Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V.


The scene changes to the X-men mansion where Scott aka Cyclops is in the kitchen wearing casual clothes and discussing with Gambit aka Remy on what had happened last night at the warehouse.

Scott: Storm and Bishop could have been hurt. We needed you out there.

But Remy doesn't seem to care what happened since Y/n was there to back them up. And was more busy cooking breakfast with Y/n for the whole team.

Remy: You stopped the bad guys, saved the kid, got home safe plus Y/n was there.

Y/n: That what I said!

Remy: Besides, these beignets needed me more than you did, mon ami.

Scott: *sigh* The Friends of Humanity had retrofitted Sentinel weaponry. Do you have any idea what that means, Gambit? And Y/n destroyed everything in sight so we can't find any clues where they got the tech.

As they argue, Rogue walk into the kitchen wearing a pink dress, and speaking in her southern accent.

Rogue: Means you get to howling like a lonely kettle left on a fiery stove. We've rodeo'd more Sentinels than I care to count. And Storm and Bishop are made of sterner stuff than you think. And like Remmy said Y/n was there, you know how powerful he is and of course he go out of his way to destroy every anti mutant tech.

Remmy: Rogue always comes to Gambit's rescue.

Y/n: That indeed.

Rogue walks towards Y/n and they share a kiss before they begin to set the table for everyone to eat.

Scott: Rogue, the Professor entrusted us with his dream of mutant-human coexistence. We have to stay vigilant, no matter how good things seem out there.

Y/n: Scott, we understand the dream of the professor and what he stood for but we're still people with lives of our own.

Rogue: Y/n is right... The last few months have been rough, what with the Professor being gone and all, but, sugar, if you don't simmer down, you're gonna die of a stroke.

In walks who seems to be Professor Xavier only difference is that he's walking on his feet instead of a wheelchair.

Professor Xavier: Rogue is right, Cyclops. Scott, while I trust that all my students would gladly die for my dream of a better future, where both human and mutant live free of your total disdain for fun, I would prefer it be avoided.

Scott: Stop being a creep, Morph.

The person that was pretending to be Professor Xavier turns out to be Morph in disguise.

Morph: Hahaha! Just messing around.

Remy: Look like Cyclops about to have that stroke.
Maybe this help!

Y/n: Take cover!

Remy charges a beignet with energy and throws it at Scott, but a blue bubble surrounds it and stops it midair. The beignet is then thrown outside before exploding. Everyone turn their attention at the pregnant Jean Grey standing by the doorway.

Jean: Remy, you could have hurt someone.

Y/n: Yet, no one is dead.

Scott: He doesn't care, Jean. All he cares about are his stupid beignets. I don't know who's worse, him or Wolverine.

Jean walks towards Scott and gives him a kiss as Scott wraps his arm around her belly while Jean is holding his hand.

Jean: Well, can everyone just please behave? This is a school, after all, and we need to be role models for our guest.

Scott: Jean's right. That kid is our only lead to where those extremists got their hands on Sentinel tech.

Y/n: I get it, Scott! I shouldn't have destroyed all the evidence, stop bringing it up. Before I grab some duct tape and tape up that annoying mouth of yours!

Rogue: Easy tiger. There, there.

Beast's Lab....

The scenes changes to Roberto in bed as he start waking up in a strange room.

Roberto: *groans* Huh?

Getting up, Roberto looks around only to spot someone hanging upside down from the ceiling and covered in blue fur along with wearing a lab coat. The blue creature turns around and it is revealed to be Beast as he was busy studying a device of some kind.

Beast: Salutations and welcome. I'm...

Roberto: Blue, very blue. Wow.

Beast: An astute observation, my boy. Hank McCoy here. Or if you prefer my friendly nom de guerre, Beast. That there at the foot of your bed is...

At the end of the bed, Roberto sees another teenager similar age as him but wearing a yellow long coat, X-men earings, and a pair pink futuristic looking sunglasses.

Jubilee: Name's Jubilee. And, dude, I get it. One day, life's fresh. Then the next day, you're waking up to a blue monkey singing Mozart as he tinkers with doohickies.

Beast: Simian analogies, Jubilee? Shame on you. And this doohickey is an elegant piece of art capable of teleporting someone through time and space.

Jubilee: Bishop's bling. He's a time traveler.

Suddenly, they hear the lab's doors opening as Cyclops with Storm and Y/n enter the room while wearing their X-men uniforms.

Storm: Hank, how fares the boy?

Beast: Besides a cavity and layman's existential fear of metaphysics, Mr. Da Costa here is in perfect health.

Roberto: I need to go. Where's my jacket? Tell me I didn't lose it. Super expensive.

Cyclops: Roberto, we can't let you go just yet.

Y/n: Trust us, Dude! The F.O.H. are still out there and they might be still looking for you. It would better if you stayed here until it passes over. The last thing you need is another repeat like last time only this time it won't be pretty.

Roberto: Oh. Right. How much?

Cyclops: "How much?"

Roberto: For the save? I was going to pay those troops to free me, so... You take checks?

Y/n: Focus, kid! We're being serious here, don't take it so lightly.

Storm: My dear friend is right, this is for your safety.

Cyclops: But we're more interested in the weapons those creeps had. That giant arm was from a machine called a Sentinel.

Storm: Did your attackers say anything about where they acquired it?

Roberto: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Today's been a day and you're coming at me with giant robot arms?

Storm: Like Y/n said, your attackers could still be out there, child. Should we let you leave, they could find you and kill you.

Roberto: So now you're kidnapping me?

Jubilee: Kidnapping? We wanna help mutants, even arrogant yuppies like you.

Y/n: So, try to cooperate with us.

Cyclops: Look, you're re scared, Roberto. I get it. Just give us the day to figure this out, make sure you're safe, and then you can go do whatever a kid like you does.

Roberto: At least say there's something to do around here besides listen to Mozart?

Y/n: Actually there might be... Jubes thinking what I am thinking?

Jubilee stares at Y/n and smirks as she nods her head.

Danger Room...

We open up to the Danger room where a destroyed city is on display and hovering above Roberto is a man with a red and purple suit surrounded by a circular magnetic bubble known as Magneto.

Magneto: Hear me. Humanity's days are over. We are nature's favored children. Our new age begins as we build a bright mutant future.

Roberto: Video games are for nerds.

Jubilee: *speaker* Oh, it's no game, buddy. It's the Danger Room. It's where we train. That's Magneto, the Professor's exbestie. They had, uh, different takes on mutant-human coexistence. So what can you do? Fly, teleport? Shoot gold balls from your body? That'd be weird.

Roberto: But, like, he's not even real.

Magneto: You would turn your back on your own?

The hologram Magneto begins to use his powers and throws a steel bar at Roberto. Roberto sees this and begins to run away.

Jubilee: Better show me those powers, tough guy.

Roberto: Seriously, girl, get a life.

Y/n walks in the control room and sees Roberto running for his life as the hologram Magneto continues to through steel bars at him. But as Y/n sees the fake Magneto, he couldn't help but feel conflicted seeing him.

Y/n: So, how's he holding up? Has he shown his powers yet?

Jubilee: *sigh* No he is too stubborn and won't show me. I wonder why the F.O.H. would want him but then again he would say anything to save his skin.

Jubilee then notice Y/n staring intently at the fake Magneto and goes to comfort him.

Jubilee: Everything is okay, Y/n... you're nothing like your father.

Y/n: I know, Jubilee... but it doesn't change fact that I'm his son. And if people find out that I'm related to him...

Jubilee: The only people who know about your relationship with Magneto are the members of the X-men and the professor. Besides, it doesn't change who you are to me or anyone in that matter.

Y/n: Thanks, Jubilee.

Jubilee: You're very important to me, Y/n. Just know that ok.

The two embrace each other into a hug as Jubilee buried her face into his chest. All of a sudden, someone tackles Roberto to the floor and two claws appear next to his face. A man with a yellow, blue, and black costune is on top of him and his claws are sheathed in his face.

This man is the infamous Wolverine...

Wolverine: Show the lady some respect.

Roberto: Oh, so scary, Jubilee. Can we stop now?

Logan: Computer, end program.

The simulation turns off but both Roberto and Wolverine are still in the same position. This frightens Roberto seeing that he is in danger. Wolverine then shows of his claws on his other hand near Roberto's face.

Logan: Scary enough for you, bub?

Y/n: *speaker* That's enough Wolverine, you are scaring the kid.

Y/n checks the time and sees that the meeting with the national security advisor was about to begin.

Y/n: Alright I gotta go, Scott wanted me to attend a meeting with him and Jean with the national security advisor. I'll leave you with Roberto and make sure Wolverine doesn't scare him shitless, okay?

Jubilee nods and Y/n messes with her air as he chuckles and leaves the control room. She fixes her hair as she pouts but blushes enjoying his touch.

Professor Xavier's office...

The scene changes to Professor Xavier's office with Scott, Jean, and Y/n discussing the discovering of sentinel weaponry to the National Security adviser, Dr. Cooper as she can be seen running in a tredmill through the t.v.

Dr. Cooper: Agencies in the US, England and Madripoor have been catching rumors of antimutant militias with Sentinel weaponry. But this is the first I've heard of any confirmed reports.

Scott: How are these groups getting this tech? You said the UN destroyed all the Sentinels.

Dr. Cooper: And we did.

Y/n: What kind of half-assed respond is that? Doctor this is a very serious problem. We need to make sure none of this technology is being used. If people like the F.O.H. are getting there hands on these type of tech or even worst people, it raises the risk of thousands of mutants being in great danger once again. It could be an all out war between mutants and non mutants!

Scott begins to get upset by how true Y/n statement is.

Scott: *sarcasm* I guess I just imagined the big robot hand that almost took out my team. Someone's putting this stuff out there.

Jean: Dr. Cooper, what about Bolivar Trask?

Dr. Cooper: Trask's been missing ever since his inventions tried to swap out President Kelly's brain with a Sentinel computer. He'd need a Master Mold factory to build new Sentinels and you X-Men destroyed the only one years ago.

Scott: Well, when cardio wraps, maybe you can spare the calories to go make sure he didn't build another one.

Dr. Cooper: Charles Xavier was a dear friend of mine.
It's why I urged the UN Council to work with the X-Men. A little trust, Scott, Y/n.

Y/n: It's kinda hard when they are doing it under your noses. Afraid of the public thinking you're siding with mutants instead of humanity.

Scott: The Professor loved to say, "Trust happens when actions meet words." Cyclops out.

Scott cut off the call and walks away frustruated. He stares at the other members playing basketball outside. Y/n goes over to a portrait of the first X-men and sees himself with the other members.

He starts remembering how Professor Xavier took him in after his mother death and learning he's the son of Magneto.

Y/n: Mamá...

Jean walks to the desk and sees the Professor Xavier's death certificate then looks at Scott.

Jean: Well, this certainly explains your mood.

Scott: Yeah, it came yesterday. You know, if he were here, the team wouldn't be shooting hoops while slime like the Friends of Humanity are running around with Sentinel blasters.

Y/n: I have to disagree with you there, Scott. The Professor would've like that we don't let the problems get to us and enjoy these free times we have. Don't put too much pressure on the team or yourself, keep in mind you'll be a father soon.

Y/n then walks out of the room, leaving Scott and Jean in the room.

Jean: Y/n is right you know, you're too hard on yourself, and the team. Remember when we were young and we'd sneak down to the lake instead of doing our Danger Room drills?

Scott: *chuckles* Oh, yeah. The Professor would shout, "Your childish hijinks have cost you five demerits, young man."

Jean: *chuckles* And you'd say, "But, sir, what's the point of being an X-Men if we're not allowed to enjoy our lives?"

Scott: Whoa, whoa, I did not sound like that.

Jean: Oh, yes, you did. You still sound like that. *chuckles* Those days have been on my mind a lot lately, darling. You and I alone. Our whole future ahead of us. The team, they'll always be family, but with the baby coming, maybe it's time to think of a life beyond the X-Men?

Scott: "Beyond"? You mean leave the team? Jean.

Jean: It's like you said, Scott. What have we been fighting for all these years if not the chance to finally live our lives?

Scott: We were the Professor's first students. The X-Men need us here.

Jean: The team will be fine. They have Storm, Hank, and not to mention Y/n. Our son will need us more.
Deep down, you know that. And I know it hurts. But this one time, Scott... It's okay for you to let go.

Jubilee: Jerk!

The sound of glass breaking is heard and a basketball is thrown inside and hits the portrait of the first X-men causing it to fall down.

Basketball court...

Logan gets hit with fireworks launching him toward the basketball hoop pole but chuckles at the action since he can heal. Jean and Scott rush to see what's going on only to see Y/n already is there and standing in between Logan and Jubilee.

Y/n: Alright that enough you two, no fighting between each other.

Jubilee: But he started it!

Jean: Jubilee! What are you doing?

Jubilee: Bozo here scared Roberto off. Cyclops, what if those creeps with the Sentinel gizmos find him?

Scott: *sigh* Logan, take that nose of yours and go find the kid. And take Jubilee.

Logan: *growls*

Scott: Actually, all of you could stand to act a little more like X-Men. Go with them.

Rogue: Hey, now, we didn't do a dang thing.

Scott: Took the words right out of my mouth.

This made Scott irritated by their reaction as Logan walk up to Scott.

Logan: Jean may dig the Boy Scout routine, Summers, but I don't much go in for being bossed around.

Y/n: That's enough Logan.

Scott: Cry me a river, Wolverine.

Y/n stands in between them as Jean does the same by pulling Scott back.

Y/n: Stop it you two, we don't need anymore unnecessary fighting.

Jean: Listen to Y/n, Scott.

Logan: Oh, I'm sure I do.

Wolverine sheaths out his claws.

Y/n: I warned you.

Y/n turn one of his hands into a giant robot arm as he uses it to pin down Logan to the floor and cracking the concrete beneath him.

Logan: Let me go!

Y/n: Not until you calm down.

Jean look at Logan with a pleading expression.

Jean: Logan... Find Roberto, please.

Logan just sigh nod his head in understanding as Y/n let go of him. Logan says something to Scott before walking away.

Logan: What Gyrich did was pretty horrible. But want to know the worst part about the Professor being gone? You.

Logan and the rest of the team leave to go locate Roberto.

Jean: He didn't mean it.

Scott: Doesn't matter. I know who we need to see to find Bolivar Trask. The man who killed Charles Xavier.

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