Our High School Mascot

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"This is the last time I ever help you, Yami!"

Joey angrily glared at me. I sweat-dropped.

He's so going to kill me.

"Okay Joey! You can come in now!"

Yugi shouted.

"Okay Joey, I hope this work."

"Even if it work or not; you're still going to pay me back."

"What? Come on Joey, haven't we been friends since middle school already?"

"Yes, but you tend to pull me into trouble whenever you need help on something."

"That was you!"

"Yeah, well.....now's your turn!"



Yugi stood at the door as he glared at us.

"No fighting in school. You're 22 and you two still act like teenagers."

"It's call being young, love." I dramatically said.

Yugi rolled his eyes, as Joey present himself to the whole classroom.

"KURIBOH!" Heba shouted in glee as she pounce herself at the mascot suit.

Yeah, Domino High's mascot is now a duel monster Kuriboh. Since the principal seem to love the little creature so much.

Maximilian Pegasus. Even for the past 6 years, he continue to be the principal of this school. Now no one, and I mean no one, have never had the guts to question why he is still young looking.

Good thing too.

"I'll see you soon, okay?"


Once outside, from the prying eyes of the treble choir girls, Yugi kissed me on the lips as Joey carry Heba to the car.

"Love you Yami."

"Love you more, Aibou."

Yugi wave before running to catch up with Joey and Heba. Heba exhausted herself as she cuddle the soft, fluffy fur of the Kuriboh suit.

Good thing I took a picture before sending it Seto.

Joey will seriously kill me for this, but it'll be worth it.

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