Fighting a titan, meeting a old friend

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Y/n and Pyrrha was currently at South Province Area Three, the former was on top of a watchtower where he saw a small treasure chest, but only Y/n felt some aura from it so he scanned it with is Pokedex.

"Gimmighoul, the coin chest Pokemon. A Ghost Type. This Pokemon was born inside a treasure chest about 1,500 years ago. It sucks the life-force out of scoundrels who try to steal the treasure."

The coin chest Pokemon soon woke up, startled by seeing Y/n, it fired a shadow ball in fright. Y/n's Silvally appeared from his Pokeball to intercept it. Y/n felt something off, but was able to shake it off, checking his Pokedex, he learned that Gimmighoul use ghost energy to possess its target and force them to collect Gimmighoul Coins, which allows them to evolve.

Seeing it's normal tactics isn't working, it tried to attack with with a tackle.

"Fire fang!"

Silvally's bits down on Gimmighoul with fangs filled with fire before tossing it back, the coin chest Pokemon got up but was burned.

Y/n then threw a Dusk ball.

1...2...3 and Ping. And with that, Gimmighoul was caught.

Going in further in, Y/n and Pyrrha got a call form Arven.

"Hey, Y/n and Pyrrha. So, from what I can gather, the Stony Cliff Titan likes to lurk somewhere in this rocky area. I had a look around when you ditched me for the gym last week, but I couldn't find any traces of it! Maybe it's way up high on a cliff or something?" 

"You mean like hanging at the cliff?" Pyrrha asked.

"Nah, that's impossible! I don't think it'd be hiding somewhere that tricky, so don't go falling off any cliffs or anything trying to search it out somewhere too strange." Arven says before he hung up.

After a little bit of searching, Y/n and Pyrrha found a rather large Pokemon hanging on a Cliff. Y/n pulled out his Rotomdex to scan it.

"Klawf, the Ambush Pokemon. A Rock Type. Klawf hangs upside-down from cliffs, waiting for prey. But Klawf can't remain in this position for long because its blood rushes to its head."

They can see other Klawfs around, and none of them are the same size of this one, so it must be the titan Pokemon Arven was talking about. This reminded Y/n for the totem Pokemon back home at Alola.

The titan let of of the cliff and landed in front of them, it then let out a cry before it attacked. Y/n and Pyrrha sent out their Lucario and Aegislash.

"Aura sphere!"

"Sacred sword!"

Lucario fired a sphere of aura and Aegislash's sword-like body glows light blue. Aegislash then slices the Klawf, this actually sent the titan flying. This caused the guardians to ride Koraidon and Miraidon to chase it down.

Soon, they saw the titan use rock smash to open a cave before it ate a glowing pink plant, soon Arven arrives." Y/n, Pyrrha, you found You found it?!"

"Over there." Pyrrha said as she pointed at the titan, shocking Arven.

"And THAT thing's the Stony Cliff Titan?! No Klawf has got any business being that big! Is it gonna be even stronger now, after eating those herbs...?"

"We sense it's power increase, we may need help with this one."

Arven joins in the fight by sending out a Shellder to battle. "Well, this is looking a little rough. Shellder, let's serve up a helping of defeat - on the half shell!"

"Sacred sword!"

Aegislash tried to slash it, but the titan grabbed it's blade before tossing it back. It then trapped Aegislash with rock tomb, but it quickly broke out.

"Aura sphere!"

Lucario fired a sphere of aura, knocking Klawf back. The ambush Pokemon suddenly glowed red. Y/n checked his Rotom phone and found out it had the ability anger shell, which increases it's attack and speed at the cost of defense when it reaches half health.

"Aura sphere!"

"Sacred sword!"

"Water gun!"

Shellder knocked it back with water gun before Aegislash knocks it in their air before Lucario knocked it out of the skies with aura sphere. The titan was sent crashing to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust, when it died down, it revealed Klawf was down and out.

To their surprise, the titan suddenly shrunk to normal size. Y/n then tossed a dusk ball at it.

1...2...3 and Ping. And with that, Klawf was caught.

"All right! Look at my buddies, coming through like a champ!" Arven says. "But these Titan Pokemon are... yeesh. I sure don't like having something so tough out to get me!"

They entered the cave the titan opened to see there's anymore Sweet Herba Mystica, soon they managed to find quite a bit.

Arven gasps, "No way! These are one of the Herba Mystica! It's exactly how it looked in the book!" Arven picks one and yells excited, "YES! We actually found one! And it's all thanks to you, Y/n and Pyrrha !" He opens the book, "Now then, let's see... What does the book have to say? It says here that the Sweet Herba Mystica is good for gut health and that it helps aid digestion. Says it's great for stomachaches, too, or when you want to stimulate the old appetite!"

Then Y/n hear him muttering, "Now if I can just get him to eat some..." Y/n wanted to ask what he means, but decided to stay silent for now.

"All right! Now it's my turn to show off what I can do. You're about to get a taste of my cooking!" Arven said before he 

"An Arven-original sandwich packed full of herbs! And I'll even give you guys a badge - y'know, as a thank-you for taking on that Titan Pokemon. I called it a Titan Badge. Made it myself, using a replica of the Gym Badges, see?"

While they were eating, both Koraidon and Miraidon appear from their Pokeballs and they seem like they also want to have some sandwiches.

"Argh! What's up with those things?! They just come out of their balls on their own whenever they want?" Arven groans.

"They probably want some sandwiches as well." Pyrrha says as she notices that Koraidon is sniffing at the sandwiches in her hands.

"That's fine." Y/n said as he broke the sandwich in half, "Here you go, Miraidon."

Pyrrha does the same thing to Koraidon, and both of them manage to gobble them down. Arven mutters, "Hey! I went through all the trouble of making that for you, and you just give it away?! I hope you realize that's all there was, so now there's none left for you..."

"It's fine, we already know how to make them, we can just make these on our own after all." Pyrrha said.

"Aw, come on! Now you're making me feel like I'm the selfish jerk here..." Arven mutters.

Just then, they see that both Koraidon and Miraidon start to glow a little, and then they start to rush outside of the cave and entering it again.

"Wha-? Hey, is it me or has these two sort of... powered up somehow?" Arven asks.

"We did sense a power increase, i think they did" 

"Whoa! I can't believe it! The power of these herbs really is worth guarding!" Arven cheers. "If they had that big an effect on your Pokemon, then I bet-"

"Bet what?"

"Uhhh... I bet it'll come in super handy for that Treasure Hunt assignment we've got!" Arven says. "Yup! That's what I bet!"

 "Well, all of you filled your bellies with some of my legendary sandwiches! Guess it's time to tidy everything up..." Y/n and Pyrrha tried to help but Arven stops them. "Oh, don't you worry about helping! After battling the Titan, you've earned a break! Just leave all this to me! Though I'd be much obliged if you'd get a start on searching out the remaining four Herba Mystica for us."

As Y/n and Pyyrha left, Arven waves his hand at us. "I really owe you..." He made sure they left he sighs, "OK. The coast is clear." He takes out a Pokeball and says, "You can come out now."

When they head outside, they get a call from Professor Sada, she said, "Hello, Y/n and Pyrrha. This is Sada. I detect that both Koraidon and Miraidon have regained some of their original powers. It seems like they will now be able to dash at high speeds while you're riding upon them."

"Yup, we saw it with our own eyes"

"I hope you will continue to explore Paldea with Koraidon and Miraidon, as you have done here. Your route is not fixed but open before you." Sada said. "Seek out your own path, using your map and the tools you have at hand. Whenever You find your curiosity piqued, you should go and explore as your heart desires. All that you experience will help you grow in some way, great or small. Go forth on your journey... and take good care of Koraidon and Miraidon for us." She then ends the call.

When they went to a Pokemon center for a break, they saw a old friend in guardian school.

"Kokomi, it's been a while"

Kokomi is from genshin impact

"It has certainly been a while." Kokomi nodded."I recently transferred to Naranja Academy and was recently informed of the treasure hunt. May i join you both? I'll feel better if i have some familiar faces with me." 

"Of course, we're glad to have you."

As they relaxed at the Pokemon center, Y/n could only wonder that the future holds as the journey continues.

Y/n's Pokemon

1) Lucario (male)/ Ultra ball

2)Silvally (Genderless) /Cherish ball

3) Charcadet (Female)/ Level ball

4)Nacli (male)/ Dusk ball

5) Tinkatink (female)/ Dusk ball

6)Gimmighoul (Genderless)/ Dusk ball

7) Klawf (female)/ Dusk ball

Pyrrha's Pokemon

1) Aegislash (female) / Dusk ball

2) Charcadet (male) / Level ball

3)Fletchling (female)/ Nest ball

4)Eevee (female)/ Friend ball

Kokomi's Pokemon


Done and done, next time our heroes will handle and team star base and Y/n will face his first trail, how will it go? Read to find out.If you have a Pokemon you want our heroes to catch, tell me in the comments bellow.

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