The Pokemon hunter, meeting two of the strongest aura guardians

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On the way to Floaroma Town, Y/n received a call from not only Palutena, but also another master guardian named Pneuma.

"Y/n, we need you at Fiore." Palutena said. "We ask your friend Coco to come too."

"The trouble is in a place known as the Jungle Relic ."Pneuma said." We heard from other rangers that she traveled to the deepest parts of the Relic , where we sense a large aura source."

Y/n looked to Coco who nodded. "Understood, can you send a Pokemon to pick us up?" 

Palutena's Gardervoir suddenly appeared with teleport a few feet away from the group. The embrace Pokemon then teleported Y/n and Coco to the entrance of Jungle Relic , there they met with the two master guardians along with two others Y/n is familiar with.

"Karlamine and Siris? It's been a while." Y/n said.

"Indeed it has Y/n." Karlamine nodded being the friendlier of the two.

"Where's that leader of yours?" Y/n asked the two. Coco slightly growled,  having only heard of said leader, but from how Y/n described him, she already disliked him.

"He's not longer our leader." Siris said." He's been removed form his position of leader, he's gotten far too arrogant and angered miss Camilla. After she was done with him, he was sent home a sniveling mess."

"Surprising considering Miss Camilla has a lot of patience, ether way, i'm glad you and the others are freed from his stupidity."

"Y/n, Coco. Have you two noticed something?" Palutena asked.

"Now that you mentioned it, it feels hotter then usual here in Summerland" Coco said.

"Coco was it? Can you lead us to the deepest parts of the temple?" Pneuma asked. 

"Got it, follow me." Coco said as she went in.

As the trainer/ ranger lead them, Y/n was chatting with Karlamine and Siris.

"If Riser is no longer your leader, did you find a new one?"

"No, not yet. We're still looking." Siris said.

"Odd, i thought you have a new one by now."

Palutena and Pneuma who was in front of them smiled to each other, knowing of the other reason they called him.

As they reached the challenge area, they saw a large boulder blocking a path and a Plusle was pacing back and forth worryingly near it. When it saw Coco, it quickly ran to her , pulling her to the boulder.

"I sense someone at the other side." Y/n said.

"I know who it is, she's a partner of mine while i was a ranger, her name's Solana, Plusle is her partner Pokemon." Coco said. "I remember there was a Rhydon nearby, it'll be strong enough to break that boulder."

They found said Rhydon near a lava area, but suddenly a short quake happened, the guardians and ranger were able to steady themselves, but a item dropped from Y/n's bag.

The item caught Rhydon's attention, it's eyes widen before it rushed to it and picked it up. It was a Protector . 

"A Protector does help Rhydon's evolve, but it needs to hold it while being traded." Siris said.

"There is a way for them to evolve without the use of trading." Palutena said. " Only a aura guardian can use it however."

"Ready?" Coco asked Y/n.

"Yeah, but it's a very advanced technique, even i haven't learned it yet."

"Nether did we." Karlamine said.

"It'll have to caught though."Pneuma said. 

"Y/n, since the Protector belongs to him." Karlamine said. Siris nodded.

The drill Pokemon nodded as well, wanting to leave for a while now and evolve.

Y/n pulled out a heavy ball and threw it.

1...2...3 and ping. With that, Rhydon was caught.

Y/n then sent his new Pokemon, following Palutena's instructions, he synced his aura with Rhydon's, their combined aura's resonated with the Protector. Then came the hard part, Y/n had to make sure said resonance was stable. Soon Rhydon began to glow and change, but the glow died down, Rhydon has evolved into Rhyperior.

Y/n stumbled a bit before being helped by Coco.

"You okay Y/n?" Coco asked worried.

"Yeah, one of the reasons it's a advanced technique is it takes up a large amount aura." Y/n said. "Let's go free your partner and find that large aura source ."

They returned to where Solana was and Rhyperior smashed the boulder to pieces, freeing Solana. Coco and Plusle immediately went to check on her and she was thankfully unharmed.

They went deeper into the Relic and came across grunts of a team Coco and Solana knows as go rock squads. The rangers quickly dealt with the grunts, before he fled he mentioned something about a powerful Pokemon deeper in. They were trying to control it, but it was too much for them. 

Our heroes then reached the deepest parts of the Relic and found what was the source of the aura , it was a Groudon!

"What's a Groudon doing here?" Siris asked in surprise.

"No idea, it wasn't here before." Coco said.

Pneuma noticed the injuries on it. "Didn't you say you also caught Kyogre in Fiore Y/n?" Pneuma  asked.  

"Yeah, looks like Groudon is here to recover it's injuries." Y/n said. 

Palutena pulled out a ocarina and played Oracion, this calmed the continent Pokemon down.  Pneuma healed it using her aura, it then roared at Y/n, sensing it's counterpart aura on him.

Seeing no choice, Y/n sent out a Pokemon.

"Lurantis, battle time!"

Groudon's claws glowed as it charged at Lurantis, but she dodged without command.

"Solar Blade!"

Lurantis absorbs sunlight into herself and forms a large yellow ball of light above her head. Lurantis then raises one of her hands and turns the ball into a giant blade of yellow light. She then swung the blade at Groudon, knocking it back.

Groudon roared and two rings of glowing light blue rocks appear and spin around its body. Then, multiple gray rocks are released from the rings at Lurantis.


Lurantis created a barrier to block, but it was unable to move as the rocks kept coming.

"Karlamine and Siris, think you two can help me?" Y/n asked.

"We can but how?" Karlamine asked.

"You  two have your Doublade's with you?"

They nodded.

Y/n pointed above Groudon and they saw a couple of Stalactites, they understood and sent out their Doublade's.


Their Doublade's swords glow white, they rotates rapidly in a clockwise motion and charges at at the Stalactites. This caused the Stalactites to fall on Groudon and stunning it. The master guardians made sure the Stalactites didn't just fall into the lava as they may cause the lava to erupt.

The master guardians smiled when they saw Karlamine and Siris trust Y/n, knowing he always helped them and the others after a long day with their former leader.

Y/n then threw a Heavy ball at the continent Pokemon. 1...2....3 and Ping. And with that, Groudon was caught.

After Groudon was caught, Y/n sent it to he's parents. Palutena has helped build a hidden garden near his home that's large enough to be it's own continent , which is why they were able to keep the legendaries he caught  a secret.

After reporting everything to the Summerland ranger base leader,  Karlamine and Siris was sent back after they gave Y/n a hug surprising him and much to Coco annoyance Solana left to enjoy her vacation . But when  Palutena and Pneuma followed Y/n and Coco back to Sinnoh, they saw Ash and the others are dealing with Hunter J, someone that's been in the aura guardians most wanted list.

Palutena and Pneuma both suddenly zoomed forward in incredible speed, J's grunts was taken out and they were on J's ship before Y/n or Coco could react. The master guardians  managed to to get find J, the Pokemon hunter tried to flee using her grunts to stand in the guardians way, the two master guardians show why their two of the strongest guardians by knocking the grunts aside easily and chaining J down.

One hour later

With hunter J captured, her grunts soon followed. Many guardians are returning the Pokemon captured by J to their original owners. As J is being put away, Y/n was talking to the two master guardians before they left.

"Well Y/n, we hope to see you again soon, i do miss you seeing around the guardian school." Palutena said. " I'm sure Iseult and Igraine would like to see you again."

"Same with Pyra and Mythra." Pneuma said." Even though Mythra would never admit it." She giggled.

After the master guardians left, Y/n and Coco reunited with the other, as they continue on to  Floaroma Town, Y/n could only wonder what the future holds as the journey continues.

Y/n's Pokemon 

1) Dialga (male) / Luxury ball

 2) Lucario (male) / Ultra ball

 3) Starvia * (female) / Great ball 

4) Gyarados* ( male) / Dive ball 

5)Drapion *(female) / Net ball

 6) Celebi (female) / Friend ball

 7) Salazze (female) / Ultra ball 

8) Salamance (male)/ Ultra ball

 9) Tyranitar (male) / Ultra ball

 10) Aerodactyl (female) / Ultra ball

 11) Lurantis* (female)/ Nest ball

12) Rhyperior (male) / Heavy ball

 With his parents

 1) Cobalion (male)/ Dusk ball 

2)Terrakion (male)/ Dusk ball

 3) Virizion (female) / Dusk ball 

4) Keldo (male)/ Cherish ball 

5) Articuno (female) / Ultra ball 

6) Zapdos (male) / Ultra ball 

7) Moltris (male) / Ultra ball 

8) Latias (female)/ Friend ball 

9) Latios (male) /Friend ball 

10) Kyogre (female) / Dive ball

11) Groudon (male) / Heaby ball

 Bea's Pokemon 

1) Machamp 

2) Riolu

 Iseult's Pokemon

 1) Metagross 

2) Nidoqueen 

3) Nidoking

 Coco's Pokemon 

1) Magnazone 

Ash's Pokemon

 1) Pikachu 


3) Staravia

 4) Turtwig

 Dawn's Pokemon

 1) Piplup

 2) Buneary 

3) Pachirisu

 Brock's Pokemon

 1) Sudowoodo

 2) Crogunk

Done and done, next time our heroes will encounter a trainer with a impressive Magikarp and Feebas, and Y/n will also meet a old friend that be a challenge for the two unevolved Pokemon. What do i mean? Read to find out. If you have a Pokemon you want our heroes to catch, tell me in the comments bellow. Remember, the next trail type is steel, fighting or ground.

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