Dark thoughts

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Mini little story here

Bakura pov

I was in a dark place, I couldn't move, that's not what panicked me though, what was panicking me and making me want to tear my eyes out was y/n, she was a distance away from me and some one had stabbed her and I couldn't move," bloody hell, no " I yelled struggling, " I you continue along this path, you will never find revenge against the pharaoh," the voice said darkly, " Zorc she is not hampering anything! If anything she has kept me sane long enough to think" I said trying to free myself " she possesses a powerful soul, take hers and your revenge will come easy" Zorc said he looked like me only he wore black and dark purple armor he had wings, horns and a dragon tail, his hair was jet black compared to my Snow White hair, " I won't " I growled," I will give you a week to think, if she is not dead midnight on the last day, I will kill her, if you get in my way, you will die" Zorc said coldly before everything went light.

" Bakura! Bakura wake up!" I hear y/n trying to wake me,I quickly hugged her, I looked around, same lamp, same bed, same black coat, same y/n, all is here " Bakura you were mumbling in your sleep and growling" y/n said concerned, I smiled and held her face," it was just a dream" I lied, she smiled and rested on my chest, she knew I liked holding her, it calmed me, I pulled her close before we both fell asleep.

A few days had passed, it hasn't been a week yet, and I was bloody nervous, " Zorc can't, I won't let him" I muttered as I got up, y/n was at Sabrinas house, Sabrina I oddly trusted, she knew about Zorc, she said her God Millnia had warned her of Zorc, I want y/n to stay with Sabrina for the rest of the week, Sabrina can manifest into her God for a while but it drains her but she could Protect y/n, I only shared power with Zorc once and Sabrina had to bitch slap me, it was pointless, either he would die, y/n would die, Sabrina or all of them,  I was fixing up the house a bit, y/n works to hard, " two more days " Zorc muttered in my mind" bloody hell " I cursed walking to Sabrinas,

Sabrina owned a normal house, small not to shabby but she used black magick as usual and her her house was much bigger on the inside, " KURA" she called out loudly, " Bakura!" Y/n said softly , running up to hug me, I hugged back and saw a flash of pain cloud Sabrina's  eyes before it was gone, Zorc was trying To get to her," y/n it's getting late, i need to talk to Bakura ok" Sabrina said to y/n who just ran upstairs, " Bakura we don't have time, Zorc is already chipping away at me, and might I remind you, Akefia died this way, he tried to protect me by sharing diabounds power, and it got him killed and me scared" she showed her skeleton hand and arm, Zorc marked her, she would never be free," I know, but we stand a chance, with your power and..." I trailed off
" that's just it Bakura, you have no other God to use, I could give you chaos but she is worse then Zorc, Zorc had to restrain her powers bad," she said panicking a bit, y/n was like a sister to her and she was going to kill to keep her alive," Bakura you best be ready to say goodbye when the time comes, it's never a question of why but of when" she said walking to her room, I sighed and walked up to y/n's room Sabrina made just for her, she was sleeping soundly, I crawled in bed as carefully as I could and held her, " I will protect you " I muttered before sleep took over

Sabrina pov

" Millnia what are we supposed to do, I don't want to lose y/n I already lost Akefia, but I'm just scared,"I said going a thousand miles hour,
" my dear child, calm your self, we had warded off Zorc before, we must be -" I cut her off" smart, fast, sly and careful " I said looking at her worried," I know your scared but we will make it through " her deep rich voice cut through the cold dream world air, I sat down on the mount of gold she had in the cave, she looked like me, but gold wings horns and a dragon tails d her hair was the most lovely gold color, her eyes blood red, this was the difference between us two, and the fact we shared a soul, you would think we would be similar, but we were very different," should we invoke ch-" I didn't get to finish," NO" he roared loudly, " OKOK chill just a thought and the way things are going, we may have to," you said watching Millnia turn into a golden dragon," yes but last time we did we both almost got killed by her," she said looking at me " I think she may agree with us, y/n has a powerful soul and if se dies Zorc wins we just have to give her something" you said softly," oh and why will that be?" A low dark voice said with a chuckle, " I do wish to see my darkness King Zorc agian~ maybe being free in the shadow realm, that was where I lived before you picked me up when you were sent there" chaos said smirking, she legit looked like a female Zorc, it was terrifying, " Millnia we have to " I said sadly, she nodded " ok chaos, I'll make a deal"

Bakura pov
I awoke with a start, y/n was still in my arms, I gently got out of bed and walked downstairs to see Sabrina," you didn't " I said knowing what she did, she turned to show show her one eye was gold instead of red," why" I said knowing chaos was truly a wild card" to protect you and Y/n tell Zorc to come see me at midnight in the grass fields on the outskirts of town, I had a bone to pick with him, " she growled, I knew either he would win and most likely die or Zorc wins and we all die... I wasn't sure what to think,

Ok I'm making a part two to this because my fingers hurt from typing

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