Demon bakura x reader

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Changed it up a bit, felt like it could have been longer and yes a part two is a order
I'm moving edited ones up in the book,so the "new" ones will be first and the edited ones last I guess

It had happened again, for three weeks, three. There was blood on your bathroom mirror 'you have an essay to write dear'- B " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ANYWAY?" You yelled at the mirror, hoping some entity would hear you; tired of cleaning blood off mirrors, you were going to clean it, but just decided to finish the danm essay. Walking away to lay on your bed, you snatched the notebook your essay lived. It was almost done, just a few errors that needed correcting. A sound stoped your writing, it sounded like a finger smearing glass... standing up you marched into the bathroom to see a male with pure white hair stained with red, he was wearing a long black cape, it was caught on his black and red spiky looking leather jacket, he had a sword on him as he wrote in what was probably blood. Fighting him would be a challenge; quietly you took a book, the encyclopedia of demons to be exact, raising it high, you hit him on the head, he fell unconscious surprisingly.

It took a few hours before he woke up. Somehow you managed to get him onto your bed, that was complicated due to his spike armor, the fact he was heavy due to either him in it's self or the armor and sword, you didn't know. His sword was safely put away in your closet, that danm thing gave you a heart attack when you lifted it; smoke rose from the sword as if you were burning it when you carried it away.
His eyes were blood red narrow slits, "why am I in your bed?" He said calmly there was a edge to his voice," you were writing in blood on my mirror, I put a dry erase board up and still blood" you didn't care who he was or what his reasoning was, you were tired of cleaning blood off the mirror, hydrogen peroxide wasn't exactly cheap in large amounts. "well you are quite forgetful  and I thought I should provide some assistance y/n, and I expect you also fed the cat outside?" he said calmly " how do you know that? how do you know my name And yes Marion is fed" you didn't know how he knew you had issues remembering or about the walking white spotted caramel colored fluffball of a cat outside. Walking over to the further side of the bed, you made your self comfortable in the pillows."well I'm a high-rank demon from hell, I was originally going to make your life hell, but you seem to be making mine hell, for I have taken a Liking to you" you stared at him," how can you like me? No one likes me, other then Marion and the artist downtown" he chuckled, " y/n dear, i think your adorable, a mortal like yourself seems lost half the time, i find it amusing." he said moving closer to your throne of pillows," i am lost half the time" he took the opportunity to steal your lips in a kiss; his lips were soft for a demon, you were surprised to find yourself melting into the kiss, wrapping your arms around him, his soft white hair tickling your face from where it fell. Pulling away for air which he clearly didn't need, you craved more, unsure whether this was some demon curse or just lust on your part, he smirked at you, his red eyes staring into your e/c ones

A few hours had passed, you learned about how he became a demon, he wasn't, he was actually created from darkness, he did possess a human temporarily, but that was all, he only did it to gain a form that wasn't shadows. He answered every question you had and you answered his, only you had one large question," Bakura..." he had told you his name thank god, you had to pry that out of him, " when you kissed me, why did I just give in," he looked at you and laughed," I'm a demon, as a shadow created demon, and a high rank one, I bring people's most deeply buried emotions to the surface, I know you have seen me before," he spoke darkly at the end, he wasn't lying, you have seen him in your mind, it was always a blur but you felt a deeper connection, " that still leaves a few things untied, heat rose to your cheeks," well, you remember that ring? The gold one?" He said, you nodded" that's mine, when you touched it, that tied our fates together, whether you like it or not my dear y/n" he moved h/c strains out of your face, sighing you touched his armor jacket or whatever the hell it was," is it bad I'm ok with that?" He eyed you as you fiddled with the jacket. He took the jacket off with ease, removing his gloves as well, revealing a soft black sweater and hand with black markings starting at the palm of his hand, the right hand had the black running up to his elbow," what's that?" He examined a hand," dark energy, it's the shadow thing" he explained as you touched his hand. It was cold, ice cold, not unpleasant but still cold," so this happens when?" He sighed," when a demon such as myself, hasn't.....interacted with a human, it's a price to pay for having a body, the shadows take you back, not that I mind but I prefer a body" he finished his explanation simply as if this was a minor problem. Your mind was buzzing with ideas," so what kind of interaction?" He raised a eyebrow," y/n you are walking into a dangerous game, I'll only warn you once, if you make this choice there's no getting rid of me and after a few millennia, I don't exactly have restraint " he warned you, but you could see excitement in his eyes, he was only warning you just in case, but you really didn't care,you felt a connection, like this was a childhood friend, someone you knew, unlike other men or women, you didn't feel uncomfortable," I know what I'm doing, and I am willing to take a risk" moving so you were in front of him with crossed legs, you smiled; he smirked," don't expect me to hold back now y/n I have you fair warning"

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