Part 12

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Naira’s POV.

Finally the day had arrived.I was getting engaged !! Oh yeah, I was on cloud nine, too happy to control myself.

I wanted to cry, laugh, dance all at once. I was going to be engaged !! After years of hardship, I and Karthik would be together.

We always kept saying, that for us, marriage was just a piece of paper. Yes, it was. We were already like a married couple !! Spending time together whenever possible, fighting over small things and then making up quickly,isn’t that what all married couples do ?!!

But now,when the day of engagement had finally arrived, I was beginning to feel nervous. And excited. And happy.

I have to look good today. What if I do something embarrassing tonight ?!! What if something bad happens ?!! What if my dress doesn’t fit me ?!!

Many what ifs’ !! Oh and could I forget the dress !!

The dress which I had planned to wear was an elegant, ethereal navy blue gown. It had embellishments all over, with a stretch silk lining and a tulle skirt overlay that fell to a soft train.

The moment I saw the gown, I fell in love with it. Without having any second thoughts, I decided to buy it. But unfortunately, the one that I saw in the store was the last piece and to my bad luck, it was already sold out.

But I ain’t that unlucky !! The shopkeeper told me that they had another same piece which was going to be delivered to their shop today, which was the special day. So yes, I was going to wear that beautiful gown on my engagement. All I had to do was just go to the shop and collect it from there.

I just couldn’t control my excitement !!

Karthik’s POV.

I was getting engaged. This was one step closer to marriage. How am I gonna do it ?!! What if I mess up something ?!! My mind was flooded with tons of questions. I knew they were stupid and pointless but still.I did not know how to silence these thoughts.

Few of my close relatives had already arrived. Mom had asked me to come and meet them, but all I could do that moment was to lock up myself in a room and try to calm myself down. It wasn’t like I was getting married today. There was still time for that.

Just as I was about to go outside to meet everybody, a loud banging noise was heard.

“ Don’t bang the door. I’m coming..” I said as I went to open the door.

To my surprise, It was none other than my best friend – Naksh.

“Oh God. Why were you banging ?!! I need my door, you know ?!!” I said while walking back inside, followed by Naksh, as he laughed.

“Why do you need that door ?!! Oh !! I get it now,You and Naira will be needing it after you guys get married, right ?!!” He said.

Seriously ?!! Well, yeah. He was right. But this was definitely not the time to talk about all this.

“You do remember that she is your sister right ?!! Anyways what are you doing here ?!!” I asked plopping down on the bed.

“My best friend is getting engaged and also I know he is nervous as hell,so isn’t it my responsibility to cheer him up ?!!” He said, sitting down beside me.

“That’s really nice of you. Thanks bro.” I said.

“Don’t thank me, I feel offended. That’s what friends do man.Anyway how do you feel now ?!!” He asked.

“How do I feel ?!! Nervous, I guess. I mean I’m happy. Really happy. But you know it won’t be the same now. Like I’ll not be alone anymore. I’ll have somebody by my side, somebody to come home for, somebody who’ll be my responsibility. It’s just weird. I guess.” I said staring at the wall blankly.

I waited for a few seconds for Naksh to say something. But he didn’t respond. I turned to look at him, who was looking at me like he’d seen some alien. Did I say something really stupid ?!!

“What ?!!” I asked.

“Dude, you sound like a girl.” He said.

“Shut up.” I said. There was a long pause after that. “Do I ?!!” I added.

“No. Just kidding. Don’t worry yaar. Its natural to feel like that. Its great that you and Naira are finally happy. Just dont think much about tonight. Go with the flow.” He said with a light punch on my arm.

“You’re right.” I said. He sighed and got up.

“Chal then. I gotta go. I’ll come back in an hour or so, yeah ?!!” He said. I understood that he had some chores to do being the bride’s brother.

“Okay bye.” I replied as he walked out.

I laid back on the bed and decided to call Naira. I wished I could meet her. I really missed her but nobody would let us meet before tonight. I wondered whether she was feeling the same thing as I was, as I pressed the call button and waited for her to answer.

“Hello ?!!” She spoke so innocently as if she didn’t know who was calling.

“Hello Mrs Naira Karthik Goenka.” I said.

“Oh hello !! Mrs and all, huh ?!!” She exclaimed. I smiled as a long silence prevailed. I could almost hear her breathing and some shuffling in the back.

“Mendhak, you there ?!!” She asked, breaking the silence.

“Hmm. Yeah ?!!” I said.

“ Its happening. Can you see it ?!! This is what we wanted since so many years and its actually happening now.” She said and I could picture her smiling now. She was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

“Yeah. Its happening. Its like yesterday we were kids and today we’re here.” I said.

“I love you. I love you so much. I just want you to know that. No matter what happens I’ll always do.” She said as her voice cracked.

“Babe, you okay ?!! Are you crying ?!!” I asked, getting worried.
Was this time to cry ?!! Shouldn’t she be happy ?!!

“I’m not crying, okay. My eyes are just sweating, that’s all.” She said.

“Seriously ?!! That was so lame.” I said letting out a chuckle.

“Shut up !! Why am I getting so emotional ?!! I’m sorry.” She said oh-so-cutely.

“That’s okay. Now don’t cry and I love you too.” I said.

“Acha..I gotta go now. Everybody is so busy with the preparations and nobody would let me help. I’m only allowed to go to the store and get my dress for tonight. I can’t wait to wear it !!” She said.

“And I can’t wait to see you. Anyway, you go now. I’ll see you tonight, love you and take care.”I concluded.

“Love you too.forever. bye !!” She said and hung up.


Naira’s POV.

As I hung up the phone after talking to Karthik,I let fall myself into a big pool of tears. I don’t know why, but I just felt like letting them out. Ofcourse, those weren’t the sad tears, they were happy ones.

“Oh God Naira. Dont cry !! You stupid girl, you shouldn’t be crying today. Paagal.” I scolded myself as I quickly wiped those tears before anybody would come and notice them. As I said, those were the happy tears, and they didn’t last long. I smiled unknowingly as the thought of Karthik and our happy future came into my mind.

I smiled at myself for being so silly and grabbed my bag and car keys. Keerti bhabi, who had also insisted on accompanying me to the dress-store was already waiting downstairs, talking to mumma.They were laughing over something and I also smiled seeing their bonding.

“Hey Naira!! You ready to go ?!! I was talking to mom about how amazing the preparations are !!” Bhabi said as she saw me decending downstairs.

“Yeah, its amazing. Now lets go !!” I said.

“Oh and girls, you both are going to go and get the dress and come back here. Not going anywhere else. We’ve to get Naira ready and there’s a lot of work to do. Now go, and drive SAFELY. I’ve heard a lot of accidents are taking place these days because of the bad roads.” Mumma started with her motherly talk.

“Yeah, mumma. We’ll be safe. Dont worry.” I said as I walked out with Keerti bhabi.

“Acha by the way, is Rithvik coming ?!! You invited him, right ?!!” Bhabi asked all of a sudden as I was driving towards the store.

“I don’t really know. I invited him because I thought we were on good terms. But he just said he won’t come. He sounded really upset with something.” I replied.

“I’ve tried telling you this before as well. Rithvik still has feelings for you. Ofcourse your engagement with Karthik is the reason behind him being upset.” Keerti bhabi said in a matter of factly tone.

“Don’t start again bhabi. Why can’t you just see that now even Karthik has no issues with him.” I said, getting a little irritated.

Since Rithvik has returned,bhabi has kept on bugging on me that Rithvik’s not good. At first I thought it was really sweet of her to say as she cared. But then, she just kept on telling me this all the time. It got irritating. Now Karthik is also on good terms with Rithvik but bhabi couldn’t see that.

“Fine if you feel so offended then I won’t say anything bad about Rithvik.I was just trying to warn you.” She said ending the conversation there itself. I just rolled my eyes and kept on driving. . .

Keerti’s POV.

‘Why can’t she just see it ?!! Rithvik still feels for her. The way he looks at her, its just I don’t know…’ I thought as I looked out of the window. Its not like I wanted Naira to get back with Rithvik. I would only be out of my mind to think like that !! Its just that, I felt very protective of Naira. She was more like a sister to me, and I would seriously break the bones of the person who tries to hurt her.

I couldn’t get that look of Rithvik out of my mind. His eyes… The way he looked at her. Not even for a second, I thought that Rithvik loves Naira. There was only jealousy in his eyes when he saw Karthik. That spoke a lot,he wasn’t happy with the engagement stuff going on. . .
I knew that something was going on in his devilish mind. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

My thoughts were interrupted as Naira hit the brakes. She seriously needs some driving skills. . .

“We’re here !!” She exclaimed. I looked around and saw the shop from where she was supposed to buy the dress. It was on the other side of the road.

“Bhabi where are you lost ?!!” I heard her asking as she tapped my shoulder. Just as I was about to reply I heard my phone ringing.

Hubby calling… The screen read.

“Naira, You go and get the dress. I’ve to take this.” I said. She just rolled her eyes and got out of the car. I sighed and pressed the answer button.

“Hello ?!!” I said.

“Hi wifey. Where are you ?!!” Naksh asked.

“With NairI told you that I would go out with her. Anyway, what’s up? ?!!” I asked.

“Nothing. I was just wondering have you spoken to Naira about Rithvik ?!!” He asked.

Not again.The thing that was bothering me so much was bothering Naksh as well.He had also observed Rithvik’s strange behaviour towards Naira. However, he never spoke to her about this. He pushed me to do so. And well it never ended up well.

“Yeah Naksh. I did. But what’s the point ?!! She won’t believe me. And I really don’t want to get into a fight.” I said. He sighed. And then we kept on talking about when and how to make Naira realize. This was gonna be tough. . .

Naira’s POV.

I just dont know what’s up with Keerti bhabi lately ?!! She’s been acting weird. Most of the times, she was in her own world. She spoke less as well. I couldn’t help but wonder about how it all started with Rithvik’s return. She knew him since only a couple of weeks but had already turned me against him completely. God knows why ?!!

I blocked those thoughts from my mind for a while and concentrated on what I had come to do.

The dress…

So beautiful. I couldn’t help but admire it when the shopkeeper wrapped it and put it in a bag nicely. It was mine now !! Soon I paid him and left with the dress.

I got out of the store to see Bhabi still talking on the phone. She looked really annoyed and again I started worrying about her. She always told me all her problems, we had no secret between us. But now suddenly, she was acting so distant. So weird. I had absolutely no clue why. But I wish I could just take all her worries or help her in any way possible.

I smiled at her and she looked at me from the inside of the car, on the other side of the road. She waved and mouthed something. Since I couldn’t understand anything I gave her a confused look.

Dress ?!!.something. She said and pointed towards the bag in my hand. I gestured her that I was coming back and I’ll show her the dress soon.

We laughed as I walked ahead to cross the road. Meanwhile bhabi kept making weird faces while talking on the phone. One moment she was normal and the other moment something was wrong with her again.

I noticed her looking at the right and then, suddenly she looked at me abruptly. Her expression changed from happy to pure horror as she said something, which ofcourse I couldn’t understand.

Before I could react or even think anything I was thrown away by a very heavy object. It didn’t take much time for me to realize that I was hit by a car, and before I knew I was lying in the middle of the road.

Suddenly all noises around me were draining. Unbearable pain was felt in my arm and my head. The pain was so much that even when I wanted to scream, I just couldn’t, nothing came out. All I could see were a few cars stopping, people running and at last Keerti bhabhi taking me in her lap.

Tears rolled down my face and soon my vision got blurred. No voice was heard, nothing was clear, And then.Everything was black. !!

Karthik’s POV.

Only a few hours to go.Few hours later, I would be officially engaged. I couldn’t help but think about the wonderful evening ahead of me. Most importantly I couldn’t stop thinking about Naira. Its crazy how even one day hadn’t passed since I met her and I was already missing her so much again. It was really hard staying away from her, but honestly it was worth it. Even during my business tours and all I missed her a lot. But all the tiredness just vanishes somewhere when she comes and wraps her arms around me. I’m the happiest when I’m close to her. I’m the luckiest when I get to spend sometime with her.

I was sitting in my room going through my phone, when Naksh walked in. Lets just say he had a really stressed look on his face. He is only like that when he has a fight with Keerti.
Anyways what was he doing here ?!! Isn’t he supposed to be at house making sure of all the arrangements. I guess he had something important to talk to me.

“You okay ?!!” I asked. But he seemed to be lost in his own world.
“Naksh ?!!” I called out again, this time louder. Thankfully, he was dragged back to reality.

“Karthik,I need to talk to you.” He suddenly spoke up in a really serious tone.

“what ?!!” I asked.

“Its about Rithvik.”He said.
What about him now ?!! Everything was falling into place. Rithvik and I were on good terms.

“What about him ?!!” I asked, still engrossed in reading my messages.

“Look, dont freak out, but Rithvik is….” He started but was immediately cut off by a phone call. He picked it up.

“What ?!!” Suddenly the voice beside me exclaimed, startling me. I looked at Naksh, and he looked like he’d been just told that the world is going to end in the next five minutes.

“Naksh,hey you okay, bro?!!” I asked but he just sat there frozen, listening to whoever was there on the other side of the line.
I wondered who gave him such a shock that he cant even speak. I tapped his shoulders multiple times and then started shaking him. Only then, I was finally, able to bring him back..

“Are you like seriously okay ?!! I’m really worried.” I said while he stared blankly into the space. This was really worrying me now but before I could ask anything else he spoke up.

“Naira.…” He said barely in an audible tone. It was fairly audible enough for me to hear and that one name caught my attention.


I was really worried now. “Naksh, What about Naira ?!!” I said pushing him to say further.
Damn this was really getting annoying and the look on his face was scaring the shit out of me.

“Say something !!” I said, annoyed by his actions.

“Naira,she had an accident..” He replied coldly.

Accident ?!! What is he talking about ?!! What accident ?!! Is she even okay ?!! Various thoughts,various unwanted and horrible thoughts crossed my mind as he mentioned about the accident.

“What accident ?!! what are you talking about ?!!” I asked, getting more impatient.

“I dont know. I’ve no idea. Keerti called and she said she’s in the hospital with Naira. She was crying and I couldn’t make out what she was saying !!” He said getting back to reality.

“Which hospital ?!!” I asked, trying not to panic. But in reality my heart was in my mouth.

“We need to leave now.” I said grabbing the car keys and headed outside followed by Naksh.

At that moment all I could see was Naira. I heard mom calling out my name as I ran outside, towards my car. I didn’t pay attention to anything. All I thought about was Naira.

“Calm down, Karthik. Maybe its not that serious. She’s okay. It’s nothing.” I kept chanting to myself as I drove on the streets of Udaipur.
Tears were starting to form at the corner of my eyes. But I couldn’t be so weak. I had to reach hospital on time. I had to see her.

Meanwhile Naksh kept on calling Keerti.

Within fifteen minutes we reached the hospital. I felt like an adrenaline rush inside me as I ran past the corridors. I had no clue where to go.

Suddenly a familiar figure caught my eye, Keerti !! She sat there, on one of those small chairs with her head in her hands. I rushed towards her as my patience level was decreasing.

“Keerti ?!! What happened ?!! Where’s she ?!!” I asked looking at a pale and crying Keerti. Her cries even got louder after seeing me there.

“Keerti dont cry. What happened ?!! Where’s Naira ?!!” Naksh asked as he stood next to me.

“Naksh, I dont know.She just…” Her sobs got louder. She couldn’t even utter a word without crying and that worried me the most.

“She’s in the ICU.She got hit by a car and then she just started bleeding and fainted..I got her here and the doctors said it can be fatal.” She said.

As soon as those words left her mouth my heart sank. This couldn’t be happening !! This cant happen !! She can’t leave me like that…

My whole body was numb, and I felt weak. Like there was no energy left in my body. I didn’t know how to react. I just stood there,frozen not knowing what to do.
“Karthik she’s fine, alright ?!! She’s going to be okay. Just like before.” Naksh assured, but it sounded like he was more assuring himself.

One moment I was happy. I felt things were falling back into place and I could think nothing could affect mine and Naira’s relationship now. But how wrong was I ?!! The other moment I received such a news which gave me a deep shock. Something I hadn’t expected.

And within moments, my world was torn apart….

Precap : Naksh’s POV. Karthik asking Naira to wake up. One more shock !!Naira’s amnesia. Karthik hurt !! Naira thinking about who Karthik is to her ?!

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