In Which Love is Broken

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The lyrics are a little out of order again...

~Raph's PoV~

Said my system's checking
Something's going on

I noticed that something seemed off about Y/N the moment she returned and we rode off. The normal glint in her e/c eyes disappeared; her beautiful smile lacked its normal glow and shine; her h/c hair looked about three shades darker. Yet, I figured it was just the panic inside me from the recent events that deceived my eyes, so naturally, I dismissed the uneasy feelings.

Delta John to Alpha one, said my system check is done

She hopped off the motorcycle and instantly began walking towards the building with determination in her step like she was on a mission. I sped after her, attempting to grab her hand. She looked at me in disgust and pulled her hand away. Instantly, I could feel my heart begin to fracture. What could have possibly happened in that short amount of time?

Know the rules of how to play

I slumped a little, calling her name, only to receive no response. Walking, I went to the kitchen to find Serling mixing a smoothie of some sort. Serling began to say a smart comment to me, like he usually does, but I ignored it; consequently, he stopped when he noticed I had yet to react to his words.

Learned the truth that happened today

"What has gotten you so worked up Mr. Raphael?"

I shook my head," Nothing, just thinking, I guess."

"That is rare for you. Now I know something is wrong." He handed me a cup filled with the concoction of fruit. I stood and began to walk out. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Cause you won't love

Y/N sat next to Leonardo on the couch, giggling at his every word. Jealousy instantly fueled my body as gasoline would a car. The thing I saw next felt like I was stabbed repeatedly until I finally died. She kissed him. When I say kiss I do not mean in a friendly way, nor do I mean on the cheek. It was a full out kiss on the lips. What made it worse was that Leo actually kissed her back. He lied to me. He... betrayed my trust.

And he can't leave

"You are such a liar, Leonardo!" I yelled, but the next was a barely audible whisper," And Y/N just broke our love."

But you hurt love

Bothering to pick up the scattered pieces of my heart would be a waste of time. I'm sure the both of them would enjoy stepping on the shards a few more times, at least until they are microscopic. As if he did not hear me yell at him, Leo continued to lock lips with her. I brushed past Cody, causing him to stumble slightly. He called out to me, but nothing mattered anymore. I did not want to exist anymore. The two people I trusted the most left me in the dust to rot. Slamming my room's door, I felt on the bed, releasing all of the tears I managed to keep inside during my journey from ultimate betrayal.

~Y/N's PoV~

Cause you can't love

Torture. The worst torture they could have put you through was forcing you to watch Dark Y/N break Raphael's heart. You watched as he dropped his cup, spilling it's content all over the floor. This was not meant to happen. Leonardo did not seem to care at all that he was kissing his brother's "girlfriend" and that troubled you. When they pulled apart, he smiled dreamily. Your opposite glanced at the camera with an evil smirk.

And he won't leave

It was then, when Leo realized what he had done. He sprinted after Raphael, with the other you right behind him. You had to do something, but what could you do? Sh'Okanabo took your weapons. The only thing sharp enough to cut the rope was in Jammerhead's possession.

And you can't fight the urgency

Jammerhead and Sh'Okanabo began to argue suddenly. The argument escalated to the point where both of them parted ways; Jammerhead left the hideout and Sh'Okanabo moved a few feet and disappeared. Temptation coursed through your body, but you knew this was not the time to leave. You had the feeling that there was still a presence with you, so you decided to wait it out. You sat for hours alone, sleep eventually finding you.

Till the nights and days are gone

A tugging on your ankles and hands awoke you from your slumber. You grumbled and squirmed as an attempt to find a more comfortable position, which reminded you of your current situation. Everything was black, darker than any dark you were used to. The blinding lights flickered on to reveal Dark Y/N with your rope bondage in hand.

"Did you miss me?" she grinned.

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