Part One: The Spread

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Somewhere in a small town in Indonesia.

A women sits in a rocking chair, reading, as a pair of knitting needles float in the air knitting. The women swipes her hand and a cup of water comes floating to her and she grabs it, taking a sip then tossing it carelessly away and it floats away. Items in her house float aimlessly in the tiny cottage. The door opens and closes and the women looks up. She puts the book down as goes behind a wall, turning the lights off and holding her hand out and quietly making a fire stoker fly into her hands. She silently makes all the floating items sit down carefully down as she peeks out from the wall to see a man with dark green skin and purple eyes. She exhales softly as she walks out from hiding.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." She replies as she turns the lights on again and the items start floating again.

He shakes his head. "It is ok. People said that the 'Forest Witch' lived here. I presume that is you?"

She smiles as she sits down at a small Tea-For-Two table and chair set and pours two cups of tea. "Yes. That would be me. Just because I have Antigravity and Telekensis, people think I'm a witch. Typical Homosapians."

He nods as he sits down and takes a sip of tea. "Green tea?" He asks as she nods.

The women takes a sip of her tea. "Might I ask why you came? Just to get away from the others?"

He nods. "That, and I figured I might warn you. Mutants are saying that some of their friends and family are somehow loosing their mutations, although this is just gossip. Not something I believe you might need to worry about. Have you heard of any of this?"

She shakes her head. "No, not before you told me."

He laughs. "Utter balderdash in my mind."

She smiles. "Great seeing you again though."

He grins back to her. "As am I."

They both smile as they lock eyes. The women stares into his purple eyes as they start swirling. She acquires a confused look as she glances to his hands and skin, which was turning brown. 

"Jacob, your eyes." The women says. "Your skin." The man looks down at his hands as he sees them changing color and quickly stands up, the chair toppling over. The women stands up and is at his side, helping him over the shock.

"Is, is the virus real?" He questions as he looks himself over as the women let's out a sheik of pain and topples over as all the floating objects fall out of the air

"Morgan!" He shouts and is at her side as his eyes go to a emerald green and his skin a coffee brown.

"Jacob? My powers, your powers, there gone."

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