Part 5

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Karthik’s POV.

Blinded by bright light I closed my eyes a multiple times. I couldn’t adjust to it well. I rolled around in the very cosy bed. About one thing I was sure, wherever I was, I wasn’t in my room. I groaned and tossed and turned trying to remember what all had happened last night. That’s when it clicked – I was in Naira’s house. And this was her room.

Cursing I sat up straight. I remembered dozing off in her arms. But as I woke up she had disappeared. I wondered whether it was a dream. Suddenly the door clicked open revealing Naira. She looked cute in her spongebob pyjamas and an oversized T-shirt.

“Morning !!” She chirped looking for something in her drawers. I tried to smile but failed miserably as a strong pain shot through my head.
“Hangover ?!!” She asked taking a pile of clothes into the bathroom. I nodded.

“You have had a really rough night.” She said.

“No not really.” I smiled at the events from the night before. She rolled her eyes and handed me some tablets with a glass of water.

“Its Crocin. Especially for hangover. It will help you with the head ache.” She said.

“Yeah.Thanks.” I said gulping down the medicine with the water.

“Well I m not touching alcohol again.” I muttered. Her musical laugh echoed in my ears.

“You better not. I m gonna head down and prepare breakfast for you. Freshen up and join me.” She said and exited the room.

The headache seemed to be fading now. I entered the kitchen only to find Naira struggling with the eggs. The whole house was silent. Just the sound of her breaking the eggs filled the room.

“Where are uncle, aunty and naksh ?!! Do they know I was here the whole night ?!!.” I asked leaning on the counter beside her.
“Mumma and papa have gone to a wedding while bhai has gone to Krishna. Its already 12 o’clock. And nobody knows that you were here the whole night except you and me !!” She explained. I nodded as she was getting irritated with the eggs not breaking.

I admired her. The way she bit her lip when she was concentrating on the eggs. The way she struggled to move her hair out of her face. She was having a real hard time cooking due to those few strands of hair.

“Wait.let me do that.” I said and tucked those few strands behind her ear. She smiled and continued with her cooking. Something about her was odd that day. She looked different. I gently tilted her face so that she was facing me.

“What ?!!” She asked. That’s when I noticed the bruise on her cheek. It was clearly visible and it looked really bad.

“What happened to your face ?!! It looks pretty bad.” I asked examining the bruise. She flinched at my touch and quickly pulled back.

“Yeah I had a fall in the bathroom this morning. It was pretty bad and embarrassing.” She chuckled to herself. She couldn’t even lie properly for God’s sake. I knew it wasn’t an accident.

“Really ?!! Can’t you lie better Naira ?!!” I asked. She avoided me completely like I wasn’t present there at first place and headed to the refrigerator.

“I m not lying. Really I slipped over some shampoo.” She mumbled. To me this girl was unbelievable. I could clearly make out and I certainly was not that dumb to believe that a fall in the bathroom can lead to such a serious bruise.

“Who did this ?!!” I asked straightaway.

“What ?!!” She froze in her spot, while I tried to think of all people who could harm Naira like that. Only one person crossed my mind, Rithvik. I vaguely remembered them fighting about something the night before.

“Did Rithvik do it ?!!” I asked.

“Do you want some coffee to go with the eggs or should I make tea. Do you like green tea ?!!” She blabbered completely ignoring my question. She looked through the cabinets. I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed her arm and spun her around.

“Don’t you dare to avoid me like that. Tell me did he do this ?!!” I asked. I was 99% sure that Rithvik did this. But still I wanted her to say it.

“He did.” She said. Before I could react she continued “We got into a fight last night. But he didn’t mean this to happen I know. He was drunk.” She said. That wasn’t a valid explanation. Even I was drunk. But I hadn’t crossed my limits.

“I can’t believe that.. You are still supporting him after he did this to you.” I gritted. I could feel the anger boiling inside me.

“I m not supporting him Karthik. It was a mistake from his side. We’ll sort this out.” She argued. Who forgives a mistake like this ?!!

“Don’t tell me you are planning to forgive him after this shit.” To that she just shrugged. It was like the Naira in front of me was a different person altogether. She was never like this before, so submissive. At that point I knew that there was no point in arguing with this girl. But I was definitely going to beat the shit out of Rithvik !!

“Why are you so submissive ?!! Since when did you start tolerating this bullshit ?!! like seriously Naira that a*sh*le hit you !! Wake up and look what the heck have you done to yourself !!” I yelled. She seemed to be taken aback by my sudden outburst.

“No Karthik !! Just stay out of my life !! I know exactly why are you doing all this and its only because you want Rithvik out of your way !! You want to have your chance right ?!! Well you are not getting that so stop interrupting in my life.” She yelled.

Her words hit me hard. I was hurt, but more than that it came as an insult to me. I was only trying to keep her safe but she had taken the argument to a whole new level. Never even for a second I had a thought that there was my advantage in getting Rithvik out of my way.

She gasped as those words escaped her mouth. She looked sorry. I sighed and was about to leave. She tugged on to my arm.

“No no…no no… I didn’t mean that. Please.” She cried holding on to my arm. I was too angered to even look at her.

“What’s left ?!! This is what you think of me.” I said trying to get out of her grip. But she tugged at my shirt and pulled me close.

“Look at me.. Please I didn’t mean that…” She pleaded. Her voice cracked with every word that came out of her mouth. But I refrained to look at her.I knew my anger would vanish if I look at her.

“Karthik . . . I really didn’t mean that…” She cried and cupped my face. I sighed.

“Forget it Naira. You have changed. I don’t even know who you are anymore.” I said.

“No please listen to me. Please just listen to me once.” She cried while I pushed her away and walked straight out of the house. I walked only to be greeted by someone who was unexpected and uninvited , Rithvik.
His black BMW stopped abruptly in front of me and he hopped out of it. A huge grin plastered on his face as his eyes laid on me. “Hey man Where did you disappear last night ?!! Didn’t expect to see you here.” He said. How could he be so normal after whatever happened last night ?!! Like nothing had happened.

“I wasn’t feeling well. So I just drove home.” I replied. I was blunt for I just wanted to rip this guy’s head off. He truly disgusted me.

“Oh what are you doing here ?!!” He asked as Naira walked out of the house. There were tears in her eyes. She wiped them off quickly as she spotted Rithvik standing with me.

“Rithvik ….” She trailed off.

“Baby I m sorry for whatever happened last night. It was just an accident.” He said rushing to her side. I controlled the urge to kick his nuts.

“I don’t wanna talk about it. Just leave okay ?!! Its over.” She said.

“Wait what ?!! Are you breaking up with me ?!!” He was bewildered. Like breaking up with him was a crime. But I was glad to see Naira standing up for herself. That was more like my Naira. Karthik’s Naira. Her mendhak’s Naira.

Rithvik took a quick glance at me and then back at Naira. “Can we talk about this in private ?!! Please babe.” He said.

“No .. Please..There’s nothing left to talk. Just leave Rithvik.” She said backing away from him. This triggered his ego obviously.

“Are you avoiding me now Naira ?!! How dare you !!” He spat.

“Oe. Take it easy tiger.” I stepped in. Naira did gesture me to back off but it wasn’t time for me to stay quiet.

“Karthik. Please stay out of this.” Rithvik warned.

“I would have if you hadn’t done whatever you did last night.” I said.

He was taken aback as he looked at Naira. “You told him ?!!” He asked. I rolled my eyes at how obvious that was. She nodded.

“You are such a sympathy gainer Naira. I should have known it. I should have seen the ‘real’ you. What are you gonna do now ?!! Woo him with the crocodile tears of yours ?!! I was right, yesterday night. This is why girls like you are called sl*ts. All you can do is jump from one man to another. bl**dy gold diggers–.” And before he could complete his sentence I pinned him to his car showering him with punches.

“How dare you say such things to her ?!! I swear Rithvik if you ever cross her path or touch her against her will I ll do something you will regret for the rest of your life.” I threatened him.

At the same time Naira pulled me away from him. He, who seemed to take in whatever had just happened regained his posture and stood in front us.

“Oh. . . This is the reason why you are breaking up with me. He is the reason. Heck I should have known it.” He growled. “Okay then !! Let’s see how long does this last. Trust me mate, once she finds out someone better than you. You will be out of the picture just like me.” He added provoking me more.

But Naira placed her hand on my chest stopping me from attacking him again. “Just leave.” She said. He shook his head looking at both of us.

“You are gonna regret this.” He spat before hopping into his car and driving away.

Once he was out of sight Naira almost fell on the ground when I held her up. Before I could, she gave in and came into my arms. Her cries broke my heart into pieces. I felt like someone had ripped my heart and taken it out of my body. It was terrible. But I had to comfort her and I did.

“Hey its okay. He’s gone. Its over. . .” I said. She clung to me like her life depended on it. Finally she let go probably feeling exhausted.

“Are you okay ?!!” I asked.
She nodded. “Yes.. let’s get back inside.” She said.
I wiped her tears before leading her inside. She looked so dull and pale. I had to lighten her mood.
“So where were we ?!! Yeah eggs I would like some coffee with that. Oh please make it fast. I m starving.” I laughed as she walked into the kitchen like a turtle.

“Do you need any help ?!!” I asked. She smiled weakly and shook her head. It was like she was with me physically. But mentally she was still outside the house where all of it happened. I took her hand in mine and made her sit on the chair. I crouched in front of her.

“Why are you sad now ?!!” I asked.

Her face cringed as tears threatened to spill again.”I don’t know Karthik. I trusted him. Yes he was sometimes rude to me. He made fun of me. But I had never thought ever that he would raise his hand on me. How could I be so stupid that I could let him to take control over me. The truth is I myself don’t know who I am anymore !!” She said.

I sighed and cupped her face. I wiped her tears first and made her look at me. “You are strong and resilient Naira. You can stand up for yourself. You are happy, fun-loving and carefree. You are the same Naira whom I have loved.” I said.

“You are wrong. I have lost that Naira. She’s dead.” She said.

“She’s not. She is still there in your heart. Don’t let your fears or whatever’s there troubling you take over you. I know my Naira is not weak. What you did today, standing up for yourself takes a lot of courage. I m proud of you for that.” I said hugging her.

She sniffed and nodded. “But Rithvik -”

“He’s gone. He won’t be coming back. And trust me as long as I m there no one can dare to touch you.” I assured.

“Thank you Karthik. But I never meant that when I said you to stay away from my life.” She said.

I smiled. “I know. C’mon now say goodbye to those tears. I m starving.” I said. She smiled as I accidently touch her bruise causing her to flinch.

“Does it hurt ?!!” I asked as I kissed her bruise

She smiled and shook her head. “Not anymore.”

Naira's POV:

That pain was nothing compared to the time I felt when I was away from him. It hurt like a thousand knives stabbing me at a time. It would be a colossal lie if I say I had no feelings for Karthik. I was insanely in love with this man and every gesture of his towards me was making me fall harder.

He smiled. “Good. Yeah. We were doing what ?!! Eggs. Scrambled eggs !! Lets cook.” He beamed dragging me back to the kitchen.

I prepared the scrambled eggs while he made some coffee. We ate in silence with him cracking some really lame jokes in between. Once we were done I carried the plates back to the kitchen.

“Naira, Naksh wants to know if you are free tonight ?!!” Karthik shouted from the hall.

“uh. Yes. Why ?!!” I asked and took a seat beside him. He was busy typing something on his phone.

“Its him. He’s going out with Keerti for dinner. He was asking whether we want to join ?!!” He said. Keerti was bhai’s girlfriend. They had been going out for quite a while now. Both of them were pretty much serious about each other and I guess soon I would have to call her bhabi !!

I hesitated “I don’t think I should come. But you should go.” I said.

He gave me a dirty look. “I m not interested in becoming the third wheel in between them.” He sighed and continued. “I was actually thinking it might cheer you up, you know. But its okay. I know no matter how much I try to cheer you up you will always do what you want.” He said faking a depressed tone.

“Karthik…..” I trailed off trying to give back a valid reason for staying back. He raised his brows and looked at me.

“What ?!! I m just kidding. But on a serious note I think you should join us. Don’t sulk here on this sofa watching your silly Cockroaches with an ice cream.” He said, offending me.

“That’s Oggy and the cockroaches.Just for your info its one of the funniest cartoon.” I objected in a high pitched voice. He raised his hands in defence.

“Alright kiddo… Just think about it. I would be really happy if you come. But no pressure whatsoever.” He said. I sighed and gave it a thought for a while. It wasn’t such a bad idea either. I desperately needed to stop thinking about that Rithvik. Also I had talked with keerti on phone or face timed with her. We had never meet in person. I needed to see what bhai’s choice was like ?!!

“Okay. I will come. You are right. I have to get my mind off that Rithvik ” I said. His lips curved into a smile and he got up stretching his arms.

“Great. I ll take off now. I have got a few errands to run before going home.” He said. I really didnt want him to leave,yet I hid my frown and got up too.

“Okay” I said. He looked at me for a couple of seconds and then finally wrapped his arms around me. Oh how much I was longing for that. I held him back.

“You will be okay Naira. I ll stop by to pick you up by seven, okay ?!! Be ready and wear something nice.” He said stroking my hair. I nodded and pulled back.

“Yes I ll see you later.” I said. He smiled and took off with one last wave at me……..

“Naira. 7:30 !!” Karthik yelled from downstairs.

“I m coming baba. Have some patience.” I said hurrying down the stairs. He stood at the door, arms crossed staring at the wall clock. My footsteps alerted him as he looked in my direction. The moment I saw him I could think of only one word —Handsome.

“Are we too late ?!!” I asked, worried.

He chuckled. “No we are supposed to meet at eight. I just informed you in advance so that you could take your own time to get ready.” He said. I playfully hit his arms.
We waved bye to mumma and papa and walked towards karthik’s car. Bhai was going to pick up Keerti directly from Krishna and meet us at the hotel.

Karthik parked his car in the lot. Before I could get down I was surprised to see him rushed to my side for opening the door for me.

“Allow me miss.” He said putting his hand out for me to grab on. I got out with a tinge of blush and a laugh.His smile could light my life even in the darkest days. We proceeded inside.
We walked in to be greeted by Bhai and a girl I assumed, was Keerti.She was beautiful with fair complexion and long black curls.

“Meet Keerti” Bhai said bringing the girl forward.

“Hi Naira. Its so nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you from the source here.” She said pointing her thumb at Bhai and pulling me to a hug.

“All good things I hope.” I said. She nodded.

“Well its so good to see you two together. You both make an awesome couple !! When Naksh told me that you guys are coming I was really glad. Its like a double date now.” She said.

I was awestruck at the words couple and date. Was that a date ?!! I most certainly didn’t think so. Bhai shot a glare at Keerti who seemed to understand the situation now. Karthik stood back there silently. It was awkward.

“uh ho no !!. We are just friends. Nothing more.” I said trying to lighten the mood.

“She’s I m not.” I heard Karthik saying from the back. I rolled my eyes and we made our way to the table. We sat in a corner away from the people. I sat next to Keerti while Karthik and Bhai took the couch in front of us.

“I m planning to get drunk. What about you guys ?!!” Keerti asked.Bhai and I looked at Karthik and burst into fits of laughter. I remembered his condition from the night before. I knew this guy wasn’t going to touch alcohol ever again.

“Want a drink mate ?!!” bhai asked.

“Shut up you both !!” Karthik said trying to hold back his laughter but couldn’t.

Keerti called out the waiter.Once the waiter brought the food and the drinks we started hogging on it. The evening wasn’t as depressing as I thought it would be. Time passed pretty quickly. I found Keerti to be much like me.Their company made me forget Rithvik for those three hours.

“Wait here. I ll get the car.” Karthik said to me before disappearing in the lot. He was supposed to drop me home since the love birds needed some time alone.I was left alone there with Keerti. She kept on stealing glances at me every once in a while. I politely smiled at her. I could feel the discomfort and awkwardness between us which was surprisingly not there five minutes ago.

“Naira, can I ask you something ?!!” Keerti spoke up suddenly. I nodded.

“How did you get hurt ?!!” She asked. I know she was referring to the ugly bruise on my face that I had tried to hide with multiple layers of foundation but that hadn’t helped.

“ my.ex-boyfriend did that.” I replied.

“I m sorry to ask you that question so suddenly. Its just that it reminds me so much of myself.” She smiled.

“How ?!!” I asked curiously.

“I have had an abusive boyfriend too.” She said. I didn’t expect that.

“Who?!! I mean I m sorry to ask. But what happened ?!!” I was very much anxious now.

“Well we dated for three years. At first I thought it was a perfect relationship. An ideal one. But one night he came drunk. I wasn’t happy about it and we got into a fight. And for the first time in that night he hit me. When I threatened to leave him he came begging at my doorstep. I loved him. I couldn’t let him go. So I forgave him. Bur our fights increased with time. He started getting possessive. Everytime he came drunk and used to hit me.” She said.

I was shocked. How could someone do such a cruel thing to her ?!!
“How did you get out of it ?!!” I asked.

“I met Naksh when I was dating my ex. I had gone for lunch at krishna and we became friends. We became very close during just one month. He understood me. Sometimes I would just go to him and cry my heart out. But he never complained. He just held me. Showed me the right path. That’s when I realized that my relationship wasn’t an ideal one. He didn’t deserve forgiveness. One day I found courage to go upto him and confront him about everything. I broke up with him that day. He tried to claim his rights over me like I was his property. But I slapped him.” She said.

Somehow that joyed me. I was relieved, somehow Keerti had stood up for herself.
“You did ?!!” I was amused.

She beamed. “Yes I did. He deserved it. I wasn’t going to be quiet about it, was I ?!! So the point, is are you satisfied with the way your relationship has ended ?!!” She asked.

“What do you mean ?!!” I asked.

“Did you teach that douche a lesson ?!!” She asked. I chuckled.

“I didn’t. But Karthik did, by punching him on the face.” I said.

“Oh lord. He must really love you to do that.” She said. Before I could give my say on that she added. “But that’s the problem with us girls. We let the boys stand up for us. I m not against Karthik here. All I m saying is it should have been you punching him instead of Karthik.You get me, right ?!!” She said.

I thought about it. She was right. She was definitely 100% right.Now I understood why bhai wanted us to meet. He had seen my bruise in the morning itself. He didn’t ask me then but this was his way of loving me. I just loved my bhai !! I was snapped out by the loud honking of the car.Karthik was in the car and he halted in front of us.

“Where are you lost ?!! C’mon in ?!” He said. I nodded.

“Think about it Naira. Stand up for yourself and get out of this misery. I ll see you soon.” Keerti gave me the warmest smile and gave me one last hug. After that I hopped into the car and Karthik started driving.

“Karthik ?!! Can you pull me over at Rithvik’s place ?!!” I asked. He hit the brakes abruptly giving me a jerk.

“What ?!! Why ?!! I thought it was over.” He said.

“Its not over yet. There’s some unfinished business.” I said.

“What unfinished business ?!!” He demanded. I sighed.

“Never mind. Can you please drop me there ?!! You can go home ahead if you want. I have to talk to him.” I said. He rolled his eyes and looked out of window. He was angry.

“Naira why are you doing this ?!! Its over, okay ?!! That guy, he isn’t coming back. But going back to him would be like inviting trouble.” He said.

“No its not. He wont hurt me.” I said.

“And I won’t buy that.” He argued.

“Please Karthik.” I requested him.

He sighed and shook his head. He looked stressed out. “Fine. But I m not allowing you to walk in that hell alone.” He gave in. He was stubborn so I agreed to whatever he said.

“God knows why I love you so much.” He muttered under his breath, clearly thinking I hadn’t heard. But I had. I just didnt let him know. I smiled mentally. He took a sharp turn around the corner and drove to Rithvik’s house.We got out of the car and headed to his doorsteps.

“Just stay four feet back please.” I said stopping him at the stairs. He looked at me unsure. “I ll be okay.” I assured. He sighed and gestured me to go on. I went ahead and rang the doorbell. Rithvik opened up immediately.

“Naira ?!!” He was confused as he held an ice pack to his bruised eye. He looked past me at Karthik and his body stiffened. “What is he doing here ?!!” He asked.

“You don’t need to know that.” I stated.

He shrugged. “Fair enough. Then tell me why are you here ?!! Are you here to apologise ?!! Beg me to take you back ?!! ” He asked with extreme bitterness in his voice. He started rambling all sort of rants about me. I could feel the anger boiling up inside me. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Rithvik ?!!” I called out as gently as I could. He shut up. That’s when my palm made contact with his face, slapping him across. I felt relief wash over me. While he was shocked.

“Baby. I m so sorry for doing that. . . I didn’t intent to do that . .” I begged, reminding him of how he had done the same thing in the morning. Ofcourse I wasn’t begging him in real. “Isn’t this what you exactly spoke to me ?!!” I spat. He was short of words as he dumbly stood at the door.

“Now you know that, this is how I felt last night. You called me a sl*t for not dancing with you ?!! Well I guess you are nothing but a bl**dy cheap womanizer. And I m not your puppet anymore.” I said. I turned around to see an awestruck Karthik. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen. I turned back to see Rithvik again and without thinking even for once,slapped him across his face. . .once again.

“What was that for ?!!” He asked still taken aback. There wasn’t any anger in his voice.

“I don’t know. I just dont like your face.” I shrugged and walked away followed by Karthik leaving a very confused and bewildered Rithvik behind.

“What the hell was that ?!!” Karthik asked once we were outside his car.

“Revenge.” I replied. He chuckled and leaned back on the bonnet probably trying to sink it all in.

“Heck. I just don’t believe you slapped him.” He was laughing inwardly. So was I. It was one crazy night.

“I did. He deserved it.” I said. Finally we burst into fits of laughter. Rithvik ’s face didn’t leave our minds even for once.

“That was so hilarious. For those five minutes there I felt the old Naira is back. The feisty and sassy one. Good job dude !!” He said poking my sides.

Thus, that night I was free from a great problem named Rithvik. Also I had found a new friend Keerti.

Precap : Naira talking about going back to london. Karthik getting angry. A big fight in the jungle. A big kiss in the rain. A night full of love and passion !!

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