Part 20

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Naira’s POV:

I walked into my dance academy. There were mirrors everywhere. Just a few dim lights lighted up the place. The only sound that was heard, was that of my heels hitting the wooden floor. Neither Rithvik, nor Karthik was present there.

“Rithvik ?!! Where are you ?!! I’m here !!” I called out, looking around.

My heart skipped a beat, as a sound of footsteps slowly approaching me was heard from my back. Abruptly, I turned around only to see Rithvik !!

“I knew you’d come.” He said, running a hand through his hair.

“Where is he ?!!” I asked straightway.

“It was pretty easy to convince you to come, wasn’t it ?!!” He asked.

I sighed and looked at him with all the hatred in my eyes, that could possible burn a person.

“You wanted me to come, I came. Now you’ve to let him go. He’s not a part of this.” I said, trying my best to not show my fear.

“He’s a part of it, Naira !! You see, I really love you. But my hatred for him is no less.” Rithvik said.

“What do you want ?!! Me ?!! Fine. I’m all yours. I’ll go wherever you take me. But you’ve to let Karthik go.” I literally begged in front of him.

“That didn’t take much. I mean, it was so easy to fool you, Naira.Again !!” He said.

Me,who had no clue what he was talking about, started to feel that something was wrong.

“What does he mean by he ‘fooled’ me ?!!” I thought.

“I lied. Karthik’s not here. And I don’t know, where he is, but I’m sure he’s gonna feel really bad when he comes to know that his precious Naira is dead.” He said.

I was shocked, angry, betrayed and hurt. I did not know whether I would get out of here, dead or alive.

“Why are you even doing this ?!! ” I asked.

Rithvik chuckled. “Because I want him to feel the pain I felt when I lost you three years ago. Only I know how I have survived. He took you away from me, and now, I’m gonna take you away from him. This time, it’s going to be for ever.”

To that, I just smiled. “I don’t think so. No matter what he did, I love him, and there is nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody who can separate us.” I said.

“That’s pretty intense. You are dying now. So let me tell you the truth !! Another truth.” He said.

“Karthik never cheated on you. I lied, only to turn you against him. I honestly thought that this plan would work out, but that guy has got his hooks deep inside you. You went back to him, and that’s what left me no option but to kill you.” Rithvik sneered at me.

After hearing that, I was shattered. I did not what to say. Suddenly, I was robbed out of my sense. I had been so rude and arrogant to a guy who had loved me so much. Who gave his entire life to me. I trusted a stranger blindly, and treated Karthik so badly.

A feeling of immense guilt washed over me, as tears slipped down my eyes.

“Oh, and one more thing. I tried to kill you that day. Remember that accident ?!! I planned on finishing this little game that day itself. But you survived that day. My bad !! ” Rithvik added shamelessly

On hearing that, I was practically fuming. I had never felt so betrayed, and so angry before. I could literally rip his head off.

“How dare you ?!!” I said, hating Rithvik with all my heart.

“Oh no. How dare you, baby ?!! How dare you leave me like that ?!! You insulted me enough with that slap of yours. But not anymore.” He said, as sound of his footsteps got louder, and faster.

Soon, Rithvik was inches away from me. I gave him a disgusted look, while he smirked.

“He’s gonna regret this, Naira. Every bit of this.” Rithvik said. His eyes darkened with lust and hatred. I I felt like I didn’t know who this man was anymore.

“You’re so cruel.” I said as he got closer to me. Pinning me against the wall, he ran his finger through my face.

I could feel anger boiling up inside me. With all my strength, I pushed him away. Rithvik stumbled backwards, losing his balance, and it seemed like a perfect opportunity for me to run.

But I was not going to run,not this time. I knew if I would’ve ran away, Rithvik would’ve come back for me. I wanted to finish it off,right there and then.

Just as Rithvik regained his balance, I punched his face really hard, not giving him even a chance to speak. My patience level was at it’s peak, and all the anger and frustration, bottled up inside me was coming out.

“You’re gonna pay for this, b*t*h.” He said. His fist was about to make contact with my face but before anybody of us could realize, Rithvik was back on the floor.

I had my eyes squeezed shut, opened them to see Karthik. Many questions were in my mind – How did he come to know I was here ?!! Was he hurt ?!!

But right at that moment, I was the happiest person on the planet. Rithvik was half unconscious on the floor. Karthik turned to look at me, hurt. Before he could say anything, I jumped on him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

I was smiling, and he had no clue why. “I love you !!” I said.

“I love you too, but are you okay ?!!” He asked.

“Ofcourse, I am. I don’t know how to apologise to you, because I’m so ashamed of myself for treating you so bad. I’m sorry.You kept on saying sorry even when it wasn’t your fault, and I kept on thinking that you cheated on me before. I was stupid, idiot, foolish to not see your love. Our love !! but I promise, it’s going to be okay. I may not remember anything, but I just want you to know that I’m ready to make new memories with you, because I love you so much and I would be the most horrible girl in the world to let you go now.” I said, looking him in the eye.

He couldn’t believe his ears. Smiling ear to ear, all he could do was nod. No words came out of his mouth.

He wrapped his arms around me, but before I could hug him back, I noticed Rithvik standing back on his feet. He pointed a killer object towards Karthik – a gun.

Karthik, who had his back towards him, obviously didn’t see it coming. But I did !!

I remembered how Karthik had always been saving me. But this time, it was my turn to save him !!

“Watch out !!” I exclaimed pushing Karthik aside. I stood in front of him, taking the bullet on myself.

Karthik’s POV.

She collapsed down, losing her balance, as she was shot in her abdomen. I looked down in shock. I almost stopped breathing after seeing everything. Rithvik too, stood there, frozen, for his aim was not right.

His grip from the gun loosened as the gun fell on the floor. I immediately, scooped up Naira in my arms. She was cold and pale. I could see my NIGHTMARE coming true in front of my eyes.

“No, no You’ve to stay with me, babe. You can’t leave.Stay with me, okay ?!!” I cried.

I felt so weak and numb. But I knew she wasn’t dead yet. I could feel her heart beating and I had to bring her back anyhow.

Just then, I heard noises from outside. It was Keerti and Naksh, who rushed inside first.

They knew about this whole situation. I had already informed them. Behind them was a police force who ran to Rithvik and took him and the gun into custody.

“I’ll take care of it. You go, and take her to the hospital.” the police inspecter said, assuring Naksh. Naksh nodded and I carried Naira to the car. Keerti drove the car to the hospital as fast as she could, crying all the while !!

Karthik’s POV.

Should I be happy ?!! Should I be sad ?!! What should I do now ?!!

I paced around the room impatiently, waiting to hear some good news from the doctors. Naira was in the ICU. The bullet had to be removed from her body, before the poison could spread everywhere.

One of the biggest problems of our life had ended – Rithvik. But another one had popped up. Naira was in the ICU, stuck between life and death.

Keerti sat down quietly, while Naksh was pacing around the hallway. I on the other hand stood silently leaning against a wall.

Naksh suddenly stopped pacing around as a doctor approached us. I looked at the doctor with all the hope in my eyes. This time, I couldn’t handle losing Naira. Specially when things had gone back to normal.

The doctor approached us and a small smile of satisfaction spread on his face. “Don’t worry. She’s perfectly alright. Thankfully, the bullet hadn’t gone too deep.” He said.

Keerti burst into tears. Tears of joy, that her best friend and sister in law was back. Naksh too, was really happy after hearing this. I knew he had been silently crying. I sighed, and leaned back on the wall, letting my tears fall. I couldn’t have been more happier !!

“You can go, meet her now.” The doctor informed and left.

I walked in, with a big smile on my face. Naira laid down, weak and pale. Her frown soon converted into a smile as soon as she saw me.

I sat down beside her, taking her hand in mine. “How are you feeling ?!! ” I asked.

“Not so good, few seconds ago. Now that you’re here, I think I’ll be able to get up and run a marathon.” She joked.

I laughed. After what seemed like a very long time, I laughed,for real.

“Thank you.” I said.

“For what ?!!” She asked.

“For saving me back there. You took that bullet for me, and I swear if anything would’ve happened to you…” I said, concerned, but she cut me off.

“But nothing happened. I’m okay. You’re okay. Everything is going to be okay.” She said, placing her hand on my cheek and pulled me closer. She planted a kiss on my lips and quickly pulled away.

“What about Rithvik ?!!” She asked.

“We took care of it. Don’t worry.” I said, smiling in assurance.

She nodded, as the both of us sat in silence. It was so comforting. Just being there with each other, holding hands.This is what I had missed the most.

“Can I ask you something ?!!” She asked, breaking the silence.

I nodded.

“How did you know that I was there in my dance academy ?!!” She asked, curiosity and confusion written all over her face.

“When I came to know the truth about Rithvik being behind your accident, I drove to his place. Your dance academy was on the way, and I saw your car parked outside. So I figured out you wouldn’t have been alone in there, and my guess was right.” I said.

Her mouth formed an O shape. She sighed. “I don’t think I can ever forgive him. Not after what all mistakes he’s done.” She said, disappointed.

“I know. But I also know that you’ve a very big heart. You’ve already forgiven him. You just haven’t forgotten. And trust me, everything is going to be okay now.” I said, locking my gaze with hers.

She smiled. “And we are going to make new memories,happy ones !!” She said. A few tears slipped down her eyes.

I nodded. “Happy ones !!”
I assured. She wrapped her arms around me.

Suddenly, I realized something. I pulled back abruptly, earning a curious look from Naira. I broke into a smile, and said.

“You said you’re going to make new memoires, and I want our first memory to be the best one !!” I said.

Naira focussed on me, waiting for me to proceed.

I laughed, a little too happy, and not being able to control my excitement.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have a ring right now. But I promise to love you always. Till the day I die, and even after that. My first kiss was with you Naira, and I also want to have the last one with you. We’ve shared so many things with each other, but there’s one thing,one very precious thing that I haven’t yet shared with you, and that’s my life. I want to share it with you !!” I said smiling from ear to ear.

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eye. “Will you share it with me ?!!” I asked.

Even though, I had done this before, I felt like I was new to this proposal thing. My heart was racing.

“Marry me, Naira,there’s nothing I want more than this !!” I said.

She burst into tears of joy and nodded. “I will !!”

That was it.I pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed me back, and every cell of my body was happy.I was jumping in joy from inside.

It was impossible to wipe off those smiles from our faces. We looked like school going teenagers who were in love.

Our life, had become our worst nightmare from the past few months. But now,we were back to our own beautiful fairy tale,just like how we were before. Living a perfect life. We completed each other in every way, and no matter how many obstacles came in our way, we knew we were strong enough to face them……

Naira’s POV.
5 years later.

I was surrounded by cheering, loud noises, people screaming and music being played on high volume. I was in my own house. I missed this place. Karthik’s house was good but then I was born and brought up in singhania sadan, so this place held a special corner in my heart.

I had spent my entire childhood over here. Me and bhai running and playing all around the house. We were such adorable babies !! Babies ?!! That rings a bell.

Looking at the piece of paper in my hand. How is this possible ?!! How can this happen so soon ?!! Are we even ready for this big change ?!! My mind was flooded with thousands of questions at that time.

But right now, Karthik was my first priority. I quickly folded the paper back, and put it inside my bag safely. I had to talk to him about this.

All of our extended family had gathered at Singhania sadan. It was summer vacations going on and all the younger clads had planned this whole get together. The men in the family were supposed to have a Cricket match today while their ladies sat and cheered them on.

I was sitting with Keerti bhabi and Keeshti.Now you must be wondering who’s Keeshti ?!! She’s little Miss Singhania – Bhai and Bhabi’s daughter.

“Keeshti,see duggu,look over there !!” Bhabi pointed out, pulling the two year old on her lap. Keeshti started clapping as soon as she spotted Bhai, talking to Nanu.

Keeshti called bhai as duggu since she loved it more than dad or papa. Bhai on the other side was happy with watever his daughter calls him. I still remember the first time Keeshti had spelled ‘duggu’ mumma had gasped while me and papa had died laughing.

I played along with Keeshti, making weird faces in front of her, as she continued to laugh. I was completely engrossed in this little cute angel, when I felt a pat on my back. I turned to see someone I wasn’t expecting at all – Karthik !!

“Hi, what are you doing here ?!! ” I asked. He was supposed to be on the field with his team. The match was going to start any moment. But then since I had come late, I didn’t know what the teams were.
He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me closer.

“I came to see my wife who didn’t even bother to wish me luck before such an important cricket match. She’s really mean.” He said.

I rolled my eyes, hitting his chest playfully.

“I’m sorry !! Something urgent came up. Anyway, good luck.” I said, to which he made a face.

“Is this the way you wish your husband ?!! Instead of this we could just make out, you know. There’s still fifteen minutes left for the match to start.” He said, leaning in.

I laughed and put my hand in between, stopping him midway. “Not now. Beat the opposition and come back to me. There’s something I need to tell you.” I said.

He groaned and rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’ll see you then. Bye.” He said, planting a quick kiss on my lips and walked away. I shook my head and sat down.

I looked around myself. So much had changed.

Karthik and I – from two teenagers in love, we had been two young and mature people in love. Five years ago, we had got a second chance to prove our love to each other. Just like Karthik had promised, we did make new memories,that too, happy ones.

We got married four years ago. As far as my memory was concerned, I did remember a lot of things. But it wasn’t so clear. I did not regret not getting my whole memory back. I had made a small new world for myself and I was happy in it.

My family and my love had stood upto me at every step and I was really luck to have all of them. I saw dadi and badi dadi making some ladoos. Mumma and nani were swinging there pompoms while papa and nanu blew flying kisses to them. Dadu on the other hand was fixing the wickets into the ground. Rose bhabi was wishing mohit bhai all the best for the match. Nannu, kuhu and mishti were arguing about which team would win.

Eventualy the match had started. The match was between the younger generation and the older generation.Keeshti was cheering for her dad, and I and Keerti bhabi for our respective husbands.

We sat there till the last ball,and with a nail biting moment, the younger generation won the match. Our group roared and cheered in joy. Even Keeshti started jumping on her mother’s lap.

As the celebrations on the pitch got over, the time for me to reveal the news to Karthik too got closer. At that moment, I wanted to run away and hide. I had no clue about how he was going to take it.

Everybody moved inside the house, chatting, congratulating each other, messing around and singing songs whereas I, was nervous and scared to death. I tried looking for Karthik in the mess, but he was nowhere to be seen. I spotted Bhai, Bhabi and Keeshti standing in between.

“Hey, Congrats !!” I wished Bhai. He smiled giving me a small hug.

“Have you seen Karthik anywhere ?!!” I asked. He looked around for a moment, and then his eyes shifted back at me.

“He must be inside.” Bhai said. I nodded and walked in.

To say, that I was a mess, would be an understatement. I was freaking out, right now. As I walked in, something struck my mind -my bag.

Shit !!

Where did I leave it ?!!

I wondered. ‘Must be outside in the garden.’ I thought. I sighed, tired and walked back outside to find my bag.

But before I could go out, a voice stopped me.

“Looking for something ?!! ” Oh no !! Its him !!

I turned around hoping that it wasn’t Karthik standing there. But how wrong was I ?!!

I turned around, not only to see Karthik, but also my bag !!

Oh no !! He didn’t !!

I just hoped that he hadn’t yet found that paper.

“You lied to me.” He said. His jaw clenched as he gave me a stern look.

Damn !! He found out !!

“I did, but it was…” I started giving my long explanation, but he chose to cut me off in between.

“Jaan, why did you lie ?!! You could’ve told me about it before.” He said. Clearly, he was hurt, as his eyes softened with every word he spoke.

I sighed and walked up to him.”I thought you weren’t ready.” I said.

“I love you, Naira. And trust me, I want this as much as you do.” He said, and at that moment, I felt like a huge burden was taken off from my shoulders.

He broke into a huge smile, and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear. “Are you ready for this ?!!” He asked.

My head snapped up at that. What kind of question is this ?!!

“Ofcourse I am !! I just still can’t believe it. We’re going to have a baby !!” I exclaimed pulling him into a hug.

Yes !! I’m going to be a mom !! There is someone who will call me mumma !!

Karthik pulled back and landed his lips on mine. “Why didn’t you tell me before ?!!” He asked, parting away in between.

“I guess I was just nervous. I found out last week itself. When you asked me about it, I had to lie because I wasn’t sure myself. So I got the tests done, and collected the reports while coming here. I found out today as well.” I said.

“You have no idea how happy you have made me today.” He smiled.

“I love you !!” I said.

“I love you too.” He said. Next he did something, that was undoubtedly the cutest thing he had ever done before.

He went down on his knees, and placed a hand over my not-so-grown belly. I could literally feel it. I could feel something move inside me !!

“And I love you too, baby. I promise that I’ll be the best dad for you. I’ll give you everything that you deserve and will always keep you and your mumma happy !!” He said, and kissed my belly lightly.

“You are the best dad in the world.” I said.

He got up, and scooped me up in his arms. “And you are best mom in the world.” He said.

“We can do this, right ?!!” I asked, running my hand through his soft hair.

He nodded, smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back, enjoying every bit of him. I did not want to let go off him at any cost. I had a family now, and even the thought of raising our kid with Karthik by my side, made me feel happy and contented.

He was all that I have and he was everything that I ever wanted !!

•°❤The End❤°•

Author's note:
                             This is the end of the story...I hope you guys liked my story😍... please vote and comment and also please follow my account😘....

Stay home stay safe😘

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