chapter 21

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end of Good ending

Sabrina-woo update*drags self to Akefia*snake king help me...

Akefia-*picks Sabrina up*you seem tired

Ryou's pov (surprise!)

I saw Melvin pinning Bakura down heartlessly, Bakura did deserve it but he was also the father of y/n's children, she would never forgive us "MELVIN NO" I yelled out trying to push Melvin off Bakura "he hurt her" I heard Melvin mutter darkly"MELVIN"I yelled again I felt tears fall down my face, why was I crying, I haven't cried since I got with Melvin"m-melvin p-please "I sobbed still trying to help Bakura,"Ryou","Melvin, this isn't you, please "I said softly "Ryou, give him the medicine" Melvin said "right" I said looking at the scared Bakura, I quickly gave him the shot and he went down, "we need to help y/n now" I said walking to her.

Your pov

"ugg, what" you said as you opened your eyes, the air was no longer musky but it had an overwhelming smell of clean air and there was a close cat sent."oh good you're awake" a voice said, you tried looking where the voice came from and saw Ryou but one part of your vision was covered,"w-why can't I see" you started to panic"calm down y/n, your eye was swollen, I've just covered it so it can heal" Ryou said softly,"wheres Bakura?"you asked sadly" he's remembered a lot, who knew catnip would have that type of effect on him" Ryou said smiling "how is he now?" you questioned him again "he's trying to teach his kitty children how to cat, here I'll bring them in "Ryou said bouncing off I had my children, when was that, you questioned yourself.

A few minutes later you saw Bakura walking with two cat babies, he placed one near you, it crawled near you and stared at you with its odd blood red eyes, it had a white tuft of hair and pure white ears on its head and a fluffy gray tail, "that one's Kora, I named only her, I left the other one to you" Bakura said trying to get the other one off his shirt, "it's a(boy/girl) " Bakura said still trying to take (her/him) off. (he/she) seemed very attached to (her/his) dad "nuuuuuuuuuu"(he/she )cried as Bakura placed (him/her) next to you, (he/she) looked at you "meow" you pulled (him/her)close and smiles,"(name) sounds good" you said, you looked at Bakura and Kora, Kora was hanging off Bakura's arm with her mouth "she already has teeth?" you said shocked"yep"Bakura said in pain,"grrrr" Kora growled as she held on, "kitty"(name said pointing at Bakura, "daddy "you said softly "kitty" (name ) said cuddling up to you. Bakura laid next to you with Kora in his arms, he seemed to remember everything, "I l-l-ove you "Bakura said, he had trouble saying the word love but he was trying, "I love you too" you said cuddling closer to Bakura.


sabrina-now the bad endings are left*gets ready to write

akefia-*lays on sabrina*sleep first and here are two gifs, i'm taking over for now

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