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The first step on to college ...

For me, the experience is interesting and strange. First, I solve all the papers, records,

without the ones next door ...

Unlike other freshmen, I do not have to pack up the city of enrollment, boarding, by my home

is here. But how thoughts, emotions, including desire for a bright future, filled with ever-

present ...

Morning, I woke up early to catch the bus, over the shoulder bag military life is all kinds

of paper. Not dawn dawn, mist rising from everywhere night also fuzzy and the sound still

cry softly at night, I saw the looming shadow of his students in blue uniforms, luggage in

military school military preparations ... The feeling different contact during that first step on to

college, excitement when people see as "students", including that he was thinking big, just

makes my heart throbs ...

University at large and comfortable, we can drop the soul by cool winds rushed through

each row of stone quiet. The cool shady green trees, as if inviting, cheerful. Wide range of

high class each every urge in me something that as motivation ... said to myself: "A different

world opens up, as from today, I officially change their lives in a positive . No more waiting

for new teachers see homework, did not have to wait and then test their homework ... I will

actively create opportunities for myself the newer, more dynamic, more mature ... "

Entering into college, we reserve the right to think of a distant future, was able to confidently

plan their own goals ... to silence and hear the wind, watching the faces confidence, the

design simple, but elegant, I suddenly feel a certain joy flooded pretty small blood vessels ...

Goodbye time student, I feel much more mature. Learning environment can later not as hard

as when I was in high school , everything is freely when we are conscious of themselves,

about their actions ...

Next week, I learned officially, officially starting a new journey. And no matter how arduous,

hardly anyone, though sometimes challenging, obstacles, then you remember the first

moment pass university, I will use it as motivation to self-confidence to stand up after every

fall . The way I can not go full cover roses, but thorns, mud makes me more firmly, preparing

to step into my life wide open ...

Two hours too sacred students ...

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