Pokemon Championship battle yn Vs bakugo

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Blaze:okay in this universe there's no powers

Ozpin:no powers then what do we use to fight

Blaze:creatures known as Pokémon


Blaze:yes Pokémon creatures that are cute,strong different abilities and different types that are some that are myth and legendary

D/n :when does Yn come into this

Blaze:yes well he's trainer to become the strongest Pokémon trainer before you enter Pokémon league you must need eight badges to get to the Pokémon league from the gym leaders and now he in the finals and he's facing his one of rivals bakugo

Bakugo:he's going to lose

Blaze:we don't know till we watch

(Yn and bakugo enter the arena

Bakugo:you ready to lose loser

Yn:Me and my Pokémon are more stronger then our last battle it will be you that lose

Referee:this final battle in the Pokémon league will be a six vs six Pokémon battle who ever wins will be champion of the Pokémon league now let the battle begin

Bakugo:argon let's go

Agron appears on the arena

Yn:magmortar stand by for battle

Magmortar appears in the arena

Bakugo:agron use flash cannon

Agron fires his flash cannon at magmortar

Yn:magmortar block it with fire blast

Magmortar fires his fires blast blocking agron flash cannon

Yn:Magmortar used smog

Magmortar fires out purple smoke and it affects agron making agron poisoned

Bakugo:why you little

Yn:besides getting angry you should focus on the battle magmortar use sunny day

Magmortar shoot fire in the air making the arena having the effect sun rays effect the arena

Yn:now all my fire attacks are stronger

Bakugo:agron not going down in this round Agron use double edge

Agron starts glowing and charges at magmortar

Yn:magmortar dodge it

Magmortar tries to dodge it but it was to late and magmortar took the damage

Yn:magmortar are you okay

Magmortar nodded

Agron felt the damage from double edge

Yn:now me your change magmortar use flamethrower on agron

Magmortar fires his flamethrower at agron and takes the damage and fall on the ground unconscious

Referee:agron unable to battle first goes to Yn

Bakugo returns agron into his pokeball

Bakugo:you may have won this round but we're just beginning

Yn:bring it on

Bakugo:staraptor come out

Staraptor appears flying in the arena

Yn:magmortar return

Magmortar return into his ultra ball

Yn:gylscor let's go

Gylscor appears in the arena

Bakugo:staraptor use Ariel ace

Staraptor wings start glowing and charges at gylscor

Yn:gylscor us cross poison

Gylscor claws turn purple and made a x motion and slashed staraptor making fall on the ground

Bakugo:staraptor get up and use brave bird

Staraptor got up and flew in the air and it's body and started to go in blue flames charging at gylscor

Yn:gylscor block it with giga impact

Gylscor charges at staraptor and turns into a ball of energy both of them crashed to the ground while staraptor was hurting because of brave bird affect

Yn:come gylscor get I know you can do it

Gylscor gets up slowly

Bakugo:staraptor mows your chance to take gylscor down use Ariel ace

Staraptor wings start glowing white and charges at gylscor

Yn:gylscor use ice fang

Gylscor fangs start turning into ice and bites staraptor wing while staraptor ariel ace hit gylscor after the smoke cleared both staraptor and gylscor were unconscious

Referee:staraptor and gylscor are both unable to battle which makes this round a tie

Yn returns gylscor in his great ball

Bakugo returns staraptor in his pokeball

Bakugo:dragonair let's go

Dragonair appears in the arena

Yn:electivire join me

Electivire appears in the arena

Bakugo:dragonair use dragon pulse

Dragonair fires a purple beam at electivire

Yn:electivire use thunderbolt to block it

Electricity appears around electivire and shoots the thunderbolt and blocks the dragon pulse

Bakugo:Dragonair use dragon tail

Dragonair jumps in the air at its tail starts glowing light blue and it was about to his electivire

Yn:Electivire catch it

Electivire catches the dragon tail dragonair tries to move but it couldn't

Yn:Electivire us thunder punch

Electricity appears on Electivire fist and punches dragonair and sending it sliding to the ground Dragonair gets up but only to be paralyzed

Yn:electivire end this now use thunderbolt

Electricity appears around electivire and shoots it at Dragonair

Bakugo:Dragonair dodge it

Dragonair tries to dodge it but it couldn't because of the paralyses and gets hit by electivire thunderbolt and goes unconscious

Referee:Dragonair unable electivire is the winner of this round

Bakugo returns Dragonair in its ultra ball

Yn returns electivire in his ultra ball

Bakugou:go rypherior

Rypherior appears on the arena

Yn:go gastrodon

Gastrodon appears on the arena

Bakugou:rypherior use stone edge

Stones appear on rypherior and charged at gastrodon

Yn:gastrodon use ice beam on the stone edge

Gastrodon shot ice beam at the stone edge making them drop on the ground

Bakugou:rypherior use brick break on gastrodon

Rypherior hand glows and charges at gastrodon

Yn:gastrodon use scald on rypherior

Gastrodon fires scald at rypherior making it slide back but rypherior starts burning that's to scald effect

Bakugou:rypherior use hyper beam

Rypherior shoot his hyper beam at gastrodon

Yn:block it with hydro bump

Gastrodon uses hydro pump to block the hyper beam

Yn:since it will take awhile for rypherior to recharge due to hyper beam affect this is your chance to strike gastrodon use ice beam

Gastrodon uses ice beam making rypherior fall on the ground unconscious

Referee:rypherior is unable to battle this round goes to gastrodon

Bakugou returns rypherior back to its pokeball

Yn returns gastrodon to it's great ball

Bakugou:gallade let's go

Gallade appears in the arena

Yn:Dusknoir stand by for battle

Dusknoir appears in the arena

Bakugou:gallade use psychic cut

Gallade arm blade grew larger and turned pink and rush towards Dusknoir

Yn:Dusknoir use disable

Dusknoir move his around and gallade psychic cut disappears

Yn:your gallade won't be using that move for a while Dusknoir use fire punch

Dusknoir hand stated to go fire then Dusknoir punches gallade making it slide back

Gallade:use aura sphere

Gallade made a ball of energy and shot at Dusknoir

Yn:Dusknoir use shadow sneak

Dusknoir phases throught the ground and appears behind gallade and strikes gallade making it slide on the ground

Gallade tries get up

Yn:Dusknoir take down gallade with shadow ball

Dusknoir made a ball of shadows and shot at gallade and exploded after the smoke disappears gallade was on the ground unconscious

Referee:gallade is unable to battle this round goes to Dusknoir

Bakugou returns gallade in its ultra ball

Yn returns Dusknoir in its ultra ball

Yn:final round bakugo while I have my five Pokémon you have on left better make it count

Bakugou:I'll will win this Charzard let's go

Charzard appears on the arena

Yn:all right then torterra time to battle

Torterra appears in the arena

Yn:the final battle starter vs starter

Bakugou:Charzard use flamethrower

Charzard shot it's flames at torterra

Yn:torterra use earth power

Torterra start shaking the arena making  Charzard lose it focus and took damage from earth power

Yn:torterra use giga drain

Torterra star glowing and star taking Charzard health adding to torterra own health

Bakugou:Charzard get in the air and use dragon rush

Charzard flies in the air and starts flying towards torterra while engulf in flames

Yn:torterra use frenzy plant to stop Charzard

Torterra summons giant vines to stop Charzard but they got burned by Charzard dragon rush and Charzard strikes torterra making him slide back  but also took damage from frenzy plant effect

Yn:torterra  use synthesis

Torterra start glowing and head himself

Yn:torterra use leaf storm

Torterra summons his leaf storm from the back of his shell tree and went towards Charzard taking the hit

Bakugou:Charzard use dragon claw and finish this battle

Charzard claws start glowing and became more dragon like claws and run towards torterra it was about to strike at torterra until

Yn:torterra use frenzy plant

Torterra summons giant vines and picks Charzard in the air and the slamming Charzard down to the ground

After the smoke disappears Charzard was unconscious

Referee:Charzard is unable the final round goes torterra making Yn champion of the Pokémon league

The crowd cheers Yn runs towards his torterra and hugs him

Yn:we did it buddy we all did it we won

Bakugou:I've lost I lost to that loser

Bakugou returns Charzard in it pokeball and walks away)

Blaze:so how was it

Ozpin:very interesting

Ruby:it was awesome all those attacks were amazing

Izuku:Yn won only by losing one Pokémon while ka-Chan lost his hole team

Bakugou:I've lost to him of all people

Kirishima:don't worry bro you'll get him next time

Momo:well it's kinda impressive how strong Yn Pokémon was through his Pokémon he had type advantage


Weiss:I still think Yn weak throught the other Yn we saw it was just luck

Blaze:not luck skill and training

Lucy:maybe we were wrong to hurt Yn in the first place

Erza:I agree

Juvia:you think he'll forgive us

Phyrra:maybe not now but one day soon he can't hate us forever

Blaze though:they don't know I'm a Yn as well but I'll reveal that soon

Blaze:on towards the next universe

Next universe (king Yn)

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