MOBA and Teamfight Tactics

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>>cRaZypRanKZ logged on.
>>Tenma logged on.
>>BlueSkyLander logged on.
>>(Y/N) logged on.
>>•MusicVirtuoso• logged on.
>>Fei logged on.
>>Kirino logged on.
>>Tsurugi logged on.

Tenma: This is the worst.

Tenma: What do you mean that we are the only players left in Minecraft?

•MusicVirtuoso•: exactly what it means Tenma

Tsurugi: The virus infiltrated a lot of users' phones and accounts and they're rendered unusable.

cRaZypRanKZ: aight time to die

Fei: Hey, Tsurugi. Is the code to counter the virus still isn't working?

Tsurugi: It's complete now, but we can only use it if we are encountering the virus core.

Kirino: Virus core?

Tsurugi: It's another topic I have to look into.

Tsurugi: Well, thanks to this one certain idiot here that I finished the counter code.

(Y/N): Yea, u're fucking welcome

•MusicVirtuoso•: Language missus

(Y/N): sorry senpai

BlueSkyLander: soooo how's (Y/N)? Is she finally eating?

Tsurugi: No more worries. She's eating like a pig everytime.

Tenma: Thank goodness!

Tenma: Don't scare us like that (Y/N) again, alright? We we're so worried!

Kirino: We can't afford to lose a member since we aren't Inazuma gamers without uuuu

(Y/N): awwww that's sweet

(Y/N): I won't do it again. I promise

Tsurugi: You better keep your word

(Y/N): Yes, cranky ass

•MusicVirtuoso•: Anyways, let's go back to business

•MusicVirtuoso•: Should we open the Minecraft now? I remember Endou-san told us that there's only one SEED with multiple copies remaining in the game. I think we should end this now.

Fei: I think we should. I feel bad to the gaming economy, stocks and exchanges. The graph is going so low that big companies are barely keeping it alive.

Tsurugi: It's not our duty to get rid of the virus at the first place.

Tsurugi: What are the other gaming corps even doing at this rate?

Kirino: They're definitely doing their best for their users. You see, they prioritize the players info's safety more than their own games.

BlueSkyLander: How selfless.

Kirino: Right?

cRaZypRanKZ: So I'm opening mcpe now,,,


cRaZypRanKZ: you're the one who suggested to help them right?? So let's goooo-

•MusicVirtuoso•: Tsurugi, how's Minecraft this time?

Tsurugi: Filled with SEED copies.

Tsurugi: It's alright Kariya. You enter first so we can measure how dangerous the environment in there is.

cRaZypRanKZ: Let me think twice.

(Y/N): XDD

(Y/N): How abt we log in there at the same time? They should get confused with whose accounts they'll steal data from.

Fei: That doesn't sound less risky

Tenma: Aren't the copies bots?

•MusicVirtuoso•: I believe they're all controlled by a singe user, Tenma.

•MusicVirtuoso•: And (Y/N) has a point too.

Tsurugi: I have enough anti virus codes I gathered to protect everyone's accounts and the linked ones.

Tsurugi: Anyone of us can open the Minecraft safely now.

Tenma: COOL! ''Twas quick!

BlueSkyLander: You work so hard, Tsurugi. Aren't u sleep deprived or skipping meals or smth?

(Y/N): He's kinda sleep deprived but it's unfair

(Y/N): How come he doesn't have eye bags and acne?

(Y/N): While my face is sO wReCkeD when working in midterms

Tsurugi: Like I said, I'm not doing everything by myself.

•MusicVirtuoso•: Yeah of course we know that

•MusicVirtuoso•: Yosh, everyone log out now.

Tenma: Haiii

>>Fei logged out.
>>Kirino logged out.
>>Tsurugi logged out.
>>(Y/N) logged out.
>>BlueSkyLander logged out.
>>•MusicVirtuoso• logged out.
>>Kirino logged out.
>>cRaZypRanKZ logged out.

[Minecraft Chat Box Active]
["GamerzOf_Inazuma" Chat Box Active]

+Tsurugi online+
+Shindou online+
+Tenma online+
+(Y/N) online+
+Kirino online+
+Aoi online+
+Shindou online+
+Kariya online+

=Fei: Wow, Tsurugi's right. Minecraft's wracked.

=Tsurugi: I never lied.

=Shindou: You did a lot of times.

=Kariya: Man, it looks like a pixelated and dark dystopian world it's scary.

=Aoi: Where are the SEEDs?

=(Y/N): Possibly nearly.

=Kirino: Nope, they're really nearby atm

=(Y/N): Everyone keep close to each other!

=Tenma: A zombie wave is coming!

=Fei: lolol it suddenly sounded like Plants VS Zombies

=Shindou: They're closing in! Fight them!

[Tenma killed a zombie]
[Tsurugi killed a zombie]
[Kirino killed a zombie]
[Shindou killed a zombie]

-a few minutes later-

=Tenma: How long are we going to do this? We aren't clearing anything! There's no end to them!

=Kirino: They must be distracting us with these damn zombies


=(Y/N): Aoi r U OKAY?

=Tenma: Coming!

[Tenma killed a zombie] x2

=Fei: She's getting swarmed!

=Aoi:I think I left my stronger items in a chest

=Kariya: That sucks

=Tenma: I'll stick with you don't worry!

=Tsurugi: It's here.

=Kariya: Yes, ofc zombies are here what else

=Tsurugi: The SEED.

=Tsurugi: it's coming.

=Tsurugi: Bruce yourselves.

=Shindou: What?

=Fei: Holy shi—

The screen of their gadgets became pitch black in a second. The immediately opened the messenger to contact each other. Kariya called everyone in a group chat.

"What happened?! Did our avatars died? Did we lose?!"

"I'm pretty sure we didn't die or lose," Kirino replied.


"Calm down, Kariya!" Tenma said, "Didn't Tsurugi said he had our data protected?"

Shindou cleared his throat, "This SEED is kind of different from the others. I guess this is their black sheep?"

"Indeed." Tsurugi agreed. "Let's see what it's going to do right now. (Y/N), where are you?"

"Kitchen. You guys alright? That blackout scared the shit out of me!"

"Same. I didn't expect that." Said Fei.

"I just told everyone to 'brace yourselves'."

"Hey, look!" Aoi exclaimed, "An app is opening from Minecraft?"

"Whoa, what's Mobile Legends doing in here?"

"I see. They embedded another app in here to change the atmosphere somehow." Tsurugi explained.

"What do we do? Should we get in?" Asked (Y/N).

"Well, there was no choice to begin with. The last SEED is waiting. Lez go!" Tenma said.

Everyone opened the game and entered a lobby while still on call. That's when the SEED started talking.

"Welcome to Mobile Legends, losers."

"Was that an attempt to downgrade us?" Tsurugi subtly roasted him.

"Dude, the ML's female voice got really deeper than hell. Did she have a sore throat?" Kariya wondered.

"Idiot, that's the SEED speaking!"

"The SEED? Oh my God it's talking?!?!"

"Just being here proves that we aren't losers." Tenma answered. "Reveal yourself, stranger."

"I am Senguuji Yamato. I assume that you're the bunch of gamers from Inazuma town? Oh, the perp will love it if I get rid of you right here and now."

"Why though?" Aoi asked.

"Because you keep getting in his way, duh? I do not know about his reason but as long as I benefit, I'll go along his plan."

"You're serving someone you don't know? Seriously how dumb you SEEDs can get?" Shindou insulted.

"I know him by name, but I won't tell you. Now, enough talking. Let's start the game. Beware that I swore to crush every one of you."

"Haha, I'm really scared right now! Is that all you have, boy?" Kariya taunted.

"Look how brave this bastard is," Kirino lightly chuckled.

"Bold of you to assume that I will listen to your insults or whatnots."

"Then don't expect us to incinerate in anger with your petty callings." (Y/N) spat.

"OoOooOoohhHhh!" The prankster and the others hollered in audio. "(Y/N)'s on fire! Right back at you, Yamato, or whatever the hell your name is!"

The SEED ended his statements with an irritated scoff as he changed the screen to the game's picking. Their gc's call audio is filled with laughs.

"He got fed up," Aoi laughed, "I swear he got fed up! HAHA!"

"Nice kill, (Y/N)!"

"Hah, I ain't a bitch for nothing." She smirked with pride. Tsurugi rolled his eyes after he looked to the person he's seated beside with.

The banning of heroes started. The 6 heroes banned were Khufra, Natalia, Yu Zhong, Helcurt, Estes, and Layla.

"Sooo, let's pick heroes!" Tenma declared, "I'll be the fighter! Can I use Badang?"

"Fine by me. I'll be the Esmeralda. Are you going to use your main, Tsurugi?" Shindou said.

"Of course."

"Wait, wait! We're eight here, right? Isn't Mobile Legends 5v5 MOBA? How are we supposed to play this?" Kariya fretted.

"You see, we're in the middle of a virus infected game, so basically anything is possible right now. I think they copied the team fight tactics gameplay of League Of Legends." Kirino stated.

"Mobile Legends almost copied everything out of the League anyways," Fei sighed.

"Damn it, I'm not really good with 5v5 games! What hero should I pick? Help meeee!" (Y/N) whined.

Aoi giggled, "I'm going to pick Angela so I can help anyone of you!"

"(Y N), we probably need a pure mage." Tenma suggested.

"Mage, mage..."

"I'll pick Tigreal." Said Kirino.

"Who's going to pick marksman?"

"Oh yes, the marksman! We almost forgot."

"I'll pick Dyrroth!" Fei locked the hero.

"Kariya and (Y/N) are the only ones left. She already said she's going to pick a mage so... Kariya?"

"WHAT? I'm a fighter main! I'm not used to fighting enemies in range! Marksmen are roles for cowards!" Kariya blurted out.

"Aren't you one?" Kirino smirked.


"Come on, man! Adjusting is the part of this game! I know you're not a cancer teammate, so can you please a marksman only this time?" Fei tried to convince his friend.

"Well, even if I pick a marksman, I'm not really good at this role."

"I can babysit you." The pink haired guy volunteered.

[babysit - frequently assisting a certain hero. Tank + Marksman relationship when attacking, assisting in farming, etc.]

"That sounded weird but alright. I'll pick Claude."

"I still can't choose. I'm really sorry if I'm being slow at picking." (Y/N) said.

Shindou suggested, "I recommend Odette."

"Shindou-san." Tsurugi said with a warning voice.

"What? I'm only suggesting! Odette is a strong hero with an annoying passive, why can't she use it? It's not like I'm forcing her." Shindou calmly explained.

"Hmm... I wanna pick Eudora but if it's what senpai says, then I'll pick her."

She eventually locked the mage hero with Shindou's soft, teasing laugh is audible in their call. Tsurugi's eye twitched in irritation.

(Blue team: Tenma - Badang, Aoi - Angela, Tsurugi - Lancelot, Shindou - Esmeralda, Kirino - Tigreal, Kariya - Claude, (Y/N) - Odette, Fei - Dyrroth.)

(Red team: Aldous, Carmilla, Gusion, Hilda, Grock, Cecillion, Karrie, Jawhead.)

"Ack! We left the Aldous open!"

"Now, this is what I hate when I'm using a marksman! I'm going to be constantly raped by Aldous! Friggin one punch shit!" Kariya yelled.

"That's why I told you, I'M GOING TO BABYSIT YOU. Leave me and you'll be a deadass."

"Please let me hide in your ass."

"Damn, they really picked heroes with unfair damage in this patch." Tsurugi commented as he scanned the opponent's lineup.

"Should we funnel the marksman?" Tenma asked, "Claude will be a monster if gets fed enough."

Kariya playfully sobbed, "You're making this hard for me, you're really putting a huge role in my shoulders? Have mercy!"

"Hahah! It's either you carry us or we carry you, Kariya. You're the Attack-Damage Carry after all!" (Y/N) said.

[Attack-Damage Carry - also known as the ADC, the marksman role. A hero that deals very massive damage to enemies if used wisely.]

"Haha... I'll try my best."

"Aoi, Kirino, and Tenma will buy the roam equipment, but how about the buffs? Kariya will get the red buff, but who will get the blue buff? Lance or Esme?" Fei asked.

"That's right." Aoi agreed, "If this Teamfight Tactics is copied from League, then the gameplay here should be similar to League. Will the map be larger? Will there be more jungle monsters?"

"I don't think so." Tsurugi replied, "This game allows 8 players to fight, but the map is still the same, since everything is still ML-like. But if it looks like LoL, then we'll have to adjust. Don't fret, it's not very different."

"Ohhh, okie."

"We will both get blue buffs." He continued, "You guys help Shindou-san invade the enemy blue buff."

"I see! That's quite a plan."

"Just be careful and make sure you don't die out there, or we'll going to be behind in terms of gold."

"What about you, Tsurugi? What're you gonna do?" Kariya asked.

"I'll make sure that their Aldous don't get stacks and I'll keep Karrie in check. I'll jungle."

"Ooh, what a work. I'm looking forward on seeing you play." (Y/N) babbled.

"Same to you. Don't feed."

[feed - die a lot of times, making the enemy stronger.]

"HAH, just watch me!"

"Tsurugi and I will control the jungle area. Tsurugi will clear the minion wave in mid first. Tenma, Aoi, guard the top. Kirino and Kariya will be in bot lane, (Y/N) and Fei will secure the mid. (Y/N), visit the bot lane sometimes." Shindou said, proposing his strategy.

"Roger that!"

"Tenma, specialize the push. We only need to destroy turrets in this game, don't let the kills get to you."

"It'll be cooler if I get more kills tho. Fine by me, senpai!"

"Also, don't engage in clash in early game if possible, but if you get a chance where you have the upper hand, don't let it go. Keep lowkey, get your first item before fighting. Any clarifications?"

"None, everything's clear!"

"You're really dependable when it comes to strategizing, Shindou-san." Tsurugi praised.

"Well, I should steal the spotlight from you once in a while."

Every player in the game reached the 100% and the game master spoke through as their characters spawned in their respective bases.

"Let the battle begin."

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