chapter 11

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Akefia- holy hell the writer lives

Bakura- about danm time

So cruel

You awoke to Bakura missing and loud sobbing, throwing on a sweater you walked downstairs, Shadow and Realm following, you say Melvin holding Sabrina and Bakura talking to them, Sabrina also had what seemed to be some sort of wine bottle, that or soda she was addicted to, "just watch Y/n" Melvin said waving at you, you waved and watched them leave, Bakura looked at you, he met you as you came down the stairs," Marik has fucking lost it," Bakura said grabbing a cookie off the table, you poured some coffee, you normally drank water but today was to tiring, " Kitten, if he dares take a step near you, promise me you will come to me so I can claw his eyes out" he growled eating the rest of the cookie," you already know my answer, and with Sabrina being that broken, I'm not really going to leave your side," you hoped Bakura was listening because he was reaching for a 4th cookie, he had a habit of eating sugar or salt filled food items when stressed. You sighed and tried to take the ring off him, he gently removed your hands, you had his attention," stop stress eating, and calm down, nothing is going to happen," as you said that the lights went out," have Terrible timing, and stay near me, I can see" Bakura said leading you back into the room.

Once in the room, you saw the snow storm raging," I hope Melvin and Sabrina are ok" you muttered," they can cross through the shadow realm, that brother of marik will have a fright but they will be fine," Bakura spoke mater of factly, his red eyes darting around, he was still stressed. You pulled him down to the bed, you laid his head in your lap, he looked at you curiously," relax, your in a room with me and two cats, I doubt Marik, a Egyptian male would walk through snow," you said kissing his nose. He purred loudly and smirked, you watched him get up and lay on you, your hand ran over the scar on his arm, you remember being with Marion, she was so panicked seeing You panic,

"Marion He is hurt " you said trying to get to Bakura," yeah and my yami will kill us if. We see him" Marion snapped back, she was scared," I'll be right back" you promised, she was already panicking, running down the hall of the airship you found him," Bakura you danm fool" you whispered looking at him, he was unconscious but would get up soon," Y/n come on, before she appears agian" Marion spoke, you nodded and followed her, having to leave your lover alone

Bakura watched you trail your hand on his scar," it's a flesh wound, it's healed" he said yawning," I know," a loud crash, Shadow had knocked a duel disk down, Bakura grumbled picking it up and putting the disk on the chair instead, " Shadow's is not the brightest cat but I think he's alright" Bakura commented," and Realm?" " pure evil, she is Zorc " Bakura mumbledas he returned to cuddling you.

After a few hours the snow storm stoped," Bakura if you dare move I'm screaming " you warned, it was freezing cold, and Bakura was providing warmth for once," I won't move dear" he cooed pulling you into his embrace, his breath tickling your skin, you hummed and buried your face in his neck, drifting off to sleep.

Shortish chapter, sorry bout that

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