Weed In The Garden Part 1

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As it nighttime of 9:30 pm, the mutant plant Snake lurk in the darkness.

"That mutt could be anywhere this place", said Snake then transform into his root/vine-like state to travel faster.

A truck loaded with fertilizer have been scene, Snake extended his vine to devour it.

"It's not the same, I want really people as fertilizer", said Snake, "Wait, if I kidnap some humans then that stupid dog will find them while I have my fertilizer, a win-win".

Snake as he returns into a vine/root-like for travel all around New York City within the underground.

Snake spread his roots/vines pop out of the ground, try to detect anyone who get near his feelers in his appendages.

Many hours later, the sun have raise up into morning sky filling with light.

Many of the X-Men mutant with the school.

Back at the room of two newest member, Cinos and Laura remain asleep.

As Laura woke up from her slumber, she actually sleeping on Cinos' ribbed chest.

"Oh my, did I really..", said Laura blushing.

Cinos got up, stretching his body like dogs and cats sometime do.

"Good morning Laura, that was so far best time I ever slept", said Cinos as he stretch his arms and crack his neck, "Ummm what wrong Laura, why your cheeks darker.

"Want do you, they're normal, completely normal", said Laura as she continued to blush even more.

"Okay, maybe my colorblindness is tricky me", said Cinos as he rubbed his eye then pick up a smell of food, "Oh boy, I'm so hungry I could eat an entire school bus which I am capable of".

They both went down to the kitchen and almost everyone which most Cinos and Laura didn't met are there, they sat down around with the New Mutants.

"Hello, I'm Bobby, and this is Ray, Roberto, Sam, and James or just call us Iceman, Berzerker, Sunspot, Cannonball, and Multiple", said one of the students known as Bobby.

"Well hello to you boys", said Cinos nervously.

"So dog, how did a guy like you end up with a girl like her", said Bobby.

"Oh here we go again, we're just...", said Cinos then sniff something, but it wasn't the food.

"Hello girl, I'm Tabitha and these are my friends Amara, Jubilation, and Rahne, or just call us Boom Boom, Magma, Jubilee, and Wolfsbanes", said one of the students and close whispered in Laura's ears, "And possibly the new Bayville Siren if you're included.

Cinos sniff around, heads out of the table, and follow the scent while hearing the TV.

"A report of a kidnapping Amanda Sefton, former jock Duncan Matthews, and Brotherhood mutant Todd Tolansky of a strange mutant which many witnesses say is plant monster that 12 ft tall, resemble a bug, and have vines", said the news woman on the TV.

Cinos sniff some more then accidentally bump into Kitty.

"Oh sorry about....", said Cinos as notice something, "Ummm where is your friend".

"She still sleeping but sound different", said Kitty as Cinos give her a lift.

"Okay then", said Cinos as he head off following that strange scent.

Cinos saw Wolverine sniffing to, "So you too smell it bub".

"Yes, it not Rogue, something smell very swampy and Cajun", said Cinos.

Wolverine head to the room of Kitty and Rogue, bust through the door, and quickly remove the blank, revealing a man with a staff and playing card.

"Chere, will you...", said the Cajun man then got pick by Wolverine.

"It's you CAJUN!", shouted Wolverine as he slam him into a wall and pointing his claws to his face, "What are you doing here Gambit"

As Wolverine is pinning this guy, Cinos sniff at a card in the ground and was shocked.

"Whoa whoa, what the fire", said the guy known as Gambit

"What have you done with Rogue bub!", said Logan.

Cinos pick up the card with his tail.

"Whoa whoa, is this really how treat someone who might be an X-Men", said Gambit.

"Stay here bub, I'll be back", said Logan as he pushed him to the wall and head outs.

"Man, that weird weed guy really packed a punch", said Gambit.

"Pardoned me bit who are you?", said Cinos.

"I'm Gambit, but you may called me Remy LeBeau", said Gambit as he introduced himself.

"So what are you here, your not an X-Men and you meant Rogue", said Cinos.

"Well yes, I'm here for Chere but we got on trouble when plant freak attack us and capture her", said Remy LeBeau.

"So how about this, I can help escape and find Rogue", said Cinos as pick up a card and show it to Remy.

"Really but are you part of them monsieur, will you get in trouble", said Remy.

"Actually I'm not really a member and this plant guy that you mentioned is someone very personal", said Cinos.

"So I'll save girl while you take down the beast", said Remy.

"Yes, so I'll make this quick, I can pick up her and the other scent", said Cinos as grab Gambit then he teleported away.

They teleport near a sewer, Cinos open the manhole cover.

Back at the School of Gifted Youngsters.

"Okay bub, now I told Charles...", said Logan then notice than Gambit is no longer in Rogue and Kitty's room.

"Hey Cinos why are you doing, it time for...", said Laura then she saw that Cinos was gone.

"Now where the heck is that Cajun, and your boyfriend", said Logan.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's just my friends", said Laura.

Logan look around and sniffing for anything around.

Laura also look then found a note which is wrote by Cinos, which have bad handwriting.

"Deer anyone who will reed this note which I no it you Logan and Laura, I'm helping Gambit to rescue Rogue and who ever have taken her along with many disappearance, I no him and have a person business, sincerely Cinos".

Wolverine and Laura as they look outside, knowing that he'll be in trouble.

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