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"Okay, girls. From the top."


I start playing the piano as the treble choirs start warming up their voices.

"Alright, everyone. Now this time, I would like it if the Alto-"

I was about to continue before I was cut off by a voice that shouted, "DADDY!"

Everyone snapped their heads to the entrance of the door to see a little girl running up to me.

I look surprised as I got up and said, "Heba?!"


The little girl, Heba, ran up to me as I  open my arms for her to jump in.

"I'm surprise to see you too, my little one."

I ignored the comments that I am receiving from my students as they "Awwww~" and "She's so cute!" at my daughter's sudden appearance.

"Papa! Papa!"

The girl giggled.


The Treble Choir questioned.

"You don't mean?" I knew the answer already.

"That's right, Yami."

That when the figure decided to reveal himself from the door as he give me and the choir a warm heart smile.


Yugi, my former English teacher of Domino High, made his way towards me, before he gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry for dropping in without any warning. Heba wanted to see you really badly."

I chuckled.

"Oh really?"


He revealed the bag that he was hiding behind his back.

"I bought Starbucks coffee and sweets."

I couldn't take it anymore as I laughed. Yugi smirked as he continue watching the scene before him.

"You two have given me quite a surprise. But I love it."

Yugi smile as he walk around to set the goods on the table that have my paperwork, notes, and a computer for me to check in.

"So what have you guys been doing?"

I put Heba down as she ran up to the choir girls and.....fooling around with them. I chuckled.

"Just warming up their voices before we start our rehearsal for the 8th Grade Orientation that is coming up tomorrow."

"Oh! How exciting!"

"Of course. Now."

I turn back to the choir before clapping my hands to get their attentions.

"Okay everyone! Please past your permission slips to the front. Everyone, and I mean everyone."

Turning my head towards Lucia who just avoided my eyes.

"Must have their permission slip sign by both your 1st and 2nd teachers to be dismissed. If you don't have them then you should get them sign as soon as possible BEFORE we perform."

"Yes, sir!"


Everyone that have their slip signed start to take them out. One girl decided to give it to Heba.

"Can you give this to your dad? Go on, go give it to him."

I smile.

"How about this. Heba, could you go and collect the slips for me?"

Heba turned around and giggled before carefully making her way towards the girls.

"Wave them around so that she can see them."

Yugi smile as he watches from afar. I smile along with him.

"Careful! Don't fall!"

"Will she be okay?"

"Come on Heba! You can do it."

I'm happy that my students are considerate for my girl. They may be crazy, loud, and a total drama queen but they all have a good heart.

Now only if they can just take things seriously in my class.

Yugi laughed for some reason that I don't even know why.


"You're making that grumpy face again, Yami. You'll look older if you keep this up." He teased while giving me a smirk.

"Haha. Very funny." I rolled my eyes as I bend my knees and said, "Okay Heba. Give daddy the papers."

Heba turn around and quickly give the papers to me.

"Oh look! There's another one right next to you. Go on, take it."

(Okay so this is the one that made me want to write this story.)

She looked at me curiously, before grabbing the papers from my hands and switching them. Everyone laughed at the cute scene as I told Heba, "No no, Heba. Get the papers from Nina and give them to daddy."


"Yes, daddy."


We did this for a few times, until I finally have all of the permission slips in my hand.

I sighed.

"Tired?" Yugi questioned.

"No. I already got used to it."

Yugi smiled in happiness as I smile back.

I turn around to face the classroom again, before starting to give out instructions to them.

"Alright girls. Remember, the 8th Grade Oriantation is tomorrow. That means that we have to practice our music and our dance moves that I have showed you all two days ago."


"And don't forget to-" I wasn't able to finish because the girls suddenly began laughing.


The girls point down to the very person who is stealing my girls' attention.

Heba, for some reason that I don't even know why, has been running around me a circle!

"Have you girls even listen to my instruction?"


I sighed and face palmed. I can already almost hear Yugi laughing behind my back.

(Yugi: Yeah, I was TOTALLY laughing at him.)

"Okay, I know that my little princess is cute and adorable but it's time to stay focus on ME. Not HER. ME." I point at my little angel, who is now twirling and spinning in the same spot.

That's when she fell on her bottom.

"Are you trying to break dance or something?"

Heba just giggled, before standing up and spinning.

She fell again.

The choir laughed.

This is seriously the cutest scene that I have ever seen in my entire life. Yugi laugh along with them as he began to videotape it.

(I was the closest one to actually see EVERYTHING happened.)

I try to give out my instruction again, while trying to get back their attention from the one who is, again, stealing my spotlight. Seeing my dilemma, Yugi stood up and took Heba in his arms.

"Now Heba, your father is trying to teach his students. Don't bother him." I gave him a grateful smile.

"Alright everyone! Remember the routine that we have been practicing. Pretend that we," Indicating me, Yugi, and Heba. "Are the 8th Graders. We look bored, crossed arm, no feeling of encouragement, or anything that is exciting for us to even be here in the first place." The girls giggled as I try to copy the descriptions of what I had just said earlier.

"You're going to look old, Yami." Yugi teased again.

"Shhh...Can't you see I'm trying my best here?"

"Alright alright." Yugi kept quiet.

"Alright. Formation!"

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