House Party - First Kiss II

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The music was booming loudly through Montana's stereo at her house party, Brooke, Ray and Chet were dancing the night away along and drinking with Montana but you and Xavier walked in the back garden getting some fresh air together and to have a light chat and share a joint "Montana definitely can throw one hell of a fucking party" Xavier said quickly puffing on the joint before passing over to you "yeah her music is always the best choices to throw a party, do you remember that party she threw after our high school graduation? you said taking a few smokes of the joint but handing back to Xavier

"How come I not that party was fucking epic (y/n) we so got high and wasted, you, me, Montana, Chet and Ray couldn't even remember half of the night because we were so busy partying like fucking rock stars" Xavier exclaimed excitedly dropped the joint onto the floor and puts the fire out with his foot "man x that night really was fun" you chimed in happily "yeah it was" Xavier laughed you both look at each without blinking you pulls Xavier towards you and passionately kiss him to break the ice

He kisses you back with the same force you nearly lose control with each other lending towards the glass window in an embrace now making out for Montana, Brooke,Ray and Chet to see "WELL IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!" Montana yelled and laughing as Ray and Chet joined in scaring yourself and Xavier jumping out each other arms to act like nothing happened the between the two of you "oh look at the two lovebirds" Ray joked "yeah aren't they cute" Chet adds "come you guys leave them alone" Brooke softly pressed "oh alright come on back in you guys this fucking party ain't over yet" Montana exclaimed excitedly toasting with her cain of beer before joining the others to dance again you and Xavier looked at each other then laughed before you both joined everyone else in the house to dance the night away non-stop and drink beer

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