Trick Or Treat

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"Ugh, I'm the worst at choosing outfits..." I groaned as I threw another costume on my bed, "I don't even look good in every costume I wear!"

"Don't worry (Y/N), we'll gonna find something that's for you," Aoi said, "Oh, wait. How about this one?"

"What's that?"

Aoi showed you the costume. It's the gown of Belle from Beauty and the Beast.


"Come on, (Y/N). Try this! It's pretty, I bet it will look good to you!"

"Alright. I'll try. But that'll be the last one; if this one won't work on me, I won't go in that Treat or Treating outside with you."

"Got it." She replied and wore her costume, which happens to be a witch.

After a few minutes, the both of you finished changing and applying some make-up retouches.

"Wow..." I muttered, "I look great in this one..."

"Just like I said. How about me? Do I look good?" She asked.

"Of course you do. Thanks for this costume anyway."

"No prob! Let's go now! I'm excited to see Tenma!"

I raised my brow and smirked, "Tenma only?"

"I mean, everyone."

"I actually thought that you would go together when we are still kids. Maybe you two are in a secret relationship?"

"Nah, shut up (Y/N). We are just friends."

"Yeah, FRIENDS..." I said, unconvinced.

The group met in their usual place; in front of the Gaming Café.

Everyone has their own unique costumes: Tenma as Eren Yeager in Attack On Titan, Shindou as the Mummy, Fei as Nagisa Shiota from Ansatsu Kyoshitsu, Kariya as a Necromancer, Kirino as Grell from Black Butler.

We decided to celebrate Halloween even if there are some problems with the games we play and the messengers we use.

Wait. And then there's Tsurugi.

Awh shit no


He's just dressed as Prince Adam, a.k.a the Beast.

They've planned this, didn't they? Fuck this life.

"Hey, Aoi!" Called Tenma, "Oh uh... y-you look... pretty in that costume..."

"Uh, t-thanks... you too."

I smirked in the sight of this canon ship.

"I thought you're going to wear the Genocider Syo costume, Kirino? But it looks like that Grell catches your liking more." Shindou commented.

"Nah, I don't want to cross dress. I thought Genocider Syo was a boy but she was a girl! By the way, nice costume you got there, Kariya." Said Kirino.

"Ahh this? Yeah. I actually used my sister's period blood to make it look realistic." Kariya replied.

He was knocked down by Aoi's broom, "That's gross you b#*&$/:^!"

Piss off, idiot. I could swear the shit out of me loudly if only there are no kids around. I could hear the others stifle a laugh

"Stop, stop! I was just joking! I'm sorry!" Kariya pleaded.

"You know, being a necromancer suits you. Because you'll be on your grave first." Kirino laughed.

"Hahah, no. To be honest, I already dug graves for all of you!"

Due to the graphic nature of the current fiasco, I won't be able to describe the fight happening in the streets.

I was about to say something but my eyes landed on Tsurugi. I must admit, that prince's attire and the fake fur fitted on him perfectly... and it made him even more attractive.

Oh shit, he noticed me looking! I looked away and felt my cheeks heat up.

Please lord take my eyes off him,,

Everyone stopped beating Kariya after a few minutes.

"Ah well, everything's alright now. Let's go start the Trick or Treat!" Fei said.

Then it started. We have gone to a lot of houses. There are people who asked us questions like 'Aren't you too old for trick or treating?' and other questions similar to that. At that point, we all know that Kariya is always there to answer those.

"Ma'am/Sir, no one is ever too old for trick or treating. Yes, we're already in our early 20's and we do this for the sake for our fun and recreation because you know... we want to loosen up our lives and enjoy. Plus, celebrating Halloween has been part of our culture! So,, trick or treat!!"

Not because we're gamers doesn't mean we aren't taking stress from work and studies.

Well, back to Halloween. We aim to trick or treat all the houses in this town. Oh boy, this will be tiring, but also fun!

When we are walking to the next house, I heard Tsurugi's faint call behind me.


Before I could even turn around, Tsurugi's already beside me. How fast.

"Oh hi!" I cheerly replied but the sight of him made me flustered easily. This boy is so hot.

"You look... beautiful." He said.

I blushed even more, "T-Thanks. Uh, you too."

I decided to change the topic so that the atmosphere won't be this awkward.

"I didn't expect you to be here with us trick or treating. You don't seem the type to do it really."

"Yeah. I don't celebrate Halloween that much until they decided to drag me out of my home to this shit years ago." He paused, "Why am I with these idiots, anyway?"

I chuckled at his statement. "Because they're your bestfriends?"

He sighed, "I don't know how I ended up with them but, you could say that."

He began scratching his arms, "Ugh, do I really have to wear this fake fur? I mean, it's very itchy."

"It's the part of the costume, and actually, it looks good to you. You'll get used to it or you can remove it once we finished this. Who made you wear that, though?"

"Tenma and Shindou did."

Ahahah, one of these days I'll kill them in their sleep.

" you have a girlfriend...?" I absentmindedly muttered.


I soon realized what I said and became flushed red, "Uh, n-nothing! N-Nevermind what I said..."

"You're weird. Why are you asking out of the blue?"

"I... I just wanted to know about you. I mean, shouldn't friends know about each other?"

He just looked at me, which made me more embarrassed, "A-Actually, no! I'm sorry if I sound too nosy!"

"I never had a girlfriend. I was occupied with gaming, studying, and sports, so I don't get to talk to people very often, unless they'll be the ones to approach me first and haul me into their business, like what Tenma did." I was speechless, wasn't he hesitant on answering that question just seconds ago? "How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I don't have one and never had one. I had the same reasons as you, except for sports, because I didn't like tiring activities, but I am quite a sociable one. I received a couple of love letters and gifts too."

"Well, aren't you popular?"

"I'm not, but you're really saying that to me? You're the one who looks way more popular! I could only guess how many girls went after you."

He sighed heavily, "Don't guess. Most of them are a pain in the ass."

I grinned, wanting to tease him a little, even if it might cost my life, "Perhaps you don't like girls?"

"My family and friends pick on me in that way sometimes, but I like girls. It's just I'm not interested in the people I see around me."

"Hmm, I see..." I said, not expecting his calm reply. I thought he's going to be offended, but it looks like he's confident about his preferences. 

We continued to walk, but I noticed something strange...

"Uh, Tsurugi? Where are the others?"

"Aren't we following them?"

"No, look. They aren't in our front anymore! Where are they?!"

"...shit. They left us behind."

So we spend our time finding the others. Ughhh, they're really dead to me!!

We found them in front of a house 2 blocks away from us. But in that small time we have together, I felt a bit of security and closeness. I can't believe I talked with him without stuttering!

<An hour later>

AHHH FINALLY we finished trick or treating the whole place! We went to the Gaming HQ and combined all the candies we got and placed it on the table. There were so many of them that it covered the whole table. This town is so generous. Also, Tsurugi removed his fake fur but still wearing his prince costume. Now he looks like a real prince with a missing crown.

Anyway, like what the gamers do every Halloween, we play some games before going home.

"Let's play Scrabble!" Fei said.

"Nope, nope. Pass the message will do!" Tenma replied.

"Hey, what about Truth or Dare and Spin the Bottle? I think it'll be more fun." Shindou proposed.

"I agree! Let's start now!" Kariya demanded.

"Finneeeee." Tenma and Fei sighed in defeat.

Kariya rolled a bottle in front of us and spun it. It pointed 

"I'm the first! So Kirino-san, truth or dare?"

"Uuhh... truth."


"Absolutely not! I'm straight you idiot!"

"Oh, really?"

"No more questions! It's my turn." He spun the bottle and it pointed to Tenma.

"Boring..." The teal-haired boy whined.

"Uhm... dare," Tenma said.

"Do the Ice Bucket Challenge."


"Lemme video that!" Kariya butted in.

-Few Minutes Later-

"Ahh geez, I shouldn't have done that challenge..."

Aoi helped Tenma dry his hair and covered him with thick towels. Tsurugi lent him clothes too.

Lolol, Tenma is now shivering in cold but still surviving.

"M-My turn." Tenma spun the bottle pointed to Tsurugi, "Tsurugi, truth or dare?"


"Hmm," He hummed, thinking carefully of a question, "What is the most food you've ever eaten in a single sitting?"

Tsurugi covered the bottom half of his face with his hand in thought, "When I was in high school, my brother bought home a lot of chicken karaage pops that he won online. He couldn't finish everything, so I helped him by eating most of it while playing. Every bit is gone in less than a day. It was really good but after hours of chewing on it, I got sick of it, and ever since I refused to eat those again."

"Oh, so that explains why your consoles are greasy when I visited you sometime in high school."

"I had to stop playing to clean them..."

It was Tsurugi's turn to ask Fei, who was on the other end of the bottle. "Fei, truth or dare?"


"How many selfies do you take a day?"

Fei muddled, "I-I don't take selfies!"

"You do. Everywhere and every time we go out. You're not so smooth as you think. I found your secret account."

"WHAT" His mouth formed a perfect 0 with terrified eyes.

"Eh? Fei barely takes out his phone outside the house and he would post a selfie to his main account too, you're telling us he takes more than one?" Aoi raised her brows.

Kariya crossed his arms. "And you have a secret account? Bro, why didn't you tell me!!" 

"Because I don't want to show it to you guys! It's embarrassing! How did you even find out, Tsurugi?!"

"I accidentally stumbled on it. So, how many selfies do you take in a day?"

The mint head remained hesitant for minutes until he took out his phone to count. "Approximately 10 selfies a day, sometimes it exceeds to 25..."

"That many? You must be so confident about your looks, I'm envious!" I commented.

"Well, my mom said I'm pretty good-looking, but I don't really want you guys to see them!" He whined. 

"What's the name of your account??"


"Please, Fei!! We want to see your selfies and everything! What were you hiding from us!" Tenma shook his shoulders.

"Please, you'll just laugh at me! I shouldn't have posted cringey photos online!"

"I'm sure it's cringeworthy. We'll give you a follow and spam likes."

"Ugh, fine... I guess there's no hiding it from all of you..."

Thus, the game went smoothly. Everyone made fun and questioned each other until the bottle pointed at me. It was Shindou's turn.

"(Y/N), truth or dare?"

Well, I'm enjoying my time with them so, why not a dare?


When I said that word, I saw Shindou wore an innocent smile. Oh no. Oh noooo.

"Wait, I-I take it back!"

"No takebacks, (Y/N)."

I groaned and waited for his demand. And you know...

I just heard the six words that could end my life.


"Do the pocky game with Tsurugi."


The pocky game.

A game that includes 2 people and a single pocky stick.

All you have to do is eat the pocky stick on each end of it. Such a simple game.


The other male nonchalantly picked a one in Shindou's pocky while I'm busy sorting out my flustered brain.

"Oi, come on. I want to get out of this position already." Tsurugi said with the stick on his mouth.

"Alright..." I inhaled.

I bit the other end of the stick and started it. He started to bite it, and I was also.

I wish this stick will be long so that our lips will never be so close. I'm so ashamed that I'd like the ground to swallow me whole!

Lost in my thoughts, all of a sudden, I felt a sliver of a thin muscle touched my lips.

We were kissing.

After a few seconds, I heard a camera snap out of nowhere. And I know it was Kariya's, so we quickly pulled away.

"Heheh, good thing I borrowed this from Akane."

"Kariya! Delete that!"

"That was nice," Shindou commented. "Now we need to build a wedding booth!"

"Shut up, Shindou."

Everyone shared a good laugh. I turned my head to Tsurugi who looked away, a faint blush visible on his cheeks.

It was my first kiss. But for me who was dressed as the Beauty and him as the Beast;

I won't mind getting devoured by him anymore.

>>StarsightGalaxy has logged on.

It was never too late to celebrate Halloween, but this was supposed to be published last two weeks.

I hope you enjoyed this special part! I'll try to update as fast as possible.

Bye-bye, everyone!

>>StarsightGalaxy has logged off.

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