How I write Bakura

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Btw you and bakura are old, like 24 for bakura and 23 for the reader and the reader is 5'5, 5'7 so beep beep

Alright by know you will see bakura is more like chapter one bakura and more like dark/yami bakura, that's because I am writing him as so,

Perks the kura has first off
High pain tolerance- we see in battle city I believe, he has cut his arm, and is eating whatever really, he is shown to have high pain tolerance, and him as a thief in the past makes this very logical too

Clingy- HA this boy will cling to what he thinks is love, good thing it's you

Kissy and bitey-he likes attempting to kiss or bite you, whatever comes first, his teeth are already sharp so it's fair game here lol

Nails-  bakura has fast growing nails, that are sharp, no matter how short they are they will draw blood one time or another

Eyes- his eyes are red

Other- he is 6'0 tall and 114 pounds, agian fight me,

We see him in my story as many things
Extremely possessive-
Who else had that ring? No one but bakura and if it went missing bakura got that thing back real quick, and the way he treats ryou, that's HIS body not ryous as far as he is concerned. And the reader, ( backstory will be said) has history with him as a yami, she loves him, bakura doesn't know what the hell that is, after being in the ring so long sharing with zorc, he is just amazed that this lady wants to be with him so he claims her as his, that's HIS lady and everybody will know

This guy was a king of thieves, bandit king
FAct is he probably had a reason there was no queen,
He has the reader in his hands, she practically Gave herself to him. agian he has no clue what love is after being in that ring, but he has lust, he knows that this feeling is something but can't pin it, so he associates it with lust, , so he expresses this the way he knows,that's why Y/n is so chill with bakuras antics, she's held him off long enough why not longer? ( that's some TKB past instinct that's kicking in),

What the relationship is-
No it's not flipping abuse because bakura will stop if the reader says so, he will change through the story, he has been separated from his host, he can now take off the ring, which was keeping him alive, zorc is gone, he has let go of the past( kinda ) and is moving forward, he is a person who has not had social interaction for over 5000 years this boy is learning and the reader is teaching him,
Y'all will see, I just don't want this book being labeled as such is all

That's because if you look close enough in the manga and anime if something "hurts" ryou bakura takes care of that really fast, showing Bakura is protective
And bakura will be protective of y/n

Doesn't understand-
Bakura doesn't understand love, only a basic understanding, he knows two people who love each other normally live and hang out together and have kids later on, his thoughts are very different from this, he sees y/n as a doorway to his future, if she leaves he will never have this "love"agian

He cares less for that thing now that he has y/n, he will discard it, if it meant losing y/n, but it has its perks,
Mind reading- bakura can make a connection with people if he is wearing the ring and touching them, or if the person he had * COUGHS * loved is present, he can't read their minds well that way but just a general emotion
Cold- the ring is cold as hell, you try putting a ice cube around your neck or on your chest and tell me it's cold, Bakura is very immune to this, y/n however gets chills whenever it's on her because danm it's cold, but she has some tolerance to this

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