Meeting Nando and a trail begins

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Y/n, Bea and Brock were watching Dawn try to catch a Buneary with Ash teaching her, however her own  inexperience and Ash's bad way of teaching caused the rabbit Pokemon to get away. 

The two started to argue, both blaming the other for the rabbit Pokemon's escape. Suddenly a sunny day was activated, cooling the arguing duo down.  

The sunny day came from a Bedew, said Pokemon belongs to a trainer named Nando who saw the argument and had his Bedew use sunny day to calm them down. 

Dawn and Nando has a battle, but type advantage and experience was at Nando's side and Dawn lost.

While chatting with our heroes , Nando says he can't decide to go for gym battles or contest. After Nando left, Ash says he should go for gym battles while Dawn says he should go for contest, which sparked another argument between the two.

Bea, who was tired of the argument, chopped the two on the head and hard.  "Knock it off, the both of you, we can't decide for him, it's his choice and his alone." She snapped

"She's right, which ever one he picks,  we have to respect his decisions." Brock agreed

The two huffed, the said nothing as they rubbed the stop were Bea chopped them, the hit was unsurprisingly painful, they almost was seeing stars.  

They met up with Nando later, and after a run in with team rocket he decided to try both gym battles and contests. 

After parting ways with Nando, our heroes came to a odd sight to say the lest. Two siblings are currently fighting in a dust cloud like in a cartoon, flying stars and all. 

Y/n sighed has he walked to them while rolling up his sleeves, he then reached in to the cloud and pulled the two apart which caused them to stop. 

The others noticed that the male sibling looks like a red haired version of Y/n while the female sibling looks like a female Y/n. 

The two sweatdropped when they saw who pulled them apart, Y/n then dropped them on their rears as he pinched the bridge of his nose to avoid a headache. 

Deciding to introduce the two, Y/n turn to his friends who were confused except Bea.

"Guys, meet B/n and S/n my two twin siblings." Y/n introduced the duo 

Ash, Dawn and Brock blinked at that, twin siblings? No wonder they looked so alike. 

After the trio introduced themselves, Y/n asked the two why they were arguing in the first place. The who started to talk at the same time, trying to talk over each other. 

A chop on the head from Bea was enough to stop them,they explained that they were arguing about who's job is harder, they then explained that were in the area and they wanted to be there for his first trail.

Y/n knew his parents had the Kahuna's permission to make a trail for him, but there something else that's still bugging him.

"B/n why are are you in the area anyways? Your job as a Pokemon ranger sent you to the Obliva region and S/n you being  a Pokemon Performer means your usually at Kalos, so how are you here" Y/n asked 

The duo said that they came to all the way to Sinnoh to support him on at lest one of his trails. Y/n was touched and welcomed the help.

They then saw a trail sign pointing to path, while walking  Y/n explained a trail is Alolas version of gym battles and S/n explained that Pokemon showcases and contest are a bit different from each other.

They then reached the first part of the trail area, the sibling saw that that was going to be a water trail.

A lake was in front of them, and it was connected to two others. The sign nearby says that Y/n must defeat a Pokemon at each of the lake to pass. 

Y/n brought out a Pokemon that M/n sent over earlier, a shiny Gyarados.

Y/n's sibling and Bea wasn't surprised as they saw him before, the others were shocked to see a red Gyarados.

Dawn pointed her Pokedex at the Atrocious Pokemon to scan it.

"Gyarados the Atrocious Pokemon. A tale is told of a town that angered Gyarados. Before the sun rose the next day,flames utterly consumed the town, leaving not a trace behind." 

"Huh?" Dawn said while looking back and forward between the Pokedex and Y/n's Gyarados."Why is Y/n's Gyarados red while the image of the Pokedex is blue." She asked confused.

"Y/n's Gyarados is known as a shiny Pokemon, shiny Pokemon have a different color then a normal one, their both stronger and rarer then their normal counterparts." S/n explained

"Y/n first fished him up when he was a Magikarp a few years ago." B/n continued "Gyarados was helping M/n with something till just now."

Y/n and Gyarados swam to the center of the lake where a Wishiwashi was found. Wishiwashi, the Small Fry Pokémon. A water type.  When in a tough spot, their eyes tear up,which gives it the look of crying." Y/n's Pokedex informed.

It was quickly taken down by an iron tail, it then fled to the next lake which Y/n and Gyarados followed.

At the next lake, other Wishiwashi was waiting. A ice fang took care of it quickly. Again it along the one before fled to the final lake.

At the final lake, Y/n saw a water type Z crystal, a waterium Z on a pedestal  at the end of it. Y/n and Gyarados kept their guard up, knowing that a totem Pokemon won't let him have it without a fight.

Many small shadows gathered bellow the lake, becoming one large one, before said large Pokemon surfaced in front of them. 

It was a Wishiwashi school form!

Y/n felt Gyarados shake at the sight of the totem, he let out a calming flow of aura into his Pokemon calming him down.

"Woah! Who's that Pokemon"!? Asked a shocked Ash.

"It Wishiwashi's school form." B/n explained " When one is in trouble, a school of them gathers and becomes the form you see before you." 

"Some call it "the demon of the sea" and even Gyarados flee at the sight of it." S/n continued for her brother. 

" So that's why Gyarados looks a bit shaken up." Dawn said. 

The totem used a water gun, but that to the number of wishiwashi making up the form, it turned into a powerful hydro pump.

Gyarados dived underwater to dodge, before surfacing near the others. Y/n spat out a stream of water, not expecting the sudden dive. 

The totem called it's ally Pokemon, a Alomomola.

"A Alomomola? Uh oh." B/n said with worry.

"Alomomola, the Caring Pokémon. A water type.It can use heal pulse  to help friends recover." Y/n's Pokedex informed.

"Y/n! You need to take out that Alomomola quickly!" B/n shouted to his brother.

"Got it, Gyarados thunder!" Y/n agreed then called out.

The shiny Atrocious Pokemon fired a large  thunder at the caring Pokemon, the attack hit it's mark scaring it way.

Y/n and Gyarados decided to go full power, Y/n held his keystone as he got ready

"You who has the strength to evolve even further. Y/n began. If you lend me your heart and trust, i shall lend you my strength and will! The megastone on Gyarados and Y/n's keystone let out four streams of light that started to connect together as Gyarados's body began to glow and change.  Transcend though the boundaries that keep you true strength hidden away! Beyond evolution, Mega evolve! As Y/n finished his chant, Gyarados has finished changing, his new form shined as the mega evolution symbol appeared for a second before fading.

Ash, dawn and Brock were in awe, Y/n's siblings and Bea had seen it before but was still amazed not the less. 

"Aqua jet!" Gyarados surrounded himself with water,  he then rushed at the totem at great speeds.  Using a hit and run tactics, Gyarados slowly but surely broke up school form by knocking away the small wishsiwashi  bit by bit before the school form was broken up. 

Seeing the lead Wishiwashi, a strong thunder is all it took to take it down.

The others cheered as Y/n and Gyarados won, the latter changing back. 

They went to the end of the lake, Y/n picked up the waterium Z, a trail version of getting a badge. 

The other got there and gave their congratulations to Y/n attached the crystal to his ring. " One down more to go!" Y/n cheered and his Pokemon cheered with him.

A few minutes later

Y/n and his siblings had to part ways, B/n just got a mission and S/n had a showcase coming up.

After they left, Y/n gave Bea a luxury ball, saying its a gift from his parents. She let out the Pokemon inside, which is a Riolu. 

"Riolu,the Emanation Pokemon. Riolu has the power to see and understand emotions like happiness and anger in aura waves." Y/n's Pokedex informed 

"My parents thought you be a good trainer for the little guy." Y/n explained

"Thank your parents for me, I'll take good care of him" Bea said with a small smile

Our heroes helped their new friend Nando find a path for himself and Y/n passed his trail, next time your heroes meets a Turtwig that doesn't really trust humans. Will they be able to earn Turtwig's turst? Read to find out.   

Y/n's Pokemon

1)Dialga (male) Luxury ball

2)Lucario(male) ultra ball

3) Starly*(female) great ball 

4)Gyarados*(male) dive ball

Bea's Pokemon

1) Machamp(male)

2) Riolu(male) 

Ash's Pokemon 




Dawn's Pokemon


Brock's Pokemon

1) Bonsly

Seriously, i was writing this up and early, but after halfway though the chapter it refuses to work with me for hours. Anyways if there a Pokemon you want the gang to catch, tell me in the comments and to who. And which trail type should be next? Your picks are steel, fighting or dragon. You have 2 chapter to choose. 

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