😵 Consequences 😵

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You, yes you! I'm calling you out, you ready?!


Ur Frickin amazing and if anyone tells U other wise, tell that mf to come here and fite me!

Also, How R U bubs?? 

Anyways, Pride month is over, so sad ;-; but here is a book that I have made.... for some reason. Actually is it a book or....? hmm...... *after another good 30 mins of pondering that random thought I had* ..... Oh yeh, back to why you're presumably here,

This is Part 2 of a collab I've done w/ @bis3xual_bitch  so be sure to o check out their part called 'Chaotic Day Out' I'll wait 😄

You done that yet? yay okay lets get into it,

|| Quick Disclaimer: character are not mine and they are all over 20 and this does contain swearing, so be warned ||

No ones POV

Unlike Suga, Terushima wasn't as lucky as to wake up at home in bed, no he had the luxury of waking up on the street. The cold, slightly wet, street.

Terushima POV

Fuck, my head hurts like shit, is there like, a mini thing with a hammer up there or sum???? and wtf was I lying on the pavement?? What on heck happened last night?? I groggily stood up, regretting my previous decision that I COULDN'T FUCKING REMEMBER BTW!!! and immediately had to sit down on the bench nearby, due to my pounding headache and the fact my legs weren't working properly. Seriously, wtf did I do last night?? 

I turned on my phone, which I surprisingly had on me and flicked through the messages in the '✨ Chaos Squad ✨' Group chat, hoping to get some answers, but all that was there was a few groans about people not being able to remember shit and Tendou being a total drama queen about not being invited, though honestly I didn't really understand why he was mad since I  still couldn't remember anything.

After like, 10 minutes of just flicking through my phone I clicked on my boyfriends contact number hoping for some answers

Ur BB 🥰


This MF is my BB 😒❤️


I had to pull the phone away from my ear, since I could barely see straight (Don't U mean, ✨Gay✨?? 😏😏) and waited for the dipshit on the other line to calm down, which they did not, now annoyed I spoke into the phone, with my voice sounding like I was dying and politely told Daichi to shut it.

Ur BB 🥰

Listen... I can barely see straight.... so would you do me a favour and shut. the. fuck. up. ? please

This MF is my BB 😒❤️

Oh god baby I am so sorry, are you ok? do you need anything? where are you? Teru??

Ur BB 🥰

I'm fine.... I think, I don't really know what happened tho...

This MF is my BB 😒❤️

Uh... look on social media.. and send me your location so I can come pick you up..

Ur BB 🥰

m'kay,  C U soon...... luv ya

This MF is my BB 😒❤️

Yeh, yeh... love you too....

I ended the call and then sent Daichi my location, I then clicked on twitter and oh. my. god. well.... I now had a better idea of what happened the night before, apparently me, Akaashi, Suga, Suna (suprisingly) and Oikawa had thought it would be a great idea to all go out together.. to a club.. to piss off our bfs.... welp, now I was kinda glad I was on the street.... I laughed thinking about how the rest of my friends were either getting wrecked, unable to walk or being chewed out for doing what we had done.... and then posted over social media... thank god I was at least wearing something reasonably suitable for most of the pics.

Unfortunately now some of the memories were coming back to me, drinking... taking shots... dancing on the table with Kawa aaaand oh.. yeh that.. (Personally I am not going to put what they did here, because I am either out of ideas or uncomfortable, I'll let you guess which one........ it's out of ideas.... soo I'll just leave that to your ✨i m a g i n a t i o n✨)

As I was reliving the nightmare that was yesterday, a car pulled up and my boyfriend got out and waved at me, picking up my bags I walked over to him and got ready to go home, however I was slightly nervous about what he was going to say.


"Hm?" oh dear god here it comes

"We're going to need to have a 'T a l k'  when we get home."


Well s h i t.




Okay, well that was it I hope you enjoy and make sure to check out my collaboratee's work as well and I will see you all soon, don't forget to lemme know what y'all think and thank you for your time in reading... this.

I was also thinking about making a second acc for writing more.... mature things since I quite like the vibe my pf gives and I don't really want to ruin that with.... stuff, so lemme know what y'all think about that... (I still might not tho)

Luv ya!!!

Proof-read: By the one, the only... *drumroll pleease* Mr INVISIBLE!!! wooo

Word count: 929

(Also, if y'all would ever want a part 2, feel free, I really enjoyed this different style of writing and hope you did too.)

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