Ferb x Reader (PAF)

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I sat down in the passenger side of the moving truck, today was officially moving day. My dad looked at me and ruffled my (H/L) hair. We soon started driving from our old house in (H/T) to Danville, I quickly grabbed my phone. My best friend (B/F/N) texted me one of my favourite pictures of us. It was last summer and we were at the beach, we were sprinting with our our ice cream when (B/F/N) tripped. Of course I tripped over her and we both ended up with ice cram all over us, in the picture we were laughing and had sand sticking to us. I couldn't help but smile when I thought of this particular memory. I stared out the truck window, it was going to be a while before we got there so I decided to go on some of my social media. There was a bunch of pictures from my friends of us, saying that they would miss me and saying goodbye. "So, there's this group I believe it's called the fireside girls. It's basically a girl scout thing and I think you'd love it" my dad broke the silence, I thought for a moment and went onto Google. Quickly I searched up fireside girls Danville, I clicked on the first URL, it showed a picture of maybe 9-10 girls and 1 girl in front of all of them. I read more about what they did, it was mainly getting patches and helping people. It actually looked like a lot of fun, and a great way to quickly make some new friends, which would be pretty cool. My phone buzzed once again with yet another picture from my friend, this time it was some boys captioned, NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS! I stared at the picture of the boys and analyzed them carefully, "(Y/N), you hungry?" Dad asked, I nodded and saw (F/R) nearby. I clapped my hands excitedly and shoved my phone in my pocket as we pulled into the parking lot, we jumped out of the truck for a quick bite.TIME SKIPWe soon drove onto the curb of our new house, I opened my door as he put the truck into parking mode. Dad opened the back door and revealed the many items of furniture, as well as quite a few boxes. I walked up the small ramp and grabbed a couple of my smaller boxes, walking into the house I noticed a few cracks and paint chips but it was nice. I peeked into a room and put my boxes against the wall, my dad followed in after me and did the same.Phineas' POV"Watcha doin?" I heard a familiar voice say from the gate, as usual it was Isabella. Ferb and I looked up from our blueprints, "Hey Isabella, we're just trying to decide what to do today!" I smiled at her. I continued looking through the prints when I glanced up and saw a moving van next to us, full of curiosity I got up and walked to the fence, trying to look over it. Something lifted me up, I looked to see Ferb was pushing me up, I pushed myself up against the top of the fence. I watched as a man probably mid 20s came outside to the moving van, along with a girl who looked to be around our age. "Hey! New kid!" I yelled to her, she looked frightened but looked up to me, "Y-Yeah?" she stuttered. I gestured for her to come over, I saw her say something to her dad then she ran over to where I was. "Come to the gate and we'll introduce ourselves" I called out to her, she nodded and ran to the gate, Ferb put me down and ran over to the gate to let the girl in. She walked in with her hands behind her back, her eyes were glancing in different directions while avoiding eye contact with us. "I'm Phineas, this is my brother Ferb and that's Isabella" I said, startling her, "I'm (Y/N)..." She muttered, staring down at the grass. Candace walked outside while talking on her phone, "Yea Stace, hold on. Alright you 2! Mom and Dad are gone so I'm in charge!" She laughed, we stared at her as she walked back inside."And who is that?" (Y/N) asked, "Oh that's our sister Candace, don't mind her" Ferb said, we both went back to sitting by the tree. The gate opened and arguing was heard, it was Buford and Baljeet.Your POVI watched as 2 more boys walked in through the gate, they were arguing. "Do you wanna stay and hang out with us?" Ferb asked, I looked at the others who were waiting for my answer. "Why not?" I contemplated it for a moment but stuck with my answer, they cheered like one of us had just win the lottery. Phineas thought for a minute, "hey Ferb, you've been awfully chatty lately" he laughed, he glanced at me and his face turned a light shade of red. I rubbed the back of my neck, I watched as they started making calls and getting tools out from a toolbox. I noticed everyone was busy while I was just standing against the fence, "Sorry if this is weird for you, you can join in on the fun when its done!" the Isabella girl pepped.Time SkipThe tall structure towered above me, a big tire swing (Yes I know they have made this in canon, CHILL FAM!). "Well what are we waiting for?" Buford exclaimed, jumping into the huge tire, I shrugged and followed after them, I carefully strapped myself into the seat and held the bottom of my seat. It soon started swinging back and forth at a fair pace, "this feels like a theme park ride!" Isabella smiled, I stared outside the giant hole being mesmerized by the constant motion. I heard someone press a button and was pushed down, I clung onto the sides and swung my legs in time with the tire. It was nice to have already met some friends, they all seemed pretty nice. It started lowering down as the tires lifted back up into the giant tire, we sat there until it hit the ground, everyone else starting getting up and off the ride. A hand extended out in front of me, I looked up and saw Ferb, who was smiling a little. I grabbed his hand as he helped me off and onto the ground, he let go of me as I stepped towards the gate, "I should probably get back home before my dad gets into my stuff" I laughed a little, he nodded and walked over to Phineas. I walked out of the gate and shut it, getting one more glance at the 5 kids, I walked back over to my house. "So did you make any friends (Y/N)?" My dad asked, making me jump, "Yeah I made some friends, now I need to unpack" I mumbled and ran up to my room.Ferb's POVI watched as (Y/N) walked out of our yard and to her house. Suddenly a strange green beam came and pulled our tire swing into the air, not like it was shocking that it was gone now. We heard Candace run through the gate with our mom, "But it was right here!" She whined, as usual mom just rolled her eyes. "Who wants pie?" She asked walking inside, we quickly chased after her as we always did, it was just same old, same old but with a new kid. As we dug into our pie my mind wondered and I started thinking about (Y/N). I stared at my piece of pie while holding my fork in my hand, "Ferb!" someone shouted, I looked up and saw Phineas standing in front of me. "Dude, we have to go to (Y/N)'s house!" he exclaimed, I got up off my seat and walked out the door, following my brother. We walked over to her house and opened the gate to her backyard, it had food and decorations around the place. We started looking around for our friends and (Y/N), we found Baljeet and Buford by a table with a punch bowl on it. Right before we could get over to them Isabella ran up to us,"Hey Phineas! Hey Ferb." She said out of breath, she looked like she'd been running for a while. We both waved and continued walking to our other friends, "have you seen (Y/N)?" Phineas asked, they all shook their heads in unison, I found myself scanning the crowd of neighbors for her. The man from earlier walked up to us, "Hey there, are you the kids my daughter was hanging out with?" He asked, we all nodded as he gestured for us to follow him, "Great, she's upstairs maybe you guys can get her out here!" He sighed leading us inside. We walked up a flight of stairs and walked up to a door, "(Y/N), the kids from earlier are here." He said through the white door, I heard footsteps as she opened the door, "Hey, come in" She smiled, moving out of the doorway to let us in. I followed Phineas and Isabella, her room had (F/C) wallpaper and pictures I guessed were from her old town. She sat down on her bed with Isabella, "You've got a lot of pictures on your walls." Buford muttered, grabbing a frame from her dresser. In the picture was (Y/N), a girl and a boy, "That's a picture of my best friend (B/F/N) and my other best friend (G/B/F)." She smiled to herself. Her (E/C) coloured eyes sparkled when she laughed, Buford threw the frame onto her bed and started looking at some pictures, I went to grab the picture for her. Our hands touched and I quickly stepped back, she looked up at me, her face was a slight shade of red, Baljeet looked at me and started laughing, soon Phineas, Isabella and Buford joined in, I watched her turn even redder. "Do you guys want to head back outside?" Isabella suggested, we nodded and started filing out, I looked behind me and noticed (Y/N) wasn't following but instead, was staring at some more pictures, I walked back up to her. I put my hand out, she hesitated but took it and I pulled her up so she'd follow us, I didn't want her being cooped up in her room. As the party went on I saw (Y/N) starting to socialize with some of the other kids, I smiled seeing her walk back over to us, my friends gathered around her to talk to her.

(Okay, I did not write any of this. All this work goes to Sierra_is_Brooke5 when she made "The Silent Brit (ferb x reader)" story. She just couldn't continue it so I took it off her hooves- hands (Sorry, I'm a Pegasister.) and put in my one-shot. If you want another part, I might make one.)

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