Part 2

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Hello everyone.
Chapter 2
Even if you leave today, we are destined to meet tomarrow !!
Karthik’s POV

Isn’t two years long ? No its not, for others. But for me two years seemed like two decades. Every day, every moment, every second without her felt so incomplete and long enough. If given a choice I would have preferred starving rather than living without her, Such was her influence on me.
Everyday I used to ask myself “What are the use of achievements I had achieved – Business Executive of the year being the latest. Whenever I stepped on the stage for any award my eyes would search for her in the crowd. And as my eyes weren’t able to find her my heart, it would ache. The heart break had ripped my heart. No one could fix it back except her.”

I was still living in the memories I had spent with her – the way she uses to cheer me up.The way she used to tease me by calling me mendhak.The way she smiped. All her lectures. It was only because of her that I got serious about my career. I missed every inch of her. Her kisses, our hugs.

But one day she left me. I decided to move on, so that my heart wouldn’t break more. But I found, it had already shattered into as many indivisible pieces as possible. Deep down inside, I wasn’t willing to move on.

As I was about to head to take a shower after a tiring day Naksh called. “Hey Karthik , you coming to tonights party right ?!! ”
Well Naksh was not only naira’s brother but also my childhood bestfriend. We went to the same school. Sat on the same bench. Ate from the same tiffin. You get the drift right. I had met naira for the first time in his birthday party. We had connected with each other quite instantly and naksh had been only too happy. Some years later when I had told him that I had fallen in love with his sister , he had given me a blank look. But then he laughed his guts out and told me that he had know it all along. He knew about all the things between me an naira. After she left I had gone to him to ask for the reason of her leaving me like this. He didn’t know !!! So this girl had left me without a reason..

“I don’t know bro. I m just knackered and I dont feel like partying. You guys carry on though.” I sighed

“Bro, I m also tired. But maa and papa have thrown this party at our house so I can’t get away with this. I need some company otherwise I would be bored to death. Would you leave your best friend to die for ?!!” He protested and I decided to give in. The drama queen that he was.

“Fine. I ll get ready and come.” I said to him and I could feel him doing a happy dance in his mind.

I plopped on my bed and then got ready in a handsome tuxedo. The tuxedo looked good but I wasn’t in the mood.
I drove to the singhania sadan. Two years ago when naira had left me I was petrified to enter this house but then on akshara aunty’s insistence I had come. That’s when I got to know that naira had got admission in one of the biggest dance school’s in london. She had told me that she was applying for it. It was her dream. I was happy for her. I was happy that atleast one of us had got what he wanted. Me knowing that she wouldn’t be there and I would not have to face her was a bit soothing.
I parked my car and walked towards the door. As soon as naksh saw me he came running towards me.

I got a warm greeting from him. I gave him a bromantic hug.

“come in. Why are you still out ?!!” He exclaimed and let me in. Looking at his body language I knew that he was hiding something. He was being nervous and was talking way to sweetly with me. This happened when he kept something away from me. Being his best friend I knew this habit of his.

I followed Naksh to the balcony and he stopped me at the doorstep. He turned towards me and said ” Don’t kill me for this karthik. I swear its for your own good !!”
Ohkay now I was nervous as well. What was he upto ?!! He took me forward and said ” I want you to meet someone “.

We entered the balcony only to be greeted by a girl. Her back faced us and her long pitch black curls flow down her waist. She was wearing a little black dress and the moonlight falling on her fair skin only made her look more beautiful. Her curls and figure seemed vaguely familiar to me.

Somehow, I felt I knew her. You know sometimes people whom you have meet for the first time tend to give you familiar vibes like you have met them before. That’s how I felt. I looked at the floor.

“Naira.” Naksh called her out.

Still facing the floor I snapped my head up. Naira, it was the same familiar name which had been running through my mind since a couple of years. My heart started racing like never before. I silently prayed hoping it was someone else. Not the girl, with whom I was still in love with, not my Naira. Not my jaan.

But destiny had always had different plans for us. Much to my dismay she turned around. It was her. Naira, my Naira. Her beautiful smile faded as she spotted me. We were meeting each other after almost two years !! I observed that she had not changed a bit. She was still the beautiful, headstrong women with an attitude. She still had that aura around her which made me mad after her !!

My face and my body stood frozen trying to comprehend the present situation. As we both were lost looking at each other. I saw a guy coming to her side and sliding his hand on her waist. He had observed my glare on naira and this was his way of claiming his right on her.
Ohhh, So she has moved on. She has found someone for herself. Here I was being an idiot and still hopping that she would come one day and we would be back together.

I was happy that She was back. She was here. But she was with him……
Naira’s POV

I stood under the dark sky trying to count the stars. They were infinite in number. Counting them was next to impossible. But yet I did it. I did it every night. It made me feel like he was there with me. I couldn’t forget those nights when he used to take me to the terrace. We used to cuddle in the cold and count the stars in his or my home. Reliving those moments, gave me peace and happiness.

I still remember one of those nights when I was in my room reading one of bhai’s novel.Karthik messaged me “I love you.” I got the message and replied right away “I love you too”
After about 10 minutes there was a slight knock on my room’s window. I knew who it was !!
Naira : I knew it would be you.
Karthik : Why are you still awake ?!!
Naira : I m not feeling sleepy.
Karthik : Wait. I ll make you fall asleep.
We both had then grabbed some pillows and a blanket from my room and sneeked up to the terrace of my house. I had snuggled close to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Naira : You know, I love seeing stars and counting them.

Karthik : I love it too.Its like being a child again. so How many stars did you count jaan ?!!

Naira : Forty thousand five hundred fifty three. No fifty four. What about you ?

Karthik : One.

Naira : (lifting her head up from his shoulder) Huh?

Karthik : For me only one star exists and that’s you jaan.
I had then blushed at his indirect compliement. I sighned inwardly as I remembered him. The moments I had spent with him were just magical.

But it was all in the past. It had been two years since I had seen him last. Two years since I had heard his voice. It was really hard to get over him but eventually I had to. He was never meant to be mine.

“Naira.” I heard bhai call my name. I could recognize him from anywhere. I smiled and turned around, only to spot someone who was not at all expected.

It was him. Karthik.
Bhai had promised me that he wouldn’t call karthik. What was he doing here ?!! How am I supposed to face him ?!! WTH

I couldn’t help but wonder about his presence. My smile faded away as soon as our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat and I was cold and numb physically.

Rithvik slid his arm around my waist, snapping me out. For the first time I flinched under his touch. Karthik’s gaze towards us made me more uncomfortable. He must have guessed by now what was happening here. He looked at rithvik once and then met my eyes. His shoulders had slumped and he looked at me disappointed.
That’s when bhai made an entry.
Naksh : Well karthik this is rithvik and rithvik he is
karthik. Karthik Goenka.
Rithvik : Yeah, I know him. Who wouldn’t ?!! He is the entrepreneaur of the year.
I so wished the conversation to end here but then rithvik thought that karthik didn’t know me. He went ahead to introduce me.
Rithvik : Meet my girlfriend, Nai…

“Naira..” Karthik blurted out. His voice sent shivers down my spine. It felt good when he said my name. It always made me feel special, something which I never felt with Rithvik. Whenever karthik took my name it felt like my name was a part of his breath. Like I was a part of him.

“You know her ?!!” rithvik questioned him. That’s when I was really tensed. I never wanted Rithvik to know about my relationship with Karthik.I knew immediately he would not be able to handle it well. Rithvik was way too much posessive when it came to matters related to me. I had never told him about my relationship and I had no intent to tell him in the future as well..

Karthik eyed me for a couple of seconds. Probably trying to figure me out. I had broken up with him two years ago without giving any reason. And now I was in an official relationship with another guy.He was bound to feel cheated.

“Yeah.Naksh is my best friend and well naira is his sister. I am supposed to know her. Right naira ?!!” He tried to cover up for me. I tried to fake a smile but failed miserably.

“That’s cool. There’s at least one person whom she knows. Otherwise she is not a party animal, you know ?!!” Rithvik said and laughed.

“I wonder how that happened ?!! Previously, Naira never needed a reason to party. Right Naira ?!!” Karthik asked, looking at me. I was freaking out. With much difficulty I had killed the old naira and given birth to new one. I didn’t want Rithvik or anyone to know about my past.

“Hey you never told me that.” Rithvik said. Well, I have not told you half of the things that you deserve to know, I wanted to say but instead just shrugged my shoulders.

“Slipped out of my mind. Doesn’t matter. I hate parties now.” I stated folding my arms across my chest. I just wanted to get out of the place. Why was karthik making it harder for me ?!!

All this while, he didn’t tear away his gaze from me which made me even much more uncomfortable.
” Come on Rithvik, I want you to meet someone “, bhai said and patted on karthik’s shoulder. I swear at that time I wanted to kill my own brother. He had made this set up so that me and karthik will be together. Rithvik followed bhai into the house leaving me all alone with karthik.

It was awkward as none of us knew what to say. I dont know about him but I, wanted to leave the place as soon as possible. Much to my surprise, Karthik chose to stay back.

I looked far away into the sky. I had gone back to my good old game of counting the stars.

“You still do that ?!! Counting the stars ?!!”, He asked standing beside me. I looked at him. His features were pretty sharp, he had changed a lot. He was fitter than before. He seemed to be very different in appearance. But one thing that still remained the same were his eyes. His hazel brown eyes, that still managed to take my breath away.

“Yeah I do.” I nodded referring to his question. He beckoned.

“So since when you and Rithvik….” He trailed off expecting me to understand. I could sense the pain in his eyes when he asked me this. At that moment I so wanted to hug him tight and ease off all his pain.But alas, I just couldnt .

“Almost a year. He’s a nice guy.” I said. Clearly I attempted to praise Rithvik in front of Karthik. But I couldn’t do so. For I knew karthik was always better than Rithvik. He was the best.

“Yeah. He is. I guess.” He chuckled.

I nodded and decided to walk inside. Getting bored inside a party full of strangers was definitely a better option than getting embarrassed in front of karthik. As I was about to go in his voice stopped me.

“Naira ?!!” He called out. I turned around to see him leaning back against the fencing. It looked like he wanted to say something so badly but he couldn’t. I only waited for him to proceed.

“I missed you.” He said after a few moments of silence. I didn’t know what to say. I missed him like the moon missed the sun during the night.

“I missed you too.” I said. How much ever i tried, I couldn’t hide this from him. He sighed and took a step closer towards me. Without hesitating even for once, he took my hands in his. His warm touch made me weak again. I was as cold as ice.

“If you did then why did you leave me ?!!” He asked like an innocent child.

“No. I can’t tell you karthik.” I said quickly. He sighed.

“I m tired of listening the same thing Naira. I know there’s a big reason behind this. Its not too late okay.Just tell me. Speak up. Is it me ? !! Did i do something wrong ?!!” He asked desperately.

I shook my head. Oh I wish karthik I could tell you the actual reason. “No Karthik its not you. Why don’t you just let that go ?!!” I asked obviously troubled by his behaviour.

“Let that go ?!! What do you mean by that ?!! Its not some game. Its my heart you have played with. Every single day after you left, I have spent cursing myself, thinking what had I done wrong to make you leave like that. You on the other hand. You just moved on with some other guy. Like we had nothing. Was it so easy for you ?!!” He asked angrily gripping my wrist tightly which hurt me.

“Karthik let me go.” I said struggling with my hand.

“No I won’t. Not this time naira. I won’t leave you till you give me the answers that I deserve to know. Why did you do this to me?!! Why did you ruin a lifelong friendship and a three year old relationship just like that ?!!” He demanded.

“I already said I cant tell you. Just let me go Karthik. You are hurting me…” I said ,Trying to set myself free.

“No. You are hurting me. Just stop with this nonsense. I don’t care whether you date anyone or not. I just want to know the truth. Why did you leave ?!! Are you so heartless ?!!” He asked.

“Yes. I m heartless. I don’t care a damn about anyone’s feelings. I just care about myself. I m a selfish woman. I can only think about my own good. Are you happy now ?!!” I yelled at him. Thank god for the loud ear bursting music that no one had heard us.

I pulled out myself from his grip and walked back.At last when everything in my life had gone back to normal he had to come again in my life. I didn’t know what my destiny held for me now. But whatever I saw coming wasn’t good…..

Precap :Stubborn naira. Jealous karthik. Naira getting into trouble. Guess who comes as her saviour ?!!

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