Episode 1: Strategy X

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A/N: The images used in this chapter do not belong to me, they belong to they're respectful owners. Enjoy the story.

We see some cheerleaders and the crowd cheering for the home football team.

Crowd/cheerleaders: Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!

Man/Cheerleaders: Yeah! B-B-B-A-Y-V-V-I-L-L-E, Go Bayville! B-B-B-A-Y-V-V-I-L-L-E, Go Bayville!

Then we hear the crowd screaming as both team start.

Quarterback: Blue 22! Blue 22! Hut! Hut!

Then the ball gets passed to the quarterback as the others pushed the opposing team away. The quarterback gets ready to throw the ball until the a player from the other team jumps at him until he moved out of the way, then he runs with the ball as the others go after him. He runs all the way across the field for a touchdown until one of the players jump at him as he got a touchdown as Jean takes a picture of him.

Announcer: Touchdown, Bayville!

Quarterback: Hey, Jean, did you get that for the yearbook?

Jean: No. This one's for my personal collection.

Then we see a caucasian teen wearing red sunglasses messing around with a coin in his hand while we see another (S/C) teen with (H/S) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes wearing (C/o/C) (Clothing of choice) and black leather gloves, eating a hotdog on the sunglasses teen's left side while a blond caucasian male was on his right.

Announcer: Duncan Matthews does it again this time with quarterback keeper. The Bayville Hawks seem to have this one wrapped up with time running out.

(H/C) Boy: Say what you want about that asshole, but he's giving the other team a run for their money.

Then we see Duncan and Jean walking next to each other as one of his teammates walks up to him.

TM 1 (teammate 1): Hey, look at that. (Shows someone walking next to the bleachers) Tolansky's at it again.

TM 2: Oh, man. That's unbelievable.

Then we the teen stealing someone's wallet as he takes the cash and tossed the wallet away then walks under the bleachers.

Announcer: Looks like the Hawks are a shoo-in for the playoffs.

Duncan: (looks at the coach) Hey, coach. Could we be excused for a second?

Then the coach looks at them then looks at the scoreboard to see the home team winning with 47 points and the visitors loosing with 17 points.

Couch: Y-yeah, yeah. Just hustle back.

Then Duncan puts his helmet on as he and two of his teammates walks towards the bleachers. Then we see the teen with the sunglasses drop his coin.

Sunglasses: Oh, man. My cash.

(H/C) boy: [Sniff] [Sniff Sniff] [Ugh] What is that smell! (Looks down towards the left) huh?

Then we see the (H/C) teen was looking at as we see a hand grabbing someone's wallet.

(H/C) boy: (nudges the sunglasses boy) Hey Scott, (gets Scott's attention he points at the hand) looks like we got a Toad problem.

Scott: Looks like someone's taking up a collection.

Blonde teen: Wow, should we call the cops?

Scott: (gets up and walks off) Hold that option open. C'mon F/N.

F/N: (Gets up and finishes his hotdog while following Scott) Right behind ya.

Then we see the thief as he was under the bleachers taking the wallet.

Tolansky: Got another on. [Hehehe] (gets yanked off and lands in the mud)

Duncan: Well, hey. If it ain't Toady Tolansky picking up a little spare change.

Tolansky: [U-uhh] Hi, Duncan. Look, I-I can explain.

TM 2: Let's crush him Dunc!

F/N: Let's not, Dunc.

Then they all turn around to see Scott and F/N.

Scott: Yeah, just chill. The wallets are still there. How about we have him give the cash back? No harm done.

Tolansky: Yeah, yeah. (Holds up money) See? Here's the money.

Duncan: What do you two care about this scuzzo, Summers and Nelson?

F/N: To be honest, not much, but I'm not fond about three against one either.

Scott: Same here. So how about we settle this peacefully?

Duncan: I think me and and my buds are gonna squash this slime ball, so you two losers can just bail.

Then Duncan throws Tolansky into the mud as Scott lowers his glasses as his eyes started to glow until F/N stops him.

F/N: (whispers) Scott no, we can't expose ourselves.

Then we see Duncan about to stomp on Tolansky until F/N stop's him.

F/N: we said knock it off!

Then F/N tossed Duncan at the other two as they fell into the mud and Scott got next to him. Then Tolansky got up and hopped away like a toad as the two football players picked up Duncan.

TM 2: He's getting away!

Then they dropped Duncan as the chased Tolansky. Duncan got mad and looked at the two.

Duncan: Big mistake, Nelson.

Then Duncan decided to fight the two until Jean came in two see what's happening.

Jean: Scott, F/N, no!

Then Duncan punched Scott in the face.

Jean/F/N: Scott!

Then Scott hit his back on the rails as his glasses fell off and shot lasers from his eyes. Then F/N quickly got in front of Duncan as the blast knocked both of them back, causing F/N's flesh to be exposed. Then the lasers went to a propane tank next to a snack bar, causing the tank to explode. Seeing this, the crowd screamed in terror and ran as we see Jean shocked as everything fades to black.


"Strategy X"

We see a car park a few feet away as we see some fire fighters take out the fires. Then we see a man in the back seat roll down the window. Then we get under the bleachers as we see everything on fire.

Jean: Hmm. It's too hot to touch, (lifted the flaming wood up with her mind) at least with my hands.

Then Jean lifts Scott's glasses up with her mind then looks at Scott as he was sitting down with his eyes shut tight. Then Jean puts Scott's glasses on him.

Jean: You okay?

Then Scott opens his eyes as he sees Jean in front of him.

Scott: Jean. Oh, wow. I-

Jean: [Shh] I know.

Scott: Wait... Where's F/N?

???: (Groaning) Right here.

Then the two look at where the voice then they looked in horror as we see F/N was sitting up without a face as his eyes, teeth, and now burnt muscle mass were exposed along with some of his ribcage as he was healing himself thanks to healing factor.

Scott: W-whoa, dude. I-I-

F/N: (lifts his hand up as his face and chest are now completely healed) Save it. It wasn't your fault. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have my healing factor.

Then Jean looks out to see the ambulance with Duncan.

Jean: Look, you two better split.

Meanwhile with Duncan. Someone from the ambulance takes off his helmet as he starts talking to him.

Man: Take it easy, son. Try not to move.

Officer: What happened here?

Duncan: Um, my head. Can't remember.

Man: Concussion. He's been hit hard.

Officer: [Hmm]

Then the officer looks at the fire.

Officer: Looks to me like...

Then the man from the car used his powers on the officer with his mind.

Officer: [Hmm?] Uh, of course. Must have been a leak in that propane tank.

Then we see Jean walk towards Duncan as he gets put into a medical bed.

Jean: Duncan, are you all right?

Duncan: Hey, Jean. Yeah. You know me. (Knocks on head) Skull like concrete. [Ow]

Jean: Oh. You poor baby.

Then we see Jean with Duncan in the distance as we see Scott and F/N watching what's going on.

F/N: (Pats Scott on the back) Don't feel down, Scott. You'll get her eventually.

Scott: Thanks man.

Then we see Tolansky walk up to the two.

Tolansky: Uh, thanks you guys. Really, you know?

Scott: (walks off) Yeah.

F/N: (walks off as well) No problem.

As the two walk off we see Tolansky by himself as he lowers himself as a fly starts buzzing around him. Then he catches the fly with his frog-like tongue and swallows it then hopped away. Then we see the man in the car again as we get a good look at him.

Man: Things are under control for now, (shows the inside of the car to see a woman driving the car) but we better hurry. We've got a train to catch.

"Timeskip brought you by F/N driving his motorcycle down an open road"

We see both the man and the woman at the train station, waiting for someone who's just arrived. Then we see a normal looking teen walking off the train.

Woman: Kurt?

Man: That's not Kurt. (Turns towards Kurt) This is.

Then we someone carrying two bags wearing a long jacket with a hood over their head. Meanwhile we see a man riding a motorcycle down a dirt road until he stopped by a market place. He walks inside while the clerk looks at him as we hear country music playing. We see the man Take off some gloves as he walks over to a newspaper stand and sees the front page as it says "Explosion At High School, Students escape serious injuries in freak accident."

Man: [Hmm] Trouble at home.

Clerk: Y-you... You want that newspaper?

Man: (grabs the paper and walks over to the clerk) That's why I'm holding it, bub. (Starts reading the paper) Bottle of beer, too. Cold.

Clerk: (Grabs a bottle of beer from the fridge) Warm weather we're having for this time of year.

Then the clerk puts the bottle on the counter as the man leaves $20 on the counter an snatched the bottle out of the clerk's hand. Then the man sliced the top of the bottle off as it rolled on the counter. Then he drank the beer until it was empty and set the empty bottle on the counter.

Man: Recycle that, will ya?

Then the man leaves the store and hopped on to his motorcycle. Then we see another man in the distance on a mountain, watching him.

"Timeskip brought you by Scott using his laser vision to change the scene."

We're now at the X-Mansion as we hear Scott talking to Jean.

Scott: [sigh] Give it up, Jean. (Shows Scott and F/N in front of a door) It's hopeless.

Then we see Jean brushing her hair in the bathroom as some pop music was playing.

Jean: I'll be done in a second.

F/N: Seriously, Jean, We're gonna be late.

Jean: Almost done!

Scott: Look you want me to blow this door (door opens) down?

Jean: (leaves the bathroom) So, are we going we going or what?

Then F/N rolled his eyes as the three of them walks down stairs.

Scott: We're heading out, professor.

Professor: Just a moment, you three. Come here. I'd like you to meet someone. (The three walk into the study where the professor ant the boy from before are in) This is Kurt Wagner. He arrived late last night.

Scott: Hey, Kurt. (Points at Jean) This is Jean. (Points at F/N) and that's F/N. I'm Scott. (Reaches out for a handshake) How are you doing?

Kurt backs up as her was afraid of what they're reaction would be.

Professor: Kurt, You're among friends here.

F/N: (Walks towards Kurt) The Prof is right, Kurt. (Reaches hand out for a handshake) There's no need to be afraid.

Then Kurt shakes F/N's gloved hand as he noticed that Kurt only has 3 fingers.

Kurt: Hello.

F/N: Nice to meet ya.

Kurt: Y-your not afraid?

F/N: Like the Prof said, "Your amongst friends here."

Then they let go of each other's hand as the Professor spoke.

Professor: I was just telling Kurt how I set up this institute for gifted youngsters. Youngsters whose gifts are not always an asset. (Looks at Scott) Right Scott?

Scott: [Uh] So you heard about last night?

Professor: Difficult not to. It was on all the news channels.

Scott: It was a bad situation, and there was an accident. I'm sorry.

Professor: I know. Fortunately no one got badly hurt, (looks at F/N) Well mostly no one. (Shows F/N rubbing his nape) And the true cause was not discovered. But you must be more careful, Scott.

Scott: Come on, professor! I'm packing a bazooka behind each eyeball! What do you want from me?

Professor: Control, Scott. That's what you're here to learn. That's why you're all here. (To Kurt) Scott's eyes emit a destructive optic blast beam.

Kurt: (takes off hood) Cool.

Jean: How about you, Kurt? Got a special gift that brought you here?

Then Kurt poofed away and reappeared on the other side of the room.

Kurt: Maybe.

F/N: Whoa, now that's awesome.

Professor: I'll be helping Kurt get settled in. We can talk more tonight.

"Timeskip brought you by Scott and F/N giving each other a fist bump"

We're now at Bayville High as we see Tolansky waiting by the principle's office as he slides his sneakers on the ground. Then we see the principal calling out to him.

Principal: Mr. Tolansky.

Then Tolansky gets up from his seat and goes to her office as she can smell him passing by.

Principal: (Walks towards a window) Excuse me a moment while I open a window.

We see Tolansky hop on to a chair like a toad as the principal opens the window.

Principal: There. Now, Toad, shall we talk about your new friends, Scott Summers and F/N Nelson?

Toad: What about them? Their cool. Hell, if it wasn't for them, those jocks would've stomped my skull flat.

Principal: Yes, well... Summers and Nelson, as you've noticed, has special powers. There are others like them. (Walk towards Toad) We need to know more. Much more.

Toad: Oh, look. I don't wanna-

Principal: [Deep voice] Silence! (transforms into a monster as Toad turns around to see it) You'll do as you're told! Understand?!

"Timeskip brought you by Kurt messing with F/N by teleporting be him and taping on his shoulder and disappears before he turned around to see no one there."

We're at the Mansion as we see Kurt in his new room.

Kurt: Whoa. (Walks into the bedroom) This bedroom is mine?

Professor: [chuckles] Of course, Kurt. (The woman from before walks right next to him) That's why your parents sent you to us. Because they knew you would be happy here.

Kurt: (walks in front of a mirror) Happy? How can I be happy when I look like this? (Woman puts down a package on the bed) I scare people.

Professor: Not everyone is afraid of you Kurt. Like F/N for instance, he saw your hand and wasn't shocked one bit.

Kurt: Well, that is true.

Professor: Indeed. I have a surprise for you, Kurt. (Takes out watch from his jacket and hands it to him) Put this on.

Kurt puts on the watch as his appearance changed, making him look like a normal human teen.

Kurt: I don't believe it! (Looks at his back then look at the mirror) I... I'm normal.

Woman: Of course you're normal, Kurt, but not because of that machine.

Professor: Storm is right, Kurt. (Rolls towards Kurt) Normal is what you truly are. Never think otherwise. This is just a disguise. (Pushes the button on the watch as Kurt turns back to his normal self) A disguise so that you'll not be persecuted by those who do not understand your gifts.

Kurt: I understand, professor. (Puts on disguise) But nonetheless, You rule!

The two adults chuckled then left the room as we see Kurt open the package to see his X-men Uniform.

"Timeskip brought you by Toad trying to eat some flies flying around him."

We see the bell as the Students of Bayville High started walking across the halls as we see Scott and F/N go to their lockers right next to the blonde kid from earlier.

Blonde boy: Hey, see you guys in the cafeteria.

Scott: Just grab our lunch and save us a seat.

F/N: Just gotta grab something real quick. (The blonde kid leaves) [Sniff Sniff] [scuffs] What's that smell?

Toad: Yo, Summers, Nelson.

F/N: [sigh] I had to ask.

Toad jumps up on top of the lockers.

Toad: What's up?

Scott and F/N look at Toad then checked their surroundings to see no one there.

Scott: (whispers to F/N) Smell anyone near us?

F/N: (whispers to Scott) Other than Tolansky. No, no I don't.

Scott: (to Toad) That's quite a jump.

Toad: Like it? Surprised you could see it through them smokies of yours. Here, let me help.

Toad used his tongue to grab Scott's glasses off his face as he quickly closed his eyes.

Scott: Hey!

F/N: What the hell, Tolansky!

Toad: What's the matter, Summers? Afraid to... (Shakes glasses as they have his slime on them) open your eyes?

Scott: Obviously we both know what'll happen if I do.

F/N: Yeah, so give those back (start to grow wolf fangs) before something ugly happens.

Toad: You got it. (Tossed the glasses in the air, catches it with his tongue and placed it in F/N's hand)

F/N: [scuffs] Gross! Hold on a sec, Scott. (Cleans glasses off with shirt, then hands Scott the glasses) Here.

Scott: (takes glasses) Thanks. (Puts on glasses)

Toad: Well, as you two can see, us three, we got something in common.

F/N: And that would be?

Toad: (hops over the two) I mean we ain't like other people.

Scott: And your point is?

Toad: I just wanna talk. (Hops over to the locker) You know, get to know each other better. You know. (Grabs a lunch bag with his tongue and eats it) Maybe do lunch.

Scott and F/N look at at each other then walks off.

F/N: We'll think about it.

Toad: Sure. You think about it, guys. I got other stuff to do.

Toad hops off the locker and out a nearby open window.

Meanwhile we see the professor reading a book in his study until an alarm went off. Then the professor went to a room known as the Cerebro room as he looks at the screen to see a red dot at the high school.

Professor: [hmm] So, out in the open.

Then the telephone starts ringing as he picks it up and answers it.

Professor: Hello, Scott and F/N.

Scott: Man, professor. (Shows the two at a pay phone (A/N:made in the 2000's going by the era)) You know it always weirds me out when you do that.

F/N: [eh] I'm pretty much use to it.

Professor: (shows the Professor) Sorry. What are you two calling about? (Puts on helmet as Scott talks)

Scott: One of the students here, he's [uh] kinda like us.

Professor: Yes. Todd Tolansky.

F/N: You know him?

Professor: Cerebro just got a reading. He must be using his powers openly now.

Back at the school.

Scott: Anyway, he's not the kind of guy I'd really want to share a room with.

F/N: With the way he smells, same here.

Professor (over the phone): We cannot turn our backs on anyone, you two. You know that.

Scott: Yeah, we know. So, should we bring him in?

Professor: No need, Scott. (Shows professor) Speak to you two later.

Nightcrawler: What's that thing professor?

Professor: This thing is Cerebro. It detects the manifestation of special powers. That's how I found you.

The screen shows Todd.

Nightcrawler: So, this guy is one of us?

Professor: That remains to be seen.

Meanwhile we see Storm taking care of some plants in a green house as the professor speaks to her telepathically.

Professor (telepathic): Storm.

Storm: Yes, professor? (Make a little rain cloud and waters the plants)

Professor (telepathic): I wonder if you can audition someone for me.

After Storm finished, she walks out of the green house.

"Time Skip, brought you by Storm floating in the air as black clouds formed above her and struck lighting to the next scene"

It was night time as we see Toad in his uniform as he was hoping towards the X-mansion gates. He holds onto the bars as he looks at the top of the gates.

Toad: [heh heh] Cake.

Then Toad hops over the gate and into the yard and starts hopping towards the mansion.

Meanwhile we see Storm in her uniform as he walks out of the mansion onto the platform as the wind was blowing. Then she flies upwards into the sky as we see Toad hopping around then stops as he sees Storm flying over him. Then we see a storm cloud form over him as thunder roared then started to rain over him.

Toad: Wow. Now, that is just freaky.

Then lightning struck next to him. Seeing this, he started to hop away. Then we see Storm made another lightning bolt hit behind him as he started to scream.

Meanwhile, we see Nightcrawler in his uniform walking around inside the mansion. Then the wind became so strong, it burst open the doors as it blew Toad towards Nightcrawler and hits him as they roll around until Nightcrawler got Toad off him.

Toad: [Whoa!] What are you? Some kind of ratty plush toy?

Nightcrawler: [sniffs] [discussed sigh] The name's Nightcrawler, (plugs nose) and at least I don't reek like unwashed lederhosen.

Toad: You blue-furred fuck!

Toad hops towards Nightcrawler as he teleports away.

Nightcrawler: As you say in america. (Toad looks up at Nightcrawler as he was on a hanging lamp) 🎵 Neener, neener, neener!🎵

Toad: That ain't gonna help you, boy.

Toad hops towards Nightcrawler as he hops over him and onto the ground.

Nightcrawler: You're so slow!

Nightcrawler winks at Toad and chuckles, then crawled away on the wall as Toad growls in anger.

Nightcrawler: You couldn't catch flies on a windshield.

Then Toad hops after him as Nightcrawler hops away.

Toad: Fight me like a man!

Meanwhile we see Storm fly into the mansion as the professor speaks to her.

Professor: Yes, Tolansky is indeed gifted. He could be one of us.

Storm: Sometimes, professor, I feel your good heart blinds you even from the truth.

Then we see Toad chasing Nightcrawler.

Nightcrawler: Come on, now! Over here! Over here!

Toad: I'm gonna rip your pointy tail off, you fuzzy gecko!

Then we see Nightcrawler crawl on the roof.

Toad: You little Wookie boy, come here. (Hops onto the roof as Nightcrawler hops down onto the stairs) I'm gonna- come back here. (Starts chasing Nightcrawler) Don't make me come over there. Don't make me! Oh, now you're starting to piss me off.

Toad tried to whip Nightcrawler with his tongue, but he missed and broke a window instead. Nightcrawler flips away as Toad tries again and hits another window and hops after him.

Professor: This test is over. Todd Tolansky does have the special gift of the X-gene. He's welcome to join us if he so desires.

Toad: Only thing I desire is blue boy's fuzzy head!

Then Toad hops towards Nightcrawler and wrapped his tongue around his arm. Then he gets on top of him as Nightcrawler tries to push him off as they fell and vanished thanks to Nightcrawler's ability. Then the two teleported into the Danger Room and fell on the ground. The two got up as the room lights up.

Nightcrawler: What's in here? Where are we?

Toad: You asking me, fool? You brought us here.

Nightcrawler: [ah!] And I think I'm about to regret it.

Then we see blasters come out of the wall as we see Scott, Jean, and F/N suiting up.

Professor X (telepathic): Scott! Jean! F/N! Nightcrawler and Todd have teleported into the Danger Room!

Cyclops: Oh, man! The Danger Room has automated defenses!

Jean: It'll attack them with everything it's got!

Monster: (runs off) I'll go ahead.

As Monster was running, he closed his eyes then quickly opens them as his E/C eyes became red as he held his he'd as hair grew from his face as he started to grow a muzzle and fangs and wolf ears on his head. Then he grew taller as his legs began to bend into dog like legs and his feet turn into paws then his hand became hairy and turn into claws and a wolf tail formed from his lower back until he finally became a wolf monster. Then he ran on all fours towards the Danger Room as Cyclops and Jean follow him.

Meanwhile we see Toad and Nightcrawler in the Danger Room as the blasters points towards them and fires at them as the moved away:

Nightcrawler: that was close.

Then we see a machine with giant scissors try to cut Nightcrawler until he backflips away as more lasers fired at him. And the chopper chased him. Meanwhile we see Toad hopping away until a turret comes out next to him as he screamed like a girl then hops away from it as it fired at him. Then we see Monster run into the Danger Room with Jean and Cyclops behind him.

Cyclops: Monster and I got the cannons. Keep them clear of the tentacles.

Jean: (flys off) On it!

Monster: (jumps off) Roger that!

Then we see Cyclops fire at the cannons with his laser vision as Monster hopped on to on of them and made it shoot the other cannons. Meanwhile we see Nightcrawler trying to get away from it all until a tentacle with an electric grip tried to grab him until Jean grabbed him with her telekinesis.

Nightcrawler: You are an angel.

Jean: [giggling] On occasion. How about you? Are you a demon?

Toad: (gets blasted at) [ah!] I just bought that!

Then Toad jump towards a moving wall, then tries to hop away until a wall got in front of him. He was about to get crushed until a Blaster was tossed at the wall by Monster, destroying it in the process.

Cyclops: Tolansky, over here!

We see Cyclops next to the exit as a laser fires at him. Then we see Monster leap towards the blaster and tears it apart as we see Professor X and Storm go into the watching area to turn off everything.

Professor: Security code override. Priority X. Voice print, Charles Xavier.

Computer: Confirmed. Shut-down in five seconds.

Then we see Cyclops and Monster destroying the tentacles coming their way.

Nightcrawler: [Ah] (looks at Jean) now I get it. It's a training area. Vatch.

Then Nightcrawler disappeared and reappears on top of a turret.

Nightcrawler: I just pull the plug and-

Monster: No! Don't touch that!

Then Nightcrawler pulled the plug as it goes out of control and tossed him of while it starts foreign everywhere.

Monster runs towards the machine on all fours then jumps into the air as his body started to transform again. His red eyes turned into yellow snake eyes, his fur turned into scales as his legs came together with each other until they formed a snake's tail. His five fingered claws became three. And his head formed into a cobra's head. Becoming a snake monster.
He wrapped around the machine and spots acid on top of it, causing it to dissolve, then hops off of it. As everything else starts to shut down.

Monster: Well, that sure wassssss a workout.

Toad: Fuck this, man. I've seen enough. I am out of here. (Hops away)

Cyclops: Tolansky! [Groans] Sorry, professor. I couldn't stop him.

Charles: It's all right, Cyclops. He wasn't ready to be one of us.

Monster: Well- (transforms back to normal) -should we go after him?

Charles: That won't be necessary, Monster.

Nightcrawler: I blew it too, professor. I'm sorry. You've been wonderful, but I guess... I... I just don't belong here. (Disappears)

Charles: Nightcrawler, wait!

Monster: Don't worry, Prof, I'll go talk to him. (Walks towards the exit.) I picked up his scent anyway.

Then Charles nods as he sees Monster leave.

Meanwhile we see Toad jump out a window and crash into a table as he rolls on the ground then stops. Then he picks himself up as we see the man from before. Toad was about to get ready to fight until the man brought out his claws.

Toad: Wow!

Man: Going somewhere, bub?

The man tips his hat up and sniffs until Charles speaks to him.

Charles: No, Logan! Let him go.

Then the man, known as Logan, puts away his claws and let Toad pass.

Toad: That's some crazy stuff back there, man.

Logan (to Charles): I came back here 'cause I smelled trouble brewing. [Sniff sniff] Of course, maybe it was just stink boy there.

Charles: I wish it was. Welcome home, old friend. We've missed you. Especially F/N.

Logan: Speaking of which, how much trouble has he gotten in since I've been gone?

Charles: He's been well behaved I can assure you.

Logan: That's good to hear.

Meanwhile we see Nightcrawler reappear into the takeoff area to see the Blackbird.

Nightcrawler: What is this?

???: Ain't she a beaut?

Nightcrawler turns around to see Monster walk towards him.

Monster: To answer your question, she's an SR-77 Blackbird. Twice as fast as the SR-71 and with three times the range and firepower. (Stops next to him) Pretty cool, huh?

Nightcrawler: Very cool. Is she yours? Please tell me you get to fly it.

Monster: It's ours. And if you stick around for a while, I may teach a thing or two on how to pilot her. What you say? (Puts a hand on his shoulder) Wanna be part of the team?

Nightcrawler: Me? I almost got you killed a few moments ago.

Monster: Do you know how many times I almost got killed? (Nightcrawler shakes his head) More times than I can count from the top of my head. That was nothing. Besides, we all make mistakes. Scott does, Jean does, Hell even I do.

Nightcrawler: Really?

Monster: Oh definitely. But that's why we're all here. To learn not to make those mistakes. And that's why we want you to stay.

Nightcrawler: And you don't mind... The way I look?

Monster: If you don't mind my forms then I'd say we'd call it even.

Nightcrawler: We have a deal then.

The two shakes each other's hands as they smiled.

Monster: Welcome to the team. Come on. (Walks off with Nightcrawler) I'll show you where they hide the sodas.

Timeskip brought you by F/N and Kurt playing video games together.

It was the next day at Bayville High as we see Toad in the principal's office.

Principal: I can't believe this! You were actually inside, and you ran away?!

Toad: Hey, I freaked. So sur me. I did what I could.

Principal: And no doubt the good professor wiped your mind so you can't remember anything!

Toad shakes his head as the Principal opens the door.

Principal: Get out!

Then Toad hops away as she slammed the door as she revealed her true self. And she's none other than Mystique. (A/N: Fun fact, Monster's abilities can't work on her either) Then her whole office started to shake as we hear a man's voice.

Man: Do not be so hard on the boy, Mystique. We don't want to thin our ranks, now do we?

Mystique: No, sir. (Everyting metal starts to float around her) I'll be more careful.

Man: Mind you are.

Then we see an image behind a window of the leader of the Brotherhood, Magneto.

Magneto: Remember, this is only the beginning.

Then everything fades to black.


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