two, josephine harrington practises dark magic.

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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 two,


SUMMER, 1976

LAYING ON THE DAMP GRASS in the back garden
of the Crawford family manor, Zayden Crawford was revising his potions assignments diligently, books scattered in his lap, as Scarlett Anderson sat beside him, agitated. The grey sky loomed over them, looking moments away from releasing the predicted downpour of rain. The girl was effortlessly beautiful, with midnight-black hair and piercing, luminous green eyes. Both her jawline and her cheekbones were sharp and defined, all of which accentuated her cold exterior. Even with the wretched frown currently carved into her face, Zayden thought she was as stunning as ever.

"This isn't fair! Why does he get to go to that stupid dinner? I should be there! He doesn't even care for their values, or their morals. Just because he's officially the 'Perfect Heir' now that Sirius is gone, doesn't mean he deserves it any less than I do. I should be the one at that ridiculous meeting with Lucius and the others, not stuck here doing this shit!" Scarlett ranted, anger lacing her words at the thought of Regulus Black.

God, she hated him.

She hated his perfect family and how even if he stood there in place, looking and probably feeling ridiculously small, like a lost child, fumbling in the dark searching for a light, he was perfect. He could mess everything up, disgrace his family, put in half the effort of what she had worked so hard for, and Regulus Black would still be given everything. He would always have everything served to him on a golden platter.

She hated him.

Zayden looked over at the girl. They were sat side by side, legs touching, as they drank expensive coffee from ridiculously small glasses. He peered over at her whilst she was lost, drowning in her angry thoughts. Her dark hair contrasting the pale, freckled skin and those iridescent green eyes that he had grown so fond of.

God, those eyes were going to be the death of him.

As he takes in her beauty, she turns, catching his eye with that breathtaking smile she sarcastically threw his way. A smile that only few people saw and for a moment, Zayden swore that he would do anything to see that smile just one more time.

He was pretty sure that her smile could easily be his own brand of heroine.

His words catch in his throat and his heart starts to flutter in his chest, his stomach turning uneasily, and he grew scared that Scarlett could hear each beat. He wasn't sure what cardiac arrest felt like, but he was fairly certain that if Scarlett looked at him like that one more time, he was actually going to drop dead.

She furrowed her eyebrows at him, confusion flooding her face at his lack of response, "Are you even listening? I was saying how unfair it is that Reggie gets to go and I don't. Don't you agree?"

Her blood boils, and her heart pounds at the idea of Regulus Black and Zayden's thoughts are harshly interrupted by the sickening truth that he was longing for his best friend whilst she was longing for someone completely different.

A wave of nausea washes over him but even in that moment, all he can think about is the idea of Scarlett's breath hitting his cheek and her soft lips upon his own.

And maybe that made him a fool, but it seems that everyone is for somebody and if being a fool meant he got to love Scarlett Anderson for the rest of his life, he was rather content being one.

Clearing his throat, Zayden replies, "Sorry, Scar, but after almost sixteen years of hanging around you, there's only so much ranting I can handle." He grinned at her as she rolled her eyes.

"I will hunt you and your family down whilst painting so don't test me." She threatened, throwing a false smile at him.

He shivered theatrically, "God, I love it when you talk to me like that."

"You're pathetic."

"Oh yes, please insult me more. You've got me hooked on you, Anderson."

She scoffed, eyebrows raised, "Do you have no self-respect for yourself? No dignity?"

"I'm under your spell, lost in your charm, Scarlett," he teased, "Just one chance, please."

Scarlett grimaced, letting out a sigh as her best friend got on his knees and pretended to beg for her love.

"God, please remind me why we're even friends."

APOLLO HARDLY RECOGNISED himself as he looked
in the mirror. The ill-fitted, basic, clothes he had disguised himself in all summer were now replaced with pristine, black robes and emerald-green uniform. Looking at himself, he was reminded of how he really was just a teenager who had just gone through a growth spurt over the summer. His limbs were too long and he felt awkward as he pulled at the sleeves of his jumper. He still wasn't used to his current proportions.

Atlas snorted as he looked up from his Herbology essay, watching as his friend scrutinised himself in the mirror. He threw the essay onto his bed and walked over.

"Sixteen years old and you finally grew!" He grinned, crouching down to lean his head on Apollo's shoulder, "For a while I just thought you were going to be short forever. It looks good on you, Apollo, have some confidence."

The door to their common room burst open and Aurora Jang walked in, head held high. "If he had any more confidence, his ego would almost be as big as yours."

Atlas smirked at the girl, "Why thank you, my love." He had a coy grin on his face as he picked the girls hand up, placing a kiss on it.

She grimaced, "It wasn't a compliment."

"Oh please, Rora, you know you want me."

Rolling her eyes, she sighed, "You're nothing but a pathetic boy with a devil's tongue."

The remark only made Atlas' grin grow wider, a slightly delirious look in his eye at the chance to 'argue' with the girl he had grown fond of over the years.

Apollo turned to his friends, frowning, "First of all, Rora, how did you even get in here?? And secondly, Atlas! Stop flirting and help me look less weird!"

"Apollo, darling, stop frowning. The wind might change and you'll be stuck looking like that forever." Atlas chided, hands on his hips dramatically, "Do you really think you can impress Professor Cecilio with a face like that?"

His jaw dropped as he looked at his roommate, feeling betrayed at the sudden accusation, "I am not trying to impress Professor Cecilio."

Aurora snorted.

"What? I'm not!" Apollo defended himself.

With a smile, Aurora walked over to the mirror and placed her hands on Apollo's shoulders, turning them both around to look at their reflections. "Apollo, you look fine. You're a good looking guy and I'm sure Professor Cecilio will think you're wonderful."

Apollo gasped dramatically as Aurora and Atlas giggled to themselves.

"Hey, look. I'm not judging you alright? Professor Cecilio is hot! Ask anyone that witnessed him in person yesterday and they'll agree." spoke Atlas.

Apollo rolled his eyes, "I do not have a crush on our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Before either Atlas or Aurora could respond, a small brown owl came crashing into their dorm room. The group looked at eachother, confused, before walking over to the animal.

Spotted: Josephine D. Harrington. Rumour has it that our beloved Josie was seen in the Forbidden Forest practising dark magic. Has our good girl really gone bad? Or is it all just part of the act? I wonder what the casanova of Gryffindor castle has to think about this... Everyone knows Josie is completely obsessed with Remus Lupin! Isn't everyone? Better lock it down with Lupin, J. Clock's ticking.

The trio stared at the paper in their hand, in silence for a moment.

Atlas huffed, "I don't get it. Who is this person? First they spoke about you two and now Josephine Harrington. It's ridiculous. I mean, come on. Josephine Harrington doing dark arts? I'm pretty sure I saw her cry once in Herbology because she accidently killed a flower."

Aurora frowned as she held the note in her hands, "Where are they finding out these things anyway? It's a fun prank I guess but this could get people in serious trouble, whether these rumours are true or not."

Apollo hummed in response, "Who do you reckon it is?"

"I'm not sure. The marauders, maybe? They seem like the kind of people to think something like this is hilarious." She sighed.

"I have Muggle Studies with James and Sirius second, I could ask then." Atlas suggested.

Aurora stared at him and deadpanned, "Yes because they're totally going to admit to you that they're the ones trying to cause drama all over school."

Atlas grinned at the girl, "I'll use my Black charm to convince them, alright?"

"If you say so..." Apollo muttered, unconvinced.

Aurora just sighed and patted Atlas on the back, "Good luck, you'll need it. Anyways, Apollo and I are going to be late to our lesson so if you don't mind, I'm gonna drag him away before he can pick himself apart in the mirror any further."

"Have fun in Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Cecilio!" Atlas winked at the two before wiggling his eyebrows at Apollo.

#OPHELIA : ok !! i know this is very short so apologies for that but i just want to get the introduction-ey paragraphs out of the way so we can get onto the actual plot *laughing evilly 🙏*  i am already growing very fond of these characters and so im sorry in advance for what they're gonna go through xx

ALSO . i am so sorry i suck at writing romance especially unrequited love but zayden and scarlett r so special to me ugh

Aurora — fIowerfieId
Scarlett & Zander — fvirycore

——   thoughts on this chapter ??
next chapter we will see josephine's reaction to gossip girls latest news !! and atlas will interrogate james and sirius *gasp* how do you think it will go ?

——   anyways thanks for reading ! the next one will be longer xx and apologies for any grammar mistakes i suck at proof reading

lots of love
lia xx

faceclaims in case anyone forgot :



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