering at me, I stand up straight and only manage to wince the slightest bit, which has a couple of them snickering. The ones who'd entertained me are long gone, but it's pretty obvious what happened. Considering it's some of Myth's other buddies here, including my sister herself, hanging off Faust as they lean against the opposite wall waiting for me, I'd say it was all pretty well planned.

Faust himself is looking at me dubiously, taking in my stance. His arm is once again around Myth as she sneers at me so I do my best at taking on a bored look while the small group to either side of them gets ignored.

"Mythine, Faust, why am I not surprised to see you here."

While my sister takes up tsking at me, I turn my gaze to the male she's petting and damn near groping in the middle of the hallway. His green eyes have turned hard as he glares at me, causing me to swallow hard. My mouth going dry even as I speak up again, keeping my tone low and placating. My own eyes drop after a moment, unable to handle the heat in his.

"I know what you think I did, but it wasn't me."

Before I can continue, telling him that I've kept my promise and my word to him, Myth laughs sardonically.

"What was that? Speak up. We can't hear your sniveling."

I can feel my face close down as my anger clouds my features, even baring my teeth in a growl in a growl as I direct my gaze to my sibling. Her azure gem eyes leveling with my midnight navy as the prickling of heat along my scalp signals my temper rising.

"I wasn't talking to you in the first place so you don't need to."

As far as comebacks, it's hardly proficient, but it has her mocking a pout and mimicking me like a five year old before snorting. Her waist length yellow-blond hair is loose aside from a couple thin braids looping across the back of her head. Not sure who did it, but pretty sure it wasn't her.

"Oh, you poor angry puppy. Don't forget, after this weekend, you better hope you have something lined up, otherwise you'll be a stray under a box on the curb."

Fear shoots through me for a second while she giggles delicately. Meanwhile Faust looks down at her in question, so she 'reminds him' of our and our brother's 18th birthday coming up.

"While he and I will be allowed to remain in our parents' home, Wynter here will be kicked out. The price for being a worthless runt."

My jaw clenches as the others surrounding us whoop in laughter, so I raise my chin. The male at Myth's side stares at her for a moment longer before turning his emerald gaze back to me, his expression unchanged from what I can tell, but I don't look at him so I'm not sure. I could really care less what he or the others think. I know my worth. Besides, he's pretty much made it clear that he thinks I'm the one who's betrayed him.

Their laughter is grating, so I finally break and speak up, sneering back at my sister. My voice is low, but the whip is there, as is the venom, which causes everyone to stop and stare at me.

"I can survive on my own. I know how to get my hands dirty. I can hunt on four paws and work hard. What have you done besides throw yourself at every available Alpha?"

The silence in the hall is near deafening as Myth's expression turns murderous, even stepping forward, detaching herself from a male who seems completely indifferent. When I just smile at her, it has her hesitating, looking unsure, so I speak up again.

"I know it's you spreading the rumor of me being feral."

At that, some of the others surrounding us start fidgeting, which I'm willing to bet are her mouthpieces to the rest. Mythine herself takes that step back, seeking shelter from the male at her back, but he does nothing. I smile at her discomfort. About time she feels a fraction of what she's always dishing on me.

"A shame it would be if it were to get back to the Alphas on just who was spreading around something that could be a problem not just for me, but for all werewolves as it would cause the humans to become nervous about having us in schools with their precious kids."

The range of expressions that make their way through the crowd revolve around freaked, panic, and anxiety as they start stepping back. Moving away from us as if we're diseased. Then as if of one mind they all turn and leave, even Faust. Mythine stares at me for several more seconds with pure malice before following after him, but to her credit, she doesn't run, nor does she call out for him. I guess she does have some pride after all.

I return to the lunchroom myself, not feeling all that much better, but not heavier either. After getting some food into me any bruising I sustained waned, but didn't stop the aching completely. Beginning to think it's something I'm always going to live with. If not an ache from actual wounds of some kind then from worry and stress.

I wasn't able to completely hide what happened from the others either, but I didn't want to explain anything there in the lunchroom either, so we agreed to meet up at Marie's place later in the evening since I didn't have to work. Rest of the school day was blessedly quiet so I guess there are small Gods granting favors. 


✰ \(‾▿‾\) 𝔇𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔳𝔬𝔱𝔢 (/‾▿‾)/ ✰

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