Chapter 8: The Plan

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Third POV
On the battlefield. Y/N and Mikasa make their way onto the roof of a building and see a group of fellow soldiers.

Y/N: What are they doing? They should be retreating already, didn’t they hear the bell?

Mikasa acknowledged and agreed with what Y/N said

Mikasa: Hey Y/N

Y/N looks towards Mikasa

Mikasa: Why do you think Eren is my…

Mikasa blushes a tiny bit

Mikasa: L-lover

Y/N laughs and Miksa looks towards him

Mikasa: Don’t just laugh! Titans might hear us!

Y/N: Sorry sorry

Y/N swipes his tears of laughter out of his eyes and he eventually stops

Y/N: To answer your question, it’s very obvious that you and Eren have been through more than what happened in Shiganshina. Even though Eren barely shows it, you two have an unspoken bond between each other that even our friends don’t recognize. Or they think that it doesn’t matter.

Silence clears the air for a moment

Y/N: But I get it you know

Mikasa looks at Y/N with a questioned look

Mikasa: How would you know?

Y/N: Believe it or not, I have been through more hell than just seeing Titans eating my family and our town. It was much worse than that

Mikasa begins to get intrigued

Mikasa: Would you like to speak about it?

Y/N remained silent and he looked at Mikasa’s eyes as she looked at his as well

Y/N: If you want to learn more about me then you need to figure out who I was before, for me to become who I am today

Mikasa slightly nods

Y/N: I am more than meets the eye

Y/N uses his ODM gear and he moves out as he tries to find his friends. Mikasa closely follows behind Y/N

Later, Y/N and Mikasa arrive where their friends are. Y/N runs towards his friends from Marley with joy

Y/N: I thought one of you would've been eaten by now, I'm glad that you are all safe

Marcel: Same for you Y/N

Reiner: Those Titans didn't stand a chance with all of us together

Y/N: I should’ve known, anyways we should-

Mikasa: Annie! I know how bad things have gotten and it’s selfish of me to ask but have you seen Eren’s squad

Annie: Some squads made it back but I’m not sure about Eren’s.

Pieck: We found Armin though, he’s over there

Mikasa sees Armin sitting alone and she runs to him.

Y/N: Huh

Annie: Shouldn’t you be at the rear guard?

Y/N: Yeah but we already finished our duty. We just had extra orders to wait but we came here to help instead.

Lara: You probably should have stayed back. We could’ve transformed and destroyed everything as you escaped.

Y/N: Yes but-

Armin: Our unit… The 34th cadet unit… Thomas Wagner, Nic Tius, Mylius Zeramuski, Mina Carolina, Eren Jaeger. All five of them have fulfilled their duty and died heroic deaths in battle!

Everyone looked towards at Armin from what he just said

Sasha: No way…

Y/N: They died…

Armin: I’m so sorry Mikasa. I was so worthless, Eren…he saved me when I should’ve been killed!

Armin continues to cry as he lowered his head but then Mikasa kneels down and places her hand on Armin’s.

Mikasa: Armin.

Armin looked up at Mikasa

Mikasa: Calm yourself, we don’t have time for you to get emotional right now

Armin: Huh?

Mikasa: Stand up

Mikasa stands up and helps Armin to get up. After he does, Mikasa walks off.

Mikasa: Marco. If we take out the Titans around the HQ, we can replenish our gas supplies and climb the wall. Does that sound correct?

Marco: Yeah I guess so but even if you and Y/N and are with us, they’re just too many-

Mikasa: I can do it

Marco: What?

Mikasa draws her blades and stands in front of the other soldiers with one blade pointed to the sky.

Mikasa: I am strong. Stronger than all of you. Extremely strong. I can kill all those Titans there. Even if I’m alone.

Y/N: That’s bullshit.

Y/N walks up to Mikasa

Y/N: You think you can take them all yourself? Especially with your gas running low? That’s crazy.

Mikasa: You’re either incompetent, or you’re a spineless coward. I’m the strongest from everyone here and I can do it

Y/N: You think you're strong? Pfft please, everyone knows that I was holding back with my examinations. You being number one doesn’t mean that you’re the best. Neither does that make you be crazy enough to practically do suicide!

Y/N and Mikasa were looking intently at each other

Mikasa: Then all of you get to decide whether you want to win so you can live or lose so you can die.

Mikasa jumps off the roof and flies off

Y/N: Mi- ugh

Y/N reached out his hand but then he puts it back down

Everyone stayed silent as they stared at Y/N

Y/N: ‘This is their only choice. They can die from the Titans or they will die from us when we transform.’

Y/N: ‘Or maybe we can actually do this’

Jean walks up to Y/N  and grabs his shoulder

Jean: Y/N, we need to-

Y/N: I got it Jean

Y/N draws his blades

Y/N: It’s either we die here or we continue to fight! Win or lose! Life or death! You have to choose now!

Y/N begins to move from the sky and follows Mikasa

Jean: That’s a better motivational speech I’ve heard this whole day! Hey! Were we trained to let our comrades fight alone?! At this rate, we’re going to lose and die!

Jean and Connie follow Y/N while the other cadets closely follow. As Mikasa flies through the streets, she takes down Titans as Y/N is getting closer to her

Y/N sees Mikasa going faster than normal

Y/N: ‘She’s using her gas too much if I can’t even catch up to her. At this point she’s going to fall and-

Y/N and Armin see Mikasa’s gas run out. She falls onto the roof of a building and drops her blades.

Y/N: Mikasa!

Y/N goes down as quickly as he can so he can catch up to her. When jumps down to a roof, he sees a Titan reaching out to grab her but she cut it’s hand and she jumps out of the way so it won’t crush her

Y/N uses his ODM gear to cut the Titans nape but then the Tutan flew away in an instant. Y/N and Mikasa were shocked as they both saw a 15 meter Titan punching the other Titan and killing it. In response to this, Y/N goes to Mikasa as tries to protect her by being in front of her

Armin: Y/N! Mikasa!

Y/N: Get Mikasa and get out of here!

Y/N said as he continued to look at the 15 meter Titan

Armin slightly nods and goes to get Mikasa. The two of them land on a rooftop. The two of them sit up.

Armin: Mikasa, are you okay?

Connie lands on the rooftop with them

Connie: Are you guys alright?

Mikasa looks down and sees Y/N still standing down at the ground

Mikasa: Y/N!

Connie: He’s still down there?!

The three look at Y/N but then they spot two 15 meter Titans who are in front of him

Connie: How can Y/N get here safely without any of them to spot him or us!?

Y/N: Don’t worry about it!

Y/N said as he shouted to them as his eyes were still locked on the first 15 meter Titan

Y/N: This Titan is different from the others

Connie: Did I hear him wrong?

Mikasa: No, this Titan saved me before Y/N could. He’s different

The tall Titan charges forward, but the other Titan punches the other Titan. The first Titan’s head goes flying off and crashes into a building in the distance. The remaining Titan’s hand is destroyed but quickly regenerates. The body of the other Titan tries to get up, but the other Titan smashes its neck with its foot.

Y/N finds the opportunity to use his ODM gear to go up to the roof to the other three

Y/N: We need to go before anything else happens

Armin: We can’t, it seems like Mikasa’s gas is empty

Y/N’s eyes widen and he lifts up his gas tanks and it felt empty

Y/N: Shit, I’m out too

Connie: How are you guys going to go to HQ then?

Armin: I’ll swap my gas with one of you

Mikasa: Give it to Y/N

Y/N: But Mikasa-

Mikasa: No, I was selfish and I made you use all of your gas because I let out my emotions. This time I won’t and you’re our best key out of here

Armin: She’s right, we can’t argue all day. One of you need my gas

Y/N sighs and that’s all it took for Armin to switch his gas and blades with Y/N’s

Armin: There

Armin checks Y/N’s gas and it was fully functional

Armin: Your ODM gear is fully functional now. I can have this blade…

Armin began to hold a broken blade

Armin: I'd rather have my time to end now. I’ll just be a hassle to everyone

Y/N grabs Armin’s shoulder

Y/N: That’s not what Eren would’ve wanted

Armin looks up at Y/N

Y/N: I’m sure if he was still here, he would tell you not to give up no matter what. Even if he was killed, you can fight for his memory

Armin took Y/N’s word to heart and he stood up looking more determined

Y/N: Connie, you’ll take Armin with you, Mikasa will be with me

Connie: Okay

Everyone began to run out of the roof and go to HQ

Armin: Wait!

The three look back

Armin: I have an idea

Connie: What is it then?

Armin looks at Y/N and Connie

Armin: Only you two can do this so it’s your choice if you want to do it. Hear me out but I think that 15 meter Titan can be useful

Connie: Are you serious?

Armin: Yes, it’s only attacking other Titans. It seems uninteresting to us. I was thinking of luring it to HQ somehow. If it handles the other Titans for us, we could get everyone out of this alive

Y/N: But how are we going to lure him to HQ?

Armin: I think it acts on instinct. If you two defeat the Titans in its vicinity, then it’ll start looking for other Titans. Most likely, it’ll move towards the Titans swarming around HQ!

Y/N: It’s a hell lot more than a gamble

Armin looks at Y/N

Y/N: But it’s the best shot we have. Going straight to HQ was our only option but this may save everyone rather than a few of us. This may work and it’s better than our idea

Connie sighs but then he gets a determined face

Connie: Alright, I’m in

Armin’s face lit up with joy that everyone agreed to the plan

Y/N: This may be tough but I believe we can do this! Everyone, may we be successful!

Everyone went down from the roof as Y/N was carrying Mikasa and as Connie was carrying Armin

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