Meeting a group of Treecko, helping the eon duo

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The group finds themselves lost in Petalburg Woods, and a fight soon erupts between siblings May and Max. Brock manages to separate the pair, though tensions remain high. Ash suddenly sees a bunch of Treecko running through the trees. Wanting since he saw one at Professor Birch's lab, Ash follows the Treecko to an enormous tree that seems to be dying. There, One Treecko has an argument with all of the other Treecko.

 It seemed to be attached to the tree and wants to stay with it, while the rest of the clan wants to move on to a new tree. Ash watches as the lone Treecko struggles to save the tree. Feeling sorry for it, Ash and Pikachu tried to help, but it looked like nothing was working. Soon Y/n appeared having tracked the trainer from pallet by his aura.

"Ash? What's going on?"

"Y/n, glad you found me, think you can help?" Ash asked. "This tree is Treecko's home and it's dying, think you can help it?"

Y/n placed a hand on the tree and sensed it's aura, he sensed that the tree's life is about to go out.

"It's growing weaker and weaker, there is a way to restore it, but it's a very advanced technique, even i can't really do it yet."

"No way...."

"But i know who does, i hope she isn't busy." Y/n said as he contacted called someone with his Xtransceiver.

Soon, Palutena picked up. "Oh hello Y/n, do you need something?"

"Well master Palutena, i'm currently in Petalburg Woods, here there's a old tree that's a home to a pack a Treecko but it's dying. Can you help restore it before it dies out?"

"I can, i'll be there soon." Palutena said before hanging up.

As they waited for Palutena, Y/n flared his aura, allowing Xenovia to detect it so she 'll lead the others to find them. As soon as the the others joined them, Palutena appeared using her Gardervoir,

"So this is the tree Y/n?" Palutena asked as she walked towards said tree.

Y/n nodded. Paluena placed a hand on the tree trunk and transferred her aura to it, the tree began to glow green. To the awe of the other humans except Y/n and Xenovia, the Treecko and it's pack, the tree began to return to it's former glory, the once near dead tree is now once again alive and well.

The Treecko pack cheered as their home was restored, all of them thanked Palutena and most of them  returned to their home.

The one Ash helped challenged him and he accepted, but as he sent Pikachu to battle the wood gecko Pokemon, Palutena pulled Y/n and Xenovia to the side. 

"Y/n, Xenovia. While i'm here, i do have a mission for you both." Palutena said.

"What kind of mission?" Xenovia asked.

"There's a location in Hoenn called the Southern Island, it's known to be the home of the Eon duo." Palutena explained. " It's normally surrounded by a mysterious veil that makes approach impossible for mere humans.  However, rumors speaks of a mysterious group managed to find a way there."

"But if what you said about the the island is true, how do we find it?" Y/n asked.

"I'm glad you asked actually." Palutena said with a mysterious smile.

This caused both Y/n and Xenovia to raise an eyebrow, but before they could ask, a cry was heard. They looked up and was surprised at what they saw, it was a Latios. 

"A Latios?" Xenovia said in surprise as Y/n pulled out his Pokedex to scan the eon Pokemon.

"Latios, The Eon Pokemon. A Psychic and Dragon Type. Latios will only open its heart to a Trainer with a compassionate spirit. This Pokemon can fly faster than a jet plane by folding its forelegs to minimize air resistance." The Pokedex beeped.

"You see Latios here come here for help as it senses danger, here's where you two come in. Ride Latios to Southern Island and drive away this group." Palutena said.

The two nodded and got on the eon Pokemon, it then then took off with incredible speeds, Y/n and Xenovia really had to hang on tight not to fall off mid flight.

Five minutes later, they arrived at the Southern Island, before they landed they saw two team magma members cornering a Latias. Y/n jumped of Latios and between Latias and the magma members.

"Back off!"

"Who are you? How dare you stand in the way of team magma?" The male demanded, the female member just stare at Y/n emotionlessly.

"I'm a aura guardian, i suggest you back off, now!" Y/n snapped with his eyes flashing blue.

"He isn't alone either." Xenovia said as she landed next to Y/n.

"You'll pay for your interference, lets do this Admin Courtney." The grunt said as he can Courtney sent out a Koffing and a Camerupt.

Y/n sent out his Lucario while Xenovia sent out a Absol, she got it as a gift from her best friend Irina not long ago.

"Gyro ball!"

"Lava plume."

"Aura sphere!"

"Night slash!"

Lucario and Absol dodged out of the way of the attacks before firing a sphere of aura and shadow at Koffing,  the attacks hit the poison gas Pokemon head on, knocking it out.

"Earth power."


The two attacks clashed and canceled each other out, Xenovia decided to quickly take the chance to strike.

"Night slash!"

Absol's horn glowed white, and it slashes Camerupt with it, thanks to it's super luck ability it scored a critical hit. The Eruption Pokemon stood still for a minute before falling over knocked out.

"Blast!" The runt said as the magma members recalled their Pokemon."  You haven't seen the last of us!" He then bolted, Courtney remained behind to stare at Y/n blankly for a bit before saying,  "Locked on"  leaving.

Before the two wonder what the admin meant by that, the Latias the magma members cornered snuggled with Y/n, grateful for saving her. Xenovia took the chance to scan the female eon Pokemon.

"Latias, The Eon Pokemon. A Psychic and Dragon Type. Latias is highly intelligent and capable of understanding human speech. It is covered with a glass-like down. The Pokemon enfolds its body with its down and refracts light to alter its appearance." Her Pokedex beeped.

"Well done you two." Palutena said as she appeared with the Hoenn champion Steven Stone.

"We apologize for just watching, but we wanted to see how you handle it." Steven said. "And i see Latias  has then a shine to you."

Latias dug into Y/n's bag and pulled out a Love ball, she then taps on the button and allowed herself to be absorbed in.

1...2..3 and Ping,and with that, Latias was caught.

"I guess it was to join you in you journey." Steven chuckled." And looks like Latios wishes to join as well, most likely so it would't be separated from Latias."

Latios nodded as he pulled Friend ball form Y/n's bag and allowed himself to be caught.

"As a reward for protecting Latias, i would like each of you to have a Pokemon." Steven said as he handed the younger guardians a Cherish ball each. They sent them out to reveal a Shiny Beldum for Y/n and shiny Mawile for Xenovia. Both are holding a mega stone.

About a hour later,after Steven left with his Skarmory, they decided to return to the others with Palutena deciding to stay for a few hours before returning to guardian school. As Y/n watched his newest Pokemon play with the other Pokemon of the group, Y/n could only wonder what the future holds as the journey continues.

Y/n's Pokemon

1) Registeel / Heavy ball

2) Regirock / Heavy ball

3) Regice/ Heavy ball

4) Regieleki / Heavy ball

5) Regidraco / Heavy ball

6) Regigigas / Heavy ball

7) Lucario (male) / Ultra ball

8) Scorbunny (female) / Luxury ball

9) Elekid* (male) / Nest ball

10) Solgaleo / Cherish ball

11) Lunala / Cherish ball

12) Rotom */ Fast ball

13) Gyarados */ Dive ball

14) Latias/ Love ball

15) Latios/ Friend ball

16) Beldum/ Cherish ball

Ash's Pokemon

1) Pikachu

2) Taillow

May's Pokemon

Xenovia's Pokemon

1) Gallade

2) Absol

3) Mawile

Brock's Pokemon

1) Forrestress

Done and done, next time, our heroes will need to help Treecko to be a team player while Y/n's brother asks for his help. What do i mean? Read to fine out. Remember, the next trail type is Rock, electric or steel. If you have a Pokemon you want our heroes to catch, tell me in the comments bellow. 

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