Prologue (The Final Omens)

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Two hedgehogs walk through a corridor. One is holding his arm in pain while the other is making sure his brother is okay. They are named Y/N and Sonic the Hedgehog.

(Y/N The Hedgehog)

(Sonic The Hedgehog)

Sonic: Alright Exlied, come on out! It's over!

A seemingly robot with a large scarf that looks like it was made from fur turned around to face the brothers, this is the Exiled.

Exiled: You're too late.

Suddenly, a machine behind Exiled flared to life as the gems powering it began to shatter, the gems were known as the Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic jumped onto the barrier and started to crack it while Y/N was getting ready to strike Exiled down. Soon, the pair managed to break through the barrier. Sonic grabbed the remaining Chaos Emerald as Y/N went to distract Exiled, but they were caught by surprise as Exiled's scarf grabbed both of them and started to slam the brothers around the area. Exiled let go of Y/N and proceeded to pick Sonic as he brought the blue blur closer to him.

Sonic: You're even uglier up close!

Exiled: So full of yourselves. I've heard much about you from Thorndyke, he held both of you in such high regard. Your abilities. Your compassion.

Sonic: Breaking Chris' expaction!? You're one to talk! What's next? You'll go back in time and return with your pals?!

Exiled: Dark Oak? The one who had me through into your world? The one who had me exiled as soon as I stood up against his lust for revenge? No, controller of the light, I just go home.

Y/N: HOME?! *Tries to get up but limps* You'd destroy everything and everyone just because you feel a little homesick?! Are these monsters also part of the plan?

Exiled: They are the Omens. The Omens at the end of Chaos. It was unexpected but the reality that the emeralds no longer exist are doomed to be destroyed by them. This is the end of History.

Y/N charges at Exiled for one last attack but Exiled foresaw this and grabbed him before looking at the older hedgehog in the eyes.

Exiled: Maybe enduring the feelings I felt will change your mind, Y/N The Hedgehog.

Sonic: Y/N!!!!

Exiled throws Y/N into the device sending the hedgehog to another dimension, what will he encounter on the other side?

Location: Planeptune

???: Heed my words all of those who make Gamindustri their home.

The scene changes as flags are put up and a figure walking down a purple carpet.

???: This day represents the first steps into a new era and I am thrilled that you and I are able to greet it together.

Now we see the figure in a dark purple dress with lilac hair in double braids reaching her knees accompanied by a purple flower in her braids tied up with black ribbons.

She then opens her eyes as they are also purple with a symbol of what's called a sharicite.

???: Welcome to the next level.

She then continues down the carpet.

???: As I'm sure you know, in the past years this fantasy star of ours has been plagued with constant war.

We now also see a woman in a black dress with long flowing white hair.

???: Lastation, ruled by the goddess Black Heart.

We then see a woman with very light blue short hair in a regal white dress and a blue sash.

???: Lowee, ruled by the goddess White Heart.

Lastly, we see a woman with long green hair in a ponytail with a yellow flower tying it while wearing a white and yellow trim dress accompanied by a yellow flower on her single pearl shoulder strap.

???: Leanbox, ruled by the goddess Green Heart.

Then we see the woman in the purple dress step onto what seemed a glowing hexagon.

???: And last but not least, Planeptune, ruled by yours truly, Purple Heart.

Purple Heart: Our kingdoms have thrived for share energy the source of a nation's strength.

Suddenly, she floats upward by the glowing hexagon along with the other goddesses.

Purple Heart: On occasion, even the goddesses themselves have come to blows in this fruitless struggle.

Then the hexagon platforms stop as each of the four goddesses are side by side.

Purple Heart: But that shall be no more. The friendship treaty we shall sign today will ban all taking of shares with military force. From now on, we shall increase our own shares by improving our beloved countries...

Then they all start stepping forward walking on holographic platforms until they're all in close proximity.

Purple Heart: And fostering a healthy development of the entire world.

Then, they all joined hands.

Goddesses: We hereby vow to overcome our past and create a world of hope so that all people may prosper as long as we live.

Then, there was a moment of silence.

But not for long as somewhere far away, a streak of light came falling from the sky but still unheard by anyone yet.

Within ten seconds, the streak of light crashed into the ground of what is the Virtua Forest causing a big enough shockwave that echoed to Planeptune and was loud enough to break the silence almost immediately as everyone started to panic as to what that crash was.

It didn't take long for the goddesses to notice smoke billowing up from the Virtua Forest and flew off to investigate since the ceremony was over despite the disruption.

When the goddesses arrived, still in their gowns, they saw nothing but burning trees, ashes of grass, red sky, billowing fire, and smoke all around the crash site going about almost half a mile.

However when they looked to see what struck Gamindustri, they were shocked not to find a meteorite, but the body of Y/N who was unconscious.

Then Purple Heart bravely went down into the crater and inspected him.

She was sure he was dead until he slightly moved his head weakly opened his eyes for a brief second and looked into Purple Heart's eyes before he slipped into unconsciousness.

Purple Heart then scooped Y/N up and carried him out of the crater.

Purple Heart: We have to get back to the Basilicom now.

Black Heart: There's no way he could have survived that.

White Heart: Well what other choice do we have?!

Green Heart: Well whatever we do, we'd better hurry. No telling how long he'll last in this state.

Wasting no time, they all flew the blue hedgehog back to Planeptune's Basilicom where their friend Compa tended to what wounds he did have as they waited, and hoped.

White Heart: How in the world can a hedgehog like that cause such a big crater?!

Black Heart: Beats me, how could even he survive a fall like that?!

Purple Heart:  You don't think he's some sort of intelligent being, do you?

Green Heart: Come off it Neptune. No way an extraterrestrial would look that cute.

White Heart: Can it Thudner Tits!

Black Heart: Just calm down Blanc. Let Vert be.

White Heart: Stay out of this Noire.

Purple Heart: Will you all stop!?

This silenced the others pretty quickly.

Purple Heart: I'm sure that whatever happened, that hedgehog should be able to explain it once he wakes up. 

As if on cue, Compa then came out of the bedroom.

Purple Heart: Any word on his condition?

Compa: Well I mended all I could Nep-Nep but he's still unconscious. I don't know how long he'll be like that though.

Purple Heart: In the meantime, you all should probably return to your nations until this all blows over. Nepgear and I will watch over him until he wakes up.

They all agreed and after saying their goodbyes, they flew back to their respective nations leaving Purple Heart to watch over Y/N.

While Nepgear went off to get supplies and medical supplies for the man, Purple Heart went back and kept an eye on him. But before she let him be for the night, she could have sworn she heard him mumble something.

Y/N: Sonic...defeat him...please.

Purple Heart pondered what he meant until she eventually left the room and let him rest.

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