Chapter 11: Marco

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Third POV
Y/N stopped crying but he was still staying by Mikasa’s side. Y/N wiped off his tears and he went back to his normal expression

Y/N: ‘It’s no time for crying. I need to find out why…why I acted like that out there’

Y/N looks back before when he was fighting Mikasa. When he lost control of his mind

Y/N: ‘It was as if my mind was fighting itself.’

Y/N continued to think about what happened to him

Y/N: ‘But how is this happening to me? Rather, who?’

Y/N had a serious expression and he was looking around his surroundings as if someone was hearing him

Y/N: ‘I’m not safe, even in my own mind’

Pixis: Staff officers, come gather! We have a plan to execute!

Y/N looks up and saw Pixis saying that out loud above from the wall

Y/N: ‘What could they have been planning. It hasn’t even been half an hour’

Pixis walks towards Y/N as Eren and Armin stayed behind

Pixis: It seems you’ve been quite the two-faced soldier

Y/N: What?

Pixis turns his eyes towards Mikasa as she looks better than she was before

Pixis: You were beating her to a pulp moments ago and now you can’t let her go from your grasp.

Y/N: It’s not like I had a choice

Pixis smirks a little

Pixis: That’s not what Arlert said to you.

Y/N stares at Pixis

Pixis: You don’t need to follow orders to do the right thing. You must follow your instincts even if your superiors say otherwise.

Y/N chuckles as he stands up. Y/N hunched over at Pixis and he was still much taller than Pixis can even muster

Y/N: You sound like someone I knew. Someone long, long ago.

Pixis expressed interest in what Y/N said

Y/N: Anyways, what did you really come here for?

Pixis: We need you to lead the Alpha squad to defend Eren Yeager.

Y/N quickly turns his eyes towards Mikasa and he sighs

Y/N: Why? Because of my strength? Or maybe it’s because of my skill?

Pixis: It was said from Shadis that you were known among the cadets as a leader of some sort.

Y/N looks back Pixis

Pixis: I will not lie in your face that your extraordinary strength and skill are not why I choose you to lead the Alpha squad, but it’s also because of your nature to be a leader.

Y/N remained with a normal expression as he slowly began to show a bit of interest

Pixis: Although, if you don’t want to then it’s your own choice to decide.

Y/N hesitates a bit as he keeps on thinking about Mikasa

Pixis: Ackerman will be in safe hands, no one will come near her. Soldiers will simply supervise her until you are done with your mission

Y/N thinks for a moment and comes up with a response

Y/N: Alright then, I’ll do it

Pixis smiles as he takes a swing from his flask and walks away from Y/N

Pixis: You want a swing?

Pixis said as he let out his arm towards Y/N. Y/N snatched the flask

Y/N: More like the whole thing

Y/N drank from the flask without a second thought and he gave it back to Pixis

Pixis: You’re a fighter, that’s for certain.

Pixis says as he puts back his flask in his jacket

Pixis: We are one member short for the Alpha squad, do you know anyone else who can fill in the position?

Y/N started to think

Y/N: Oh, I think I know a few candidates

Y/N said with a slight smirk


Y/N led the Alpha squad as the elite squad that would protect Eren Yeager in his Titan. But before that Y/N suggested to his classmates that were at the top of his class to be a part of the Alpha Squad. In the end, Lara was chosen to be a part of the Alpha squad while the others would be close to them.

Eren was about to plug the hole in the wall with an enormous boulder in his Titan form. Y/N and Lara are seen from the top of a roof.

Lara: Do you think it’s wise to let him plug the hole? If he does, we would’ve destroyed it for nothing.

Y/N looks at Eren in his Titan form at a distance

Y/N: It’s a gamble, that’s for sure but we both kept our cool and we did not try our best to eliminate that many Titans. Eren should be killed by a Titan

Lara: And if he isn’t?

Y/N looks toward Lara

Y/N: Then I’ll step in with my Titan and I’ll take care of him. We’ve sacrificed 5 years of our lives here.

Marco: Y/N. Lara. Sorry, but what were you talking about

Y/N and Lara look behind themselves in disbelief as they see Marco

Marco: Y/N, you said that you would step in with your Titan. Lara, you said that you’ve made that hole?

Y/N and Lara look at Marco beyond words

Y/N: Marco, everything we just said was the fatigue talking. We killed too many Titans to count

Marco: Yes,

Marco gulps

Marco: Of course. I just wanted to say thank you guys for leading the squad to defend Eren

Y/N and Lara remained in shock as Marco kept on talking

Y/N: No problem, don’t mention it

Marco nods his head slowly as he maneuvers away with his ODM gear

Y/N and Lara look as Marco was flying away. They look at each other and they both nod as they start to use their ODM gear as well. Eventually, Lara tackles Marco to a roof as she grabs Marco’s hand and put it behind his back

Marco: P-please, say it’s a joke

Y/N: I’m sorry Marco but we all know that you know too much already.

Lara: It was too late for you Marco…


Lara covers Marco’s mouth. The three of them wait for a moment and then they see Marcel and Pieck hop down to where they are

Marcel: What’s going on?

Marco: Marcel! Pieck! Lara and Y/N are acting crazy! Get Lara off me!

Y/N: He eavesdropped on Lara and me while we were talking.

Pieck: Oh my god…

Marcel: What the hell…

Marcel and Pieck said with disbelief faces. Marco looks up at them and he gets confused as to why they said that

Marcel looks past Y/N and he spots a Titan coming their way

Marcel: There’s a Titan coming our way!

Everyone remains silent for a moment

Lara: The only solution, is for Marco to be killed

The Titan steps closer to them as they all know that there isn’t any other way out of this, except for Y/N

Lara looks at Y/N as he looks like he is thinking

Lara: What are you thinking about, Y/N? There’s no other solution, he can’t be persuaded by us even if he wanted to.

Y/N kept quiet and he continued to think. Lara sighs with a bit of frustration

Lara: Marcel, Pieck. Take off Marco’s ODM gear.

Marco: Wha-

Marcel and Pieck look at each other as they couldn’t believe what they have just been told to do

Pieck: I-I can’t…

Marcel: He’s…our friend…

Marcel and Pieck look down with saddened faces as the Tutan’s steps began to get even closer to all of them.

Marco: Please! We can talk this out! You guys don;t need to do this!

Marco turns to Y/N

Marco: Y/N! Please tell them to stop doing this! This is all some big joke, right? It’s just something to mess with me!

Y/N stayed silent as he was looking away from Marco

Marco: Please help me, Y/N!

Y/N faced Marco with a serious look

Y/N: Pieck, take off his ODM gear

Pieck looks at Y/N in horror

Pieck: W-what?

Y/N: I said, to take off his ODM gear

Marcel looks at Pieck with a worried expression while Pieck looks like she’s about to burst out crying

Y/N: Trust me. I know what I am doing

Y/N said as he looked deeply at Pieck’s eyes

Pieck: …

Pieck doesn’t respond but she still does what she is told to do

Marco: Please! Pieck! Don’t do this! I want to live! I don’t want to die!

Pieck ignored Marco’s pleas as she was trying to take off his ODM gear as fast as possible. As Pieck removed Marco’s ODM gear, Lara was about to leave him, Marco, there but then Y/N speaks up

Y/N: Marcel, you're with me. We’re going to take out that Titan

Lara: What?

Everyone gets a shocked face

Y/N: Don’t worry about it Lara, I have something else in mind

Y/N races ahead at the Titan as Marcel quickly follows. Y/N slices for the Titan’s hands as Marcel slices its knees down

Y/N: I’ll take it from here

Y/N slices down at the Titan’s nape and the Titan falls down.

Marcel goes down to where Y/N is standing which is on the dead Titan as it slowly crumbles

Y/N: Marcel

Marcel: Yes?

Y/N: Promise me, if Lara ever gets out of line, or if she doesn’t follow what I say. Restrain her

Y/N said with a serious tone

Marcel: Why?

Marcel seemed confused as to why Y/N would ask such a thing

Y/N: She’s more fierce than even me. You must know that by now. Stubborn too but there will be a time where…

Y/N stopped talking

Marcel: Where what?

Y/N: Where I need to make a decision that can affect her. Just promise me that Marcel. I trust you enough for this task. Not as a leader, but as a friend

Marcel starts to think about it and he made his own mind up

Marcel: Ok, I trust you, Y/N.

Y/N smiles for a moment and then it fades

Y/N: Thank you

Y/N and Marcel go and land where Lara, Marco, and Pieck were. It seemed like they had a heated conversation

Lara: What are you planning to do Y/N?

Marco looks at Y/N

Y/N: There’s no harm in making him have some amnesia right? We will drop his head on the ground from where we are

Lara: What if he doesn’t survive it?

Y/N: It’s possible, but I’m willing to take those chances

Pieck: It’s better than having him killed by a Titan

Lara brings Marco close to the edge of the roof

Marco: Wait guys before-

Y/N: Sweet dreams Marco

Y/N pushes Marco and screams as he falls off the roof and his head bangs on the floor

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