Yuto vs. Sawatari!

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"If you like, I will be your opponent"

Hey, Yuto! Weren't we in the middle of running away? Yuya asked.

"It's a bluff" Yuto answered him quietly.

'That guy isn't Yuya Sakaki?!' Shingo thought.

"And they wouldn't tip their hand so easy" Shingo was dumbfounded, confused. This wasn't Yuya Sakaki.

"What should we do, President Akaba?" Shingo asked into the ear piece he had on. The president sat in deep thought.

"Yuya Sakaki is the Destiny factor, the one who will determine the world's future. Like me, he is one of a kind" said the president to himself.

'Yes, this man isn't Yuya Sakaki. However...... I do sense a special aura around him!' Reiji thought for a moment before speaking back to Shingo.
"Sawatari...... Bring him in! He knows something!" He instructed.

"I was hoping you'd say that! I arrest you in the name of Leo Corporation!" Shingo exclaimed, pointing at Yuto.

Whoops...you're bluff failed. Teased Yuya. Yuto sighed.

"In that case, I'll duel you!" Yuto exclaimed, hoping this duel wouldn't take long. He knew a certain (e/c) eyed girl would be worried about him and Yuya if they didn't return soon.
"LC's choppers are gathering over that building! The Phantom must be over there!" Shouted the pink-haired girl, "Where are you Phantom?!" She kept running till she reached the end of the building.
"There he is! But this is the next building over! Arrrrrgh!"
"Deploy action field!! I hope you're ready!!! Because you can't leave this field until the duel's over!!" The field built up and surrounded around them. Welcome to Haunted Demon Den! Both Sawatari and Yuto start out with 4000 life points.

"Duel!!" They shout in unison, both of their duel desks ready for the duel.
"The space is forming! In that case, I'll hop in and-" Yuzu bounced off, a force field blocking her out, "Oh, right... You can't get in from the outside!"
"I think I'll take...... The first turn!" Shingo went for the first action card.

Yuto, if you don't get in gear, he'll take all the action cards.

"Hmmm..." was all Yuto responded with.
"Sawatari... Is he planning on stealing the advantage through action cards?" Shun asked to no one in particular.
There are cards scattered around the action field...for a total of four! Action cards are cards you can draw instantly! They give you a huge advantage in a duel!

"I know that! I'm not surprised you payed attention to (Y/n)-"

Hey! Yuya interrupted, a slight embarrassment hidden in his voice from hearing something about him and the (h/c) haired, (e/c) eyed girl.

"-I'll take a route that is the opposite of his!" Yuto stated, running towards the action card Shingo was after, but Shingo summoned Underworld Knight Eios to stop Yuto. He stopped dead in his tracks, Underworld Knight Eios blocking the way.

"Only one action can be drawn per turn...... and this turn's card is mine!" Shingo exclaimed.

'All the action cards on this field are spell cards! And two of them are winners!! The odds are one in two, but I'm good at this kind of field! I know all the right places!'

"Spell cards can attack in the first turn! I activate the spell card I just drew! Haunted Missile! It does 1000 damage to my opponent!" Shingo exclaimed happily. Haunted Missile attacks Yuto, leaving him with 3000 LP left, "I also activate Eios's effect! When I've summoned him, I can do another Advance Summons!! I release Eios-" Rios was soon sucked into a vortex, "-And Advance Summon the Demon Emperor Angmar- Who's level 6! And when my Advance Summons succeeds, I exclude a spell from the graveyard and activate its effect!" Haunted Missile strikes Yuto again, leaving him when 2000 life points.

Hey! Are you okay?

"..." Yuto stayed silent, attempting to analyze the predicament in front of him.

"I place one card facedown! Turn over!" Shingo announced.
"Taking 2000 life points just with Action cards? Sawatari's always crafty..." Sora says, taking a lick of his lollipop.
"If the Phantom loses here...... will Leo Corporation catch him? And if that happens...." Yuzu's dreams of money would crumble, "C'mon, Phantom! I'll raise your pay 500 yen and hour!" Yuzu shouted, surprising Shingo.

"And now its my turn!" Yuto reached for his deck, "I draw!! The Action card for this turn is mi-" Yuto stopped in his tracks, staring in disbelief at the card in his hand. He needed two of these cards for it to work, "Arggh! This card only activates in a two-hand set!" He exclaimed in frustration.

"Looks like you drew a bum card!!" Shingo taunts, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, but I don't need Action cards! I set two cards face down.......and activate the trap I just set!!"
"I can't believe they're still not back yet!" (Y/n) repeatedly slammed her head on her desk, the parts, cards, and pieces flying. She was worried, worse even. Something told her to go with them, but she didn't. Her (e/c) hues glistened, thinking of all the terrible things that might have happened, but she had to keep reminding herself of one thing...

They're the Phantom! Nothing can get in his way, except for Reiji Akaba.....
"Looks like you drew a bum card!" Shingo taunts.

"Yeah, but I don't need Action cards! I set two cards face down.......and activate the trap I just set!!" Proclaimed Yuto.

"Huh?! What an amateur! You can't activate a trap on the turn you set it!" Shingo exclaimed.

"No, this card is different! Phantom Knights Shade Brigandine! When I don't have any cards in my graveyard, I can activate this one on the turn I set it," Yuto states, jumping over Shingo's summoned monster, "I overlay the 2 Shade Bridgandines! Fangs of rebellion out of the dark!"

"A trap monster card?!" Shingo questions, dumbfounded of the card in front of him. His eyes widened at the card in front of him.


'It wasn't a pendulum summons?! Doesn't he have any connection to Yuya Sakaki?!' Reiji Akaba was confused, shocked, anxious. Someone he thought was close to helping him unlock the secret of his one true enemy wasn't as he seemed.

As the duel progresses, both catch the odds of each other, but Shingo had just got the universe on his side.

"My turn! I draw!! And then......I snatch the third action card!" Exclaimed Dingo- I mean, Shingo as hopped onto a small cliff, "I got a jumping Action card! I am WAY too cool!"

'What a weirdo...' Yuto thought, staring weirdly and intently at the boy in front of him.

"I lost that Action card, but Dark Rebellion has 3,700 Atk. He won't go down easily!" Yuto shouted, sitting on Dark Rebellion Dragon, watching Shingo.

"You sure about that?" Maybe it was the evil look in his eyes, or the switch in voices, but Yuto got a bad feeling about Shingo's next move, "I release Angmar and then Advance Summon......The Ultimate Emperor! Underworld Emperor Erebus!!"

"Oh no!" (E/c) eyes went wide at the realization that hit. Sweat formed from worry, stress, anxiety, and the sudden kick that hit all too quick. She was currently missing out on a possible duel going on between her best friend and a possible worker of Akaba's. The girl face-planted onto the desk in front of her, frustration coming onto her features. Darn Yuto, always trying to be overprotective!

"I'm probably missing one of the best duels! Ugh!" She scratches her head in frustration one more time before finally hitting her head on her desk again. This was gonna be a long night.

Huff, huff

Running steps could be heard as a young girl made her way over to the current duel going on. Looking around, she was keeping a sharp eye out for a certain guy.

"Hmm" finally, her eyes landed on the certain someone she was looking for, Shun Kurosaki. Quickly, she ran to the building closest to the boy and his helicopter, "Shun!" Without a moment's delay, she was pulled into the helicopter, standing beside Shun, "So, what did I miss?"

"For a reporter, you sure do always end up here late" Shun simply stated, ignoring the girl's question.

"At least I'm here! I could use this for my next big story on Phantom!" The white haired girl gleamed.

"Silver, anything could be used for your writings on Phantom" Shun joked. Silver puffed her, slowly growing rosy, cheeks as she stood watching the rest of the duel unfold.

"Ugh" how did Yuto end up here, Dark Rebellion Dragon back in his deck and only 200 lifepoints left?

"I can advance summon this monster by releasing a monster I advance summoned ealier!  When I've summoned it, I send one Emperor spell and trap card each from my deck to the graveyard and return one of your cards to your deck!"
"What?!" Yuto sat in shock, knowing what he was going to send back.
"I'm sending Dark Rebellion XYZ back to your deck!"

Oh, right.

"You are one stubborn opponent. I set one card facedown...and end my turn!" Shingo was getting annoyed with Yuto's persistence to continue dueling.

"Huff...huff..." Yuto was tired, silently praying for a miracle.

Hmm... Looks like he's a bad match-up for you. So... Maybe I should jump in here?

"Shut up! Whose fault is this anyway?!"

Lecture me about it later with (Y/n), okay? Anyway, we've got quite an audience! Hey!-

"Let me be your opponent!"







"Thanks for waiting! And now......" the Phantom's face changed with the move of his cape.

"And now......" exclaimed the (h/c) haired girl, imitating her friend.

"..... The Fun Begins!!!

A/n: Hey guys! Back again with another chapter. Since this chapter was so so so looooooongg, I decided to split, because we all know that it's a waist to read over 800 words (and because Author-sama is lazy). Anyway, I attempted (note: attempted) to put some things for reader-Chan, so I hoped you enjoyed! MCI Out, Peace ;3 ;P

Edit: Heeeeyy! Decided to start putting certain scales together for more room! The only update to this is a ssmi-fixed format and the added original 2 parts turned into one!

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