Cohabitation and Arguments

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"Tsurugi! What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted, but a little bit sleepy, like come on, I just got up from the bed.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm cleaning your fucking house!"

"Oh, please. Leave it that way! I can't find my things now. Where did you put it?!"

"I just organized them. I can't believe a girl like you can't keep the 4 corners of her house tidy."

"Talk about hyperbole. There's only a little mess here, but you insist on dusting the ceiling— where's my jar of gummi bears?!"

Oh, no my precious gummi bears can't be lost!

Tsurugi pulled his cloth mask down before speaking, "Its at the top of the fridge. You must be thankful that I'm cleaning your ceiling, since you can't reach it."

I was reaching my gummi bears but I managed to shout back at him, "I can reach it! I only need a chair!"

He taunted me more, "(Y/N), you can reach the fridge with a stool, but you can't still reach the ceiling with it, pipsqueak."


"Yes, you're so small that I can't hear you."

And that's how I started the morning. Never have I ever expected that being with Tsurugi was this stressful. I wonder how Yuuichi-san took care of him when he was younger.

I'm cooking omelettes for our breakfast and finally gave up on our argument earlier. He can do whatever he wants, as long as he won't enter my room.

"Oi, (Y/N). Can I clean your room?" He yelled from the stairs.

"Yeah, sure."

I heard his footsteps go up the 2nd floor and it took me a lot of seconds to realise what he asked.

I ran upstairs, "Wait! Tsurugi!"

There, I saw him pick up my books and sweep the floor, "Tsurugi! You shouldn't enter a girl's room so carefree! Get out!"

"But I asked for your permission earlier, right? You should atleast put these heavy ass books on a bookshelf. You might trip."

"I told myself I'll put them away and clean my room later, so just stay on your room or downstairs and play some games."

He completely ignored my suggestion and arranged the bookshelf beside my bed. He peered into into it and said, "A Complete Guide on Medicine track, Doctor's Notes, Biology... why do you have these books?"

"I used to study medicine before switching to programming so I bought those. I still read them for stock knowledge though."

He hummed in response, "Medicine is a pretty decent course, why switch to programming?"

"Nursing wasn't really my dream, its more like my mom's dream and its what she wants for me. Although, I want to pursue programming at the same time. I told her about it and let me transfer to my preferred course. I'm glad she wasn't disappointed. How about you?"

"Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to work with computers, because I think it's interesting and fun. I'd like to understand the logic of computers and media and my father approved of it, so I never had a problem on choosing tracks." He replied, dusting my shelf and reaching for a mop.

He stared at the PC desk for a while before starting to mop, which made me wonder. "Is there something wrong in there?"

"(Y/N), how old are you?"

"I'm 20."

"You're already 20 and you still cry over animated movies? Pathetic," He mopped and kicked the cluttered DVDs.

"Hey! Don't you dare kick my treasures." I picked the pile up and placed it in my drawer. "Its not my failt that Your Name is so deep and emotional. Wait, how did you know that I cried?"

"Your Name isn't really that deep. The characters just switched bodies and voila, they fell in love and in the end, they don't even remember each other. It was an utter crap. And about how I found that you're a crybaby, I saw some droplets on the PC table which I assumed your tears."

"A jerk like you would never understand the emotional impact of the anime movies. I bet you didn't shed a single tear in A Silent Voice and I Want To Eat Your Pancreas."

"Of course. I'm matured enough not to get sad over fictional films."

"I'm matured as well!" I pouted.

He coughed, "Mature my ass."

Minutes later, I smelled something burning downstairs.

"Oi, you didn't leave the stove open in the kitchen, did you?"


I had to cook for breakfast AGAIN because they were badly burnt that they weren't edible anymore. I sighed. The eggs were wasted; I bought those from an expensive brand!

"It was solely your fault. Whose dumbass will go upstairs and forget that she was cooking? (Y/N)," Tsurugi said.

"Oh, shut up! I was agitated because you suddenly entered my room! Don't you know about privacy?"

"First of all, I told you I'll clean your room and asked for your permission. Second, you weren't in there, so I'm not directly invading your privacy."

"Still! Don't you feel annoyed if some waltzes in your room?"

"Sometimes, but I get used to it. My friends don't have shame that they will actually slam the door open, make themselves home and do shit."

Wow, that's how close they are to him?In my first impression, I saw him as an unapproachable, serious person that snaps at everyone who tries to talk to him, after he spat right at me at the first time I met him. I thought of how hard is it to barge in to his life and yet Tenma and the others managed to be friends with him. Unbelievable.

To be honest, despite of my negative assumptions, I found him so cool and badass in game. His skills are so lit. Whenever I watch him playing MoBA games, I swear his hands and fingers are so fast that he spams all the character's skills in all directions.

"Who knows? Maybe you'll find something in my room that you can use as a blackmail and tease me all day with it." I crossed my arms.

"Hah, you think I'm that kind of person? Hell no. I won't dig into your personal things to find something to use against you. I'm not Kariya."

"Oh, right."

"If you're that bothered, I'm sorry. But don't stress yourself, I won't do anything that can destroy your house. Calm down. I promise not to enter your room from this time. Here, I brought down your gummi bears down the fridge." He handed me my jar of sweets.


"Yeah." He rolled his eyes, seemingly disgusted by the word he is about to say, "P...P-Promise."

"Hmph!" I snatched it away, looked at the opposite direction and grabbed a bite. "You're forgiven."

Tsurugi brought out his phone and leaned on the sofa. I returned my gaze to him and offered, "Wanna try some?"

He looked at me, took a second thought before he decided to have some.

I laughed, "Are you thinking its poisoned?"

"The last time I ate candy, it tasted gross. But you seem to like it so much, so."

I hummed as a reply. He blankly stared at his phone while impatiently tapping the screen.

"What's wrong?"

"All the online games from the app stores, they're not working anymore. It shows the same message balloon when the Minecraft was hacked."

"I see... the hacker's on the move again. What does he get when he hacks all the gaming companies?"

"I don't know. But for sure, it'll be of their greedy personal interest."

Our phones rang in unison. I checked mine, finding out its a notif from Lancelot.

"Lancelot's back!"

"Yeah, surprise. Dad gave me the permission to share the updated messenger to remaining Lancelot users."

I sighed, "Looks like I still have to improve mine."

"For sure. But its already convenient to use on your release and first update, I commend you."

"Its not yet released in public but gee, thanks."

{Lancelot has been updated.}

>>Tenma logged on.
>>BlueSkyLander logged on.
>>(Y/N) logged on.
>>•MusicVirtuoso• logged on.
>>Fei logged on.
>>cRaZypRanKZ logged on.
>>Tsuugi logged on.

Tenma: Heeeey everyone!

BlueSkyLander: Omg lancelot's back at last!

Fei: I'm happy that I can use the messenger with the coolest features now.

cRaZypRanKZ: this wasnt infected with the virus right?

Tsurugi: I told you for the second time it isnt

•MusicVirtuoso•: Now that our main messenger is finally working, let's start discussing right away.

•MusicVirtuoso•: Most of the games and apps are rendered unusable because of the virus that initially hacked the Minecraft.

Tsurugi: I solved 2 of the virus codes and I'm working with the last unsolved one.

Fei: Man, I'm getting really bored and anxious about this hacking incident.

Fei: I wanted to play games and level up so bad but this hacker just need to hack everything

cRaZypRanKZ: true tho >_<

BlueSkyLander: atleast he didn't hack adorable home

Tenma: Kirino-senpai and I talked about giving direct help to MC.

•MusicVirtuoso•: That's a good idea. Dad and mom has connections with some people who owns games and apps, so probably we could go to their quarters and be an assistance.

Kirino: anyway, hows tsurugi in there (Y/N)? is he misbehaving?

(Y/N): We're fine. Although he insists to do some household chores.

Tsurugi: Why would I misbehave. I'm not a fucking kid.

Tsurugi: You're not even my brother to ask that.

Tenma: Wait, Tsurugi's doing household chores?! I've never heard of this!

Tsurugi: Its only my way of paying her back so leave me alone for the love of God.

(Y/N): If you're all coming to different gaming companies, we're going as well!

Kirino: Nope, both of you will stay in your place

(Y/N): eeh? why? :<

Tenma: Since we left the investigations and analyzation of codes to Tsurugi, he'll receive a lot of work.

Fei: Probably (Y/N) can help Tsurugi?

BlueSkyLander: Surely she can. She's an app programmer now, isn't it?


(Y/N): I'm just another amateur programmer!

Tsurugi: So am I. An amateur computer engineer.

Tsurugi: I was only an assistance for my family's company and I was exploring everything else alone.

Tsurugi: I appreciate help from anyone.

•MusicVirtuoso•: Alright, that settles it. We'll be leaving later.

•MusicVirtuoso•: I'll send the current Javascript status of the Minecraft to you

cRaZypRanKZ: Javascript?! The admins gave you the copy of the codes in their game?

•MusicVirtuoso•: I swore that we won't manipulate anything other than the infected codes.

Tsurugi: Got it, thanks.

I heard Tsurugi sigh before standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"My room. I'm going to start working on this investigation thing. I received the Javascript from Shindou already."

"Wait! Is there anything I can do?"

He stared at me for a while and then scrolled on his phone, finding something.

"You know how a malicious code looks like, don't you?"

"Yes, I know."

"I want you to identify all the malicious codes in this Javascript."

He sent me a copy, and I gasped on how long the whole file is. "This is so many! How am I supposed to find all of them in a short time?!"

"You can take all your time and do it in your pace. I won't rush you, but I'll be waiting. Send it to me if you're done right away."

"Okay then..."

"I'll be in my room," He said, proceeding to the stairs.

I sighed. Even if he told me to do it in my pace, I wanted to do it as fast as possible, but look all these letters and numbers! I'll have to finish it after 2 hours then.

I sat on the couch and got my laptop, beginning my part.

I managed to find everything in that whole, damn file. I sent my work a while ago to Tsurugi and flopped in my pillow to rest. My eyes are drying at the long exposure to the screen.

After a few minutes later, I went to the kitchen and prepared ingredients for our lunch. Oh how I wanted to cook a decent and classy lunch for him, knowing he came from a rich-ass family, too bad I'm not good at cooking and I always come up with simple viands.

I finished cooking at 12:45 and Tsurugi hasn't came down. He doesn't mean to work non-stop right? If he gets hungry, he'll surely go here and eat. I guess I'll wait for him so we can eat together.

I almost drifted to sleep while listening to music. I checked the time and it read as 1:45pm. I was waiting for an hour! The food also got cold and there is no sign that Tsurugi went down here to ate. Doesn't he get hungry? Don't tell me he's still cooped up there working on those long column of codes?

I decided to go upstairs to call him for lunch. I knocked on the door loudly and shouting in unison.

"Hey, TSURUGI! Its almost 2 pm! Don't you want to eat first before continuing you work in there?!"

He didn't answer, but my phone rang with a message notif.

Tsurugi: Shut up, I'm busy.

Tsurugi: You eat first, I'll go down later.

"You better get down to have lunch, okay?"

I went down and had my breakfast. It'll be better if he just went down and joined me here.

I feel asleep completely on the couch from binge watching anime episodes I missed this week. I immediately checked the kitchen, only to find the covered food on the table not moved. There's still the single plate on the counter!

He didn't came down and eat!

That liar! I turned off the TV and prepared lunch for him. I don't care if this meal is already out of time, I don't like the idea of Tsurugi skipping lunch! He might get sick or get an ulcer and it'll be my fault! Its not like he'll lose anything if he ate first, right?

I stomped on the stair steps and went in front of his closed room. I banged the door a couple of times before yelling.

"OI TSURUGI!! You told me that you'll get down and eat but you didn't! You fucking liar! Its 3:30 pm now!"


Tsurugi: You're so noisy that I can't focus with my work.

"Oh yeah? I'll gladly destroy that focus so that you can eat!"


Tsurugi: I'll eat on dinner. Why can't you just leave me alone and mind your own business? I'm not hungry and I'm not yet done with this.

Tsurugi: I need to finish this damn work and I can eat on the other time.

"So you're the boss now, huh? Remember, this is my house and I don't allow anyone to skip meals in here!"


Tsurugi: You sound like an asian mom

Tsurugi: old hag

"Ugh, this is so annoying! I'm going to enter your room, whether you like it or not!"

I held the doorknob and I was surprised that it isn't locked. I should've entered his room earlier then!

I opened the door and saw him typing quickly in his computer with one leg on the swivel chair and lots of papers on the side of his table. He must've been working so hard.

But that isn't an excuse for skipping lunch!

I arranged all the papers to one corner and put down the tray of food.

Tsurugi looked at me, "What do you want?"

"You stop whatever you're doing and eat."

"You don't order me around." He narrowed his eyes went back to his typing.

I pressed the power button of his computer and it shut down its monitor.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!"

"Listen, Tsurugi. My house, my rules. I want you to eat first, alright? I'm just worried about you, and I'm sure you must be hungry..." I explained, afraid of him getting mad at me.

He glared at me for good 2 minutes before giving in with a sigh, "You're so stubborn, you know?"

"Yay!" I celebrated a bit when he finally picked up the tray, sat on his bed and ate.

"Its hot. Did you cook just now?"

"No, I reheated it. The food tastes better when hot."

I closed the door and sat on his chair and initiated a conversation. "You're still not finished with this investigation and decoding thing?"

"I'm almost done. I could've eaten after I work with these, but you had to be so annoying that you interrupted me."

"Well, I'm not sorry for that."

He swallowed his food and talked, "I found some information about the virus codes. Every one of them are connected to each other and to someone."

"Someone? It refers to the perpetrator?"

"Nope. The perpetrator might be referring to someone. I won't disclose any information until I'm sure though."

"I see. You know, you're so amazing, Tsurugi."

He raised his brow after he heard me, "What?"

"I mean, you excel in gaming. You're a great computer engineer, seeing what you have been doing right now, and Tenma once told that you were one of the greatest soccer players on your high school. Man, I wish I had more talents as you."

"You think of me so highly." He chuckled, "I'm only doing what interests me."

He put away the tray with empty plate and glass of water. "Thank you for the meal. It was delicious."

"I think its not, but you're welcome!"

"Anyway, do you remember what I said earlier this day?" He said, standing up.

I tilted my head in confusion, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"That I promised that I won't enter your room without your permission?"

Upon hearing what he said, I had a hunch on where this conversation is going to.

"Don't you think its unfair if that rule only applies to me, right? Now, you're the one who's invading my privacy. I didn't even gave you permission to enter my room yet you barged in here."

Nervous, I stood up, slowly walking towards the door backwards, "U-Uh, I'm sorry!! You see, I just wanted to bring you your lunch and make you eat! I can't leave the food in front of your room right? So I had no choice!"

"I had a reason why I entered your room as well. I had to clean it, but you don't want me to do it again." He said, walking to my direction.

"I-I told you, I'm so sorry! I promise I won't do it again—"

My back reached the wall and Tsurugi pinned me against it. His face is only inches away that I could clearly see his calm demeanor.

How do you stay calm in this situation?

"I'm not angry. I only thought its unfair."

I didn't know what to say. He's so close, that I could feel his breath. My heart thumped loudly as ever and I swear my cheeks are emitting different shades of red by now.

"I accepted your thoughts towards me, so let me tell you what I think about you this time." He spoke, "I also think that you're great. You made your own messenger by yourself and I could commend your gaming skills. I think you're intelligent as hell, now that I discovered you studied medicine and all that sciences."

All I could do was to stare at him while listening to his deep voice. Am I dreaming? Am I hearing right? Is this the real Tsurugi I know? He isn't acting the way he used to everyday!

And yet everything isn't a dream.

"I-I'm not—"

"Yes, you are." He stroked my cheek, "You're blushing really hard. Do females like this kind of situation?"

I let out some incoherent noises before making a decent sentence, "H-Huh?! I-I'm definitely not b-blushing! It was hot! I-Its not like what you think!"

I tried to push him away, but failed as he softly held my wrist, still pinning me in the wall. He had me silenced, as if putting me in a trance with his orange eyes. "(Y/N), what if I told you..."

He paused in mid-sentence with a hesitant look in his face. Soon, he loosened his grip and let me go.


"...Nevermind. Forget everything what happened, if it makes you uncomfortable." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"No, it doesn't..." I fidgeted.

"Oh? Then its fine for you to get pinned in the wall by some guy around?"

"Of course not! I know you and I trust you so... ugh! Enough of this talk alright?!"

I turned around and opened the door but he slammed it shut again. "Why??"

"You're staying here. That's your punishment of entering my room without my permission."

"Wha... Are you kidding me? Let me go!"

"I won't and I'm not kidding. After all, you broke the rule you made. You're not getting out of my room."

"Fine, if you insist! You're calling me stubborn but you're also stubborn," I sat on his bed, crossed arms and pouted. "Why do you want me to stay here anyway?"

"Your presence makes me calm and... a little happy." He looked away and sat on his chair and got back to his work, but his ears are noticeably red.

"Hmp!" I hummed, trying to ignore his sweet sentiment. Maybe this 'punishment' isn't so bad at all.

When I pulled a blanket under the pillows, something fell off the bed. I picked it up, finding out its his wallet. Pictures also fell out from it. I took a good look at it for a while, admiring how beautiful the sceneries in the photos.

"Hey, Tsurugi. I found these in your blanket." I approached him and showed his wallet and photos, "Did you took these pictures? They're beautiful!"

I glanced at it while clicking the mouse and replied, "No, that was given by my childhood friend lots of years ago."

"That's cool! He must be a photographer,"

"An amateur, like us."

I flipped the photos at the back, reading the small notes written in it. He said these was taken in his childhood days, but these doesn't look old. He took care of these precious photos.

"He must be a really good friend, isn't he? Leaving letters behind these pictures."

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me, wondering, "Letters?"

"Yes! Look, there are small notes in here,"

He snatched them away from my hand and read what is behind it. His eyes widened as he read.

"It says 'Let's cipher sometime?'... Of course! Caesar Ciphers!" He instantly typed something in the computer. What does it mean? What did he find out?

"I knew it! I discovered what the 3 virus codes mean."

"Really? What does it say?"

"4417 means '16', cjdzu is a caesar cipher that means 'years', and 11100110/1000110/11110110 is a binary code that means 'ago'."

"16 years ago?"


We glanced at each other for a moment. What happened years ago that connects to this hacking incident?


>>StarsightGalaxy has f****ng logged on.

Finally i finished this chapter. i think this is the longest one i made for this story.

thanks to Xx_Shuuya_Arazen-xX  who wrote on my message board and told me to update already. it surprised me but at the same time, it inspired me. she's the reason for this update xDD

anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter

i hope i experience kabedon in real life


>>StarsightGalaxy has logged off.

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