Battle brawler yn

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Blaze:okay in this world all of you are normal humans and there are no powers

Ozpin: but why

Blaze:because of a specific game that was brought to your world called Bakugan

F/n:what are these Bakugan

Blaze:they are creatures that are in ball form but when there thrown they transformed into tall creatures that a specific element they use like fire,water,wind,earth,light,dark and they help you win the game but some people want to use Bakugan for there evil purpose

M/n:where is my son in this

Blaze:because he with group called the Bakugan battle brawlers and they stop evil that tries to take over or destroy the world so we're going to watch him brawl against one of group called the vexos that want to turn Bakugan into mechanical Bakugan basically remodeling there flesh body with machine

Ruby:thats awful

Momo:who would do that to a living creature

Sirzechs:they must be stopped

Blaze:you see now let's watch

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Mylene MAC Bakugan macubas abilities)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



Yn:I know your a good person Mylene we don't have to do this you can join us and stop king zenoheld for destroying not only Bakugan but humans as well.

Mylene:I know but if I'm joining I'll do it my way if I win this brawl then I don't join and I'll be on my own but if you win I'll join you and the brawlers also we be together again Sounds far ?

Yn:fine deal

Yn and mylene but on there gauntlets

(Yn gauntlet is white and gold

Yn/mylene:gautlet power strike

Mylene:gate card set

Mylene gate card set on the field

Mylene:Bakugan brawler

Mylene throws her Bakugan

Mylene:Bakugan stand rush aquas macubas

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Macubas points 800 gs

Yn:Bakugan brawl

Yn throws his Bakugan

Yn:Bakugan stand rise haos utopia beyond

Utopia beyond 900 gs

Yn:let's win this utopia

Utopia:I'm ready

Mylene:ability activate hunter whip

Macubas shoots out a water whip tries to capture utopia

Yn:that won't work last time Mylene

Yn:ability activate titanium crystal

Utopia body becomes crystallized and macubas hunter whip effect utopia

Yn:I told you it won't work

Yn:ability activate

Ai:ability card set

Yn:light swords strike

Utopia beyond throws his swords as they turn into light and striking macubas multiple time

Yn:not only it strike your macubas multiple times it also gives utopia beyond 300 points

Ai:Utopia beyond 1200 gs

Mylene:gate card open icicle paralysis

Utopia can't move

Yn:why utopia can't move

Mylene:because of my gate card icicle paralysis it stops utopia from moving and reduced its points by 500 points

Ai:utopia beyond 700 gs

Mylene:ability activate saber barracuda

Macubas brings out its saber barracuda and strikes utopia

Yn:hold on utopia

Yn:ability activate sword crash

Utopia swords crashed on mylene gate card and stops it letting utopia beyond free

Yn:now that mylene gate card is negated utopia points go back to normal

Utopia beyond 900 gs

Utopia:thanks Yn

Yn:no problem now let's finish this round

Yn:ability activate beyond slash

Utopia beyond 1300 gs

Utopia sword glows and strikes macubas sending it flying and returning it to its ball form

Ai:mylene life force down to 90 percent

Utopia returns to its ball form and landed into Yn left hand

Yn:your losing this brawl mylene only 10 percent life left and I win I still got a 100 percent left

Mylene:it's not over yet

Yn:it will

Yn:gate card set

Yn gate card set on the field

Yn:Bakugan brawl

Yn throws utopia

Yn:Bakugan stand rise haos utopia beyond

900 gs

Mylene:Bakugan brawl

Mylene throws macubas

Mylene:Bakugan stand rise aquas macubas

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Macubas 800 gs

Mylene:double ability activate

Mylene:Absids plus indignation

Little drones come out of macubas and turned invisible

Macubas 1400 gs

Yn:time to defend

Yn:double ability activate

Ai:ability card set

Yn:titanium crystal plus beyond shield

Utopia beyond 1600 gs

Utopia armor crystalized and a barrier appears and around utopia protecting him

Yn:is this all you got mylene you wanted a fight all I see is pettiness

Mylene:you'll regret saying that

Mylene:ability activate mouser barracuda

Macubas 1600 gs

Macubas hands open up and started rapid fire on utopia

After the dust cleared utopia beyond was still standing

Mylene:not even a scratch

Yn:here's a real attack ready utopia beyond

Utopia:always ready Yn

Yn:fusion ability activate

Ai:ability card set

Yn:beyond core blast

Utopia beyond 2000 gs

Utopia shoots his attack from his chest and send macubas flying

Macubas 600 gs

Yn:mylene please join us we can be together again I miss you all the fun times we had together I miss that it's lonely with you

Mylene:like I said I'll come back to when you win

Mylene:ability activate

Ai:ability card set

Mylene:mobby killer

Macubas 1700 gs

Macubas fired a huge blast attack at utopia damaging him


Utopia:I'm fine Yn

Utopia beyond 1000 gs

Yn:fine mylene this battle ends now with my favorite ability card

Yn:ability activate

Ai:ability card set

Yn:rising sun hyper force slash

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


All of utopia forms strike at macubas and destroying it leaving nothing but parts


Ai:mylene life force zero

Utopia returns to its ball form

Yn walks towards mylene and puts his left hand out

Yn:I won mylene a deal is a deal

Mylene smiles as she gets up and kiss Yn on the lips

Mylene:I'm back Yn I'm sorry for leaving you I'll never leave you again and I'll help you stop zenoheld

Yn:I'm so happy that your back and you need a Bakugan to help us since macubas is destroyed sorry about that

Mylene:it's fine

Yn:so I got you a Bakugan that wants to meet you

Yn pulls out a aquas Bakugan From his left pocket

Yn:mylene meet aquas ragnafinity

(Imagine she in her ball form)

Ragnafinity:greetings mistress mylene Yn told me about you and I like to be your partner

Mylene:I'm glad you are mylene takes ragnafinity from Yn left hand

Yn:we should head back to the others

Mylene holds Yn as they are teleported back to the brawlers)

Blaze:so how was it




Ozpin:creatures like that to exist to battle wonder what's out there

Ironwood:first duel monsters then Pokémon and now Bakugan

Rias:it's was alight

Phyrra:it was a honorable fight

Nezu I wonder what's next

Blaze:well will be taking a break and see what Yn been doing since all of you left

Momo:this should be interesting

Gray:or boring

Akeno:probably naughty

All might:heroic


(Next chapter what Yn been doing)

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