100 followers special!

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"hey Hawlucha (y/n) guess what?!" Nickit (y/n) said running over to Hawlucha (y/n) with a letter in her mouth. Hawlucha (y/n) stopped ribbon dancing wonder what nickit (y/n) was talking about. Nickit (y/n) placed the letter on the soft grass. It was cute looking letter that at the bottom said "for team Pokemon (y/n)s" at the bottom.

(Drawing by me :3)

They opened the note and it said.
"Meet the rest of team Pokemon (y/n)s at Pokemon cafe! From:bnha eevee (y/n)". "Omg we should go this will be so fun!" Nickit (y/n) said, "u-um ok!" Hawlucha (y/n) said shly as she followed nickit (y/n).

*Five minutes away brought to you by the (y/n)s!*

"U-um are we almost there?" Hawlucha (y/n)  shly asked, "yep and I'm so exited to go to thiso cafe I heard their food is so amazing!" Nickit (y/n) said walking to pokecafe, Hawlucha (y/n) followed when they got their they saw the rest of the (y/n) squad.

(Buneary and zeraora (y/n) from Skyfire84

Bnha Eevee and alola Vulpix (y/n) from Gacha_Cat873

Audino (y/n) from Not_Actually_A_Demon

Eevee and fennekin from xXWilczaChanXx

Shiny mew (y/n) from Crazy_child123

(Sorry if I forgot anyone from team Pokemon squad))

All the (y/n)s sat their chatting getting to know each other, the door open with the bell connected to the door made a ding all the (y/n)s turned to the direction of the door to see Hawlucha and nickit (y/n). "OMG yay their here!" Bnha Eevee (y/n) said as her tail wagged back and forth happily, "yeah we saved you two seats!" Eevee (y/n) said pointing over to two more seats. Hawlucha and nickit (y/n) skipped over and took their seats, " thanks for inviting us so what did we missed?" Nickit (y/n) asked. "We're was just talking about what we like to do" zeraora (y/n) said, "I like to go out at night and battle Pokemon" shiny buneary proudly said "same I love to battle" zeraora agreed, "u-um I like to ribbon d-dance" Hawlucha (y/n) shly said, "I love stealing food from humans!" Nickit (y/n) giggled, "I absolutely being a hero!" Bnha Eevee (y/n) said happily.
As the (y/n)s was chatting one of the Pokemon waiters who was a snubbull walked over, "so what could I get for y'all?" The snubbull kindly said.


"I'll have a dugtrio sandwich trio!"  Nickit (y/n) said

"M-may I have combee w-waffles with h-honey?" Hawlucha (y/n) politely asked

"Piquant Pikachu curry for me please!" Fennekin (y/n) said

"Fluffy eevee pancakes please!" Bnha Eevee (y/n) said

"Me too!" Eevee agreed

"Nutty buneary frappé please!" Shiny Buneary asked

"U-um i-ill have u-umm a s-swablu s-shaved i-ice p-please?" Alola Vulpix (y/n) stuttered

"I'll have Rainbow oricorio popcorn" shiny mew (y/n) said

"And I'll have a yummy yamper pasta!" Audino said happily

"Ok I'll be back with your orders shortly" snubbull said after writing the orders down and walking away


After they told their orders they went back to chatting talking about their favorite things,their adventures so far and ect, "so what is it like being a legendary and mythical" audino (y/n) asked curiously, "it's kinda hard because humans love to try to catch you" shiny mew explained "yeah I've been caught before and got replace and left but now I have a new trainer " zeraora said, "same I got replaced but I later got abandoned" said Nickit (y/n) said as her ears dropped "that Happened to me also" audino (y/n), "well forget them their clear no good if they treated you badly!" Bnha Eevee (y/n) encouraged, nickit and zeraora (y/n) smiled and said thanks. A few minutes later the snubbull came back with their orders.


Nickit (y/n)'s order:

Hawlucha (y/n)'s order:

Fennekin (y/n)'s order:

Bnha Eevee and Eevee (y/n)'s order:

Buneary (y/n)'s order:

Alola Vulpix (y/n)'s order:

Mew (y/n)'s order:

Audino (y/n) order:

"I hope you enjoy!" The snubbull happily said then she walked away
All the (y/n)'s stared at their food in total awe on how delicious they looked, "let's dig in!" Zeraora said excitedly, they all started to eat their food. "Wow this is amazing buneary said with stars in her eyes ask she ate more of her food. "This curry is incredible!" Fennekin (y/n) said happily said as her tail wagged back and forth, "yeah and their popcorn is so sweet and delicious!" Mew (y/n) said. "this cafe food is so so amazing!" nickit (y/n) said, "I'll s-show Serena and the r-rest of my t-team this c-cafe!" (Y/n) said as she ate more of her waffles, "yeah I'll definitely bring my team here along with my childhood friend cinder who's a quilava and my boyfriend buizel" shiny Buneary said blushing when she mentioned buizel. "What's a boyfriend?" Bnha Eevee (y/n) asked, "uuhhh" buneary (y/n) replied,
" S-so uh Hawlucha (y/n) don't you also have a childhood friend" shiny buneary (y/n) ask trying to change the subject, "y-yeah his name is d-dusk and he's a w-weavile h-he can be grumpy alot but he's nice!" Hawlucha (y/n) explained, "I wonder if he's as grumpy as zeraora (y/n)?" Bnha (y/n) joked, everyone laughed expect zeraora (y/n) but she eventually chuckled.

After they finished eating they payed and leff the cafe, "i-its was u-um v-very nice t-to meet y-you guys" alola Vulpix said kindly, "yeah I agree...omg theirs a flower Field maybe we should go their and hangout some more?" Mew (y/n) suggested, "sounds fun!" Audino (y/n) said, so they all left to got to the nice beautiful flower Field were they played with other Pokemon and have fun, what a great (y/n) hangout!

This was my 100 followers special which was so cute of the (y/n) squad hanging out together! Thank you so much to everyone who followed me it means so much to me!!

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